RE: Prime Minister John Key resigning New Zealand

Yes, I can see that plain enough ;-)

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Prime Minister John Key resigning New Zealand

Watcha done there sophia ... sure looks like you completely avoided answering the question ?

sad flower

RE: Prime Minister John Key resigning New Zealand

I'm curious Sophia - do you see yourself as among the brilliant that you refer to or more the mediocre common man that you refer to there ?

And do you really think the common man (ie one who is not of the elite) is lacking in intelligence, common sense , creativity etc ?

Key has followed closely the path of Tony Blair ... a non politician parachuted in to serve the US interests above the UK or NZ national interest and particularly the interests of the people.

Now, also like Blair, he's packed the job in leaving a mess behind himself, the ChCh situation is far from recovered, Kaikoura is a total mess, we have record levels of homelessness and a home purchase crisis, the health sector is close to crippled many in the country feel ignored and that the improvement of the nation has any place in his agenda ... just cook the books and make it easy for Intl Corporates

And he's supporting Bill 'The Blower' English ( The Spectacular Loser of 2002 ) to lead the party to defeat next year ( as did Blair nominate Brown ) Like the Tories in the UK, blow an election, leave the opposition to struggle with mess and then when they begin to achievbe anything claim it was a good situation inheritted from the previous govt! ( have you seenn latest quote from Politico mag - it already claims that Trump is inheritting "The Obama Boom )

I have an even more brilliant idea, so cunning that it would make even Blackadder and Baldrick sit up and pay attention with the cunningness of it's brilliance ...

Why not make Hekea Parata the interim PM ... she seems to enjoy being a stooge and has lots of experience of mucking things up and alienating people as her portfolio at Min of Education shows ?

She could become NZs legendary first woman PM and probably set women in politics back by a decade or more as well ensuring a certain National defeat next year?

Watcha think


RE: the power of the tougue and words

The implication there is that if you have nothing to be grateful for you'd be dead ... right ?

So ... if you're dead then the advice concerning a pulse chack is wasted ... dead man have no pulse, and no ability to check a pulse that wouldn;t be there if they could ?

I;ll stop here as it all get's a bit circular and dizzy making to go on ...

Have a cheers n chill out man !

RE: the power of the tougue and words

Behave yourself man ... it;s possible there might be al;ady present !!!

have a cold one


RE: how do you change your location on your profile

But ... but mine was more fun ;_


RE: how do you change your location on your profile

You can white it out with typex ( correction fluid) on screen and write over that in indelibel marker pan

Or you ca scrape it off with a razor blade or just write on a label and stick it over the top

Hope this helps :-)


NZ PM John Key just resigned

I'm sure he will and Sophia summer has another thread elsewhere.

Mr Trump has made a very good job of exposing the US MSM ... downside, most kiwis are more like emus !

Epirb is certainly no emu ... he gets it said, as does yourself !

Have a cheers

RE: the power of the tougue and words

No such as a bad person IMHO

However there are lots of misguided people behaving badly ... trying to make personal gains (of whatever nature) by using lies and other deceitful practices which they manage to justify to themselves 'due to the circumstances' or because they see people 'in public office' or other 'positions of power' getting away with it eh !


RE: the power of the tougue and words

That particular saying was promoted by the loonly leftwing liberals as a means of censoring objections against their own looney toons agenda.

But it's at the heart of any decent society for good men (and women) to speak up in the face of wrongdoing and to call people out on it.

It's never 'nice' to call someone a liar (for example) or to point out that they being selective with data or misrepresenting themselves, their goods or etc. ... but sometimes it IS the correct thing to do !


RE: the power of the tougue and words

Indeed the power of the T O U G U E and to hell with the value of spelling, or as the american election showed, the value of anything really eh !

It should always have been said 'The TOUGUE is Mightier than The Pen that is Mightier then the Sword !

But actually Pedro sorry ... you're wrong entirely!

As Eleanor Roosevelt said often

'NO one can make anyone feel anything WITHOUT they give their own permission"

And so, whatever I, or anyone else might say to you YOU alone are responsible for how you feel, whether that damned, neutral or uplifted !

Have a cold cheers

NZ PM John Key just resigned

after his trip to New York

Can't help but wonder if he realises that the Clinton Foundation's sudden lack of support means they won;t be putting enough money into our next election ?

Yes indeed, the USA does INTERFERE in other nation's elections ... National party had support as far back as Don Brash, and when it was plain that they couldn't suitably 'dress up' poor old crusty Brash to be PM ... well, they flew in a shiny new one they'd prepared early

It's a total rerun of the UK and Tony Blair

When the Liberal US cant get what they want by bribery ... they create with destabilisation.

Seriously, what PROPER leader would quit in the middle of the NZ Earthquake crisis ... but stay on as an MP to avoid a by election where people could express their opinion about the party ?


RE: Wave length

All depends who I'm waving at ...

RE: why do people not like you?

You cannot be serious ... the pen is mightier than the sword and that's a sentiment long held throughout the ages because it happens to be correct!

You're NOT going to be one of those 'precious little snowflakes' I've been hearing about lately ... apparently they meltdown at the least insult ... like more people liking someone they didn't vote for ?

RE: Which super hero is your favorite?

Yes, of course ... I already had the man at the door pointing to the black helicopters overhead !

Stay safe and well Mrs Cantrip


RE: Which super hero is your favorite?

Arthur Guiness ...

cheers cheers cheers

RE: Is the Earth Flat?



Danger Will Robinson

Does not compute

Does Not Compute

Does NOT Compute Will Robinson

That such a person is or believes themselves to have the universe around them (in a circular orbit ) ... might well support the notion of a flat earth ...

If you think about that seriously ... which I did ( seriously) for about a nano second !

cheers cheers teddybear

RE: The van Allen belt

And of course if we go back and look properly ... 'Christians' ie the actual people who followed Christ and his teachings were completely conned when they 'fell for' the offer made by the Romans to make Christianity "The Official Religion of The Roman Empire" and Roman Catholicism was born...

Note please 'Roman Catholicism"

Roman ... pertaining to the empire and people of Rome

Catholic ... in context means 'universal' you see, not even a MENTION of Christ or Christianity in the name of the new organisation and of course, most of the public holidays and celebrations continued be those related to the Roman and other pagan gods and goddesses and pagan festivals!

In short it was a ploy that's still used every day by the jolly old CIA ( Infiltrate, double-cross and destroy from within )

Certainly (IMHO) there's a Higher Power / Universal Intelligence / God ... by whatever name... but they must cringe deeply when they see the horrors that humans commit 'In the name of God ...'

Just as well that forgiveness is divine eh ?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How do you like your garden?

Canadian waltz ... whats that ... two pick up tricks doing formation skids on ice ?

dancing dancing dancing

RE: Send an anonymous message #2

Ground Control to Major Tom

Whose shirts DO you wear ?


RE: How do you like your garden?

I like the way it looks just now ...

That's well trimmed but not quite as 'freshly scalped' as it looked two weeks ago when I called in a contractor !

Not a gardener ... I have the Green Thumbs of Plant Death !


Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong
Ying tong idlle aye po

Iddle aye po

As you were now !

rolling on the floor laughing cheers rolling on the floor laughing

RE: why do people not like you?

But your mum still loves ya ... right

:-) :-) :-)

RE: I want to know

Have you looked down the back of the cushions on the sofa ?

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

Poor old Raffle Tickets ... so sad that you insist on proving what an incoherent meathead you are !

I'm a Brit living in NZ and with a interest in modern history and anthrapology!

And, if YOU can't express yourself and your plan for USA recovery I'll just have to tag you as a Dumb Ole Big City Redneck ... probably the result of a century or more of Eeeestablishment inbreeding and a diehard repreeesentative of the corruption and greedy self interest that decent Americans have just rejected !

Wanna fetch your banjo boi ?

Play something you might be any good at ?


RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

I feel your pain Raffle ... but you bet on a loser and now you;re wasting your energy and your life defending a poor choice and attacking me ( which is a double waste as I'm only the more amused the more you wind yourself ... at some point the spring breaks !!! )

Mr Trump is his own man

He's made it plain that he's dissatisfied with many aspects of the way the country has been run and I'd suggest that he has the intellect and fibre that it takes to create positive change in the US economy and in the economic wellbeing of the people.

A famous American by name of Henry Ford followed the philosophy of driving UP his workers wages ... he knew that more earned money in the local economy meant that ALL people would have more and thus HE would earn more himself from increased sales. Though I can't agree with everything that Ford did, he was a despicable man in may ways, he did at least understand the basic operation of money and economics ... But later his company was invaded by senseless bean counters and everything became about driving down costs ... remember the Ford Pinto ... how many deaths because the beancounters decided 'Cheaper to face XX number of law suits than recall the cars and do the job properly ?"

THAT mindset is part of ehats wrong with USA

It's like 'Why build substantial long term relationships with other countries when we can offer them aid, find a bribable puppet and have them stand on the necks of their people to keep em down and make the USA look big"

It's like Peter calling out 'WOLF' ... too many times and it led to his own demise, your country has allowed itself to be destroyed by it's own dark agency and 'intelligence' services!

You know what people say ... FBI, CIA and US Military Intelligence are oxymorns ehg!

But OK, lets humour you here ... what's YOUR PLAN for economic recovery in the USA ?

Whats the level of national debt today .. about 18 Trillion ... gonna pay it? How ?

You've already sold off vast tracts of real estate (inc the major westcoast ports to the Chinese ) and your sitting in Chines held cinemas and sleeping in Chinese owned motel and hotel chains. You've exported most of your manufacturing capacity and worse still you exported the 'skills' of those industries. You've screwed yourselves in terms of even primary industry like iron and steel and your military depends upon Chinese electronics ...

Let's hear YOUR game plan ...

PS What ARE all those FEMA Camps that BamBam built to be used for ????

Here, have a Teddy for some comfort !


RE: Almost 8 years here and....

I reckon people are meant to do as they choose !

So, if you've had no results HERE after 8 years I think I'd be asking you about your strategy and future plans ?

I'm 'assuming' that you want to be with someone ?

But maybe you;re actually happy being on your own and jsy wanted to talk about something, anything, anything at all

:-) :-) :-)

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

Thank you Ma'am ... sincerely

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

I suspect, though of course I make no claim about 'knowing' that like many people in the USA at this time Raffles is feeling fear and confusion because there is a change underway that he (they) do not understand ... it's not an uncommon psychological effect and, because (most?) people aren't terribly good at understanding their own feelings they are 'open' to being manipulated by people who 'tell them what they should be feeling' but do so for their own agenda!

In a way, and as an outside observer with the objectivity that comes from having 'no direct stake' in the situation I can look at the situation over their as if it were 'any ordinary relationship, or marriage' perhaps ?

Many people are discontent in their marriages and yet they continue on with them ... usually it's fear based 'This is bad, but how much worse it might be if I broke the relationship, it might be outta the frying pan and into the fire'

From my perspective it APPEARS that "The Clintons" have been very deceitful throughout both of their careers and that the people of the USA ( for whom I have high regard) have been very gentle and forgiving towards them ... but they've abused that forgiveness and what we've just seen is the angry row that always precedes a break up. The people (one partner) have had enough and want a divorce, Clinton (the other partner) is willing to ay anything (but does nothing) to repair the relationship ... it's as dysfunctional as the relationship between a a good spouse and an Alcoholic Partner.

The AP has no love to give only empty words and clinical manipulations and it's a very long and painful process for the Good Spouse to extract themselves from such a demeaning and degrading relationship ... if indeed they ever manage such a thing. The AP always promises 'I'll be better, just ONE more chance..."

I'd see yourself ( and some of the other posters here ) as being akin to the Empowered Spouse who decided to make the break with the AP and has held true your own commitment despite the tantrums and emotionally made false promises ... and aye, I can understand those who are struggling as ClintonInc creates havoc in the background ...

I don't have a 'direct stake' in the outcome but the US Govt and the POTUS probably in some way indirectly affect everyone in the world ... it's only sense for me to wish you all well and for the 'internal union' of her people to be a strong cohesive union.

As Obama put it "You're all Americans ..."


RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

Don't mind ole Raffle there ... I suspect he's a bit of a redneck and possibly that 'feeling anger' is his only way of knowing he's still alive ?


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