Truth in Media, ISIS, and it's Origin

A very interesting topic that invites discussion for the political junkie like me.

It is very clear that it is the poor judgment of the US to not continue on the cleaning up of the scum bags in the area. But let us go further, it is not like the current occupant of the White House was in support of eliminating these terrorists, now is it? It serves his agenda that US will be toppled down and therefore remove himself from the responsibility of finishing the job by keeping them in check. So yes it is the fault of the US for not monitoring the growth of these suckers but leaving it to thrive so that they create a powerful army of blood sucking terrorists.

At least that is what I understand from the video. Not like US created them directly and made all these scum bags to terrorize the world.

Question is how would it be undone and who benefits?

Elimination of ISIS, I mean.
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Comments (39)

I still don't know how to upload but either Google "Origin of ISIS" or simply listen to the post of Jarred.
The US sure fked up the middle east, didn't they. Not sure if it can be undone, at least not yet.
Thanks for the post Socrates

What's your idea? If I may ask? wave
Track I understand how you feel, my impression though, is that would have it been different if first they didn't abandon Iraq? Which was the agenda of the Republicans, but Obama became the head and sure wanted peace and widthraw all the troops.
America shouldn't have been in Iraq to begin with but what Obama done was just plain stupid. This is the result of a collection of mistakes that were made and its the everyday person over there who are suffering for it.
Track when Saddam Hussein was lynching Saudi Arabia, they knocked on our door for help, accusing him with high powered nuke etc. But of course with the economic ties we have with them, it's like absolutely necessary to help them. What my question is, what would have happened if we left them alone. Two kinds of Muslims killing each other.
And for that I definitely would have not meddled. Who knows they'd all be scored by now in their own battles. I don't know Track.
The ultimate question therefore us, why not leave them all even now and if they're still pushing their card against us, then do what it takes to stop these terrorism.

If they keep attacking the world randomly like Paris, US, then let the people decide on a ballot.
You listen to it again, tNo. That's the undertaking of Obama for taking away the US military post, now what would have happened if we stayed? One sect over Muslims is made stronger than the other.

As far as I am concerned it woul6have served the world better if yes, US did not meddle. It would have been a Muslim against another Muslim to kill each other, get it?
I'm driving Z, I'll be back on an hour
I'm driving Z, I'll be back on an hour
When Its The truth
Its The truth
I Wont Shy Away from It
Donald Rumsfeld Said
Because Of The Plan Saddam Hussein Had To Asassinate George Bushs Father ( When His Father Was President)
The Plans Were Already In The Pipeline To Get At Saddam...Even Before The 2nd Bush Was Elected
Thats where It Really All Began

Leony, it is not really the fault of the US. It is more of an obligation that was carried on due to the function of the alliance and organization like NATO. It was agreed that there will always be aggressor like Russia, or any country for that matter to topple another country for its resources, look at the activities in Ukraine, then the middle East. We just have to settle with the agreement that war is not a resolution to all these problems but without maintaining balance then one country will just have to be vanquished. As should have been the case of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
John wave thanks for the post.
My question is, if this is infact an undertaking of a higher realm and spirit then it will unfolds as expected then? Regardless as to who is responsible of instigating it, it has to be done as prophesied?

I will give my belief on the power of God John that if it is what it is, then as the Greek says: Ondos, I guess. So be it. It is beyond our human hands and rational power to abate from happening. Poor humanity, we have to suffer because of our own doings. At least then, heaven is bound after all these squabbles.
I can agree with you Z, although if we are going back to the Operation Desert Shield which gave rise to the rise of US presence in the Middle East long before there was any terror wreaked against us, it was to maintain the interest of the US with the Arabian Oil, but technically in the late 80s when Saddam ultimately became aggressive that we participated in a full blown protection of the enemy of Iraq.
Z is right about the first Iraq war. Bush senior did an awesome job, thanks to Baker, Scowcroft esp., and Colin Powell (in the news todaylaugh) among others.

Norman wanted to crush Hussein at first but wiser heads prevailed. Bush 1 never did like Cheney or Rumsfeld.
LJ, just to correct you on the date of desert storm, it was 17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991, I remember it well as it was the first time using a motorised satellite system live feeds could be watched for the war zone, not possible now as all such feeds are scrambled.
Yes, Z, Desert Shield before the Storm..I do remember, my son the youngest was just born and I was watching television on a full blown commitment of US on the conflict.
Desert Shield first and the US built all those massive Hummer vehicles by GM in order to easily be driven in the sand. That was when I bought my second house and it was in the late 80s and it escalated into the Desert Storm.
The first major foreign crisis for the United States after the end of the Cold War presented itself in August 1990. Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, ordered his army across the border into tiny Kuwait. This was no ordinary act of aggression. Iraq's army was well equipped. The United States had provided massive military aid to Iraq during their eight-year war with Iran, giving them the fourth largest army in the world.

Kuwait was a major supplier of oil to the United States. The Iraqi takeover posed an immediate threat to neighboring Saudi Arabia, another major exporter of oil. If Saudi Arabia fell to Saddam, Iraq would control one-fifth of the world's oil supply. All eyes were on the White House, waiting for a response. President Bush, who succeeded President Reagan, stated simply: "This will not stand."

From google.
Russia's invasion of Afghanistan directly led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberation of Eastern Europe as well as the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Unless Putin and Trump win the election, the CIA did a great service in Afghanistan.
just the latest phase in a 1400 year old War!
Socrates, what is your point? It is a well known record that Bin Laden was for the survival of Afghanistan against Russia and the US supported that war for him. So yes right, when the interest was to help the Afghanistan it was imperative for them to be aided or why are we in Afghanistan for.

You have to shift your thinking as to how Bin Laden became the enemy of the US after that. When Iraq war started then the Al Qaeda sided against the US and yes became our enemy hence the killing of Bin Laden.

Don't imply like these development becomes a manifestation of US bigotry and hypocrisy as you imply. There are times when a certain country is our ally only to become our enemy on another time.
Conrad, exactly, if getting back those land us the objective to fight thia calipation, then we have a long ways to go.
Agreed with you John.
My point is as mentioned in my previous blog:

"America Created Al-Qaeda..."

As the Forbes business information service article states:
"...[Osama bin Laden] received military and
financial assistance from the intelligence services
of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United States."

Do not confuse this with what happened subsequently.
That is a different matter.

The fact remains that America created Al-Qaeda.
Yes and why?

Don't make a misleading point, like I said when Afghanistan was slaughtered by the Russians, we supported and trained them, they became our enemy in Iraq war. So the point contrary to your incomplete explanation is very misleading. As if we created an enemy for our own bigotry.

Isn't that your point?
You may put whatever spin you want on my comment.

I am not attempting to mislead anyone.
Stick to the substance of what I said.

The fact remains that America created Al-Qaeda.
That is my point in the matter.

Do not put words into my mouth.
Weren't you a college professor?

Explain the substance. I feel you listened to the video you posted for me, you'd under no circumstance leave out the whole logic why.

I'm not arguing against your premise but justification is required so the truth is known. Don't act stupid.
You are the Professor of Philosophy!

However, I think you need a refresher lesson in Deductive Logic.

It requires 2 related premises from which a logical conclusion is drawn.

I made a single statement which I repeat for the third time:

The fact remains that America created Al-Qaeda.

That's all!
So I ask you, America created AlQaeda, and?
No I didn't teach philosophy. I taught political science and history.
If you feel Obama is are gravely mistaken..!

My brother was in Saudi on the first Desert storm, I have been working in and with the middle east since 1991 on and off

.The US was well prepared before any of you think in terms of protecting the "oil interests"..Saddam was an Allie..they betrayed him.

You can watch as much media as you want...but until you are on the ground, with the all have opinions and views from what you are fed..none of you here are qualified to make statements about any middle east country until you have spoke, drank or lived with..iraqis..syrians...arabs in general.
Z..yes its easy for the US to say..opps I'm sorry..we dropped them by did they ?

The US does not want Arabs to unite..they want them to kill each other..they don't want a repeat of the oil crises back in the 70' cost the US billions !

If the US found a better source of will see them walk away from Saudi..and close the gate behind them.
Kaet, how nice it is to see you. Been a while, I hope everything is okay in your place.

Anyways I have just heard this saying in our of our meetings: "Take all the guns from the Middle East and there is peace in the wold, but you take away the guns from the Israelite and they will be all gone."

This has nothing to do with the post but I thought it might just be very interesting.wave
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