RE: Chiggers

And some transmit disease in the bite. Lyme, etc.

RE: Do our children owe us anything ?

This song addresses the question of who owes who money.

RE: Are we on the way to a totally mixed race, the wor

That isn't the experience here where the wealth is now more evenly divided and the schools fully mixed. Kids breed with those they are around. Simple as that.

RE: Are we on the way to a totally mixed race, the wor

Of course it will. Do you not recall the Archimedes Cattle Problem about the island with the black cows, yellow cows and the white cows? The White Race is 5% of the planet. Simple math requires this to be a steadily shrinking number and in fact only modern medicine keeps it that large or it would probably be down to 3%. Jink the numbers in the old Cattle problem to today's proportions, then run the iterations. In less than 300 generations one race disappears. Simple math. Natural consequence of global transit.

RE: so sad

You need to provide more details as to why they reject..

RE: Elephant Poaching

Lovestick. You are right. Kill those kids off. A nice airborne sterility drug/virus will do that. Oh wait, no need. In Congo and other emancipated places they are already killing off the women. That will solve the hungry child problem you whine about and free us to focus on the much more important to survival of the eco system animals.

Socrates, there are already synthetic ivories. The issue is the superstitious fools who believe only real ivory will cure impotence, battle cancers, chase spirits, etc.

Chicken meat can and is being grown in vats (experimentally). Something similar will work for ivory, if someone cares enough to spend a few bucks to get the ball rolling.

RE: Murder Or Mercy?

It was a mercy killing. The existence of an affair was irrelevant. This is why every spouse should have their own small pistol. Had it been her own pistol, no one would have cared, nor could they then question.

RE: Good exercises these days, good girl,am I?

Johnny, gun carries legal issues that length of steel pipe or a good hammer does not. :)

RE: Elephant Poaching

The only real long term solution is probably to clone ivory producing cells then grow it artificially in vats.

RE: Belly Rub for GURL.

All my cats like belly rubs too (if they trust you), also armpit scratching. :)

RE: What could you prefer, if...?

Mimi, my point is been there done that. Does she regret it? Yeah. Problem she faces is I will never know if her regret is the act, creating the situation, or simply that I found out about it. Therefore there will never be anything more for her here. Do I miss her, my days of blissful ignorance when I thought she was happy here? Of course. Would I be stupid enough to repeat that trust in her? Never again. Therefore, as it should become with you too, why would you? It would be doomed from get go in only more heart ache for you. Sure, if the others all died in a plane crash or something like that he would crawl back, but you would always know you were not his first choice. For that reason alone, moving on is justified.

Find someone for whom you are his most desired choice. Someone you can trust because they won't hurt you that way again. handshake

RE: Elephant Poaching

" has found a thriving trade in ivory items after a survey of websites in the UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, and Germany."

One not touched on question. How many of the buyers are of ethnic white blood, and how many are immigrants from the other countries you mentioned?

I ask because in America those few I know of who seek ivory or bear gall bladders or or tiger dust or similar, very few of them are of European ancestry. Sometime I think immigration here should require a written and interview test to eliminate the superstitious or ignorant.

Noting also Mammoth ivory is prettier and involves killing nothing.

RE: Good exercises these days, good girl,am I?

Moonlight Romance. That's cool, I am up for that.

Wrestling is good too though. wave


Well I just learned the ground outside is still a block of ice below 4 inches or so. Sigh.

RE: hold our head in shame

Some folks believe in noblesse oblige, some do not. When I was a child I did. Now as an adult I do not.

RE: Good exercises these days, good girl,am I?

Well if you need someone to work out with or someone to practice wrestling with, come on by. laugh wave

RE: hold our head in shame

Oh so disagree there. Put it on Pol Pot and Sihanouk and Mao where it belongs. Khmer Rouge was their invention and their baby.

RE: An unlikely duo

It is a yes for me too.

A shame Diana Ross didn't have that kind of loyalty to the Supremes.

This woman's voice is interesting. Kind of reminds me of a female Meatloaf. I like it. laugh

RE: The Weeknd "Earned It"...

LoL, are you saying you and croc did that stuff? laugh

RE: I have been sorting my things here in emirates.

It is good to see you back.

I understand the reluctance to use coffee shop Internet. LoL, I had to look Second Cup up to learn about it. Not really available in this area.

Well I certainly wish you luck with the roommate thing.

Be safe.

RE: Traditions

I think the world's economy was better when I was young. At least the NYC economy was good. Factories kept folks employed. I never knew of a classmate who was hungry. Foodstamps were in the future and there were few folks on welfare. John V. Lindsy was yet to come.

Usually in my house there was beef, almost every day. Big prime rib roasts my Mom would buy and they would last for days. Sometimes spare ribs in the pressure cooker. Potatoes. Spinach. Corn. All that.

At $15+ a pound I don't buy large prime rib roasts anymore. Chicken is more likely. Maybe once every two weeks a steak. Many days I eat home caught venison. I grow potatoes too. Also my own spinach. Sure I buy some once in awhile, but if I can grow it too, why not do so?

Maybe 30 years ago is when I stopped visiting folks at dinner time without calling first.

Durn it, I was sleepy, but now I am thinking of baking some rolls..

RE: I found this quite true, and

Wow, blast from the past. I believe I do know her. Isn't the woman in the blue jacket a vid of the Florida serial killer woman?

A test is underway to prove multi dimensions

LoL, next time I see a photon I will ask it.

Seriously, Raphael, I suspect the answer is complex. Einstein maintained that when traveling at the speed of light, time stops. Our testing shows he is at least half right as time slows as we accelerate. However never have we accelerated a watch to even a whole percentage of light speed. So the Relativity hypothesis looks good, but remains unproven in that aspect.

In theory, unless it was absorbed by hitting something, original photons from the big bang should still be out there traveling somewhere far away from us. We know that older photons do change frequency from our perspective, so that implies something is happening in a place where time has supposedly stopped. Is there a way a photon could have nothing change on the inside, but have the external frequency change? I am not comfortable with that. Also, can a photon even have an inside? Is a photon not at core merely an information concept with a rest mass of zero? Is the vibrational frequency of a photon not related to the event that launched it, rather than being a functon of the photon itself? I am not sure I have an answer. We have something with no mass and no concept of time but our perception of how we view changes as time passes for us. Very strange.

I am going to have to chew on that. Maybe ask my cat. He understands that stuff better than me. I don't always understand his answers, but I am sure he will have one.

A test is underway to prove multi dimensions

That is actually a very good first primer into how quantum probability theory works. And at the LHC we see the first tests of the theory.


It would certainly be healthier for the overweight folk to learn how to squat again. :)


Some people have toilets with seats? How decadent is that?

RE: Patrick’s Troubles

LoL, some weird place in Nebraska had 91 F degrees yesterday, but today it is only 37 F there. Nothing like inconsistent weather.


RE: Dating outside your faith?...

Dad was Irish Catholic, then he married a Protestant. LoL Here I be, so I guess it worked out well. :)

RE: Is there something wrong with me?

Yes. That is what is important and Johnnie didn't tell us. What kind did he buy?

Pecan Sandies, Chocolate Chip? Lorna Doones? Inquiring minds wish to know. I just finished a pack of Fig Newtons myself..

RE: why all the fake profiles

Yeah, that is a hard 40s man. Totally white in his 40s. Ouch.

This is a list of blog comments created by Ken_19.

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