A Blog To Please Everybody

I have been thinking very hard to find a topic - and a view on it - to please everybody but to no avail. It will be such a welcome change to produce such a blog.help

I don’t mind when people differ from me in opinion, it happens all the time but somehow there is a select little crowd who always differ from me. They do not always comment on my blog but when but when they do, it is negative. It is as if they just sit and wait for me to say the wrong thing so they can find something to disagree with.doh

Then I thought of doing a blog about the wrongness of chaining a dog to a stake. I mean who could possibly disagree with that? But I know that my blog will not be there long before another blog will go up to demonstrate why a dog should be on a chain.grin

You will always get those who decorate your blog with their bad manners. Don’t let it put you off. They don’t know of any better.thumbs down

If you cannot please everybody then at least try to please yourself. A blog to please everybody does not even exist in fairyland and in blogland they are harder to find.
cats meow cats meow

Enjoy this Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday.wave
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Opinions/Blogs are like belly buttons...laugh ...everybody has one. Some are innies....and so e are putties!rolling on the floor laughing

Hey ya! Have a lovely day/night!teddybear bouquet
Hi Cat, wave I more than once said on here that if I didn't want to have something to do with someone in RL, I don't have contact with someone like that on CS. dunno

Not everyone here is a healthy, well rounded adult and I somehow doubt some people would get a round of applause in RL if they behave like they behave on here. conversing

It is good to have some sort of emotional support network and I met some very nice people on here, but as in RL, not everyone is. wine
confused forgive my ignorance...what is RL
cheering cheering
banana blushing
balloons balloons balloons
daisy daisy daisy
shimmy shimmy shimmy
heart wings heart wings heart wings
lips lips lips lips
heart beating heart beating heart beating
Mr. Cat, today I want to decorate your blog. Hope you are happy with my effort.
hug hug Enjoy your day too!!!!!wine
Real life Theresa. wave
Hi Theresa
Yes, we have to respect other opinions; even if they are ill expressed.
hug wave
Hi Simmo
Yep, and I see I made it into the Google+ Top-10 again. doh
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Cat, wave I want you to know that I enjoy your blogs whether I agree or disagree which by the way I do usually speaking agree with all you say. Your blogs are funny, humourous and informative all of which makes our day a little a brighter yay
Sometimes a blog may .. bring out a thought in me that may differ from the blog.. but I hope I never say it negatively or unkindly. I just add my feeling with respect for all that has preceded my comment.
I loved how you did this blog today.. `A blog to please everybody` Oh MY... that is NEVER going to happen is it?
but glad for your blogs and all the comments you get on them..makes for fun reading laugh laugh

Have a FAB day with your cat and family and I am sure your cat is part of your family... before you tell me that rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
The problem is that in real life we can invite people to our parties but here we have to accept gate crashers.doh
hug wave
You and me both. we seem to be a permanent fixture there.
Well at least he is pleasing himself, as he pleases no one else.
doh doh
Thank you Usha.
It is so much nicer than the decorator I contracted last night. laugh
hug wave
Oh dang it! I have got to start lying attention to my auto correct!!!very mad

It was supposed to say....some are innies and some are outtiesgrin

hug Cat! I totally agree with you. And just like you, I've noticed some aren't worried about respect! They are to busy wanting to be right. teddybear

I've also realized sometimes I get that way unfortunately! frustrated uh oh

And then there are those who really believe they are never wrong....rolling on the floor laughing

teddybear bouquet
Hi Wallops
You are so welcome to differ from me. It would have been a very dull world if we all agreed. My problem is with the way some people express their disagreements. Why can't we just state our disagreements and perhaps a brief explanation and be off. Why come back if you disagree or don't like the blog.doh
hug wave
Hi Vivian
Yesterdays blog was a bit out of the ordinary but generally I don't like to think of my blog as controversial. I used to like telling about myself, my family and my environment but then I was accused of being a narcissist and a liar. So I cut down on it, but I'm still being called that.laugh
hug wave
There is a CS meet in Kilkenny this Saturday. Would be great to see some of you. grin

I can verbally "gatecrash" a blog, but after that, I usually make my departure. laugh
Eish Simmo,
Blessed are the weak in mind.
doh confused grin
Hi Theresa,
Maybe they don't have so much desire to be righ. Perhaps they just want others to be wrong. That is the way it seems to me.doh
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
A good blog sometimes creates disagreements...but to be respectful to others is good manners...wine
Cat, handshake
I jumped back from my laptop when i saw your title...laugh
hope all is well with you. cheers wave
I don't mind disagreement; it is the way in which they are expressed that annoys me some times.frustrated
hug wave
I will try not to be annoying...hahawine
Hi Boggie
Yes, thank you. I hope that you are in the same condition. Have a great day. Are you peddling anything today? A have a few bitcoins on hand - if you would accept that as legal currency.laugh
cheers wave
You only annoy me when you give Simmo the eye. Otherwise I find you delightful!laugh
grin wave
come on mate, what are you trying to do to me.
The best thing about getting the eye of loulou is that it is real, not like the last person to give me the eye. doh

Hi Loulou. Ignore dear OLD cat.
he means no harm. rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
I read your blogs often when I stop by. Too bad there are not more men on my side of the world like you. Stopping by to say "Hi" wave You have written a lot of blogs, how about a picture blog of the things you love, no words, just a title and pictures. After all a picture is worth 1,000 words. Have fun, see you next time. cats meow
ahhhh...i thought the point of a blog is to place ur thoughts or what is going on in the person.s life....i think that is what it states....so if it is other things no wonder i do not get much response...but of course i never follow the crowd and am definetely my own person...and so i put down what i want to and sometimes i get a few responses...then if figure how many artistic or very creative energy driven people r on here....maybe no one relates...or maybe cause of all of my choir notices!! lol....who knows...who cares...what is more interesting to me is the personal responses i receive or the great debates in some of the polls....i do have to state however mr. cat that u r one of the very few that i follow on ur blogs cause u r interesting and fun and very creative in ur thoughts so cheers to u...the ultimate blogger who always gets responses!applause applause applause
Hey Catfoot... don't have much to say today, but I have read your blog, so now you know. wink yay teddybear hug
Yep, another day and another dollar... but then maybe not.
cheers wave
This OLD cat is still enjoying his first life.laugh
cheers wave
Hey,Cat! Heads up,my friend! hug applause

As you are writing good blogs there will always be people envying you. This is the other side of the coin. Some envy this in a good way, and some in a bad way. It's like in in real life!

Btw, how is you cat doing? cats meow sheep
Hi Kandy
Thank you for the compliment.

I'm not really a picture man and seldom use pics in my blog. I prefer to write the thousand words.laugh
hug wave
Hi Jim
Where is Butterflies?

But disagreement is not negative and even agreeing can be negative. It is they way you express yourself. It seems that some cannot express themselves elegantly. And the funny part is that many of these rude commenters do not blog and those who do, blog in the same style of their comments.blues
cheers wave
Hi Sweetie
Not always. The secret lies in the timing of the blog. What is a good blog today may be a bad one tomorrow. Even the time of the day is important. Your blog must be freshly presented to your target audience.
hug wave
Hi Wel
Thank you for dropping in. You must be one of my most loyal friends.
hug wave
I like your blogs, even if they step on my toes a littlelaugh this one line today, really rang my bell......."at least try to please yourself"....my late husband loved to say that to me.well, "to thine own self be true" he said it so often but I knew he meant you think like I do and will do all my way......one day took a bold step which changed our lives completely......I was true to what I really wanted in my life.....he was dumbfounded.....poor baby.....but I told him several times when he would object.....I am being true to myself....this is the real me.....love you dearly but must be true to myself, just as you have always told me to be.....have no regrets with my decision...am grateful for his encouragement tho it kinda backfired on him......and was sorry it hurt him, but ultimately turned out very well for the both of us.....yes I am evading the subject matter of what I did.....maybe will share one day if I am comfortable enough......laugh have a wonderful day/night whatever......wave
Monsieur is sitting on my lap just making it awkward for me to type.doh

Tomorrow I'm going to take a chance to leave him here. I want to go to the flea market in Parow and I will be too long to leave him in the car. I'm going to leave my bedroom window open and close the bathroom window where he is used to getting out. Hopefully he will discover the open window only after I'm gone. doh
hug wave
Purrr, how sweet! kiss cats meow

Give him a kiss from me! smitten
Hi 2ndgoround
Do I step on your toes?help

You must tell me when I do. I won't bite your head off if you do it nicely. I try to accommodate my readers most of the time but I can only do so when I know where I go wrong.grin

I cannot promise to please everybody all the time but I can at least try not to step on the same toes all of the time.laugh
hug wave
He's handling the complaints. Compliments, hugs and kisses is MY department.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Thank you Cat, thinking you are a sweetheart.....not to worry am a tough woman, can handle it......hug
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Jul 2014
Last Viewed: 16 hrs ago
Last Commented: Dec 2017
Catfoot has 616 other Blogs

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