The Other Side Of The Story.

When a relationship goes sour the story has three sides; his story, her story and the truth, which is somewhere - not necessarily midway - in between.conversing

It is easy to run people down in their absence since they are not there to defend themselves. Unfortunately, until we hear the other side of the story, it has no credibility and it remains gossip.frustrated

But let’s forget about the moral issues of gossip for a minute and look at the practical impact of the matter.hmmm

When I read something like this, the first thing that comes to my mind is: Hell, I’m glad it is not my character being dismantled here. I’d be too scared to get involved with such a person in fear of the same thing happening to me. I consider myself as fairly average in my thoughts and believe that I’m not alone it thinking this way.wink

This does not begin and end with lovers and ex-lovers. The same holds true for friends, family, employers, etc. Most of us are guilty of it to some extend and we all love to hear a juicy story but as I said earlier, we can attach no value to it until we hear the other side of the story.doh

All that you can achieve by running somebody down is to alienate yourself from somebody else who may have been interested in you. But what you really told us about yourself is that you are unhappy in your environment and unable to cope with it.sigh
cats meow cats meow

May you all have a whale of a day.wave
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Comments (119)

Hi got my tongue at the moment...blushing grin teddybear
midway? in ww2laugh
Hi Fruity,
Not guilty are you? I have not been reading the blogs properly lately.grin
hug wave
Cat, just a little...blushing grin
Hi Fruity
As I said, most of us - the self included - are guilty of it to an extend. However, not all will admit to it.
hug wave
I love gossip.....intrigue....back stabbing..head banger as long as it is not aimed at me....crying rolling on the floor laughing
Cat, I admitted I'm a little guilty...but I straightened it out already...grin
Loopy....tell us rolling on the floor laughing
It's always the fault of the man sigh must be true I read it on the blogs professor beer
yes Cat

the worse battle is the one the hasn't been fought
Blue whale or another whale? Have a wonderful day you yourself.yay teddybear hug
Hi Berry
No, not specifically. I happens very often and strangely enough, often repeated by the same persons. I just feel that this is a dating site and not a place to extract justification, revenge or satisfaction somebody. Do we really want to hear how bad a lover treated you? I would rather hear that two people got together and plan their futures together.
hug wave
Cal, I can't, that would put me in a big trouble... We've just made a pact not to blog about each othergrin doh
Hi Calypso
Yes, I love reading it but always walk away relieved that it was not about me.laugh
hug wave
Hi Zman
Obviously we are the culprits. I just wonder why those who run us down will take us back if given the opportunity.doh
hole cheers wave
Cat, he will read it...I'm sure he's reading this one now...I better behave myself now.


Is it really ok to break a pact?confused that seems unscrupulous grin
Thanks Wel.
Remember a blue whale is just a white whale deprived of oxygen.liar
hug wave
Cal, I thought they were all harmless talks ...confused
Hi Calypso
We like it as well. We just get bored with it sooner.rolling on the floor laughing
hug wave
Cat....this could be a very interesting Blog....bring it on.....applause yay
No such thing as harmless talks. What ever you say has some impact somewhere.
grin doh
Hi Calypso
Ok, you start first. Lets hear how bad your previous lover was.
grin hug wave
the battle of love has no winners/broken people/broken home

broken kids/broken wallets?
Actually...i have never come across back stabbing here...confused ...or am i missing something....frustrated
@ zmountain

I read the blogs from time to time. I do hear women can be just as unscrupulous as men, and I read that on the blogs somewhere too.... laugh
Cat, I didn't say anything while his back was turn...he was right there to defend himself, so I wasn't being rude nor back stabbing anyone...grin
Cat....hug ...unfortunately i have to things to do....rolling on the floor laughing another day spent on the Blogs, when i need to get stuff sorted....doh mumbling
Hi Calypso
No backstabbing?
laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

That was a great one. Tell us another.laugh
hug wave
Hi Fruity.
We're not talking betrayals here. just good old fashioned gossiping. Lile did you hear the latest about...doh
grin wave
and mom used to run after my old man

with a knife in her hand/true/real battle of love/or hate?

I never knew
@ catfoot

I like a happy ending too but perhaps we can all learn something about each other along the way, by hearing other people's accounts, so as not to repeat the same mistakes? hug

It's 2:05am over here. It's time I got some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz (referring to sleep here giggle)
Ok Calypso
See ya around and do go gossiping off the blogs. That is why we are here.grin
hug wave
Like I said Cat, I was a little guilty but I already did some penance for it...lesson learnt grin
Hi Berry
In the game of love you have to follow - and bump - your own head. your experience with a certain individual will be completely different that the previous.

Enjoy your night's rest (or the rest of the night).
sleep hug wave
An I missed it all. That is the punishment for not visiting CS as regular as I should.rolling on the floor laughing
hug wave
Hey Mr. Cat,wave Oh!!!!I am tired of assumptions and presumptions. If people need to know the truth (even if it is none of their business) they must ask. I prefer not to hear the gossip even if it is about me.grin
But I am so happy to watch it getting juicier by the day!!!!
applause doh grin
PS. Not publicly though. Ask in a PM.wink

Cat you maybe right, mom was always in kitchenlaugh
Please Mr Cat, leave one and delete the rest of my repeated comment. help help help hug
Hi Usha
Trigger happy, are you?laugh

BTW I liked your previous pic better.

But gossip must be in public. otherwise there is no fun.laugh
hug wave
Cat I don't drink beer and I don't know if you do

you're the kind of person to sit talk and have a couple of beercheers with
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Oct 2014
Last Viewed: 17 hrs ago
Last Commented: Oct 2014
Catfoot has 616 other Blogs

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