krimsakrimsa Forum Posts (1,345)

How did Mary become pregnant?

Oh is that what he meant? I need Conrad as my translator for that man. rolling on the floor laughing Didn’t the Babylonians (pagans by the way) give us the Code of Hammurabi which we would use as the basis for our modern day legal system? professor

How did Mary become pregnant?

It is. It just has splintered somewhat.

RE: War against Christian

Atheism is broadly defined as any absence of belief in deities, but can also be the explicit view that there are no deities, or the rejection of theism as being immoral, meaningless, incoherent, unwarranted, or false

One does not have the responsibility of substantiating a negative assertion, meaning the responsibility of disproving the existence of a deity would not fall on the Atheists. It would fall on the believer to prove the existence of a godhead.

They dont. Not that I have witnessed. Can I say the same for the proselytizing espoused by the theists?

I have never revealed my beliefs on these forums so that is an absurd comment. What else is new out of you?

I guess we can say the same for your "Designer Christianity" and failure to admit that the entire OT even exists. You spend a considerable amount of time "distancing yourself from the stench.”

RE: War against Christian

Atheism is the absence of theistic belief system. I guess some of the Atheists were taking it for granted that everyone understood that. roll eyes


I dont have a problem with him. sigh


Yes. It is not as if you are seeking women under the consensual age. No laws are being broken by your dating a 30 year old. innocent

RE: War against Christian

Exactly. I have just as many issues with Islam and to some extent Judaism based on what has been occurring in the Middle East and Gaza. All of these Mediterranean super power religions are trouble. Christianity is the leader in death and mayhem and since it is the primary religion where I am from (US) this is why I personally will voice my concerns.

RE: War against Christian

What? confused

How did Mary become pregnant?

I never claimed they didn’t. Is that the debate here? They probably did although to what extent? We do not know because Christians recoded a great deal of that history and quite possibly exaggerated such occurrences to make it appear as if the pagans were the ungodly heathens. We also know without a doubt that Christians performed both animal and human sacrifice.

How did Mary become pregnant?


How did Mary become pregnant?

We don’t even have any way of knowing that conclusively because the Christians and early monotheists would infringe upon these cultures. All we have is the archeological evidence that they existed at all. We have evidence that the religious origins of humans were based in Goddess/earth worship dating as far back as the Neolithic. Even the ancient Hebrew who we consider to be staunch in their singular god beliefs were not.

How did Mary become pregnant?

Yes. I think we agreed a long time ago but you seemed to misunderstand me due to the language barrier. Peace. I feel that Christianity is bad news. The race issue has not even entered into it yet that aspect exists. That’s worthy of its own thread.

How did Mary become pregnant?

Well you have to keep in mind that PRIOR to the inception of monotheism and the Christian god, everyone was pagan. The church would be forced to somehow lure in the pagans and convert them. This is why we actually see so much Pagan imagery in the Catholic Church even today. Mary was essentially absorbed by the Catholics and placed in high esteem as the Goddess manifest and something that the pagans would relate to and accept. Another example would be that of Saint Brigid of Kildare or Brigid of Ireland. She was and is to this day considered "The Goddess Brigid." The argument could (and has been made) that Catholicism is the “least removed” from the older religion.

RE: War against Christian

thumbs up thumbs up Respectfully.

How did Mary become pregnant?

I know. It hasn’t been boring I don’t think. It has enraged some people. That’s just my opinion anyway. roll eyes

How did Mary become pregnant?

Well in my defense, talking to people who have a limited understanding of English makes it difficult. I don’t know what his first language is either. I can’t totally understand his position and I’m not sure he understands mine at tall. confused

How did Mary become pregnant?

So you think it’s totally irrelevant that these white Christians perpetrated such horrors? What is your position here exactly? confused

RE: War against Christian

I enjoyed it also Conrad. I’ve actually been aware that the US was never a Christian nation nor was it ever founded on any type of Christian "morality" or principles. Dodged a bullet on that one. roll eyes

How did Mary become pregnant?

Yeah that’s all this thread was missing so far. Racial epitaphs. confused scold

How did Mary become pregnant?

The mother of Jesus from the NT.

RE: Anythings Possible - Or Is It ??

Well I disagree. How did you not know what the OT was or Paul? As stated, I’m not interested in your personal feelings on the bible it self. That is irrelevant. My personal feelings also would not matter.

It was YOU who stated on this thread that there is NO POSSIBLE way Jesus could have descendants. Are you denying this now? If you are taking this position, don’t people on this thread have the right to question you on your remarks?

How did Mary become pregnant?

I don’t know everything. In school we read parts of the bible. Mainly I’m familiar with the OT. It was a course study in creation mythology of different peoples. Cultural anthropology.grin Thats the extent of it.

How did Mary become pregnant?

I was shocked as to how close they were. I never expected to see that. thumbs up

RE: helping the women

Another wildly incomprehensible "study" with no link to verify its validity....I thought only Christians and dingos ate their babies? wink


Wow Im 36 and I feel so YOUNG now. laugh

RE: War against Christian

Religion and Christianity in particular, due to its utter obsession with blood sacrifice, has never really had a big problem with murder. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. All you have to do is look at Northern Ireland, Kashmir, the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the World Trade Center to see how seriously the religious folks take thou shalt not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable. It depends on who's doin the killin' and who's gettin' killed. I don’t view that as the "religious war myth" and if you do, then clearly you are an example of how an individuals religious faith can blur reality.

RE: War against Christian

George Washington was a Deist and a freemason. Notice this ENTIRE quote is not taken out of context.

"Religious controversies are always productive of more acrimony and irreconcilable hatreds than those which spring from any other cause. Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by the difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be depreciated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society."

George Washington
- letter to Edward Newenham, 1792

RE: War against Christian

A famous "quotation" by Patrick Henry:
The first apparent forgery that we ran across was a famous sentence allegedly written by Patrick Henry:

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!"

An impressive statement. It certainly gives credence to the belief that the founders of America were all or predominately devout Christians. It is a popular quotation. A search for the phrase "this great nation was founded not by religionists" on returned almost 1,000 hits! One common feature of most of the quotations is that they do not cite the source. We suspect that most webmasters have simply quoted the writings of other webmasters.

It turns out that Patrick Henry probably never said this. At least, nobody has been able to locate it in any of his surviving papers. It is almost certainly a forgery.

I should probably keep going but this is already embarrassing enough. Do you take the non-believers for idiots? cool

RE: Anythings Possible - Or Is It ??

This has never once been mentioned on this thread and is irrelevant to this discussion. What I feel or think about the bible itself is of zero consequence as to whether or not Jesus may have had descendants.

Has it ever occurred to you that I have actually read the bible? Isn’t it ironic that a person claiming himself as Christian hasn’t? Hrmm.

RE: It's a mad, mad, mad, mad cow coverup!!!!!!

Norsylyman, if you are so worried about all of this then just raise your own meat or become a vegetarian if you cant do that. Problem solved.

This is a list of forum posts created by krimsa.

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