RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Why don't you tell us how and why of 4 countries in the world with a Communist manage so poor it cannot feed those 24 m people. Why it keep needing to come to a
capitolist societies like the US for food and fuel?

In 2006, Amenisty International....said 7% of North Korean children were severally malnourished and 37$ of North Korea were malnourished. That is over 4 in 10.

If Communism and socialism is to be great equalizer...were the worker and leader are equal.....and were what the leader has the worker has as well....why are Kim's sons healthy and 40% of the Korean children near starving?

That is the big hole in wealth redistibution theory. It sounds good. But it never works good. You cannot make the economic decisions for 24m people by a small group of leaders. Specially when they certified nuts cases like the Kims.

When you apply this to President Obama. You listen to his addressed now......he is praising the capitolist system like few President have. He needs it to function, so he can gather taxes to redistribute the wealth.

Kim need his economy to function....just so he does not have a street protest from his followers. Much of the middle east protest is about unfair economics in the country. If Obama held off the food and fuel.....just maybe Kim would be faced with some real internal problems.

But he has already done his hand off to a with a with a few nucs....Kim is blackmailing Obama to send Carter, Clinton,
Richardson to negotiate these food and fuel deals.

Iran will do exactly the same...

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Watch Dude...within three months of Carter going to NKorea....Kim will have a approval from China to do one of the following;

1) Test a Nuc
2) Break off the cross border family reunification program
3) Some military operation on the South

That is so.......Kim can hit Obama up for some fuel and food prior to winter setting in.

Maybe Jimmy is just over there to tell Kim.....he can have the food and fuel......and a Obama Credit Card for more......if he plays nice.

As for NKoreans people wanting to be buddies with the US. They send thier sons and daughter into NK military.....the real power in the massive numbers,.....its population is only 24m but its military is 1.21m that fourth largest in the world.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Watch Dude...within three months of Carter going to NKorea....Kim will have a approval from China to do one of the following;

1) Test a Nuc
2) Break off the cross border family reunification program
3) Some military operation on the South

That is so.......Kim can hit Obama up for some fuel and food prior to winter setting in.

Maybe Jimmy is just over there to tell Kim.....he can have the food and fuel......and a Obama Credit Card for more......if he plays nice.

As for NKoreans people wanting to be buddies with the US. They send thier sons and daughter into NK military.....the real power in the massive numbers,.....its population is only 24m but its military is 1.21m that fourth largest in the world.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Qdaffi attended a Muslim school (e.g Madrassa) as a tribal youth...he joined the Libya Free Officer group after Isreal defeated the three Muslim armies in the 1967 Yon Kipper War. This group was angry that Libya stayed out of the fight.

Later it was this group of officers that couped the Libyan King and Monarchy while in Military college. He supports pan Arabism and pan Islam. The first were all Arab countries unite to be one.
The second is a loose union of all Islamic people.

Does that sound like Iran (Supreme Leader and Ahmendinejada) and bin Laden position on calphite run Islam?

When Qdaffi spoke at the UN...he said Barack Obama...was the son of Africa.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Who forced the prices up in 2008, Dude? The Iraq war or OPEC?
It was OPEC shortage that caused the price to increase. By now the Iraq oil production was growing.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

My personal opinion is this. That President Obama would have to make a case in Congress for boots on the ground. That blows his Muslim out reach all apart in the world. As he down plays Qdaffi to make him a worth the effort.

Would Congress back it? Yes I think so. You have enough of the old hawks (McCains) left in both the Senate and House to have a solid voting block there. Then the new ones like Rubio and Rand have to make a tough choice between foreign affairs and the cost of men and money. They would split on it.

DEM would support it....because it is supporting a DEM President in war time. So they only need to gain.....10 votes in the Senate and 30-40 in the House. McCain would lead the REP to give support by the way.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

That is it for me, today.

Ya'll be nice and play fair, ya hear......

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

I guess some far left liberals do read Dude OP here. A few days ago....I suggested that liberal's fustrated ..redirect their anger at the administration.

Yesterday protester in orange jump suits with bags over their heads.....chained themselves to the iron fence around the White House.

This in response to the GITMO decision by President Obama.

Thus proving again.....Liberals are not bad people, they just need conservatives to lead them.grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Guess what?

Like a repeat of a certain Jack Nickleson movie.....were he said those infamous words....."I am back".

Street protest have now broken out in Morroco.

Does anyone realize that there are 54 Islamic countries..... that if every 6 months a new street protest is to erupt in would take 26 years for them all to change their governments.

Morocco by the way is a very pro western Islamic country.

RE: Will the Los Angeles Dodgers win the 2011 season?

A better question is...."Will the MBL let the Dodgers stay in the major league or will they delegate it back to being a farm club."

Considering that the MBL in the first time in baseball's history, took over management of a baseball team.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

I think that they are still trying to figure out in the White House, why a Constitution was written.doh rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

For the topper for the day.

Jimmy Carter is headed to North meet with the 'reclusive North Korean leader'. With at least three Kim look a like known to be operating....Jimmy better just makes sure he is
dealing with the real Kim.

To this end....Jimmy is carrying a Kim birth certificate on the trip....and plans to check foot prints to be sure that he has the
right Kim.

When this was learned in the White House......seeing the obvious potential strain to our NKorea and US relationship. (Were only a few months ago, it was really strained badly as those NK artilery rounds fell into a South Korean Island).

A White House note was passed to former President Carter....that read.....'don't you guys from GA know anything? Modern day leaders don't need or have birth certificates. We have been protecting President Obama's birth certificate (or lack of a birth certificate) with vast amounts and costly legal work. Stopping making waves. And no it is not a fake Barack Obama in the White House, so don't even think of making a rumor up that it is.
Just trust us, it is real Barack Obama.'


RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Maybe when Blagovich gets convicted....they will send him to a prison in Afghanistan.....and the DEMs can break him of jail.confused

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

I don't know, Sparky. Iraq had a bad guy in it. Afghanistan had a couple of bad guys in it. Libya has a bad guy in it. I think that it gets down to selective bad guy reasoning.grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

With the second trial of former Gov.. Blagovich coming soon. The Judge in on hunt for impartial jurist. Which in Chi Town ....might be tough to do.

It has been rumored that the Judge is seeking lists of Windy City
residents that have been coming out 3 years of medically induced comatose states.grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?


RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Some name of the country was provided to media.....decided to aerial Qdaffi compound again. Qdaffi's people promises to have the media out to inspect the damage.

Am wondering here if we can have photos of pre Reagon attack and post Reagon attack.....pre No Fly Zone Attack and post No Fly Zone compared.

With Qdaffi complaining that the west is out to get him. Am just curious to know who is doing the best job at it. Reagon's dumb bombs or Obama's smart bombs.grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

With gas prices pressing to $4, speculation is now that it can hit $5...$6....or $7. With the middle east issues.

A recent poll out. Says that 70% of Americans want more domestic production as the price pushes to $4. Then as the price increase from there.....the 70% bumps....and bumps......and bumps.

Till when we get to $10 per gallon....were only one American living (and he is in the White House) that does not want domestic production to increase. )))

Just a moment let me check the percentages on that. That is 99.9999993% of America wants more drilling and only .00000007% of the country does not. With a price of $10 per gallon. grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

A short but pointant article of the messy and untentable position with China, that President Obama has gotten us into.

Chinese assessed and confirmed the S&P statement on devaluing the
the US credit rating.

One of their economic advisors said "worries that the heavily indebted US government might not repay its debt could drive Treasury yield higher and cause the US debt prices to fluctuate".

Driving Treasury Yields another ways of say increased gov't interest rates. And fluctuating debt another another way of saying...... long term gov't bond value may decrease.

The positive note that the Chinese could come up with....being the singular biggest investor in American that demand for T-Bill will stay healthy for lack of investment alternatives (another way of saying...few will want to buy this bad paper.)


Dang the world strongest economy being sliced and diced by the Chinese. Who would have ever thought? Nice job, President Obama.
Which ever one of your 300 foreign policy advsiors that recommended the 1 trillion in T-Bill sales to the Chinese....please send him out the White House for the formal Seipka commence on his arrival.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

I think that he playing for the Obama CS International Ambassador role. He passed on being the Obama Spin Czar for the internet. Feeling with the 2012 coming, his net blogging skills would be used counter-productively.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

With Pope on Easter calling for diplomacy and dialogue to end the Libyan crisis, rather than weapons. President Obama finds himself on the receiving end of growing of international criticism condemning the Libyan no fly zone.

When one can put the Pope, Louis Farracon, Bill Ayers, Leader of the Black Panthers, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro unto the same side of a issue, one knows he has the entire political spectrum covered. All now are critical of the Libyan bombing.

Then you have John McCain that is saying not enough is being done. That weapons should flow to the Libyan rebells and the airstrikes should be increased. This too American flags being waved in the rebell held city of Benghanzi. We normally expect them to be aflame and on the ground in the North Africa.

Also amazingly putting Senator McCain and President Obama on the same side of a major international issue. One can only wonder if the White House made a call to a aid of Senator McCain, to get this trip to Libya done. Supposedly not, but stranger things have happened.

Libya, I suggest is turning into more than a rebells fighting for freedom and end to Qdaffi. It is turning into the plum line of those standing for democracy, liberty and freedom.....and those standing against it in the world.

That the Pope can support diplomacy one can understand. But
does the Pope also support a Libya with a Qdaffi in power and suppressing his people? They may very well be one in the same.
The rebells seem to rejected the recent overtures for negotiation offer by the Islamic tribes near Misrata.

Qdaffi said that if those negotiation were rejected, then the tribes would begin to war with the rebells. So looks like the tribe are now behind the Qdaffi regime.

That today in Iran, China and North Korea....Christians are being arrested in face charges from public worship to blasfimony...with conviction bringing everything from long prison sentences to death. The Pope needs to rethink his position here to government repression and suppression, I suggest.

If he ignores that governments can and do unjust acts for the most unholy of reasons...power, money, resources, to silence critics....he fails to see fellow Christians caught in the
conflicts of our day. He becomes out of touch with the Church body of believers.

If he can side with Qdaffi, Castro, Farracon, and the other press for negotiation in this deadly Libyan conflict...negotiation that would likely keep Qdaffi in power,
he fails to understand the human desire for freedom, even at the risk of death, injury, and punishment.

RE: happy easter

Happy Easter.

He is risen.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

The Don has experience with defaulting and credit limited situation, Dude. He work his company out a bankruptcy situation back to being profitable.

President Obama had experience with benefit programs prior to his.
He is still thinking in give aways free beis. No can do when your economy is down and you have high debt levels.

The American people will make a logical choice this time, Dude.
Few wish to repeat the mistake of 2008.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Borrowing 42 cents of every dollar it spends, the Obama Administration and most DEM want to push the national debt level past the 14.3 trillion (yes,14 trillion) were it stands today.

DEM obvious see borrowing as the way out of the deficit crisis.
Like that worked in the past. Or can work in the future. They have borrowed the country into debt and now want to pay debt with borrowed money (or more debt.).

Creating a vicious cycle that our children will be forced to live in and be forced to survive in a competitive world with. Try doing a major international deal when you covered with debt. Dream on sweet pea.

Ask a DEM were the national debt level should be? Or what the effect is if it is defaulted on? 20 trillion? 25 trillion? 30 trillion? So much or the value of the dollar with those debt ceiling. You can kiss the world best currency good bye. And if the country cannot pay it back?

Try interest rates determined not by the government or your local banker. But by the international creditors that basically own the country.

The simple fact is borrowing is the easy way out. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Every future President will be faced with a massive debt, and owing foreign parties to solve
his fiscal problem. Just as President Obama is today the international President, all future ones will be as well.

When President Obama sold the Chinese the 1 trillion in T-Bill, that was a major ripple effect felt thru the international community. It placed the dollar into question. Limited his abilities in far east. Raising the national debt level let him do it again.....and again.....and again.

Maybe we do need the Don.....a true deal maker in the White House. Because we have amateur deal maker in the White House now.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Let us talk Syria some.

Today 75 were killed in Syria protest by the government. That is as high as both Libya daily deaths and Egyptian deaths.

President Obama has said reduce the violence. But I think that this is spinning out of control and more deaths will come.

Syria is a allied with Iran. But the Arab League has not taken a Libyan position on a intervention of any kind. Syria being mostly land locked plays into this as well. That mean over flights of surrounding countries to get a no fly zone in place. uses Israel as a base. Start coughing now, I know. I bet someone in the Pentagon is doing a contingency plan on it as I type.

One could also use Iraq as a base for no fly zone. And Turkey. Or Jordan. But this means some next door neighbor of Syria is going to get involved deeply.

It has not turn into air operation by the Syrian air force, yet. So till it does, I don't see a western involvement. But if and when it does....what then?

Assad is hanging on like Qdaffi. If he makes the death toll of the protestors high....then they might back down. Also the west has little coming from oil or other there is no economic incentive for a intervention.

The Iran/Syria mutual defense pact plays into this. A no fly zone is reality a act for war. Air space is considered part of a country. If say even just the Arab League places planes over Syria....Iran can enter into the fray.

So this is a tricky and dicey affair. But the opportunity is there to remove one of the middle east bad guys. Assad attempted to build a hidden reactor. Has aided Hezbolloh with weapons and other support. Supported state sponsored terrorism against both Israel and the west.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

He just said they were going to from a commission to investigage the raising gas prices. No details to who it was going to investigate or at what level.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape? is innocent until proven guilty.

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Conrad knows thsi very well but still... Republicans on power in America means more stolen money of America hidden in secret Swiss accounts and more dictator money hidden in Swiss and more money laundering money hidden in Swiss and more terror money hidden in Swiss and so on... Conrad thinks purely busniess and that,s why... just a poor fellow devistated in mind regarding how to run a business propperly ...

Seen the Obama administration bring any of these stealing REP to justice?

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Senator John McCain is in Benghanzi. Were he is doing a fact finding trip on the rebells. John is a strong supporter for the rebells in Libya.

He was first to advocate a no fly zone and now is saying that the rebells are his heros.

McCain has criticized the hand over to NATO to the ending of US combat role in the no fly zone.

John McCain wants Qdaffi badly. He is for arming the rebells and does not want to see a stalemated conflict.

I am not so sure call these rebells..... heros......when some have been to Afhganistan to fight against American forces there.....might be crossing the line some.

Funny now we have solid common ground between Dude here and John McCain. Dude, if you check back a thread or two.....was complimenting the Libyan rebells as being freedom fighters and heros to stand against Qdaffi.

Also funny that President Obama has actually placed the possibility of keeping Qdaffi in power by accepting the no boots on the ground UN resolution.

Someone once said....rebellions make strange bed fellows......grin

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

I have not voted yet. I know it would compromise the credibility of the poll and OP to have a critic vote. grin

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