RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

That's the point. It's a moot issue!! 2 different countries. cheers

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Nora, please...please do tell me why your fighters continue to repeatedly not fire their rockets from out in the open? Why they have to be on top of buildings or schools knowing who is inside? Why are your people calling out to ask "Where are our leaders" and even ask "Why the leaders don't have mercy on their children?" Can you answer why they want to continually taunt the Israelis with rockets to terrorize a people who have already been tormented throughout history? Can you honestly in your heart condone the suicide bombings throughout Israel and the world? Can you condone Sept 11, 2001 in the U.S. where at least 3000 people of various religions and nationalities died and left their spouses, children and families behind, not by a choice of their own. Do your people gloat with joy at the loss of lives in Mumbai, Jewish and non Jewish victims there. Do your people rally with joy when other people's lives are snuffed out but don't want theirs touched?
This is the basis of the questions I had hoped to get some soul searching answers from you. Not hatred type answers Nora!! I am much older than you and probably also about your mother's age so please don't verbally bash or deliberately insult me in any way as this is not what I am hoping to hear. Pain is real on both sides of the fence over there. Emotions run high!!
Truly, Do you expect anything to change for peace if Hamas continuously torments a people who have long been tortured throughout the centuries? There is a chance for peace and permanent open borders. What does it take to make them stop?
Thank you!!

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Are you shooting your seeds at the computer screen with virtual reality woman? Kind of rather interesting way of "planting your seeds" might I say. I must say that you are rather unique if you are able to "plant your seeds" in a real human and be able to type and read the screen at the same time. Perhaps you can multi-task quite well. Hurrah for you! ENJOY!!

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

I hope this article you posted is directly related to Canada policies sir! That is what was pointed out in a poster's comments that you responded to here. If not, the connection is a moot issue on what you have just posted. Is Israel and Canada under the same government? If so, then your point here is very valid. If not, well, it's a moot issue.Thank you.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Sounds like you got some of the wind knocked out of you bud. What, too much Jew bashing here? Seems it is your favorite pastime. Are you worn out already?

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Ray, my comment here was in regard to your publishing of the web site . Thank you!! Perhaps you can enlighten us a bit more. I find that a very interesting article as I am very interested in genetics to begin with as I have a personal stake in genetics beyond just a place of birth on this planet.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Truly Cosmic, this point is really none of your business to begin as you obviously point out that you don't care. But obviously, some do care as they pointed it out earlier on the forum. This is a point in an article from RayfromUSA where he pointed it out on page 27. He has graciously pointed this out on a website posting that he has instructed people to view and I have done so. So I have to agree with this point as it is scientific proof. Again, thank you Ray!!
It was meant as concreate proof by Ray for people who pointed out in the postings that Eastern European Jew foreigners had no connections to the middle east. I guess Ray himself has undoubtably proven the connection to all of us here. Now, will you please kindly bud out after reading this as you truly do not care about genetic history, only Jew bashing. Thank you!

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

PEACE? Or do you mean have some PIECE?
rolling on the floor laughing doh teddybear

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

I like your insight!applause

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Very Nice. Agree with Joan Baez, but....did she write this before Jack Kevorkian was on the scene?? Just curious!dunno

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Thanks Rocketqueen. I'll be posting again tomorrow. Promise I'll be back after catching a few ZZZZ's. I know that I'm not the most popular Jew here on this site. Some are seething at anything I post. However, I try to be civil as this is a serious subject and dear to my heart as you can tell.

I will never understand Hamas's continuous taunting of the Jews in Israel nor their disdain of their own people to stand on the roof of an occupied school and fire rockets into Israel knowing full well that they will be blasted back. I truly don't understand the logic of it all. It's about as clear as mud to me. How about you, is it any clearer? The people are being used as human vests according to CNN.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Beautiful Post. amen!thumbs up

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

I'm going to shut down for the night and I'll check back tomorrow to see how the cyberspace war is going. Good night everyone.gnite

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

You are correct, I am referring to Baruch Goldstein with his massacre. Thanks for the correction.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Nora, it is not the amount of casualties on each side that is the issue as you may believe. Death is death no matter how many on each side, be it 1 or 100s. Truly, the Israeli army could totally anihilate your people to a zero population but that is not the goal or it would have been accomplished by now.
7-8 yrs of raids of rockets shot into Israel further and further in without these Israeli civilians lobbing the rockets back is enough already. And the suicide bombers in the market places! Many Jewish lives lost to each one suicide bomber. Those innocent civilians didn't stand a chance. Truces don't work. Yes,Israeli people want it to stop but did the Palestinian Hamas? Since the rockets didn't stop, the military has gone in to put a stop to it. Hamas rocket firing has brought devastation to your people. It is no doubt extremely painful to endure but the rockets will stop eventually when Hamas stops.
I will add that I have always been totally abhored what an Israeli fanatic did at the Dome of the Rock many years ago. Those people praying were totally innocent of any terror and did not deserve the fate they got. I have been in the Dome of the Rock and revered it's beauty and the tranquility it bestows. It was wrong to happen. I will never condone any Jew who gloats in joy at the death of those people who were in there praying. Nor will I condone the joy of anyone who revels at the death of an innocent Jew.
We write what we see and feel in our hearts Nora. The pain is there on both sides.
I am sure I will be damned and criticized by many here for my thinking as people are readily willing to attack anyone and incite anger. However, I feel civility with the way you communicate Nora. You write out of pain in your heart for a people who suffering terribly for the arrogance of Hamas.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Oh my gosh! You are calling "Quantum Physics and the Secret" pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo? Guess you are now challenging Stressfree and QueenofAngels and others into this one if they see your comment. Perhaps this would be a good one for you to post for a new thread. Stress and Queen will beat you to death for calling their philosophies mumbo-jumbo. You will not win.

Prepare for verbal death from them! They will not be civil to you in any sense of the word undoubtably.very mad sad flower

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Thank you Nora for your response. You have my admiration and respect for all the pain that you feel in your heart.
As I have mentioned in my posting to you, the Jews have never left the land in question over the 1000s of years, nor have your people either. Both were displaced or driven out on both sides. But many of both peoples were able to remain there and many descendants have come back to the area of their ancestors origins.
Both nations as descendants of Abraham should be able to share the land, not anihilate the other for the right to own everything. Hence the historical battles started happening and continue to this day.
I did see the CNN article where Hamas fired at Israel from a school right by the refugee camps and Israel fired back, thus killing many children. I cannot understand why anyone would shoot at their enemy and put their children right in the line of fire where the enemy is firing at them. Is this a religious obligation to do this? I do not understand the Islamic law if this is something that is approved of. This is not meant as a sarcastic question but truly, something that perhaps you might be able to clarify.
I have also just read on today's CNN a commentary by Arsalan Ilftikhar where he believes both sides are wrong in Gaza. He blames Hamas for provoking Israel with missle fire and then the disproportionate use of military retaliation by the Israelis. The entire article gives one pause to think with some deep thinking, being written by a man of middle eastern Islamic decent.
Bottom line here Nora is that both sides of the civilians have suffered, emotionally and physically. It will either come down to where Hamas is totally surrounded and will either hide themselves and shoot and continue to put their civilians in the crossfire or have the courage to lay down their weapons and sign a permanent peace treaty with Israel. I believe the Palestinian peoples future and recognition for statehood lies in having the honor to sign a peace treaty and permanently honor it. No more rockets into Israel, no more human life shed on either side.
They would not be the first to sign a peace treaty with the enemy in the entire history of the world. Japan and Egypt are examples of what could be acheived with a lasting peace with their sworn enemy...a chance for future generations. It has to be a lasting peace Nora for your people to have a chance. Please correct me if I'm wrong in stating that Japan and Egypt overall live in peace with their prior enemies. No bombs being dropped on each other that is.
Again, thanks for your posting.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

You don't have my sympathy. And I see how you refer to the term "you." You are very sure that I am your culprit( you who lives in Ireland) You turn a blind eye to the murders and suicide bombers who truly enjoyed blowing up innocent civilians in Israel, women and children included. Nah, their lives count for nothing at all in the whole scheme of things I guess according to you. No, I don't buy into your hateful B.S. that I have been reading all along nor do I buy into most other hate and profanity that I have read all along throughout this thread. I have much respect for Nora as she has at least tried to write in some civility with the pain she has felt for her people throughout this. If she should change her words to words of hate for me such as you have, only then will I think differently of her.
But for you, I disdain the hate that you spew on this forum. But of course, you are free to write and think as you choose and share that with others. That is what freedom of speech is about.
I will not have any further words for you after this as I have stated my point here. It is better for me to remain silent than waste my time on your rhetorical nonsense no matter how much hate or rhetoric you may spew on this site or be directed at me or any Jew for that matter who is following this.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

I agree Conrad.thumbs up

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Hezbollah- Will they hide amongst their civilians too and start firing at Israel suddenly? One can only hope that Lebanon's leaders have reined them in by this point.
I do not beleive that the Lebanese people want any more bombs or Israeli soldiers coming over into their borders again. It would make sense to leave Israel alone. The international community rebuilt Lebanon after Hezbollah's mistake. Attacking Israel would cause civil war in Lebanon between their own people.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Hello Nora,
Thank you for being polite in your words in spite of your anger and heartache for your people.
You keep asking who cares in your thread. I happen to care and lived there at some point in my life. But as I have said before, if your own elected leaders cannot live in peace with their own people over there, then they will certainly not gain respect from the world community because they are not ready for a peaceful country of their own. It was very obvious to the world how Hamas rules when they were given a chance for a co-ruling govt with Fatah. Do you recall many large protests around the world when the co-ruling Arabic peoples in Gaza couldn't settle their own differences peacefully?

As for the history of the Middleast, you as well as I know that Jews have been there since Abraham, being he is your forefather as well. The land is given to the Jews in the Old Testament and their descendants through Abraham, Issac, Jacob etc. However, the Koranic version may see it differently. I will not argue biblical scripture or Koran. However, the reality is that both people have lived there throughout time and have legitimate claims.
The Jews over the centuries have been moved or were forced out of that area and back in again through many wars and empires that have taken over in that area of the world for 1000s of years. But many were not able to get back so there is a diaspora of Jewish descendants all over the world. Surely the Arabic peoples were shifted around too for similar reasons.

During WW1, the Turks who ruled the area were very cruel to the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews joined with the British to fight off the Turks and thus the British took the area. The Jews were very welcomed by Emir Feisal then and Arab support was given for the British Balfour Declaration to give the Jews a homeland, a patch of barren land with malaria swamps and tuberculosis infestation in the Mideast. Also with the Balfour Declaration, the British offered independence to Arabs who would help battle the Turks. This became a conflict of interests and the beginning of trouble.
The Arabs now began the open slaughtering of the unarmed Jews. Independence to the Arabs meant total control over all the land. Sir Winston Churchill split Palestine east of the Jordan River and gave to to the Arabs, 3/4ths of what was to be Jewish homeland promised. That was TransJordan, now Jordan, home of the original Palesinian people.

By 1947, the British gave the United Nations to decide the fate of Palestine. The Partition Plan ratified by the United Nations decided to partition Palestine, making a Jewish state and an Arab state with Jerusalem divided.Give both sides a piece of the land seemed reasonable enough to most people except the Arabs. 2 days later, the Jews were attacked by the Arabs again.

May 14,1948-Palestine is now an official Jewish state-within minutes...5 Arab countries attacked it, unsuccessfully.
June 5,1967-6 Day War-Israel is attacked from all sides again. Now Israel has some of their land and will not give it back without a promise of peace.
1973-Yom Kippur War- Egypt and Syria attack. The Suez became part of Israel. Later given back to Egypt for a peace treaty that is still in effect. Thanks to a very brave leader Sadat. My point in writing this history Nora is that I truly believe that if Hamas would have the foresight to follow in the courage of Sadat, I truly believe that they would be recognized and be given that land and more. In spite of Sadat's warrior past, I will always have my respect for this man for his courage and honor to his people.
(To be continued pt 2 to Nora)

RE: I Just GOt Ordained!!...Send your money now.......

Did you mean Benny Hill?confused

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

I was just going to go to sleep but I decided to check the last post and here is my addition to what all Jew-Zionist haters should also boycott especially since you seem to very very insistent on having everyone suddenly start boycotting. Courtesy of the late Sam Levinson.

"It's a free world. You don't have to like Jews, but if you don't, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products like insulin..discovered by Dr Minkoski, the vaccine for hepatitis...discovered by Baruch Blumberg, chlorhydrate for convulsions...discovered by Dr. J. Von Liebig, the Wasserman test for syphillis, streptomycin...discovered by Dr. Selman Abraham Waxman, the polio pill by Dr. Albert Sabin...and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.
Good!Boycott! But fanaticism requires that all bigots accept diabetes, hepatitis, convulsions, syphillis, infectious diseases and polio. You want to be mad? Be mad! But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good."

Good night to all now. May you all have a pleasanat day or evening.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Good night everyone, I'm going to bed. Just can't take anymore of this tonight. The bed is calling me...come here, come here now!! teddybear

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Jacob, in answer to your question above:: I believe that it most likely is their own bretheren that are giving away where the weapons are stored by firing right from the building in the first place. They don't seem to be overly concerned regarding children or anyone that is inside the building before they start firing their rockets. It doesn't seem logical that they would put their children as a human shield. The IDF just traces the marker and fires right back to that location. Just as plain and simple as that! Just as plain as watching fireworks as they are being launched before they explode.crying doh

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Yes, I am aware of the Jewish Moranos of Spain, the forced conversions and also about the 1492 expulsion of the Jews of Spain and the fact that many of them went to Portugal. But even then many were forced out of so many countries and had to immigrate anywhere they could just to survive.That is the reason why you find a Jew or one of mixed Jewish heritage in so many places in the world where you probably wouldn't even think one would be there. So truly, it is not impossible for you to be racially mixed although showing no European looks. Genetics tells us much about ourselves besides just where we came from. It can be a blessing but yet a curse at the same time to know some things about ourselves. We go down the "rabbit hole" a bit further when we find out too much about ourselves sometimes. Can be very scary to say the least and challenging. Knowing one's genetic makeup can be quite an eye opener and even change the way a person perceives things after that.

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

You are too funny...LOL!!cheers

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Good point ya have Jacob!thumbs up

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

Hi Rocketqueen!! You summed it up quite well what has been going on with this forum. Guess we are in deep trouble on this forum as to try to get through all the name calling and swearing and lambasting posts to each other and searching out for the Jews. Eh?

The only benefit I see here on this forum is if one wants to meet someone, they most certainly can find someone who is in their same mindset when it comes to name calling and degradation of another person's character or background. Sad but so true!confused

RE: Gaza !! Israel kills civilians ,, among international silence .. What do you think ? share !

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Keep smiling Gordy. Your humour is very funny. You're a ray of sunshine here.

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