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I'll Stop Being Foolish


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Whats Your Idea Of Fun And Relaxation?

Some bbq, wine, a big fat joint, and some music.

How about you?
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CS medicare for all ?

I was making A few notes in my copy book and lo and behold, it happened it was a fate worse than writers block.
The curse of the dreaded paper cut had happened upon me.

Now I am organising a march to address the issue of the lack of good lookin nurses on CS professor

I even invented a catchy chant for the walk cool

Where is LouLou ? Fix my boo-boo ! Where is LouLou ? Fix my boo-boo ! dancing dancing
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For those of you women who feel powerless...

Let the blog below show you different.

Playing with the toy of love is a misconception. Love is no toy.

Goes the same with men....

For what it is worth.
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Let's talk crazy conspiracies?

I don't know what it is, but I seem to attract some people with novel different ideas. I was out at the bar the other night and this guy who I have never met before decides to sit next to me and starts talking. Now the live band was playing very loudly and it was difficult to hear him.

He opens up by asking me, 'what do you think of a government having a secret war with its people?' At first I am thinking, I am here to enjoy the music and not talk politics. But he went on. He then asks, 'what if you were a leader of a country...why would you want a secret war against your people and how would you carry it out?'

Still talking, I am half paying attention to him and watching and listening to the band, as I intended to do. Then he continues even further. Why? Why would you want a secret war against your people? He started spewing out many reasons. Some of them I do remember. He says, maybe the population is becoming more of a drain than contributing. Maybe a society is becoming too smart...catching on to the way things really are? I asked with that one, what he meant. He said, maybe about the secrets they hold and he mentioned many more things I could not hear completely. Another one I remember he mentioned is, maybe the leader and his elite surrounding people feel threatened. The last one I recall was, maybe the leader is a psychopath and he enjoys violence.

Like I said, crazy stuff here. It gets even more out there.

At this time, I am listening a little more closer to him. So I say, ' do you do it?'

He said that there are many ways. You could divide a people. You could strip their identities, you could reinstate a draft, you could remove safety regulations, you could create catastrophic events, you could remove benefits. I am trying to think of more things he said....just some things that are just out there. He exeven mentioned about the current Vegas incident. He says, 'what about setting up an old guy as a patsy without any sort of military training and have him carry out something experts could do.

He just went on and on....I cannot remember everything he said...could not hear either.

But anyway, I just got done seeing the movie American Made. Supposedly based off some real life events. Also, just a Hollywood movie.

On my way home, I got thinking a bit about what the guy talked about.

It was crazy that the government gave Flint lead water to drink.
It was crazy that the EPA themselves dumped a bunch of pollution in the Colorado river.


I somewhat recall some sort of conflict going on with Hollywood right now. I know they were supporting Hillary bigly.


Anyway....just having some fun with some crazy conspiracy stuff.
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although i need to spend more time alone and can't handle social activities, i have to say with passion, i love people. all kinds of people. how rich our lives are with people, the more different the better. it's like tasting something new. there are flavors not tasted before. for all of the eccentricities and moods, i love it all. i truly enjoy the thoughts of others even if i may not agree. bliss is the hearing of another's thoughts.
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Biff moving out of the van

*****breaking news ********

*****read all about it! ******

applause banana cheering

My offer has been accepted, the deposit has been paid, and soon, hopefully really very soon, I shall be quitting the van and moving into a house with no furniture, plaster falling off the walls, at least one sagging ceiling, and a loo / shower the size of a telephone box (quite a lot bigger than the camper one, in other words)

Guess this is a bit late to be having second thoughts and panic attacks.

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long shadow

Moving out, towards the sun
Long shadow stretches behind us
As my heels swing in stirrups
Gentle tugs on hands
Keeping time with four beats

The sage's perfume colors the air
And the leafy branches tempt
A busy mouth
One ear forward one ear back
She listens to me and watches ahead

The leather squeaks
While her shoulders move
And she nods in agreement
While snorting softly
We are unity in the mountains

We stop to watch the deer
She shifts and sees what I see
The sun rises on her coat
Together, we have become one
A single beast with a long shadow streaming
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field of dreams

i always liked that movie. "if you build it, they will come". i use that line for everything so, for Oldeguy, "if you write it, they will come"...
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Look with new eyes

You know, many years ago, I would be in a situation that made me angry or sad or judgmental towards others,or wondering "why is all this bad stuff happening to me ".
I couldn't get away from that bad aura that surrounded me.That terrible thing that followed me and tormented me with these poisonous emotions that was drowning me.Pulling me deeper and further into the abyss.
I took a day just for myself and racked my brain trying to find a reason for it....And then it hit me..some.things that we perceive to be bad isn't allways bad...infact in alot of cases a situation has two sides and you can go either way...(Example) A friend of mine had brought this person over to my apt.,he left by himself after being there for 5 minutes,left this person behind,she was confused,hurt ,angry and she didn't know what to do...I was feeling the same but I told myself "You can either be angry of the situation and let it ruin your night or have fun with it"...Her and I got along great, I made a friend, we laughed ,drank and played music all night..She's my friend to this day..So in retrospect what looked like a bad situation was turned around and now I look at every moment with new eyes.Not every bad situation can be turned around but those that can is really worth the effort. So
now I ask myself "What good can come out of this?.What can i learn from this?.How can i use this to help others?.

Alot of bad situations can be turned around and your life will be a happier one for it.
Life is way to short to waist your energy on bad emotions.
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