You think and feel you found happiness. You both fit. You both are too excited. But as you begin to settle down and discover things that rather overwhelm you and can't seem to make it work, you begin to feel the shudder of doubts and skepticism. But deep inside of you and your heart, you know you have a spark of love that keeps on getting inflamed now and then. But truth keeps coming at you like it isn't what you expected..

Something is evidently wrong. You know that feeling when it is circling around you like dark clouds building up to a destructive force worst than any storms you've ever been into.

The problem is: Not that you don't want to leave, but that it is very difficult to come up with an excuse why you should leave because there are some traits and characteristics that just blow you away.

Measuring up to your expectations are detrimental to any foundation of a good possibility of building up a strong commitment to stay. Yet giving more consideration seems like you're knocking at the gates of hell.

Question is when do you know when it is time for you to cut loose? Scram? Let go and go solo again?

These are very self explanatory questions sometimes but when it is you that is hurting and can't seem to find balance and trust in yourself it is hard. When you fear that the past will come creeping back and haunt you, it is not good. Yet your heart is so stubborn and your mind is going blinder than it ever was, it is very difficult. At least to me.

The truth is, not that you're not happy and content being alone, but admittedly there are so many good parts of this relationship that you've never encountered ever, and just want to stay longer.
Definitely if these issues are resolved (I know they can be resolved as love is truly there) then it would be heaven. Meantime, you're caught in a bam of two extremes where the middle point is hazy.

When do you salvage a relationship and when do you shrug your shoulders and let go? Or move on?

Thanks all for your participation and sharing your experience.

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Comments (25)

Go with what you feel. Some things can't be rationalized and love is one of them.
Track, it is so nice to read you and I hope you have a good day.wave
I try to work on it, with him, for as long as is humanly possible.

Only after that, do we decide to part.
That is what I would have done Molly. Which I did then after a while, I figured let me open up a different door and boy what a relief. I felt very empowered and changed my life for me. I would not look back but I treasure the good times.

Thanks for sharing.bouquet
Actually, the first time we agreed to end it, divorced in fact. After about two months, found out we had all the changes for a better life for the both of us and got remarried, but eventually it wasn't just working as I expected and so the final decision 6 years ago.
Think you should try and work this out if you have such strong feelings for him. I was never in a situation like that.
You are right Ek, but of course the feelings eventually died down. My exact sentiment for a while and it wasn't a difficult situation.
Hi Phyl,

Lots of times on the surface of a relationship, everything seems great! Then as you get to know the person you see things that turn you off! The question/s is/are, are they big enough to make you want to leave the relationship or make you want to work on the differences?

I believe a person has to stand back and take a hard look at the relationship! Ask yourself if the positives outweigh the negatives? Take a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. Write down the things that are important to you. On one side put pros; on the other side of the line put cons. Then answers the questions that you have listed. Maybe it will help you in making the right decision! jmho.thumbs up
you pull out when she starts having headaches too often imo dunno

Besides the inconvenience, that's a crystal clear signs that things ain't workin. dunno
Tenner, you sound like it is very easy for the decision. Well some are just more workable than others, I guess. But the sooner the better for both I guess.

Thanks for you input.wave
I gather that marriage makes no difference on any relationship?

I enjoyed being married and I don't remember having to have done it otherwise. But of course each one of us has our own preferences.

Coincidentally Hawn and Russell married after 30 years of living together.
Reply in mail
bouquet bouquet
Fiery thanks again that iz a very good reason one should not really do it. I , at the moment is in no way of considering any more marriage than just living and enjoy life with or without a partner.wave

Thanks Ms. Fiery.
Mrs Jones

Nothing sadder than being lonely in a relationship..
Now I'm alone but far from lonely...
Thank you for a good Blog..

gnite bouquet
Hi there Ms Joneswave

sometimes when we're thorn between should i stay or should i go, and when good reasons are there why you should or should not..i'd listen to my heart more so than my head and ask the question...

If i walk out that door away from him will i be fearful of never feeling love again with another way i do him? if yes...
then i would go.

But if i knew i never would....
i would stay.
Welcome Ms. 2B, enjoy your sleep. Yes being happy is all that matters. gnite gnite
Now Ms Witch that is a very good way of finding out what our hearts say and go from there.

Thanks Ms Witch. bouquet
For some maybe Ms Jones, but love alone does not always complete us all wine
Thank you my dear lady for sharing ..

Phyllis teddybear
When she complains about carrying your golf clubs around the golf course. laugh
B thanksrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing wave
When it's time to and all of this depends on the couple.

For me it's arguing, me me me stuff and things like that!
Ed been a long timewave

Hope you had a nice Easter..bouquet cheers
Hi I haven't recognized you forgive. Beautiful blog.
Embedded image from another site
My dear Umka how wonderful. I will send you some of my pictures if you don't mind. They are at my phone and it will be later.

But my darling Umka, I do. I forgive, I mean.teddybear bouquet
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