What Does Your Profile Try To Tell Us?

I’m sure most of us have viewed a few profiles while on dating sites. Sometimes we just scan it briefly or maybe only partially while other times we read it attentively. Sometimes you may read it even several times.

What is it that makes you pay more attention to a specific profile? Was it the picture or was it some word(s) in there that captured your attention. Is it some special characteristic that you seek?

And most of all; what does your profile try to tell us. What is the single most important thing you try to convey when a person read your profile or do you think that a good looking picture is enough?
cats meow cats meow

Greeting from a wet and windy Cape Town.wave
I have to nip out for a while. Should not be too long.
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Comments (119)

My profile clearly states that I'm a bad+lousy+terrible+miserable cook!! grin

Normally, a guy with a genuine smile would have me pay more attention on what he has got to say on his profile.. wine

You have a good day Bob! wave hug
Hi Cat. Glad to see you back in action my friend.hug

Well, as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words"...dunno

A nice friendly smily face would be the first attraction.
Before reading all the contents of the profile, a good presentation and writing style, including some humour and, last but not least, correct spelling and grammar!

Then the contents: personality, hobbies, clarity in what a person is looking for.wave teddybear
I read about every profile I visit to see if the guy has something to offer me... I look at the way they appear in a picture, with or without a smile and I have a little competition on my own, guessing what land he comes from by his photo, so far 1-0 to me!laugh
I'm good in this... my own profile tells everybody I only look for friends, but if a special guy shows up he might get lucky, but he must be very special and prove it.I don't sell myself cheap.
I look at the contact requirements first. If I can't contact someone, it is a waste of time to check the whole profile. Pretty simple...huh! yay
Mr. Cat, good to see you and hope you are settled down with your sis. wave I don't check profiles, as I am scared to give the impression that I am interested. I feel I might hurt somebody's feelings, by giving them a wrong impression that I am interested. I ain't seeking a man, but mistakenly have pressed some bloggers' profiles few times. Not that I don't care, but I rather not hurt anybody's feelings. dunno Few rays of sunshine I send your way! hug
Hi Cat.... Good blog you have.

My profile telling people that I only interested in good quality people. People who know what exactly he is doing, know exactly what he is talking about, either it is for just a friend or special friend.
I only interested in people who think that world is in his hand, so distance won't be any problem.... :)
Wrote mine so long ago I can't really remember what it's trying to say confused but what ever it is it's not working doh laugh rolling on the floor laughing beer
There was an article from the Independent posted on FB this morning, it warns people against telling whoppers on their CV's as it can result in up to 10 years in prison for fraud by false representation wow wonder if that applies to CS profiles as well laugh rolling on the floor laughing

zmountainman Ok ok, I admit it!! I lied in my profile!! I stated there that I never smoked, well..........I did try, when I was 16 grin

Also, I gave the info that my hair is black but in reality, it's dark brown with few streaks of red uh oh

There you have it!! mumbling
Hi Mimi
Mine says I'm a flirt. Well, I used to be but I have gone stagnant lately. I think I must pick up the old strings again.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Minerva
Hmm, that is a mouth-full. But now it leaves me wondering if we really know what we're looking for. We seldom settle for that.
hug wave
Mimi, I don't think you're really jailbird material for those professor laugh rolling on the floor laughing wine
Hi Wel
Then you can rest assure that your profile is working. Friends you have in abundance.
hug wave
Hi Z, my hair is naturally black, but now it's getting bit silvery. And I said I drink, but meant water, and said I smoke, but only passive. Now are they woppers??? But please pardon me, my age is bit older than I am too. frustrated
Hi Vcindu
Well, that is pretty practical. And straight to the point.
cheers wave
Hi Usha,
You should not be scared to look at profiles. Anybody who believes that a person who looked may be interested is making a big mistake. If I look at a profile I will contact the person if I was interested.
hug wave
Usha, wave as you're not looking for anyone what you say doesn't have the same implications but I'll let Cat deal with the issue of age uh oh laugh wine pointing water
Looks like this has become a confession box now.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Cat...

I thought my profile is as simple as I am. and clear enough what I am looking for...
My profile says nothing much, but how we say here - each joke has part of truth.

And if honestly, I don't read profiles where owner describe himself or his match more than in 3 lines or use - "she must be..." giggle
zmountainman Hmmmm....hmmm Not bad enough, eh?!?!

How 'bout this...I also stated if a guy with GSOH comes along, I don't mind striking up a friendship with him. I lied. I want a guy who's not only has a GSOH but also a brilliant cook who could whip up a meal at a short notice, perfect in Italian, French, Chinese (of course!) and Sudanese cuisine, can make mayonnaise from scratch, cook up a storm to impress my friends and relatives, can produce the best omelette that resembles a baby's bum, able to grill those BBQ meat to perfection....

Oh! and also all the photos, except the one of the cat, have been heavily photoshopped to not look like me! wine
Bob, Oh no you don't scold scold scold

All eyes are on you! wink
My profile states loud and clear
Looking for a wham bam thank you ma'am...cowboy
Mimi, you've got a task on there, every chef I've ever seen on TV has been rude & quite humourless doh maybe you need to consider a man that has his own chef to do all that for him professor grin
Zman,don't worry! Your profile is nice..! You should just be patient! love laugh
Calleis, patience is all well & good when you're 20 something but once you get to the age where waking up in the morning is a blessing it doesn't come so easily professor wink laugh wine
Hi Cat,wave well my profile is simply me in a nut shell so to speak. Though half the time I don't need a profile up as most guys don't read it or if they do they need some new glasses doh sure everyone has this problem too. dunno

Zman, Ouch Ouch Ouch!!!!! For comments on Minivera's blog about goals.
My poor old England team...who I happen to support and am loyal to... You were very cheeky about scold
Ouch! Again!!! blues moping
Now I know why you never take a peek at my profile....blushing blushing blushing grin
Been out, thank you Cat, yes it does work good for me. I am happy to have all tbese friends and I have gotten what i search for no doubt.yay teddybear hug
Zman, you look fine! Do you really want to have that "milky chick face" of 20 again? wow laugh
Not true Mimi. I did several months ago. You are just too far away to have a cup of coffee with. wave
Besides, you never finished the movie (storm of the century).
hijack wallops, I've spent a lifetime looking for & trying to give value for money in all things, the money spent by TV companies on showing world cup games means proper programming has been shortchanged & we the viewing public will, indeed are suffering as a result, for what, to be knocked out in the first round doh it's my opinion modern players spend too much time living a jet set lifestyle & too little on developing skills professor Anyway I'm old enough to be cheeky when the occasion calls for it tongue laugh wine

Sorry for the hijack Cat.
wave Bob: Well! I really do not depend much on profiles info. In the area of: "In my own words" And the reason for that is: There in my own words, chances is that! They is nothing like what they wrote in there own words. Example: In there own words: I loves humor. But! Ends up: The person do not like to laugh, let alone; likes to smell. Example: Im looking for someone that is trust worthy. But! Always question that person. Or I like long walks. But! When you say to them: Let's go for a walk. And they say to you: Why should we walk, when we can just go for a ride? What about! Or in there own words: There saying one thing. But! In the real world, their 100 % totally different then what there profile say. Let alone, not even look closer to the photo, that they had posted with there profile. Bob! I can go on and on about this. But I want! I am not long winded. Anywho! A profile is not what its always say. it is. imo. But i do believe that! There is a few. That lines up with " In there own words. " But! Not all profiles, that we see and read."
But Smarty
You must tell us. I have never looked at your profile.liar

Oops, wrong icon.liar

laugh rolling on the floor laughing
hi Fiona
I kind of agree with you and I seldom believe the first three lines.doh
hug wave
hi Ken
Yes, it seems that the picture is very important. It is strange that so few people bother with decent pics.
cheers wave
hi Mimi
Don't look at me. I'm the one asking the questions here.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Calleis
I personally believe that we cannot describe ourselves correctly. Other people see us differently.dunno
hug wave
Hi Dedo
I have not looked at your profile yet but somehow I believe you.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Wallops
I seldom look at the profiles. The blogs and comments people make tell me much more about them and they don't lie.
hug wave
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jul 2014
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Jul 2014
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