Shopping Trolleys (Carts) are careful

I had been worried, no one seems to care about the plight of shopping trolleys, so I decided to investigate and what I found shocked me.

I parked my van in a supermarket car park near to closing time with a hamper of food and a flask of coffee to keep me sustained and waited until everyone had gone.

After an hour nothing happened, the same after 3 hours, I had by this time finished last my egg mayonnaise sandwich and tucked into a Marmite and cheese baguette, suddenly I noticed a few trolleys move away from where they had been locked up, how they opened the chain I can only guess, one of them seemed to have straight wheels, and no bits of paper stuck inside its metallic frame, this was the obvious leader, the group moved slowly and with stealth near to my van, I ducked down and hid, trembling with fear, they came right up to the driver's side window and I could feel them checking to see if anyone was inside, unfortunately the combination of egg mayo and Marmite with cheese created a large amount of small flatulettes, these combined into one large expulsion of a noxious gas, afraid for my life I could not open a window or the door and simply passed out.

I awoke later and found myself tied up on the car park floor surrounded by a mob of angry trolleys, they were shaking their wobbly wheels and making a noise a bit like a washing machine with coins left in a pocket.

The leader approached me and spoke in a very quiet voice in English " What do you know pusher?" I told him that I was sitting in my van thinking about the International space station, he lashed out with a wheel and hit me hard, the others laid into me, beating me harder and harder, after a while I fell unconscious.

I woke a few hours later, but in the van, I checked my face for deep cuts to find none, they had obviously patched me up and put me back in the van, I started the engine and drove away, as I passed the trolley bay I saw that they were back and chained up, I felt the threat and drove off home.

So be careful!, treat your trolley with respect and you will be safe, they will arise one day and those that were kind to them will survive, the others will not and spend the rest of their lives in trolley park hell.
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Comments (22)

Map....rolling on the floor laughing been drinking......cheers .....this is your second blog on trolleys....i'm starting to get worried.....(at least the trolleys speak english...).......laugh
Cal, I am worried about trolleys, they also scare me.
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Say NO to drugs, good advise from the authorities, so remember next time you go to the toilet in a bar & a man offers you Marmite just say NO professor
I know the temptation, I was once on friendly terms with the local smuggler\supplier of meat products uh oh sigh but you were never quite sure if his Pork Pies were kosher grin
Been there too Z, Kosher Pork pies and sausage rolls always worried me.
I´m also worried about you and the trolleys... ummm...uh oh

Another story for my news headlines.
Daniela!...You saying I'm off my trolley?
Bovril is nicer than Marmite...just sayin'
unlaoised, I prefer bovril too, I guess we are from the only country where we would go out and pay for bovril or redrow on toast..
That unfortunate night all I had was a jar of Marmite...sad.
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You should consider updating your profile...

My hobbies include golf, cars, trolleys and taking my dog for a walk...

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Wedwow! I miss it. sigh
diova, I have been in a serious relationship with a trolley, I found her very sensual and when I heard her squeaky wheels I just shuddered in excitement, She left me for another guy with more money!...I'm now dating amy coffee machine, but she is not want I want.
unlaoised..Here we are!
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Online dating is taking its toll on you...
Un, for an intelligent woman you have made some odd choices. Marmite is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than Bovril, Vegemite, or any other spread tasting like salty tar. Matzos and marmite. scold

And Wedwow? WEDWOW? Last time my daughter went to SA she smuggled back 6 mini jars of Pecks Anchovette. Now there's a daughter with good taste who loves her mum. Just sayin'. rolling on the floor laughing
Biff,It's a matter of choice, I am sure the subject of Marmite/Bovril needs investigating more.

Doctor Molly, Thanks for the diagnosis, The prescribed medicine is actually a favorite too, shall seek out and imbibe immediately.
Map if we believe the phychlogists it all stated when your mum sat you in a trolley whilst she shopped.

Sometimes she would chat to friend OR argue with said friend.
She may have filled trolley too full and it tipped.
She may even have emptied trolley in back of car, wheeled said trolly back to its line retrieved her money locked trolly back WITH YOU STILL INITwow wow leaving you with marmite stuck on end of dummy for comfort.

professor Hence you nightmares about trolleys problem solved detective just needed detective work into your past lives rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Demented me? maybe just a little, but I was tested and passed.
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Cal, rather get stuck into what Molly says!, Marmite is...
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Map, make sure you don't get fixated on the cure instead of the symptoms wink
You might just be the cure Molly....wink .........grin ..........
If I was more gullible, I would have said this is stuff Nightmares r made of especially if u r about 5 yo !!!
Map they will pass anything these days dunno laugh laugh
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Inland near Jaen, Andalusia, Spain

Can we be truly honest in self-description? This is my attempt. And to ensure it has some degree of truth, I’ve asked a female friend to give her opinion also. So here goes :

I’m not rich or very good looking; I’m overweight but working on th [read more]

About this Blog

created May 2016
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: May 2016
Mapmaker has 116 other Blogs

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