USA Abandoning the free world

I just came across this article published from Gatestone Institute. Very interesting considering how we are viewed as war monger.

Is the United States Abandoning the Free World?

by Nuhu Othman • October 19, 2016 at 4:00 am

There is great anxiety among Africans who are peace-loving, and who care about democracy and human rights, that after the U.S. presidential election next month, this concern for people who care about democratic values and human rights might stop.

The understanding in Africa now is that the United States is showing signs of feeling over-burdened with taking the lead role in world affairs. But the implication of this abdication is immensely dangerous.

America no longer looks like the country that extended its soft power to Western Europe, in the form of the Marshall Plan, shortly after the Second World War. Was this the same United States that made its hard power felt to rescue the free world and ensure that it remained free? The stabilizing role of the U.S. is needed now more than ever.

We need America's leadership. There is simply no other free country that can adequately provide it, to maintain peace in the continent. Who will be there for us to "talk softly and carry a big stick," where and when it is necessary?

It's weird to come across an article like this after we are accused of meddling the world's affair.

What do you think?

Thanks all for your read and or comments if any.
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Comments (25)

I see protests in Manila about the US..some want them out?..I wonder why?
Personally, I'd rather that we take care of our safety first before others.
The credibility/integrity of the impressively named Gatestone Institute (aka Stonegate Institute, aka Hudson New York) may be questionable.

It's a hardline neocon think tank thst produces the kind of thinking which gave us two elective wars that (we were told) were going to be funded by tax cuts.

Some might claim there are a few bubbles in said think tank.

Your views on safety priorities are remarkably consistent with those of General Butler, Lindsy. thumbs up
(See War Is A Racket vid.)

Yes we need to protect our country first! The unfortunate thing in our country is, we have had 21 years straight of failed govt leadership which includes B Clinton, G Bush, and B Obama! How much worse can it be?confused
Might be the case Mic, doesn't take away the fact that there are several countries who by virtue of G7 and the UN, create the impression that we police the world.
Meaning, 911 was not something that we should foresee to happen again?
Hello there Jim, yes agree with you. wave
Oh..why is it up to Obama to deal with the terroist in's the Philippine military to deal with it is it not
At one stage Mindanao was the second worse place for journalists to Iraq in 2009
Some maintain we've not really had a President of THE UNITED STATES since John Kennedy, Jim.

A country owned by banksters?

Abraham Lincoln & John Kennedy were the only two Presidents who attempted to end the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel.
Can you think of anything else they have in common? sad flower

What next?
It's a great country, Jim!
After all, we're allowed to believe we elect our own dictators.


Seems duturte blames this historical event on why the us should leave and the reason why, as long as the us is there, there will be issues
I ABSOLUTELY agree we should do all we can to foresee something like the next 9-11, Linds!

Reading the "Project For The New American Century" would be a helluva good place to find our where the last one came from...
So we'll be better prepared to foresee the NEXT one.

I suspect we might find a point of disagreement on some of the details.
You go to your church...I'll go to mine.

No Ian but the political set up between the Philippines and the US is patterned on that expectation.

Obama is opposite that arrangements.
You're right on that Ian. Don't go there or you're dead.
Mic, no problem, church or without even have to consider that our safety is of prime concerns.
George Washington, our First President, strongly advised we should not get involved in foreign affairs. Every single time we ignored that advice thousands and even tens of thousands of Americans died. How many more must die before we follow his advice?
Yes, what's up with that Ken? I guess we're simply disobedient.sad flower
Disobedient is often a pseudonym for stupid. Darwin loves stupidity, not. Nuff said.
I just returned home from watching the debate.
I was with a group both pro Trump and pro Clinton.
I felt that the debate went well.
Then, the spin doctors took over. Now, I must say, they did loose control.
As I left, I was approached. His dialog went as follows.
"I was going to vote for Clinton. Then I was thinking of a third party vote. After listing to the spin doctors, I am voting for Trump!"
My answer: "I will not vote for the existing system, whoever opposes the existing system, I will vote for".
Our conversation was over heard. A unanimous agreement I heard from all.
PS Lyndsy, the frightening thing is, US is up to their gills in hock to many large companies. Hasnot enough oil to last them 5 years and their stocks are totally depleted.

It is still largely a beef country and this is unsustainable... the corn, maple syrup etc.,hug Have a lovely day.

This effects us all, even over here in Ireland. in fact very much in Ireland.good luck irish
lindsyjones! this complete right that 9.11 MUST NOT happen again and USA need more active for preventing.
Welcome to my world Cheav.
Conrad thanks for your post. wave
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