We Are Surrendering Without A War

Modern men are just lame, too passive and not standing for their rights; forever trying to be politically correct. This is mainly because they have been deprived of their pride – the privilege to care for their families.professor

It appears to be more advantageous to be gay. Somehow, it is perfectly acceptable to say you want to be a woman, but when you try to be a man, everybody jumps on the bandwagon. Women are not satisfied with equality. They want to dominate, and in the process, they are causing men to feel uncomfortable about being men. Men no longer care about being a ‘real man’. All they strive for is to be politically correct.doh

Men are avoiding long-term commitments altogether; buying a house is no longer considered to be a good investment, and no longer do they see a proper education as important. We are rapidly losing the basic building block of our civilization – the family, and children are raised without discipline or routine.sigh

Well-off men refuse to get married because it is a one-sided venture that entitles women to half of their possessions and future earnings via a divorce settlement, even if they cheated. In the US the paternity fraud rate is as high as 30% in some states; think about it, three out of every ten children are raised and supported by unsuspecting men, fraudulently convinced that they are caring for their own offspring(*). With the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18, now standing at 245,000 US$, we are talking about a major crime.wow

Neither men nor women need to dominate. We are about equal in numbers. It is only in the higher age brackets that women have superior numbers. That is only because men die earlier… after working all their lives to provide their families with a comfortable old age. The mere fact that 80% of all residents in retirement centers are women enjoying a comfortable old age – thanks to the efforts of a late husband, can testify to that.cheering

Modern men no longer see provision as paramount and sometimes, when you see the fruit of a lifetime’s labor being squandered on a toy boy, it can easily be understood. Men are rejecting the idea of being a ‘real man’, because there’s no logical reason to be one. They are trying to avoid a situation that places them at a disadvantage.grin

The countries in the West with their sophisticated constitutions and so-called human rights bills are getting weak, and in the end, we will be over-run by the countries where men are still allowed to be men. There will be nobody to defend against them because our men will no longer be men.scold

It happened in Rome and history will still repeat itself. And it may just happen that the dis-empowered men of the West, having nothing to defend, will see the invaders as liberators. We are digging our own graves.hole
cats meow cats meow

Have a nice day and don’t slaughter me! It is only opinion.laugh

(*) (Alarming)shock
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Comments (101)

from what I can tell Cat, Choch just threw corn flake pie in your face...ouch..grin
from what I can tell Cat, Choch just threw corn flake pie in your face...ouch..grin
This is no exception. It is all over.

I was married with a prenuptial contract. According to it everything accumulated since marriage becomes common property. When we got divorced I had to fork over half of everything we accumulated since, even half my pension contributions.

What was forgotten is that I provided everything for the house including the feeding of her two children. Their father never paid alimony. He probably did but she did not tell me. Having some investments, I earned about 7 times more than her with my salary. She did not have to put in a cent into the household but ostensibly had nothing accumulated so I got half of her nothing.

My mother died during our marriage and she even tried to get half of my inheritance but she failed. We were married for six years and had no children but she walked off with a small fortune. I divorced her because she had an affair with her employer.

This is the unfairness of our legal system. She was not a good wife to me and deserved nothing.
hi Cocheta
Gaan speel op die treinspoor!laugh

Of course they're lame. You just won't admit it because it suits you.laugh
hug wave
She's easy to handle.hole
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
sad story Cat, that's why the youngans don't want to get married at all. the system is like the Robin Hood approach to life. And no one wants to hear the details, like you taking care of 'her' two children, it never factors into the equation. It has to change...like I've mentioned before there's rumblings about a 5 yr marriage, no risk, evaluate at end of contract. It only makes sense, if lawyers are involved there should be a contract to litigate over, no??cheers
I did not mind too much forking my dough over, but why did she hide hers. And yes, I knew she had kids, but she could have offered to contribute something, even if it was the school fees or school clothes. And their father had to maintain the children but that money never came. She pocketed that as well. I believe. Nothing came of that, but I hear she is broke. Serves her well.grin
comfort wine
I think trying to live off others will catch up at some stage.

Did you not talk about school fees etc. before you got married? dunno
Yep, we did. She said her ex pays alimony, but as I said, it somehow never materialized. My lawyer offered to sue for it after the divorce but I told him to forget about it. The guy probably paid every month.dunno
As they say Cat 'NOTHING WORSE THAN A WOMAN SCORNED'.....I rest my case.....that's why God invented the man cave...hole
As they say Cat 'NOTHING WORSE THAN A WOMAN SCORNED'.....I rest my case.....that's why God invented the man cave...hole
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorned.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi cocheta,
The main thing is that I'm nor fighting with women here. You're just taking what is on offer. We have been doing it all along. I'm revolting against the system and the way we just accept it while being led to the slaughterhouse.
hug wine
Anyway, it is water under the bridge. I only mentioned it as an example.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but here it is a rip off. Men don't stand a chance in our courts. And strange enough, the best you can hope for, is for a female judge. They are somewhat more sympathetic to men.confused
Got the hiccups mate?laugh

Yep, that is where we're heading to.doh

Do me a favor, if you plan do delete this pic, keep it for a day or two. I want to use it tomorrow. It will save me the trouble to upload it as well.help
cheers wine
Cat, not for a moment did I think you were fighting with women, you never do... perhaps it's time to reconsider your choices in life
hug wine
Hi Cocheta
Right, I first get them financially dependent on me and then I give them hell.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Oh, I still have contact with them, they are both married and have their own children now. And they brought them to show me. The younger one (a girl) still calls me daddy. No, I have no regrets.
Awwwww...Catfoot, c'mere comfort hug


What are you doing? Parading our Chinese roast pig!! laugh

These are ritualistic spiritual offering.

I'm with Wallops 100%thumbs up thumbs up
Hello Cat,

It is the same here in the states, courts usually side with women also. I think as time goes on and all these crimes you see on television involving women, the law will finally recognize that women are "equally" capable of committing crimes, as men are.

But as far as you blog is concerned, I feel somewhat bad for the younger generation. I would think it would be very difficult being a young man finding a quality partner with a good heart these days.

As for me, if women want equality, and believe me I am all for them getting equality, I expect them to carry equal weight. I am quite happy being single and am prospering. I would sure be unhappy if I met somebody who wanted to drag me down.

Great blog Cat. thumbs up

cheers wave
In my circle more men have been taken for a ride by woman, even my own brother. If a married woman opens her legs for another man, she deserves nowt In my ypounger days I never burned my bra, or was I, or am I a womans libber.

Superb blog Cat. thumbs up purple heart
one of the issues of the unjust court system is the volume of which the courts have to deal with......so the cookie cutter approach is fastest and easiest, to use your words we are just shoved to slaughter. But, this happens to women as well...ones who are financially secure. A girl friend of mine had to pay her ex $500 per month for the three boys because she made more money then he did. So, it does work both ways, but like I said due to the surplus of men we hear their stories the most. Unfortunately, like any other system some try to beat it. I've known women who have wanted out of the marriage so bad they took nothing, no support, no alimony nothing, just the clothes on their back. Like stated, get the lawyers out and give a chance for the man to man up and do the correct thing....I know, not going to happen...
BTW, I have heard it said that the Rockefellers were behind this women's movement. There were two reasons why they did it. One reasons was for tax purposes and I forgot the other reason but I can find out if somebody is interested.

Our government has to "borrow" the money they distribute; therefore, they pay interest on it. This is the reason for a lot of our national debt. There are 13 rich families that actually own our money.

But...this gets into a whole other discussion.
Do you also put an apple in the mouth of the pig when you roast it?dunno
hug wave
Hi Crazy
Is Wallops with you as well?rolling on the floor laughing

Kidding. Thanks for giving us your view.thumbs up
hug wave
Huh?!?! Don't think so, Catfoot.

All I know is on the final product, they'd put those glazed red cherries as the pig's eyes wow wow wow

Btw, it's a very popular dish amongst the Chinese community here. Not my favourite though....
Take it easy, Cat! Even if men's roles will be changing in different societies he will always stay as God has created him. cheering head banger
Mollyreunion hug bouquet

I choose to have 2 bars of chocolates today! grin

Almost 2am here. Will try to get some sleep coz need to wake up at 4am blues

Goodnight yawn sleep wave

she's with me too...laugh

Personally, I don't like women who are stronger than the men...must be cultural thing.

I was married to an Arab. I gave up my job and many things to be with him and raise a family and he provided all our needs and wants...I was perfectly happy.

Marriage here, usually have a pre-nup...we had but I chose to waive everything just to get things done and over with...and be free.

He insisted on supporting me after that...pay all our bills and didn't wanted me to work...just stay home and be a mother to my son...I did for a while till I finally decided to live independently and enjoy that freedom...I got what I wanted... in exchange for my time for my son...sigh sigh sigh
Hi Titania
Thank you.

Those ladies who burned their bras must have been a little upset with themselves when gravity took them for a ride.laugh
hug wine
the truth be told, I'm yet to hear about a divorce without at last some mud slinging. And funny enough, the mud slinging starts staaight after the lawyer got involved. I think they initiate it to stretch the proceedings.
grin doh
I like to do a very young (half grown) pig like that. Yummy!
hug wine
Hi Molly,
Nothing I can add to that. I could not have said it better.
hug wine
Hi Calleis.
Physically yes, but it is the mental attitude that I'm concerned about. We are losing our manhood. In a PM earlier somebody used a good descriptive word for it but I cannot repeat it here.
hug wine
Hi Ken
Yes, The Roman empire became too civilized for it's own good and were heading that way too.
cheers wine
Hi Catfoot..
Sure buying a house is considered to be a good investment for YOUNG-SINGLE-person, both man and woman.. from working class and other classes. But once they get married and have children such "investment-minded" changes. Investment is no longer their first priority. The house they live in is more to provide shade from the heat-umbrella from the rain-sort of things, for him and his families. Ofcourse it's a different story if they bought more than one house.
And in my family, the house will go to the wife and children when a divorce takes place. Not sure though if no children is involved as it never happened. I suppose it might depend on the reason of the divorce.

Now we're talking about a "yes-dear-man".
There is no such thing in my family. The yes dear thingy goes both ways. I mean sometimes my sisters (my brothers) said yes dear to their spouses and sometimes their spouses were the ones who said yes dear.
However there are some cases of yes dear man I know.. mostly from my office colleagues.
Those yes dear men are ones whose
- Wife is much younger and very beautiful. She doesnt have a job.
- Wife is from a very "respectful" family. She has a job though her salary is less than him.
- Wife is from a very rich family. She has no job.
- Wife has salary that much higher than him.

Is there a tendency of other men becoming yes dear men? I don't know. But it's so very common for those 4 types of men to become such.
Hi Crazy
You were lucky and he was a gentleman. At least you got it sorted out. Not all men are as generous. I suppose the reason for the divorce contributes a lot to the way people part.
hug wine

Yes, in my case, the reason for the divorce contributed a lot to the way we parted and in the kind of relationship we shared before the divorcesigh
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jun 2015
Last Viewed: May 20
Last Commented: Jun 2015
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