DUTERTE, cozying up with Russia

Strategically located in a very volatile area, the Philippines' position on both geographic and political direction is of global importance.

Since 1898 after the Spanish American war was over, the Philippines was freed from the Spaniards ending over 300 years of abusive and slavery rule. It gave rise to the Westernization of the country and followed by the installation of American control. Considering the location alone, the US interest of the area almost led to the inclusion of the Union only to be thwarted by the Filipino elites thinking it would make us just as slave as when we were under the Spaniards.

While the independence of the country was a prized achievement in 1945, the US continued to run their military operations on a lease contract which ended sometime in the 80s. The following years, there proved no sign of any political conflict amongst the super powers of the world which include but not limited to Russia, China, US and Europe. Good riddance for the US as it cost us about a billion dollar of rent expense which was a loss to the Philippines.

Recently however, because of the growing aggression of China in building its military powers in disputed island north of the Philippines, coupled by the increasing presence of ISIS training in the south it is most likely that US actually do need the Philippines or for political and military balance, the world do need it.

What is very radically disturbing at the moment is Duterte leaning on forging an unusual relationship with Russia leaving US and Philippines' relationship a very questionable and undoubtedly shaken. A very unexpected political alliance is being forged.

Recently Duterte insulted Obama and I personally feel perhaps he truly knows what is better for the future of the country. Obama being so pro islam and the ISIS making the south as training ground of terror, perhaps he feels he will not get a good support from a US president that stands opposite his objectives.
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Comments (19)

You seem to be obsessed with war and attacks on your country, lighten up woman its the week end, chill out with a beer,....cheers
Breaking news headlines today. Washington Post published thus news today.
There's a tension going on in that part of the world and yes war just might get break out globally. I hope not but it seems Duterte is determined to slap Obama's policies in Asia goodbye.
Attacks in my country, yes, the US is of mighty interest by terrorism to flatten it out, dead. If they have their way.
Cheers to you, too.handshake
I wouldn't worry too much, can't see him lasting long with that kind of talk\action.
The likely occurrence of war and talking about it is not an obsession. One CANNOT and should not act as if the threat will disappear soon!

It is preparing ones self for what could happen and soon! I agree with you and I hope you keep blogging about it!!
Thanks Ed.

If it's breaking news and the whole world talks about it, then there's no reason why we can't talk about it even here.

Thank you Ed wave
The Philippines had been in a mess for years... The only way it can be sorted is by doing what he's doing...the shock factor..
In reality Ian, yes. Indeed he is under a different yet radical political directives. Untested but if it's what works, I hope like I said the benefits would far outweighs the negative effects.

I'm sure there are some that oppose his radical ways but I hope it's good for the majority.
It's very scary in a way Jim but the Philippines is truly in a mess.
I agree with you Ian. I hope this unproven techniques he's using serves for the best part of the country.
Ian, But was that before he said he was going to kill 3 million people, I assume that will affect nearly every family, imo seeing a loved one shot has a habit of altering your opinion of the perpetrator dunno it's certainly likely to doom any chance of a tourist industry this century, who'll want to visit a place where the government has shot 3 million citizens doh
He won't. But they are all running scared.. And handing themselves in, as the people realise it's happening. The criminals know their neighbours are willing to point fingers now..instead of having to put up and shut up.
My goodness. Up until a couple of months ago, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what was going on in the country. This is all news to me? I am all ears. Mind you, I will check it all out.
Linds. I was not aware that you are Filipino. I thought you were just pretty and smart.
She's..Filipina... Men are Filipino..tongue
Cheavy teddybear I'm a Filipina but by blood a mixed of Italian, Spanish and native. My grand mother from my dad is pure Spanish, only spoke Spanish and born in Spain. My uncles are blond with blue eyes, my grandmother from mom is pure Filipino but my maternal grand father was Italian.

That's why I put mixed race but born in the Philippines from a citizen grand father.

Right before our independence before I was born my grand father got stationed in Hawaii and my dad the youngest stayed in the Philippines. I was born there and my mom a war veteran came to US as citizen. Hence my citizenship.

But thanks. wave
I find mixed bloods to be a more of an enhanced attractiveness. From all countries.
I have invested in a small store in the Phillipeans. Trying to help out. Beautiful people there.
Cheavy, what kind is it? If I may ask?

I will email you.wave
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