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Last Commented Political / Social Poems (810)

Here is a list of Political / Social Poems ordered by Last Commented, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


The Power Of Money

Money is the common currency that we all use
to purchase goods, helping our lives to be more
fullfilling, but over the years money has become
a lot more to certain business people who tend
to make money a god, they worship over everything

else, their wealth has become paramount even to
the fact they will destroy people's lives, making it
impossible to survive in this world of turmoil.
They will start wars if there is a profit to be made
and governments always want money from taxpayers

around the world, creating taxes that have no real
meaning but an excuse to obtain money from all.
Money as we know it seems to have lost it's value
and will not buy very much these days, creating a
breakdown in our lifestyles and causing, depression

poverty and death through suicide, because the
poor people cannot accept life anymore. The world
seems hell bent on the need for greed, rather than a
fairer society, it is all controlled by the power of money.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jul 2013
About this poem:
This poem is about today's society and how money influences it.
Written: 12th June 2013
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WAKE UP!!!!!

Wake up!!!
To this cruel society
Look whats going on to,
the forces you cant see

Signs are all there
We recognize & know them

But its hard, to face the fear
When your mind is not consciously

You cant escape the dream
When everything has a meaning

We are in an illusive state,
When we take, in the bate

Everytime we turn on the tv
What you dont believe, the deception
We breath?

Take a look at the entertainers in the industry.
How they dazzle & distort, what we see.

Flaunt there power, money & greed.
They compensate, fakeness in there spiritual identity.

They put up signs & symbols, in sinister gestures
with there hands.

Each picture they take, has a hidden message in
There stance.

Its scary to concieve, you still dont believe?
Watch the rituals that take place,
During half time, superbowl sunday.

As long as theres media coverage,
We consume this everyday.

Just be aware & most of all
WAKE UP!!!!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 2013
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Full Circle

In The beginning of humanity there was a humble caveman
Who lived in a cave with his female companion. As they
Looked for food and created various weapons, their
Society grew and they became more advanced in their
Ways of life. They made primitive spears and used wooden
Clubs to kill their prey. As time went on they discovered a
Way to make fire. As thousands of years went by, men
Had evolved, living in huts and using coracles to fish in
Rivers. They created metal armour and weapons, so that they
Could fight wars and secure land and wealth by fighting and
Winning battles, but costs were very high, as people
Would die to protect what was theirs. Time progressed,
And men became more civilised after discovering the wheel,
But now wars became bigger and the loss of life was
Higher, but men's conquest excelled, primitive men
Became intelligent and they built roads and buildings to live in.
They were a modern society, which created governments
With wealth, by taxing their people and forming a controlled
Society with laws that had to be obeyed and groups of men
Who became Police and enforced rules that would cost the
Society money if they broke them, and inprisonment
If they were found guilty, - those laws were to be obeyed or
Refusal would cost people dearly. As Governments evolved
They concentrated on a military force to protect the people
From harm. There were soldiers who would travel on
Land and sea and later air. Bombs and super weapons were
Created to blow up cities and possibly the world as we know it.
As the biggest invention since the discovery of the wheel was
The Atom Bomb. It destroyed many lives and left the fallout of
Heavy nuclear radiation around for years to come.
In the 1950's it threatened to end all life on Earth,and the
Threat has been real ever since. Inventions are designed to
Improve the quality of life in our society, but with all these
Weapons of war have we really learnt at all, or reverted
To our savagery coming full circle back to our past,
Were we used to exist like the primitives in the realm
Of a prehistoric society fighting with rocks, clubs and spears.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2013
About this poem:
This poem is about our changing society and attitudes of evolution and covers quite a few obstacles of our civilisation, this little offering is called......"Full Circle"
Editor : Marikia
Written : 2nd March 2013
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I'm Not Giving You a Broom!

I waited for you
To make the first move
You were in charge
And did what you do

Looking in my glass house
You saw what you see
I was vulnerable
So you took advantage of me

In the first petition we faux wed
And you created my future course
But, I’ve finally had enough of your scam
Now it’s time for us to faux divorce

You were the one with the masterful plan
And what I really needed didn’t matter
All you wanted was to make your play
So you’d get whatever you were after

You put me in the driver’s seat
And handed over the keys
While you got in on the passenger's side
And feigned giving the control to me

Being unlicensed and trusting you
I then took hold of the wheel
Not knowing you were just using me
To get my signature on your lucrative deal

The one where I became an indentured servant
So others could decide my fate
But, eventually I exposed your treachery
And since then I’ve gotten nothing but hate

After once upon a time
Smiling sweetly in my face
So handsome, and oh so grand
The BIG MAN with a plan
Didn’t want to hang your head in disgrace

You’ve been getting a wee bit upset
And still doing whatever it is you still do
While I’ve made plans to quicken your step
By encouraging you to make your next move

Because you need votes and connections
From one to the other end of the State
Who will enjoy sitting down at your table
Eating your food from off of your plate
Together you’ll make merry and laugh
At the joke you made, oh yeah, that’s “me”
Determined to hang on until the end
And to never allow me to go free

As you bask in your hay days
And all the money you made
You’re happy with the respect you achieved
At my expense and others like me too
While we paid your debts
And still want answers from you

But, you underestimate us
And my willingness to strive
When you left me with nothing to lose
After you lied
And cheapened my pride

And now you’re getting angrier
The more doggedly I share
Me, the little mouse
Fat cats no longer scare



Why don’t you put your… oops,
OUR money
Where your mouth is
Let’s finally meet together in the courtroom
I’m sure your posse will be there
And the new Judge can decide
Evidentiary documents
And sworn testimony too

Then I’ll show my hand
Politely address you as “Sir”
And mop the floor up with you!!!

Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot
You prefer that we mediate without proof
In a private room where no one can see
So all your bad faith acts will stay buried in history

But I’m not giving you the broom that you need
So you can sweep me
And what you’ve done to everyone
Under the rug

Especially since your new plan
Is to avoid a public scandal
In your campaign to be elected his Honor

The reigning JUDGE!!!

June 29, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
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The Pirates

Pirates were around in the 16th century, they flew the
Jolly Roger/Scull & Crossbones and would loot and pillage
Ships at sea, for their rich cargo and gold doubloons
Over the years they have moved to land in guises as
Highwaymen and bushrangers, outlaws that steal money
As well as gold and defy the law. In modern times the
Pirate has become an even bigger threat to the film and
Music industry by bootlegging copies on videotape and
Disks, robbing performers and actors of their rightful
Royalties. Now in the days of the Internet, the pirate or
Modern day version known as a scammer, creates
All sorts of evil ways to attain money on hoax activities
Dating sites and social networking even through networks
With items for sale. Yes hoaxes and scams make up about
Seventy percent of Internet activities, which goes
Unpoliced, with people losing large ammounts of money
To these unscroupulous people every day. Can they be
Stopped? The answer is a mystery, as the world is losing
It's innocence to unstoppable theives we call pirates.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jan 2013
About this poem:
My new poem takes us into the world of piracy from it's early beginning to it's threat across the world today, this could happen to anyone, any time and any place, here are...."The Pirates"
(Written 12 January 2013)(Editor-Marikia)
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Plead for Relief

Led me
A long road
Filled with danger

I relied on the word
Of a

Stupid is
What stupid does

Now I
I can just
Wake up

False hopes

Our reality
Is seldom
We wish it to be

They say
Should fit the crime

Even when innocent
In the wrong place
At the wrong time

Factory defects
Can be replaced
With new
Character flaws
Are sometimes

In this world
Where the strongest
Often thrive
Can be exploited
So the status quo


All have stakes
In this game

On life
We bet all we have
Just to play

Knowing the risks
That it takes to win
If we lose at first
We ante up
And spin the wheel again

If fortune
Is meant to be ours
At last
Its security
Helps heal the wounds
Of the past

If at the end of the rainbow
There’s no gold in the pot
We do what we can
To make the best of our lot

We don’t depend
Only on


We pray for
And put our trust

For with Him
All things are possible
To achieve

And with faith
He’ll answer
If we believe

It may not be
What we want to hear

But His will
Will be done

And of this
We need not

June 26, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
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Let's Work Together

My taste
Isn’t you

Your taste
Isn’t me

It is
About time




* *


Is easy

Ideas clash
Feelings rage


Ignite us
In the heat


Shake hands


Unites us
When priorities

Your taste
My taste

Our flavor
Can seduce

The friend
Of my enemy
My friend

Are endless
Within this triangular


They vary
Do too

Let’s accept
Our differences


June 25, 2013
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
About this poem:
To you know who...
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Still They Stay

How we forget
Those that have sacrificed lives
Died on foreign soil so we can reap the spoils
Of a war where we traded blood for oil
Or the tomb with the unmarked grave
With eyes that’ll never see the light of day
Or the pain in a child’s face
When her mom says her dad he’s gone away
How about the ones left to die praying for one more day
While we sit at the dinner table and we say grace
Nightmares in the night his heart it starts to race
Meanwhile the media they talk away
They say this is a price we had to pay
But they never spent a night in a foreign place
He watched his friends die for our misplaced hate
Or our blind faith in a leader who contemplates
To get rich before his eight years are up and he walks away
Promised to bring them home but still they stay
We voted for Obama to get a new change
Four years and he’s running again with a killer main event
They killed Osama and video- taped but how we forget
Still they stayed
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2013
About this poem:
In Memory of the soldiers fighting today.
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The World Of Illusion

Just Like a bird in a guilded cage we are all
supposed to be free ? But are we really
free ? The answer is No !, in Australia we
are compelled to vote, we are fined if
we don't vote, as our governments make
laws that control our lifestyle, when life
was created by God he deemed all of us
were born equal, that being the case why
do we need a leader to govern as we are
all as good as each other, laws create
problems in society, and corrupts our
lifestyles. When society, tells us what we are
permitted to do and even what we say and
wear, is that freedom ?, the answer is No,
we live in a society were we are forced to
accept rules on our personal appearance,
it was alright for women to wear skirts and
men to wear long pants, and boys to wear
short pants all in the name of tradition
and this is dictating our lives, if we fail to
comply we are discriminated by society and
looked upon as anti socialists which in some
extremes can lead to civil unrest and world wars,
we are all prisoners of tradition and government
laws, we do things to please everyone except
ourselves and that is selfishness that needs to
change as people need to wear and look as they
wish. here are some examples these days women
can wear pants and men even wear skirts, they
are called kilts that Irish and Scottish soldiers
would wear into battles. Makeup only woman
wear allowed to wear, yet in very early times
men would wear make up, back in the Egyptian
dynasties. It was also the same in indian tribal
customs only men wore war paint, but it has
all changed. If a man wore lipstick in the street
today he would be laughed at as being gay or
a drag queen, yet circus clowns have done this
in there work amusing children, even actors
use it with no incriminations, so why can't
men and women have a say in what they
wear and how they dress and have nothing
said about it, if we were truly free we could
do all of this, but as long as discrimination
rules society we will always be forced to obey
tradition and follow the rules that suits a select
few and not the majority of the world we live in.
This explains my thesus that we are just like
that bird in a guilded cage, we seek freedom
but can never really be free. This is the order
of our society today.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
About this poem:
This is not a poem or a story but a short Thesus on the world today. Are we all free or is this only an illusion, please read and find out what I believe to be true.

Written 16th June 2013
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My Travels

Across this world so far and wide
So many different places that I’ve been
And different faces of this world I’ve seen

I’ve travelled across a desert of mirrors
Where broken hearts lay shattered in pieces
Reflecting back their sorrow and pain

Up snow covered mountains where summer is missing
To mountain lakes where mermaids lay sleeping
Dreaming their perfect dreams of heavenly visions

I’ve seen clowns dancing on graves of heroes
To where dead bodies litter the playground
And soldiers die while walking in peace

I’ve walked through the streets of mighty cities
Where the rich grow fatter and the poor lay dying
To where sleep in bed is but a distant memory

Holy men pray and propound their peace theories
In the meantime the dogs of war let off their leashes
All for the sake of the almighty dollar

All these many place I’ve been and seen
But there is one place I have never found
Is where love reigns supreme
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2013
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