The Truth Hurts

We don’t always like to hear the truth. And if we don’t want to hear the truth, we are part of the lie. It is relatively easy to cope with an injustice – it is justice that stings. Sometimes the truth hurts. scold

No, don’t go yet – it gets worse.

We have seen a lot of malice and mud slinging on CS lately. Determining who is right and who is wrong and pointing out the culprits is not going to solve the problem. Look closer to home. We all have our insecurities and we are sensitive about it. It is normal.

While reading a blog a while ago, I read a comment that disturbed me. It looked as if it is aimed at me. The shoe fitted and I wore it. Maybe it was not even meant for me, but I had a guilty conscience!

The other day I read a racial joke that offended my right down to my soul. I don’t like racial jokes. I sat down and thought about it for a while; then the truth hit me like a brick in the face. Being a white South African I feel guilty about our past. I don’t want to be reminded of it. I am ashamed. It hurts!

At the moment I am convalescing after a serious illness. I have been successfully treated and I am recovering well. I have not worked for just over a year and will not be able to do so for the best part of this year. Fortunately I was fairly well off before and can sustain myself, but I’m not working – I feel inferior about it. I don’t like people asking about my work. It hurts!

So we start looking for euphemisms. I’m not unemployed; I’m semi retired. I’m not fat; I’m large. Be careful, large is not always the right word; for I have a prominent nose; certainly not a large nose! Then why am I so sensitive about it?

These are the two things that account for most of what offends us; guilt and inferiority – a poor self image; and sometimes we are not even aware of it. Be proud of what you are. If you still get offended, you are not truly proud of yourself - you are only kidding yourself into believing it.

When we talk (and more so when we write) we are bound to offend people. Especially when we tease, joke and mock as I do. Gender, race and nationality seem to be the main topics offending people. When next you feel offended by something, sit back and analyse it. If you look hard enough into your own past you may just find the root deep within yourself. If you don’t find it, don’t attach more poison to it with a comment. Two wrongs cannot make it right!

Learn to laugh at yourself and let CS be the pleasure it was intended to be. grin
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Comments (28)

I think it's not the truth that hurts.. it's the way the truth is told (jmho). wine
comfort hug cheers
@Telagawarna: couldnt agree more thumbs up
@Telagawarna: hug I am invincible dont worry laugh smoking boxing flex
drinking Hello my catfoot....
The truth is, I don't like to read, long, long,
blogs. So, I just read the first paragraph.
grin stuck jaw drop
Hi Bungallo,
It is a real pity. you are missing it all. Big deal!!!

This reminds me of writing letters to my grandmother. I had to write very slowly, because she could not read very fast.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Cat thumbs up Luke... wave
Which is why I dislike SA comedians...
They can never do any decent comedy - it's has to be a Mandela accent or Black/Indian accent or some ancient Colored Gammat joke! Never anything new! frustrated
drinking Read. . .Catfoot' Thats funny! laugh
Hi st Elmo,
You should jump at it. It could be a career oportunity!
laugh laugh
Cat I just want to say that some of the 'LADIES' on here are NOT ladies. I mean that literally, they are trolls or males with a split personality. Just learn who to 'tolerate and who to avoid.handshake cheers
@ Angel
How's your cold now? Better I hope!
drinking Yes! Lukeon is right. I learn to tolerate lukeon. He is funny too.
Catfoot. . .My fever has broke. Just has a cold now. Im still sleeping off and on. drinking
Hi Delatude,
I was in hospital for two nights and two days (false alarm) and my longtime friend Whocanitbe told me of your fine blog on witchcraft. When I came home this afternoon I went looking for it, but could not locate it. I suppose if you snooze you lose. Pity.
Well said girl! well said. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
Great blog, Catfoot. It seems like your blogs only improve with time. You're a natural writer/ storyteller. thumbs up
hozit dude, did not think that you were capable of such widom. about time too i would say. boer!
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Sorry to hear about your health and your trip to the hospital.
I sincerely wish you a fast recovery.
I delete my past blogs, I don't want to leave any evidence. grin

The story of "umayangani" about Buddha is great. thumbs up
Hi Chame1eon,
Thanks! Such kind words can only inspire me to greater heights. rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing You are a dear friend.

Hi Whocanitbe,
Aw, just shutup your face. See you tomorrow!
laugh rolling on the floor laughing laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Hi Monroe,
We can if we try! All of us together.
thumbs up thumbs up
And yet you laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing ...while I was serious. scold scold grin
Hi Chame1eon,

Can you see what a horrible person I am? I look at life at a different angle than other people. I look at the funny side of everything. And I mean every single word I say, even when I laugh.

But to put your mind at rest; the joke was on my choice of words - not the message. Enjoy your day Cham!
grin handshake hug
Yeah, Cat. I did notice the location of the rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing 's and did realize you were not poking fun at me so much as at yourself. Americans are not so very dense after all. tongue scold
Cham, Cham, Cham!

How can thay be? dunno I heard New York is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. confused Does that not make them dense? dunno confused
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Jokes aside, New York is the one place in your country I would like to visit - and it has nothing to do with 911.
Hi Halv

Thanks for your comment.

The only way to soften the truth is to take some of it away; then it no longer is the truth. grin

In my experience diplomacy and the truth are not mutually inclusive! laugh

Diplomacy is the ability to send somebody to hell in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Although I trynhard, it is still difficult sometimes. Before I know, I am standing on someones toes again. And probably I am more shocked than, than the toe person... Sometimes a sleepless night, but keep doing me best..
Hmm, Claudine, I'll remember not to ask you for a dance.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Mar 2013
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Mar 2013
Catfoot has 616 other Blogs

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