How can you mend a broken heart

Good morning fellow bloggers, readers and anyone who wants to read this blog.

A good friend of mine suggested this topic as a follow up in the journey of breaking and mending and I thought maybe, some people will be able to relate and or share their experiences (if desired).
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Comments (40)

Hi LJ, time and a look at a positive future.

Cardiothoracic surgery is probably the best way. broken heart
Hi Lindsy...I know quite a few good techniques...which don't involve surgery.
Wen positive future, I like that. I think the future is depends on how we can move on.
Harbal.rolling on the floor laughing
Daniela, I know you must have a lot of them techniques that are quite simpler than surgery.

Bring it on please.wave
They usually involve some meditation and visualization techniques.

Cutting all emotional cords is the first work...which is done through visualization.

Writing a goodbye letter and burning it...also helps if done properly with good intention.

Now...some deeper work at cellular level which has to be done every day for 21 days...very powerful and effective!!!
For this it involves some tapping on the hand meridians.

EFT is also very helpful.
Btw...I've used all the above very effectively on myself.
Wow Daniela, thanks. I just googled EFT and it looks like it is a very good technique to alleviate pains and associated discomfort brought about by the uneasiness of breaking.

Thank you. Now that is a direct modem to mend a broken heart.

Let it heal on it's own...
Fill it with more love, it doesn't matter if you receive love...just let the love feeling flow and fulfill...
It won't stop the pain but will make you feel better...
Thanks Krema I will do just that.

It makes sense. Thank youhug

"Its Called"

"A Triple By By Pass"........................detective
My daughter broke my heart. Nothing will will ever fix it except her. I am waiting for that day.....teddybear
rob sorry to onow thatcomfort
I know how it feels @times when we parent
feel the need fix things out.
Hope ur daughter will realize that n mend ur broken hearthug cheers
Awww thanks Jhen.......I am sure that day will come when she brings back that piece of my heart. It just needs her to up a bit more and mature. Anyway, thanks for your nice words hug cheers
*grow up
no worries rob
sometimes we just let them fly
to know how life can be
and learn to grow and maturecheers
With broken hearts so are they're tears crying
so ask yourself who are the tears for? .. him because you want him or for you because you don't want to be alone again? I think sometimes when we feel we need to get over someone, its really ourselves we need getting over ... I also think when we feel we're heartbroken we'd give anything to have that person back, but sometimes I do gotta wonder is that powerful emotional FEELING of love more important than the PERSON you love.

Asking myself questions helped me Ms Jones hopefully they will help you too hug
It took me a long time to cop on it was that loved up feeling I wanted back, not him ... I wasted the last of my best years because I knew no better but now that I am wiser what good is it when those years that I can't get back are gone... how depressing is that sigh kind of feeling a heart break of another kind coming on uh oh Oh sob help

crying crying crying
Rip it off and throw it to the dogs.
Hey guys, I'm driving down Southern California
Will get back with you later.

Thanks all. wave
I know a way but its not really recommended or advised.
Phllis u take care be missing uteddybear

For sure ur nextx
Adventure will be a nice blogapplause
Hello SR,

I would suggest living alone long enough until you no longer can stand being without companionship....and give love another go.

However nice I think a man is at the time, and even when I stay on friendly terms, I look back and realize not one, ever, was worth getting upset about. The hours wasted in sighing were, simply, wasted.

However I am feeling particularly cynical today and beginning to wonder if there is still time to find someone who could break my heart in style sigh
As in much of life, LJ, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. To mend a broken heart, avoid it in the first place. Sure, easier said than done, but if we strive to have love of selves and self respect, reduce dependency and image problems, watch what drives our thoughts and motives ( the deadly love at first sight, etc.), exercise PATIENCE in seaches for committed love, and work to have sound minds in sound bodies----we will tend to avoid broken hearts. Still, in spite of it all, it does happen. The tincture of time almost always does the trick, along with support from loved ones and clued counselors, if we work to avoid impatient rebound reentry into self made repeat misery. Not rocket science.
And finally I would say SR, a broken heart would indicate that this person suffered some sort of loss in a relationship. Outside of an act of nature....such as the partner that caused the broken heart passed away....

The person who is suffering the broken heart also does not have a free ride. There are two people involved in relationships...presumably both people in some way, shape, or form are responsible for what happens in that relationship and how it blossoms or fails.

In other words, the person suffering the broken heart also has to be somebody who is able to be loved...and contribute to the relationship....therefore, "wanting" his or her partner to freely stay.

When my dog says goodbye I will have a heavy broken heart. I doubt any man could have that same effect on me.
Ah Biff if only to get those wasted years back, how different they would be relived..
I'd be a trollop and I'd love it shimmy

A pleasant and safe trip to you Ms Jones wine
Nam how does that work?
Triple bypass.
Robby that is easy, I mean having your daughter breaking your heart instead of a significant other breaking it.

All you have to do is spoil her with gifts and she will be smiling with a very wide open arms hugging you.
Ms. Witch. I kind of feeling exactly the same way. I think it is the good memories that will make us sadder than anything else. The feeling that it is gone forever.

I wish I can get a quick easy fix and then just don't think about it.

What about a pill that will just make us forget. Like nothing happened. Even if he is around, like no love or ever existed.

That would be great. I think there was a movie like that. Curry and Winslet.
Bentlee, how nice of you my friend. I am thinking of putting them sad feelings on the poetry corner again.

That is a long time of being alone Bent. I hope you will meet her soon. Tough one to get over it. Mending I mean.
Bloody, rip it off, how and what? The heart? dunno
Track, if it worked for you, maybe it will work for me.
Jen I am looking forward to the next one that doesn't involve love, pain, recovery and things like that. Adventure with no emotion invested.teddybear
Johnny it is so nice to see you back posting. Thank you. I will try to do just that.

Meantime, I will get back with you guys. On the road again. Local time is 9:00 am and traffic on 99 is light so I will get back to the road.

Talk to all of you guys later.teddybear
Elle, that is funny. I mean you never found someone worth for you to be sad about. It is like, they were all way below your standard. Don't hold yourself up too high when in love or looking for one Elle. I just told someone who held the information that the IQ of Filipinos are so low, which of course can be right, but to make a relationship be intellectualized is so lame. We don't generally need intelligence to have a very successful relationship, in my opinion. Common sense, kindness and honesty would be more like the need.

Yes, I do hope someone will make you feel like pulling your hair because you have loved him (or her even) so much. Now don't go saying: I am crayzy oka? I am at the moment.
Aa, it is given that we all have a broken heart and that it needs mending. Yes, we strive to have a perfect relationship always that will not make us hurt but it would be impossible, at least in my experience. I will have this to be the fifth and it is okay. I will survive. I will go and get myself busy like just keep on driving and going nowhere. That's it. It is very expensive in a way, considering the fuel price in California, gosh, it is costly to just be driving nowhere.
Pek, my first time to see you, welcome to blog worldwave
Jen my friend. Dios iti Angina.
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unknown, California, USA

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