RE: Why do smart people believe in god?

Personally, as I'm generally regarded as both smart and intelligent by those who know, I laugh (kindly) at you and draw your attention the the obvious fact, that The Earth, all life forms on this earth and indeed the entirety of The Universe run upon rules (lines) that have been devised by some Higher Power (God)

Furthermore, I do NOT regard 'unexpected' or 'unwanted' or 'unfortunate' effects as 'simply part of God's plan.

Nor do I attribute them to the vagaries of good or bad luck...

Rather, having studied extensively, I arrived at the conclusion that 'everything is connected to everything else' and that every thought, word or deed that I create becomes a 'cause set in motion' and will have an 'effect'.

That effect may be immediate (as if I place my hand on a hot stove top ) or, it may be a long delayed effect ( perhaps I told a series of lies to a colleague (Davina) some years ago and now, years later, I've just been refused a job I really wanted. Unknown to me that former colleague (Davina) remembers me, and she remembers the pack of lies I told then, so does not choose to trust me and employ me now.

It's also my direct experience that those individuals who refer to others as 'sheeple' are, when questioned found to be the most likely to fit that description themselves.

So, in language you will best understand baa baa, baa bbaaaa baaaaaa


RE: If you see a homeless person asking for handouts

I thought this was about homeless and poor people ?

I'm sure you BOTH have nice bums !!!

(Lateral thinking here - have a nice day every one)

First approaches where the person has not reviewed your profile

Seems to be a few of these in my email of late, approaches from people who send 'standard sounding' letters of the 'Dear friend, I liked what you were say in your profile' without ever specifying what it is that they liked ...

I always look at a profile before replying and (now on account of this) I also look to see if the sender HAS actually viewed my profile ... and frequently of late, they have not !

Any Ideas ?

I thought one could only send mail from a profile after viewing it so, is there a security or breach or is there a glitch in 'who viewed me?'

Thanks all, and this is 'asked out of interest' it's not a complaint !

RE: Can being Obese be in the family genes ? ( READ BELOW )

Very difficult these days to have any sort of intelligent conversation about obesity ... there's so much emotion attached to it that rationality gets left behind.

Certain peoples (races)may APPEAR to have a genetic predisposition to obesity BUT if you stop and look properly y'll see that it's generally amongst people (races) who have been transplanted from their country of origin, original 'healthy diet' and who are suffering on the over processed, highly synthetic sugar fat n salt laden pulp that serves for food in the industrial west.

But it's even catching up with 'white populations' and the level of chemicalisation of food is playing havoc with the hormone systems.

Hard to claim it's genetic when you have 'new generations' coming through from 'old stock' who werent obese.

Something has changed ... it's the crap we buy as 'food' and it's killing us !

RE: If given the opportunity, would you board an Alien spaceship and travel to another world?.

Interesting to note that older men think it a terrific thing to do ... perhaps we realise alien women might be a better bet

:-) :-) :-)

RE: Why aer my kids so Goddam Happy?

OMG so now you're an expert on Irish culture

Well, she does seem to have summed it fairly well ... if there'd been mention of Guiness n Potatoes it would have been the definitive essay ;)

RE: Why aer my kids so Goddam Happy?

The most likely answer is that they found your stash of prescription mind-bending drugs ?

RE: How often have you arranged a date only to find out that the picture put up is at least 5 years old?

Looking at the results 'so far' and assuming men n women are equally honest - it would appear that women are 3 to 5 times more likely to display out of date photographs across all age groups!

Seems they're naughty critters those beautiful descendants of Eve ?


RE: How often have you arranged a date only to find out that the picture put up is at least 5 years old?

I've never had a pic on my profile and it's interesting that, while around 45% of people also choose not to, I often find that women (who approached me first saying they found the picless profile interesting / funny / whatever tend to get massively strung out by the 4th or 5th message about the absence of said pic????

As for making an approach myself, I tend to be more interested in what a woman has said about herself in her profile ... and though not a prolific boardie myself, if I see intelligent, considerate or even well thought out / expressed controversial opinions on the boards I might be tempted to say hello regardless of pics.

Meeting ... yes, there have been some 'interesting contrasts between pics and reality'!!!!

But if a person is 20 years older and 20kgs heavier than their posted photographs (which was my 'worst case sceario one time') then they really are just wasting everyone's time and setting themselves up for rejection aren't they?

Its NOT 'so much' about their appearances as it is that they were dishonest in misrepresenting themselves in order to get the first meeting in the first case ... few people will will want to develop a friendship after being lied to, it's just not a decent foundation, is it ?

RE: Should you back away from your married love even if he doesn't love his wife

Hard to say anything in a thread like this without sounding negative or judgemental.

I think TA that you probably realise it was a mistake ever to get involved with a married man in the first place, and I suspect that nothing that anyone posts here is going to make any difference at all.

What puzzles me though is that you're involved with this man yet you;re here on a 'singles' site when the reality is that you ARE in a 'committed relationship' even if the commitment is not all that you want it to be?

How on earth can you hope to move into a relationship with another man (which you say you want) when your head's all messed up on account of the married guy that you are already involved with?

I ask this as an 'interested party' having myself once begun to date a woman who claimed to be single but was in fact still involved in a relationship with a married man in the same way that you are?

You're asking for a man who is loyal and not a player, yet, in my opinion you're not being honest with yourself, you're not being loyal to the man with whom you are with in your affair relationship and you're being dishonest to the man's wife?

I'm not supporting him either here... if he's unhappy in his marriage it would be appropriate to mend that or end it.

The key to resolution (or not) in this situation is solely in your own hands.

Accept your lot as The Mistress and cease trying to deceive other men or else quit being The Mistress and take some time out for yourself to heal ...

Taking another man 'on the rebound' simply to comfort yourself in loneliness is not honest.

You can thank me later as I'm sure I'll 'draw fire' here and be shot down in flames now


RE: Can a Man/Woman LOVE more than one person?

Sure they can ...

It's not a problem for some people to love many ... the problem comes when the many all think they were the only one !

RE: WoW ... The eXcitement in here is KiLLinG Me ...

So you DO know what an 'oxymoron' is ?

'Excitement here'

'social smoker'

'US military intelligence'

Self contradicting statements :-)

:-) :-) :-)

Social smokers

Time to list your own personal favourite oxymorons !!!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Why no one believes,if I tell the truth?

Heaven only knows !!!

But, here's a new POLL WITHIN THE POLL

As there are 5 threads containing this question, is the TA

a) A drama queen

b) Computer Illiterate

c) A Computer Illiterate Drama Queen

d) Something else - please state!

RE: Why no one believes,if I tell the truth?

Friend, all I can tell you is that people have the absolute free choice as to whom and what they belive.

If they don't 'buy your truth' then simply move on ...

I can tell you THIS is truth for absolute sure though - men who whine about ANYTHING on internet dating sites are simply hacking away at any chance they might have had!

RE: is mr rick good at polls sorry could not resist lol

I'm in absolute full and total agreement, 100% with you ... and, I think that this poll is in poor taste as it sets out to denigrate the unfortunate individual referred to in the header, and that's not playing nice eh ?


RE: Should people be banned from posting on here if all they do is post negative vitriolic comments?

Interesting that (at the time of this post)

75% of all women favour censorship

100% of all women over forty favour censorhip

Probably too small a sample to mean anything though!

RE: Should people be banned from posting on here if all they do is post negative vitriolic comments?

Or perhaps many people are afraid they'll be shot down in flames for their allegedly inadequate vocabulary and being branded an idiot ?

Me, I don't care

Hold's up target and waits to be shot down by TA ;)

RE: Should people be banned from posting on here if all they do is post negative vitriolic comments?

There's a line in Max Ehrman's poem 'Desiderata' it reads


There's also a saying 'You can't teach anything to a man who (believes he) knows everything!

Perhaps something difficult is happening in your life just now that has frayed your edges and is making you, perhaps uncharacteristically, intolerant of and uncharitable towards those you view as 'lesser mortals' today?

So, here I am jumping in on this with others ... I guess that makes ME an idiot in your eyes?

And the others?

If they agree they must be very smart people eh ?

:-) :-) :-)

RE: Should people be banned from posting on here if all they do is post negative vitriolic comments?

Yes, isn't it vitriolic enamel that they use in toilet manufacture?

Personally, I think anyone who seeks to limit free speech and tries to impose their opinion of whats 'OK to be said' and what 'must be censored out' should be seriously mocked!

RE: ark of the covenant

Of course it exists ... Dan Brown wrote about it in several books so it must be true!

RE: 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security in the US

Huh ?

Just think off the alternative? A dictator ruling the no longer free world?

The USA is totally finacially bankrupt now, it's ONLY industry that makes any hard cash is armaments and, as no one else is buying in quantity they buy it themselves and fleece the US taxpayers (who's paying for it all)

Will they invade N Korea and Iran ... it's more than likely, yes they will. Who else is there left in the world to bully ?

If you read Orwell's book '1984' he sets forth the probability that the world would divide into 3 major regions ... the USA would ally itself with one of the other town and bomb the crap out of the third.

Then, they'd betray their former ally in favour of a new deal with the former enemy and bomb the former ally into destruction.

And all the while the majority of the increasingly brainwashed and decreasingly educated US population look puzzled and outraged at their flag being burned.

In times gone by, people who stood up for their right were called freedom fighters ... now, anyone who disagrees with US Foreign Policy (Infiltrate and double-cross) is branded a terrorist

Yeah, right!

RE: Got my letter

:-) :-) :-)

RE: Job chances

Anything, anywhere outside of Columbia one would guess?

RE: If you had only two flaws and you were given a wish to fix only one, which of them would you fix?

Neither - perfection is massively over rated!

Think about it!!!!

Perfection is cold and unresponsive, IF you were perfect you'd have nothing to strive for, nothing to hope for, nothing to look forward to in terms of personal growth.

I'm long past caring what others think of me so I guess I'll just have to post this ... later maybe ????

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing cheers

RE: reach out to me n Bangkok

Don't worry ... he's smart enough to know he's not gonna get a freebie by begging IN Bangkok, he's just not smart enough to realise begging ain't cool!

RE: 2 Words Keep One the Same..........(To Replace Full Thread)

Mine field

RE: Make a Positive Word Beggining With Last Letter of Last Word -- III


RE: Why don't men read profiles?

I guess the TA must be some sort of born again n again n again n again bossyoleschoolteacher?

Perhaps TA, you might get lucky if you weren't so dead keen on handing out 'F' for Fail and 'R' for reject ?

There may well be some decent guys who get a bit tongue tied at first approaches, maybe even some who've read 'dating advice' that says 'keep it light at first'

maybe if you didn't place so many conditions ahead of having a conversation ... yanno, leave a guy thinking 'maybe he does have a chance of getting somewhere ( phone no, email or whatever)

You can always say NO not yet, or you could 'just leave the request unanswered' or say 'let's talk here a while till I feel OK about that!

That's my two cents, I'd offer a full dollar's worth, but I know your ilk, and it's enough to waste two cents talk when I know you ain't ever gonna listen!

RE: To conquer a nation first disarm it's citizens

This is a straight cut n paste, I havent checked the details line by line but the figures 'look about right' as I recall other articles and debates.


So you reckon that American civilians should give up their guns ?
a few historical facts about gun control :-

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938.
From 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935.
From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964.
From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970.
From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th century because of gun control:
56 million.

It looks as though history would encourage people to hang on to their guns if only on the grounds of having the capacity to keep their government honest by having the neans to fight back against them!

Are 'People the enemy of The State?'


'Has The State become the enemy of The People?'

This is a list of forum posts created by HexagonKeySet.

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