An Unfair Advantage?

If you think that attractive people have it easier then you are absolutely correct. Being attractive is an advantage that should not be taken lightly.scold

Research has proved that attractive people are perceived to be smarter, more successful, more dominant, more sociable, more trustworthy, more pleasant, and mentally more stable than less attractive people are.doh

It is said that a good-looking child gets more attention from his parents than his/her uglier siblings do. Scientists believe that parents unconsciously spend more time with their more attractive children because they are seen as better genetic material.shock

Teachers show preference to more attractive learners as they see them as more promising. Because they get more attention, they work a bit harder, and their work is graded a bit more lenient, they have a better chance of getting bursaries.professor

Attractive job applicants have a 30% higher callback rate for a second interview. Attractive employees are seen as more valuable as they are thought to project a more favorable image of the company. As such, they usually earn up to $5000 more P/A compared to their less attractive colleagues. So yes, it pays to be attractive.laugh

When charged with a crime, an attractive accused is more likely to be perceived as not guilty. However, when found guilty of embezzlement, swindling, or fraud, attractive people are mostly punished more severely. Justice is not blind, merely biased.giggle

But all in all, an outer appearance is but skin-deep and must perish at some stage while the inner beauty will prevail. If you are not attractive, do not despair for you are sure to have other assets to offset the unfair advantages of a pretty face.flirty
cats meow cats meow

A great day to all my friends (and everybody else) out there.
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Comments (48)

'Attractive' is literally the ability to attract. An attractive person can be young, old, heavy, male, female, but if they look pleasant, approachable and intelligent, one is attracted.

Your question veers between attractive and superficial good looks. If you meet two women and Annie is lovely and Bella is not, yes, you would focus your attention on Annie. If she was nice with it, you would be fascinated so yes, she has a few seconds advantage over her friend. But if it is almost instantly obvious that she is vain and self-centered, while Bella is outgoing and amusing, anyone who continued to believe Annie was the better of the two has problems of their own.

Looks give you a 9 second headstart or handicap. 9 seconds isn't much. Yet marketing and advertising is increasingly trying to convince us that if we aren't young, slim, and lovely to look at, we are rubbish. SERIOUSLY?????
Mimi, you are a case in point, you are one of the most popular people on the blogs. That makes you one of the most attractive!

(The cupcakes don't hurt) rolling on the floor laughing
And talking of looks, I'm loving my new hairstyle. Thanks, Mods!

It's my ditziness and scatter-brained comments that make people roll eyes roll eyes roll eyes

Maybe it's attractive to be ditzy?? giggle giggle giggle hug bouquet
Hi Vivian
This is the drawback of writing in a second language. I think I used the wrong word. In my mother's tongue attractive and handsome translates to the same word, hence the confusion on my behalf.doh
hug wave
Don't confuse me any more.laugh

Another English word i don't know. What on earth is ditzy?confused
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Oh Vivian!!

Your new hair-style certainly brings out the cheekbones love

Thanks for the compliments hug blushing blushing blushing Even though I know it's not true giggle giggle giggle

Ditzy = silly, scatterbrained
Hi Cat. Long time no see !! Thx for the compliment man grin laugh

Happy new year beer
Are you calling me a liar?

You know perfectly well how sensitive I am.liar

I demand satisfaction. I think 30 pound cannons over a distance of 5000 miles will be the only way to resolve this issue.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Vivian
Jawellnofine! Now that is a word I did not hear for a very long time. Anyway, in retrospect, I think handsome would have served better in the blog. Too late for tears now.
hug wave
Catfoot, no need cannons and all that. We will settle in a more amicable and yummy ways.. wink batting batting batting

I invite you to Malaysia and I'll bring you to the best curry there is! wine

You can always break your journey to Australia by stopping en route to Kuala Lumpur thumbs up
Hi Alex
Good to see you again. No sweat re the compliment; when you have it, you have it.laugh
Hi Mimi
You offer sounds very attractive; enough so to forgive you but regrettably I have no plans to visit Oz at the present. My ex-wife is currently there, visiting my daughter and even the vastness f Australia still does not offer enough space for both of us at the same time. Right now I'm enjoying the freedom of my own country without her to spoil my view.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
You're too funny Catfoot, rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing as usual hug

Btw, I'd be in Melbourne either end of this month or early next month. wink
Ni kidding here. This is serious business. If I never have to see her again it will still be too soon.laugh
hug wave
Hi Cat...long time no see!

It sounds as if you need an armored vehichle when you meetup with your ex!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing She must be tough?

Any way, glad you are back my friend!cheers
BTW Mimi, you are a beautiful woman!teddybear bouquet You are one of the truly nice people on the blogs!hug
Hi Jim
No my friend, armored vehicles are too slow. With her only distance will work. The further away she is, the better.laugh
Hi Minerva
Now you know why the most successful con artists are attractive people. they are so easy to believe. We want to believe them against our better judgement.doh
hug wave
Hi cat, good to see you.handshake
Hi Luke
I keep on coming back, hoping to be more 'regular' again but there is forever something cropping up to prevent me from blogging. Blogging is simple enough but attending to your blog is a different matter. I don't like to abandon my blogs prematurely.
Hi Cat, just dropped by to say hi !! Good to see you. wave hug
Please don't hold it against me that I am soooo good looking.
Blame my parents crying

Hi Usha
It is always good to see you. Hope you're having a good 2015.
hug wave
I bet you got a lot of attention when you were a child.laugh
hug wave
Hi Cat!

I think real attractiveness is an inner thing!

Have a nice evening! wink cheering
So far So good Cat.laugh OK, I know there's 355 to go. But the problem is they don't just go. They fly. So it must be all good.grin Hope all is well with you too.comfort
Hi Calleis
Indeed, it comes from inside but so often we are blinded by the exterior. The eyes are easy to please.
hug wave
Yep time flies and yet it has no wings. Almost like my grandson who drives me crazy and he has no car yet. laugh
hug wave
I've often found nature has a way of balancing it out, I noticed a lot of the girls at my school who'd been considered plain bloomed as they got to late teens, conversely the really pretty kids went the other way as they got older, the same can be true for adults, those of us that weren't particularly beautiful mature into old age, a bit like fine cheddar cheese, desirable, if a little smelly perhaps & an acquired taste uh oh help beer
Hi Angel,
Your pepper going strong?laugh
hug wave
Hi Z
Been wondering about you. I did not see you last time I came around.

Hmm, I guess women mature like wine and men like cheese. Such pity that not all cheeses and wines mature well. I have seen a few bad apples in my life. Oh my! What do apples have in common with the price of eggs? And we were discussing cheese and wine. laugh doh
bunny Got dog!
No, I got cat. And parrot. Not dog.
laugh wave
Awwwwwww......Jim, thank you hug teddybear bouquet

See, now you've got me all blushing blushing blushing
Got you aww! What?...batting
That is why there are plastic surgeons
Angel reunion hug

Jim's comment got me 'Awwwwwww......'flirty flirty flirty
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Jan 2015
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Jan 2015
Catfoot has 616 other Blogs

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