Waking up Tomorrow Morning as a Man or Woman

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow morning and you were the opposite gender?

How would you handle it?

How do you think your experiences would differ from your present ones?

Would you see the world through different eyes?

Generally speaking, men and women view, and experience, the world and living differently.
We all know there are at least subtle differences, but how often do we really think about the ways the other lives and experiences this world.

How do you think your world would change if you woke up as the opposite gender?
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Comments (139)

Track laugh

That did occur to me though

I would have absolutely no idea in the world what to do with my dangly bits laugh
NiceGuy, I suggest you pick up a sugardaddy first professor

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Mimi! reunion
You can write your name in the snow with them lol. I guess you could do it as you are now with a lot of acrobatics. Would be hilarious to watch laugh
"When an educated culture routinely denigrates masculinity and manhood, then women will be perpetually stuck with boys who have no incentive to mature or to honor their commitments.
And without strong men as models, to either embrace or resist,
women will never obtain a centered and profound sense of themselves as women."
~Camille Paglia
are you still trying to waking up?laugh
Molly reunion

NiceGuy is very much aware of my love for shopping especially bags and shoes!!! yay
Mimi, I've no doubt he is laugh

I'd be a very cheap date. I'm not very interested in either laugh
Thank you Katte handshake

I think your point - "a fictitious history of 'better times' which is fed by 'nostalgia' for a past that never actually existed " deserves a blog of its own too.

This is affecting not only the US, but other countries, and cultures as well.

The world is in a state of great flux .
Everybody is looking towards the past as a great place, rather than living in the present to try to improve the future.
Perhaps I should as today "nostalgia" for an illusionary past that never existed is like a virus; a return to "the good ol' days ; of people wishing for things that never were.
The positive memory is the one that stays. Over several generations the positive memory tends to weed out more and more of what really existed, of how things really were, refining it down to a distillation of human desires. Those desires become more and more artificial and more of a real obsession. Those of unsound minds will believe the artificial; the made-up fakery of reality. It's their way of coping. It's pathetic.
I'm never domineering, I just enjoy good conversation and fun batting
I bet they are pink or blue depending on your moodwink
I think more in terms of rainbow colours grin
I mean the first pair your wearing and not the 3rd pair rolling on the floor laughing
I asked my friend that question, Molly.
He said..
"Oohh I'd be very happy as now I can go to ladies room!"

I only hope that I only wake up as just a man, not with a morning glory too.

That would be far too much to handle. rolling on the floor laughing
Kal, he's obviously not aware that he'd most likely regularly have to stand in a queue with his legs crossed waiting for a free cubicle mumbling

Usha, I wouldn't miss having the morning glory for the world! cool
Sola, you don't half complicate things laugh

You'd be just a woman as a woman. No male feelings or memories
waking up today and thinking it was yesterday any cure is serious how I don't know an 8 day week
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