The UFO report

I just seen where a report by the government was due out by 6/25. In fact, I have been reading a couple articles about this report. It is theorized that the report will most likely not contain any sort of confirmation about aliens existing. The consensus of these articles conclude that most likely the leaked UFO footage will still not have any conclusive information of their origins.

Back in the day, I have shared my UFO experience on here. Since then, a buddy of mine told me he and a friend had seen the same triangle shaped craft. He even elaborated a little more on it...more than I shared locally here...he said that he could feel a vibration throughout his body. I told him, that is exactly what I felt as well.

Now reading this most recent article, it included some footage of the leaked videos of the UFOs. I was somewhat surprised to see that one of the videos showed a triangle shaped craft.

As I said, it is most likely the upcoming report will not conclude alien life, and with me and my friend not seeing any physical aliens, it would be somewhat foolish to conclude aliens were flying that triangle. However, with my personal experience, it was not only me who had witnessed this event. My ex-girlfriend had also witnessed it, and their was something strange that had happened to us at the end of our experience...even at the beginning of it when I first seen the craft.

When I first seen it, it had appeared to be the full moon. I mean, it looked exactly like a full moon. For a split second I had thought it was the full moon until I had realized that was impossible. That night, it was severely storming out. I rationalized to myself, how could that be the full was storming and hence cloudy out. As soon as I thought that, the "full moon" had disappeared and then the craft had exposed itself to me. It almost seemed as if it read my mind. In fact, the timing of everything...I would swear it read my mind.

The second weird unexplainable thing that happen. After the craft revealed itself to me, I freaked out and yelled for my girlfriend. She had made it upstairs, next to me by the window, by the time the craft had slowly hovered over our heads about 30 feet in the air and stopping. The next thing we recall is standing face to face to each other in the center of our room. We had no conscious recollection of how we got there and no memory of how that craft left.

So my conclusion is...yes...I cannot say conclusively there were aliens in that triangle-shaped craft, but, there was more than just that craft going on there that night...technologically wise. The vibration in my body I felt, how it was able to seemingly read my mind, and how we unconsciously got positioned face to face in the center of our room.

I hope that report can shed some light on that stuff as well. I suspect it will not and most likely downplay those leaked video footages as best they can.

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|| BREAKING || - Tonight (05:00 Zulu Time)

The UAP Report will be the topic on Coast To Coast AM ...


tinfoil hat
Hello Mic,

Thank you for sharing. I know I tried to listen to Coast to Coast that one night and it said I needed to make an account so I was unable to listen.

I will be checking out the links you shared.

Hello Ken...

Very interesting...both of your stories you shared.

I met an interesting guy over the weekend. It was strange....he just came up to me and started talking about astral projecting and all sorts of other supernatural types of events. I never seen this guy before in my life. We talked for about an hour. A few months back, he was involved with a head on collision with a big semi-truck. He was in a comma for 28 days and he was sharing with me his very fascinating experience while being in that comma.

Anyway, he says after his accident, he has become very spiritual and he was sharing with me his experience when I tried a drug called,....if I recall, DMT. He said that drug was part of the experimental drug program of Vietnam...and was determined to be the most effective (for a lack of a better term here) the eyes of the government....I believe he was referring to with exploring the spiritual realm. But anyway, he was sharing with me his experience while on this drug....he said he shared it in the website Readit....he said that somebody wanted to use his story in exchange for a bitcoin. ....this was about 10 years ago. The experience he had, he found out later, is the experience that many others have experience while on that drug. He firmly believes that he entered another dimension of space. What was most interesting is that he seen a insectoid looking thing that was holding a gold sphere, which to him, seemed to have the power to control our physical world. The insectoid wanted to give it to him for a gift....but he said he refused it and opened his eyes to leave that realm. Again, he says that exact same thing has been reported by others on that drug.

It almost makes me wonder if some alien species can travel between dimensions. I brought that up to him, and he thought that was very possible. Of course if that is true, maybe they could be right next to we are sitting here...and we cannot see them because of their other dimension traveling abilities. dunno There have been aliens described as insectoids....Negumak. dunno

Thanks for sharing your stories....the Phd. story is truly food for thought.

Dear Johnny : heart1
I thanked you will lost in triangle its good you're safe.

peace bouquet heart wings
Hello CW,

I thought I gave a response to your post, apparently not. Sorry. Those are some very beautiful pictures and an interesting association with Jacob's Ladder you point out. thumbs up

Hello Tim,

For the time being anyway. laugh


It is interesting you bring up all this taking over bodies stuff. A day or two afterwards I seen the exact same theory or subject matter become advertised on the History Channel. Their next episode of America's Book of Secrets (coming on sometime this might be tonight), is going to address the exact scenarios...with the topic being mind control. I intend on watching it to see to what extent they talk about things.

thumbs up


DMT, or ayahuasca is used on the West Coast "liberally".
Johnny I appreciate that you shared your experience and the others that were told to you.

Ken19 As always your scope of information is astounding! wave

I suppose in the worst case scenario a military defensive move would be necessary. Maybe I am being a bit naive here...but a peaceful encounter...if an encounter was to happen in the first place, would be the way to go. But, I suspect you are right about other crafts showing up if one becomes endangered. It is speculated that more than one craft crashed in Roswell back in 1947.

By the way, the next episode of the History Channel's America's Book of Secrets is Tuesday 10/9c if anyone is interested.
Cool Rose, you found something about DMT. I will check it out.....and you are welcome.

Yes...I very much enjoyed Ken's posts too.

Rose, I watched it and that is pretty much how he described it. It is something else how the effects are common among users but what really fascinated me is how they report it effects the pineal gland. That gland is very important when associated with the spiritual realm.
Rose...I feel the same way about drugs...even alcohol to the point of being so drunk you lose a sense of reality. I like being present in this physical world...however...there are things about this physical world that has sparked my curiosity. But, I would never do drugs first hand to explore (well...back in the day perhaps...but now days...I have no interest in taking that route).
All very good points Ken. Thank you for sharing all that. I am still hoping for the peaches and cream, but you do point out some disturbing situations. Something tells me, if they have ill intent, we will not stand a chance. dunno But like you say, if we find out more about them....that might buy us some hope.


The SPACE ALIEN LADY in this picture says she is coming for you SOON! Be Aware!

Embedded image from another site
Ken I heard that as well, the potential they have never even left the planet....whether they are underground, under ice, or under water....they could still possibly still be among us....sleeping...or possibly mastering out
DNA so well, walking among us.

If they look like that alien lady Robert has posted, I can imagine they are edible. laugh

Boh...from what I had seen, there is a possibility the craft itself could be a manmade object...certainly nothing that I or the public is aware of though. It would have been something to see it leave, to see if it just streaked away in a flash or not. What makes me lean toward the side that it was not a human encounter is the other technology they reading my mind. Okay, that could be ruled a coincidence....the time of that coincidence was impeccable...but okay lets call it that (a coincidence). That fact that both my girlfriend and I lost consciousness and mysterious got positioned in the center of our room (away from the wall where we were looking out the window at this craft)....and we both had no recollection of how we got positioned there face to face....that is a little hard for me to chew as being human technology. But, I suppose anything is possible.


Robert, should could pass as a blonde European of my dreams. laugh .....beam me up! thumbs up laugh

cheers wave
I will check out the suggests Ken, and your links Boh. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome Johnny.

Asamatterafact, I'm going to have to get a 5th of Gin and settle in this weekend to go over all the info that's been posted above. It's encyclopedic and now I have high expectations.
Interesting Ken and thanks for researching and putting out the possibilities. So with the possibilities would that add up to a trip to the moon in about 4 hours?beer
That is not Interstellar or Intergalactic.

Please recall if you are traveling fast to someplace you need to turn around and begin de-acceleration too. Nothing organic would survive the inertia or g forces you describe.
Hello Ken,

It is funny you bring this blog up again. I was just reading, about a couple hours ago, how Stephen Hawking predicted something about hostile aliens attacking. Maybe there is something about your take on defending one's self from outside force.

By the way, an interesting read with your latest post. thumbs up
It is quite probable that like Sabertooth Tiger and Cave Bear, the only good Alien is a very dead one. banana laugh
For an update as of today, see the new videos called The Utzi UFO videos on U Tube there are about 3 I spent about 4 hours watching them recorded in mostly in Milan,Italy and at some sites in Mexico while he was there for a UFO conference. These are of the same crystal clear vids made in Mexico City some years ago and blocked from being shown in the US. These new ones are amazing. Enjoy.
It is said that one should be careful what they wish for Real.

Condor, can you provide the link here? I tried to find them and I could not.

wave wave
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