cantbetamed71cantbetamed71 Forum Posts (901)

RE: 9/11

I was getting up for work and turned on CNN and remember seeing the plane crash into the first tower. I woke up my roommate and told her what was going on and then I remember after the first tower was hit, it sunk in that something horrible was happening in America that day. God bless the people who lost their lives, give their families and loved ones the strength to carry on, and god bless the soldiers who fight for our freedom and protect our country from something like this ever happening hug

RE: My psychology teacher

My suggestion would be for you to form a study group with peers to brainstorm and see if perhaps one of them can understand the professor a bit better. I've had classes like that where you get more out of reading the book then you do from sitting in lecture for 2-4 hours at a time. I find it does help to be active with other students, everyone has a different perspective and maybe you can gleen some information from one of them. Taping lectures is an option but like you stated if you can't understand him the first time, the second attempt may be in vain also. The only other choice you may have is to speak to the department of psychology chair and voice your concerns with him/her to see if there is any resolution there.

Other than that, I don't know what other recourse you have except to just grin and bear it and limp through the next few weeks and get that easy A...sorry I've been there and am there right now, I've got a math teacher that is absolutely brilliant but a foreign gentlemen with a very thick accent..good times hey! LOL

RE: How to get there ...

I read maps, ask for directions and am capable of finding my way around most of the time. Thank goodness for mapquest too!

RE: His Little Girl

I didn't realize you had sent him a picture of yourself. I realize that it's not the same thing as writing him a letter and it is contact though. My question is this...why waste your precious energies sending him a picture of you?? He doesn't deserve to have contact with you and he is having pangs of guilt then it's his burden to bear, not yours. You have had enough heartache from this man and now it's your time to heal. My question to you is this, since you stated that you and he were "friends" for several years before this happened, would your friends treat you in the manner this man has? If you take more than two seconds to answer that then honey, you really need to make some new friends. This man wants nothing more than to alleviate his inner guilt, he knows what he did to you, he knows how much he hurt you and he comes around you now to gain closure for himself in his mind. Guilt is a very powerful emotion and it can eat people alive, at least those people with a conscience. You deserve to heal and you know what I found out after much soul can forgive someone for what they have done to you and you can do it without having to ever lay eyes on them again. I call it collectively avoiding them, but you know what if it causes you pain to see them then you have every right to avoid contact and places where you know they will be. It's not your fault and don't let this man appeal to your good nature and don't let him use your goodness against you.


RE: Do you believe in love at first site?

I believe that anything is possible so as far as love at first sight?? Who am I to question's never happened to me personally but that's not to say it could NEVER happen, like I said anything is possible if you believe it.

RE: A moment of Silence ............

Where were Alan Jackson

I heard this one and it melted my heart and everytime I hear it it still gets me everytime.

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Out in the yard with your wife and children
Working on some stage in LA
Did you stand there in shock at the site of
That black smoke rising against that blue sky
Did you shout out in anger
In fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry

Did you weep for the children
Who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don't know
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below

Did you burst out in pride
For the red white and blue
The heroes who died just doing what they do
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself to what really matters

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Teaching a class full of innocent children
Driving down some cold interstate
Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor
In a crowded room did you feel alone
Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her
Did you dust off that bible at home
Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened
Close your eyes and not go to sleep
Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages
Speak with some stranger on the street
Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
Go out and buy you a gun
Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watching
And turn on 'I Love Lucy' reruns
Did you go to a church and hold hands with some stranger
Stand in line and give your own blood
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
Thank God you had somebody to love

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love

The greatest is love
The greatest is love

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day

hug comfort

RE: His Little Girl

You obviously still care very deeply for this man and there's nothing wrong with that, you need to allow yourself however much time you need to heal. There is no time limits on healing yourself and mending your broken heart. Just remember to be good to yourself in all this and if having contact with him is making you this upset, remember honey, you have nothing to feel guilty about and he does. You do whatever you believe you need to do to get yourself through this in one piece. Just remember to be good to yourself and time and healing will sort out the rest of this situation. I truly wish you some type of peace and resolution you've had enough pain and heartache, you deserve some happiness and when you least expect it, it will happen for you. Till then you just have to keep believing this will get better and eventually it is going to happen.comfort

RE: His Little Girl

He doesn't expect you to be overjoyed, he wishes you would be so that it will alleviate his guilt.

He wants you to be happy for him because then it will release his conscience from the knowledge that he hurt you deeply.

A miscarriage is nobodys fault and he can't blame you for that.

He won't ever forget the images, emotions or memories he has with you. Losing a child is just as traumatic for the father as it is for the mother, sometimes men just aren't able to show their emotions as easily.

When he asked you the "hypothetical" question, my guess is that he already knew this other woman was pregnant and just wanted to feel you out for how you would handle it or what you would think or say.

As for him cheating on you and he and the woman both knowing about you being pregnant..karma will come around is all I can say.

Again, he won't forget the things that happened between you and him. He may have selective amnesia but the memories of something of this magnitude just don't ever go away.

He wants to get into touch with you either to see if you will take his sorry butt back or to see if you've moved on and are OK..all stem from his sense of guilt. If he knows you are OK and moving on in your life then it's OK in his mind to justify what he did to you.

You should never feel like less of a woman just because something happened that is completely out of your control. There is no bright side in this whole situation but maybe think about this...Is this a man you would really have wanted to have a child with given what you know now? You deserve so much better than this. Someday the man you love will find you and love you for the precious, unique and lovely person you are and then you have all the time in the world to make beautiful babies with a man who loves you, truly loves you for who you are inside and out!

comfort hug

A woman's name...

Think of a song title that has a woman's name incorporated into it


Roxanne by the Police

RE: Red flags

If the guy shows up wearing more make-up or jewelry than I do, that's pretty sad. Never happened, never happened, OK, I'm a child of the 80's so anything is possible right??? Those were the days of big hair, lace and mascara for gods sakes...lmao

Seriously though..if a man is rude, talks incessantly about this one particular "ex", chews with his mouth opened...I'm outta there.

I had a blind date that wore lipstick red cowboy boots, we had dinner and then I drove seperately and went to a movie..I had to get this man out of daylight in case we ran into someone I actually knew. I was polite and stayed throughout the movie but made tracks as soon as it was just wasn't happening and he constantly breathed through his mouth so it was like sitting next to Darth Vader in the movie theater.

Proper Spelling???

I want the best in this life for my children and an education is the least of things, an education is a right that everyone in this country should be able to have.

Seeking an education for some may be about the almighty dollar, for glory or to have a sense of achievement. I am seeking an education that will allow me to go into healthcare and give something back to people and to be in a position to help, that's why I chose my profession.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink and the same can be said for a parent trying to enforce in a child something they aren't receptive to. I can instill a desire and a passion for learning in my children by leading them in my example, but the choice to educate themselves beyond high school is going to be strictly theirs.

This has gotten way off the beaten topic here..I meant no offense to anyone and apologize profusely again and again if my intentions caused personal issue with anyone.

I am sorry.

Proper Spelling???

As the mother of two young girls, education is something that is very important to me. I do not think that the educational system in America is quite as good as it could be. I believe that a substanial amount of money should be requisitioned for the reform and improvement in the public school system. Here are some very frightening statistics:

Only 35% of 4th grade students in public school in the US are able to read at a 4th grade question is what is to become of the remaining 65%?

Only 29% of 8th grade students in public schools in the US are able to read at an 8th grade level...and there are more statistics available.

The statistics speak for themselves and it is quite scary to think of all those children who cannot function on the expected level are going to be left behind unless something is done to help them.

It just seems the more computer oriented children become the less and less likely they are to pick up a book vs. surfing the web or playing a video game vs. doing something, anything remotely educational.

I cannot offer up a solution to solve the entire dilemma facing our nations children, but I can do whatever it takes to address the situation in my home. But that doesn't mean that I still do not voice concern about the rest of the children who may not have the same opportunities that my children have.

Each home is different but if this situation isn't addressed at some point it is going to be a sad day in America when our youth can't even spell America.


Proper Spelling???

I did not start this thread to single out anyone or to make anyone feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. I apologize if I have offended you or anyone else, that was far from my original intent with this thread.

Proper Spelling???

Ship, I'm not referring to the obvious flubs that one can make on a keyboard accidentally. I'm talking about the obvious butchering that some people have done and not even realized. I know that people in Europe have different ways of spelling words, that again is not what I'm referring to. It's the obvious people who do not take the time to simply open a dictionary to incorporate proper spelling, usage and connotations. Maybe it is just me but I find it sad and disheartening to see how far down the slope to blatant stupidity some people are willing to fall before realizing that 'maybe a dictionary isn't a bad thing'. My point is that it seems to be getting worse and worse and I'm wondering to myself where is it coming from?

RE: things you dont want to happen on first date

I know personally I wouldn't want to be meeting the parents or family on the very first date..that would be quite ackward I'd think.

Proper Spelling???

Does anyone but me seem to notice how atrociously some people spell nowadays? I wonder if it is because of the invention of spell checker that makes people lazy or if it really is a reflection upon the quality of education that is available in public schools today? Just amazes me that some people cannot even differentiate between the proper spellings and usage of common words. Anyone else but me notice this growing trend?

RE: I just realized...Im getting old.....

I know exactly what you are talking about because I asked my 12 y/o to call my mother on the phone at my grandmothers' house...a rotary daughter didn't know how to "use" a rotary I feel old!!!!!!!!!!tongue

RE: Born in Transit

Thank goodness the mother and child are doing fine. It's normal practice for a hospital to send a mother home if she hasn't dialated or if the water hasn't broken and there's no discernable pattern to labor. But, still I do tend to agree that the woman should have insisted upon remaining in the hospital. But in the end apparently it worked out for the best with mother and child experiencing no after effects from being born in the back of a car...and just think of the stories the pop will have to tell about when the kid gets older. wishes to the family! Babies are a joy!yay

RE: What Woman Don't know,About Men-

I believe Mitchell said it best..but I have a few tidbits to add myself.

Don't forget the little things like opening a door, bring her a rose for no apparent reason, leave her a romantic, sweet little card tucked away some place unexpected..those kinds of little things keep romance alive and leave her wanting more. Do something spontaneous and loving once in awhile, keeps the spark and mystery alive.

Spend Sundays' in bed, feed each other breakfast in bed occasionally, etc., etc., you get my drift I think.

Ice was right about being your true self, that's the most important thing a lot of people tend to forget. If you show her who you "really" are and she likes you then never lose sight of that person. Don't become someone that she doesn't know later on.

Be who you are, stay true to what you want, treat her with respect, dignity and love, and never,ever lose the ability to be her friend and to communicate with her as a lover/friend..most important in my book..has to be communication openly and freely..the person you love should be able to tell you anything and vice-versa.

RE: stood up

Because my dear it's called "insecurity"..they want you to VALIDATE them and let them know everything is OK. This is a whole nother thread

RE: stood up works this way for BOTH men and women so as not to generalize a particular gender here.

RE: stood up

Men only "do" what we allow them to "do" to US. This mans behavior sets the tone for how he is going to act later on down the line. IF something would develop between you and him, he would already know that his bad behavior is tolerate because at the very start he stood you up and he got away with it.

Unless the man in question is in an unforseen circumstance, standing you up and not calling is the epitome of rudeness, disrespect and immaturity.

Don't go out with him again, if you do it's at your own peril.

IF you think that's OK then you are setting yourself up to be a literal doormat for this sort of thing to happen over and over again.

You deserve to be treated better and with respect!

RE: what if u called to a guy´s house and...

I'd never call the SOB again and DON'T even give him the chance to come up with a "story" either, cut off the contact immidiately.

RE: any well wishers??

Best of luck.........fingers and TOES crossed how many can say that???laugh

RE: Who or What??

my children and my family are most dear to me.

RE: How do I erase her from my mind?

You shouldn't forget the times you shared with her and your heart won't let you. But, I can offer this and it's true..with time if you allow, your heart will heal itself and the days will become easier to bear.

This one isn't the last one unless you decide that you are giving up. I don't think someone with the big heart you seem to have is going to do that. I know the pain seems unbearable and right now you don't even want to entertain the possibilities of going on, but in time, given time, you will find more likely than not you will be ready to try again.

Until then be kind to yourself, get to know yourself inside and out, know what you want, don't want, need vs. don't need, learn who YOU are and cultivate the person you are into the person you are MEANT to be. When the time comes you will be everything you need to be to have a healthy, thriving, rewarding relationship and the woman who gets you will be richly blessed.

It does get better and it goes get easier, give it time and that's the honest truth.hug

RE: Why do you (women) do it ???

1. Wear tight clothing? maybe I've gained a few lbs.

2. you lost me here, what are you talking about?

3. i don't get mad if someone 'checks me' out persay, but that doesn't oblige me to say hello back if i don't choose to

RE: would you spend a romantic weekend in paris with the one you like

Of course I would.........why not!!!! Sounds perfecto!

RE: place where you wished you was now

Laying on the beach, sun warming my body, drink in hand.........aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh that would be the life!!!!!!

RE: Keep it easy guys!

If you want to know why he's leaving check out the "how do you tell someone" thread..that's all I'm saying.

To time use tact, discretion and consideration for another persons feelings. What happens between TWO people shouldn't ever become fodder for hundreds more to read and oggle at. Go in peace and take the lessons learned to heart.

This is a list of forum posts created by cantbetamed71.

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