Comparing the mangle to a glove filled with porridge

Handshakes fascinate me. I think mine is ok, but then I would. Some offer just the fingers, or the vrot (rotting) banana. Some seize a hand as if ringing in the new year.

I'm never sure whether to adjust my handshake to the other person. If I'm offered a glove filled with porridge, for instance, there's that second when I have to decide whether I still squeeze. (And will their eyes pop if I do laugh). If they're mangling, do we turn it into a version of the arm-wrestle until one of us is forced to his or her knees ...

And did you ever shake hands with either of your parents and realize to your surprise they favour a different style? THAT was weird uh oh

I looked on Google and there are dozens of variations, who knew. There's the handshake that asserts, the one that shows total lack of interest, the con-artist (over-long and seeking to dominate) and the passive personality. A hand offered palm up seeks domination, a hand offered palm down seeks to dominate.

Two things I never thought about - the 'senior' person must always offer their hand first - don't force a handshake on a potential employer (I don't think I ever have uh oh) and one social guideline insisted the handshake is maintained - and pumping - all the time you are exchanging names. I know I tend to be a quick-drop, not a lingerer. (Unless I suddenly realize I have to go through the entire complicated 'dancing' handshake of Africa.)

Obviously we all think our own handshake is right, wondered though what you assume about the person offering a 'different' shake dunno (Apart of course from the palm tickle giggle)

Now I live in kissy-kissy land and have learned not to stick my hand out or I find myself poking someone in their stomach as they swoop in for the airkiss on either cheek. That's an issue in itself. Kiss air, touch skin, plant a smacker ... help
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The African handshake - clasp, twist, clasp, disconnect. And now the invaluable advice as to what to do with your other hand ...

I don’t believe we shook hands when we first met? mumbling

laugh Right on the Button,Hand or whatever!grin
I shake hands on a formal occasions only.
.... and with parents? - Gee!
That is odd.
Conrad, would I be right in guessing you are more mangle than glove? grin
Bloody, I've spent most of my working life in customer-facing finance so was shaking hands with all sorts every day - and yup, shaking hands with parents, when would you? But I made a deal with my father once and spontaneously offered my hand (uh oh, he was senior, my bad) and was surprised to find he just holds a hand. Firm enough but no squeeze. It was odd. I'd somehow expected our handshakes would be identical. So I shook hands with my mother deliberately soon after and our handshakes were identical laugh
If I met you Elegs... I´m thinking a fist bump or slap you with a wet fishhandshake
Harbal, glad I triggered a smiling memory but am wondering what Molly will make of your gobbo rolling on the floor laughing
B, we're both in Spain. How about cheeks touching and heavy breathing in the shell-like?

Embedded image from another site

How about this Elegshandshake
Whatever molly makes of it, Biff, it won't be what I'm expecting; it never is. She takes me by surprise every time, so to speak.
Biff, I find I tend to mimic the other person's handshake.
But I dislike the watery limp ones. They put me off the person instantly.
I'm quite happy with the Spanish kisses. I guess I am used to them.
Here it would be common to hug a person if you know them. Handshakes are only for new meetings or formal occasions.
And of course for Mimi it has to be a reunion
I'm on handshake terms with MiMi.
Har, I'm glad you keep that respectful distancesnooty
B, that's quite forward for a first greeting scold
Molly, I really hated hugging and it has become awfully prevalent. I have perfected the swift backward step with or without proffered hand grin or must grit my teeth and gingerly go for the quick press. On arrival. On departure. Get a GRIP people - but not on me. mumbling

When I hug, I mean it. It is the most massive compliment, it says ooh you nice person me like very much. So polite hugs are very confusing.

And yes meeting you lot was fun, didn't mind THOSE hugs laugh
Harb, Molly is at all times unexpected. Even when she is conventional, it is startling that she is conventional!
I can't remember last time I shook hands with somebody?? .certainly not since I've been in Spain!

Here we kiss or hug EVERYBODY!
Your neighbours...someone at the office...your etc...

Even for first time meetings when introduced to someone new.
It suits me fine and I soon got used to this kind of affectionate display and informality.dancing
I thought we agreed, molly, no more snooty
I'm a hugger I don't know what region those hands of theirs have scratched.
Biff, I wouldn't be a natural hugger either, but I have got used to it. I actually like it, but wouldn't be the first to go in for the kill. Like the handshake, I tend to follow the other person's lead.
Some people do give great bearhugs though
Har, it just slipped out. Apologies handshake
Daniela, I know, I said in the blog I now live in kissy-kissy land. I am becoming resigned to it laugh

The African handshake is way more fun. sigh

So un-English, except that the UK is also now infested. I like to imagine Harb weighing in with his gobbo instead.
Now I must away to school catch you later professor
Here it's shake hands until you know them better, then a kiss on cheek, then the more you know them two kisses, I hate meetings especially as they have no idea of time and drift in late, then have to kiss everyone, then the next late one arrives and its kiss kiss, drives me bonkers.
Emmy, that sounds like a kissfest laugh
My former dr.would shake hands when she entered the exam room and then when she departed.i thought it was odd and wondered if i made a health pact.
For me has meaning what kind of handshake has man. It's something like a "business card" for me which gives me information about man.
For my close friends I use hugging and kissing as greeting and parting.
Salut've got it wrong..
In France once you've passed the stage of handshakes and formalities. .
It's THREE kisses! And not 2!
Merc, I guess shaking hands with a guy you sort of know where that hand has been. But I'm sure it was washed afterwards.

Emmy, it sounds exhausting, I'm quite glad I work from home.

I DID find it very odd when my lawyer took my hand then leaned in to kiss my cheek anyway. I counted my ears afterwards. Lawyers being lawyers.

After all they do say if you shake hands with a British lawyer or politician you should count your fingers afterwards.
Blue, I would find that odd too. confused I'd also wonder if she'd washed her hands really thoroughly between patients, especially patients with communicable illnesses. But then I am a little paranoid.
A handshake to seal a business deal is fine, anyone else is a bit weird, I always liked to crush someone's hand to show dominance (In the workplace mainly).

As for the double or sometimes treble kiss here, I'm all for it, I get to taste womens cheeks wink
You should have asked, I do earlobes, ears the lot, part of my training.
Considered yourself asked, then. Should be extremely interesting

Sorry, just got back from late dinner with my girlfriends in my hometown applause

Ok, where were we?

Biff, we can try out the Inuit kiss or the Maori’s Hongi kiss the next time we meet wink

Molly reunion

Harbaaaaaal handshake
Hi Biff, oh the handshake very interesting. I have never seen it put this way...a glove filled with porridge... laugh

I think a handshake is a way of saying hello and of showing respect.

Years ago there was many deals made with just a handshake. It was a done deal and honored.

What a witness to someone's character. handshake
Here on the mountain hugging and kissing are very much the thing.....must be all the hippies who started it. Definitely not the Brittish settlers who are still the majority here. Can't remember when was the last time I shaked anyone's hand. The glove filled with porridge....think I'll rather settle for a hug.
Daniela, I should to other regions where they do more then I could spend all day kissing rolling on the floor laughing
Ahh yes... the handshake.... for me it has to be sincere, just the right amount of pressure so it doesn't feel as though I am greeting a soft fish...and I appreciate eye contact.

I am often amused when other women shake hands with you in the business world and they feel the need to crush your hand... I thought dominance was mostly men, but it seems it runs on both sides.
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by Elegsabiff
created Sep 2018
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Oct 2018
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