RE: if you met a teacher from your school days,how would you adress them?

I would call them Sir or Miss, never their first name. In fact, I did meet several of my college teachers and I personally thanked them for the education and guidance they gave me. Would love to find my elementary school teachers.
My older brother keeps in touch with his high school chemistry teacher from the 1960's. This teacher is 95 yrs old and is sharp as a tack still. My brother still addresses him as Mr. This teacher has made all the difference in my brother's life and the field of pharmaceutical reseach in labs that he went into. He always says thank you to this elderly teacher and he worships the ground so to speak that this teacher walks on.
This teacher was there to guide my brother throughout high school, thoughout college and in life after our father died young. A surrogate father and an excellent mentor and friend in life.cheers

RE: she,s seperated but still lives in hubbies home with him

This is an interesting topic. For that matter, my son's friend's parents divorced several years back but still remain in the same house. He lives in the downstairs half and she lives in the upstairs half. They each have their own separate lives and each dates a steady person that they date seriously.

Funny, I bumped into these parents shopping together in Lowe's Home Improvement Store and they very happily told me of their home arrangement environment and whom they each were dating. They were content to go shopping together as friends but insist they are not romantically involved with each other whatsoever. And they each do not feel jealous of each other or their respective steady partners that they date. In fact, they told me that they get along much better since they are each dating someone.

Their friendship is genuine and amicable and they keep it that way for the sake of their children and it's less costly all the way around for each of them to live there. They split the mortgage, taxes and repairs together. They do not invade each other's privacy either.

Personally, I would find it rather difficult to date someone whose ex spouse still lived in the same house. Even though we would have our own privacy, the set-up would still bother me. JMHO!!

RE: America's Non-existent Border

We have the invading black squirrels in our area. Our native squirrels are the grey squirrels. The black squirrel was brought over here from Denmark in a Kent State University experiment. After completion of the experiment, the squirrels were humanely set loose in the wild. Now they have become indigenous to the area along with the grey squirrels. The college even has the Black Squirrel Festival every year to celebrate the rodent.

Must admit, the black squirrel is a beautiful squirrel to view in the wild. cool

RE: America's Non-existent Border

I can see the pros and cons of this new immigration law. If the police see a reason to question someone about their immigration status in the states, then by all means it should be done, anywhere in the US as far as I'm concerned.

If you have a clean record and stay out of trouble, then there is no reason why the police should be questioning you.

I feel that it is about time that a state is finally cracking down on the illegals. However, I do feel that the govt in conjunction with the states should be doing this in all 50 states.

Considering how many Americans are killed by illegal immigrants as the OP mentioned and add to it many Americans who are killed just going in to visit Mexico sends chills up my spine. If there is no crackdown on illegal immigration, then the US govt might as well have no checkpoints anywyhere and just let anyone over whenever they feel like it and let the American taxpayers foot the bill.

I don't hear too much of Americans sneaking into Mexico illegally so the same should for the Mexican population coming into this country. Just because we are called "The land of plenty" doesn't mean to help yourself to whatever you want in this country and take whatever and how much you want at the taxpayers cost.

It used to be that on Spring Break, college kids could go down to Tijuana and other spots and party during their break and get back to the states safely. Now, the US govt has strongly advised college students not to go to Mexico as the kidnapping,drug and murder industry is very strong now there. Hacked and beheaded corpses turning up all the time in the towns, cities and even in the dessert in Mexico. And for others, bodies not even found.

RE: How would u react if u got fired from your job?

Anyone ever hear of the GINA Act (Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act) that was just just passed into law here in the US last year? It is a major triumph to protect people with genetic mutations from discrimination with employers and insurance companies. It was 17 years in the making and many attempts to get it passed. Still has areas to be hammered out but at least it's a start
A employer now cannot fire you or not promote you because you have a disease caused by a genetic mutation. Diabetes in many cases is genetically inherited. Since diabetes in general does not impact a person as to how well they can do their job(depending on the job of course), then there is no reason that an employer can fire someone or not promote someone who has not disclosed it. However, law enforcement employees can be required to disclose that personal information as it can be used to make sure that it isn't contaminating a crime scene or lab samples as in exposure monitoring.
Many employers get around the issue of asking that question by having a voluntary Health Wellness Program for employees to join whereby the employee fills out a health questionaire regarding personal and family history. Then they are steeered to participate into a wellness program that is the most beneficial for them according to their personal and family history. An employer can look at this history but cannot use it discriminately against an employee. Interestingly, the Americans With Disabilities Act prevents and employer from collecting any genetic information on a person if the Wellness program is not a voluntary one. I.E: a program that offers cash or prize incentives for people to join.
Some of the flaws yet are that it doesn't cover the Indian Health Service or Military Veterans plans or an enlisted military person who develops a disease within 6 months of enlistment. If the military person becomes ill from a genetic mutation in that time, the miltary medical insurance does not have to cover them. There is also no protection for Life, Diability or Long Term Care insurances either so these entities can legally ask you if you have a genetic mutation and deny you coverage based on that, even if you don't have an illness from a genetic mutation. Not everyone with a genetic mutation will get the genetic disease that goes along with it.
This is a major win for families with children who have had a genetic illness but are now free of it and very healthy. These children were uninsurable when the insurance companies dropped their coverage of the children. Now, the insurance companies are required to cover a healthy child, in spite of their past history from a genetic mutation.
It is also a major win for people with BRCA mutations who may wish to have a prophylactic masectomy or oophrectomy to decrease their future risk of the cancers involved. Insurance companies are required to pay for this type of treatment.

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Sorry Kitty, I see the situation a bit more differently. It is not uncommon for the children to be used as human shields by their adults as is the case with children being taught to throw rocks to kill or maim. The idea is to stone people to death as was done in the bible and Koran.

They throw the stones to harm and maim the IDF. If one of the stones would happen to kill an IDF soldier, the child would be glorified tremendously. But when the child gets killed, suddenly the IDF are bad.

These children learn from their adult brethren to hate the Jews and to kill them is OK. The adults pit their children out there to bully the IDF. If the adults want to resort to stoning the IDF, it is them that should take the penalty of getting shot at and anyone watching the melee is at risk. It is cowardly to put one's children up to the task of doing something that will put their young lives in danger. Shame on the adults who deliberately do this to their children.

What, do you think the IDF should just stand there and allow the children to hit them with stones just because they are children? Geez, try getting a bunch of stones hit you from kids and see what you would do. Would you just stand there and yell, "STOP as you writhe in pain and they continue to pelt you? You would be shooting at someone too if you had a gun or attacking back in some way to get it to stop. Because these kids won't stop throwing the stones until they are forced to stop in some way. Do you tear gas them, taser them, hit them back with rocks, clubs, bullets, drop a bomb on them? So be real....when someone attacks you, you will do whatever is in your power at the time to get the attack to stop as quickly as possible and you are not concerned whether they are injured or not. I wouldn't think you would wait until the persons throwing rocks are directly on top of you before you do something to stop them. You want to stop them as far away from you as possible.

In my book, if I was attacked, it's either them or me that is going to be dead or maimed for the rest of life. Better the opponent than me. Their brethren are destroying their own children and their own futures. The adults care more about their own lives than their children's. Where is the love and protection of those children's parents? The protection to keep their children out of harm's way!! A loving parent will take a bullet and shield their child from it. But not these parents and families who put their children out there for use as human shields. The children's lives are expendable for these parents. Children have been set out as decoys and the Israelis have learned to keep these kids as far away as possible.

So according to this article, it should be OK for the children to stone and harm the Israelis but the Israelis should not be able to do anything back to the attacking children, lest the IDF be called condemned for protecting themselves. NAH, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Hello Strict,

I have to agree that your citizens are suffering under a very cruel regime. My heart goes out to you and all of your people who want to live in peace and be free from the tyranny that you suffer. For those who want to see positive change and protest against your regime, it is a death sentence for them. It is so sad that you are not able to voice your views and be heard and respected without the threat of your lives being snuffed out. We have that freedom here.

For the Palestinians that would like to have the freedom that we do, it is a long road for them to band together and take the steps that your country's young people are doing to make a positive change that will affect their future and future generations. I do believe a Palestinian state is possible when the people truly want peace. But peace has to be made amongst themselves first to prove to the world that they are ready for a state of their own. For us, freedom isn't free but has been gained at the cost of much bloodshed since our country was formed. We had the Civil War in 1865 that pitted the north against the south and brother against brother on different sides. Perhaps that is what I see in the middleast amongst the Palestinians and your countrymen also.

Whether peace can be acheived in our lifetime is questionable. But can it be eventually done? I do believe so.

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

In addition Mr. Silverbirch, let's not forget the Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics either. Israeli citizens minding their own business and yet the fodder for the Palestinian murderers.

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination


I hate cowardly Israeli Defence Forces useing state of the art weaponry against a group of penned in , starved P O P U L A C E.

Read that word Lilly, Populace. That means people without one tank, without one jet, without one phosphorus bomb, without one drone.

Please dear heart. Think befor you speak.. Think.

Mr. Silverbirch, I would highly recommend you sitting down to discuss your political views with Hamas leaders and discuss your concerns about how they use their populace as human shields and also steal food from the UN warehouse. Not one tank, jet, phosphorous bomb or drone do they use to destroy their one populace. However, they will shoot and kill their own citizens if they think they have any ties to their West Bank brethren.
Do you not recall these actions?

Dear heart...please think before you speak and try to remember back on how they do muslim on muslim crime to each other. I hate cowardly behaviors of Hamas fighters towards their own people. The citizens have to speak in private against their brutal regime that rules them. Speak out loud and they are killed. Very sad indeed.

Israel gave the 2 different leaderships a chance to co-rule peacefully. Israel uprooted and forced the Jews out of Gaza even to make way for the Palestinians to form a government and then discuss the land deal. But no.....Hamas and Fatah literally were murdering each other and Israel allowed Fatahs followers and families to escape over to the West Bank unharmed as Israeli forces protected them on their escape route. And as a thank you, Fatah followers still murder the Israelis today. Israel could have stood by and not allowed passage and watched from the sidelines a massive palestinian on palestinian onslaught and the world would have grumbled a little but mostly stayed uninvolved. Israel has gone through 7 wars of her own but no country has ever sent in troops to help defend her from the enemies. Not even the U.S. but yet the U.S. has sent troops into many other countries in the world(incl WW1 2, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and even African countries to defend it's citizens and topple cruel dictators.

So please spare me any of the "Israel slaughters innocent civilians." I suppose the civilians who change into Hamas mode (and plant bombs by the dividing fence and shoot rockets) and then back again into civilian life are totally innocent of any wrong doing when they kill innocent Israeli citizens who are minding their own business on the other side of the fence. Recall the recent death of the Thai worker in an Israeli greenhouse? Remember a 13 yr old boy being murdered in a settlement on the Israeli side by a palestinian who sneaked in who was looking for children to stab to death? His younger brother was stabbed also but lived. And then there was a Jewish child who bicycled a short way off a kibbutz and was found murdered and mutilated in a cave a short distance away. There is so much of this going on all the time there and you wonder why Israel has to keep the Palestinians in their own enclave away from the Israelis? And lets not forget the international murders of Jews worldwide...Mumbai bring up any memories? Even a pogrom in Brooklyn, New York last year. More murders of Jews internationally than the 1 Hamas guy in Dubai.

As a Jew Mr. Silverbirch, it is not the peaceful Palestinian people that I personally have any issue with, but it is the belief and actions that many have that they feel that the world has to be Jew free by annihilation. And I do take issue against anyone who wants to see this world Jew free by annihilation by murdering us anywhere in the world. Ahmajaned is an example of someone I take issue with.

So...I do think quite a bit before I post. Hopefully you will do the same.

RE: Purpose/meaning to you, behind your screen name?

Mine is because of my hobby of lilly gardening. You can see them in my profile picture. Over 100,000 lilly flower blooms every year around my small mobile home. It's quite colorfully spectacular and fragrant around the last few weeks of July into the beginning of August every year. Wonderful to watch the hummingbirds go crazy on the flowers every year. Used to plant many trays of impatiens in between the lillies for variety of other colors to add to the mix.bouquet

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

ISRAEL'S FALLEN--Stats released by The National Insurance Institute

20,000 soldiers fallen in defense of Israel
3,971 killed by terrorism since the turn of the century

Since yr 2000, 968 murdered in terrorist attatcks, 17000 wounded
Averages out to 96 murders per year and an average of 1 every 3-4 days

Since Independence Day 2009...5 civilians murdered and 71 wounded

Many more individual terrorist attacks too numerous to even mention on discos, restaurants, highways, settlements, marketplaces, resorts, schools.

I have no sympathy for the stupidity or immaturity of Rachael Corrie who deliberately put herself in the path of the big bulldozer. Due to the heavy shielding, dozer operators are unable to see someone directly close up front of their bulldozer. So anyone will get crushed who doesn't get out of the way. You wouldn't stand under the wheels of a tank so to speak. Very stupid female indeed to stand there. Even the Palestinians whom she was protesting for were smart enough not to stand in front under the bulldozer when it is moving. That is akin to standing in the way of an airplane taxiing down a runway. One may get mashed to shreds in the propeller of the plane. Palestinian civilians were much smarter than her for sure.

Please please, let's not forget that Hamas stole the food from the UN Warehouse before it was even distributed. The Palestinian civilian population went hungry while Hamas leaders ate very well. The U.N. was not very happy with Hamas leadership and demanded that they give the citizens food that was destined for them.

Now we can go on and on about the cruel iniquities of the Hamas regime over their people but it's a moot point with the Jew haters here. They have no intention of being a partner for peace with Israel and break any and every treaty they ever signed by firing rockets immediately after a cease fire.

The more you beat on the Jews and Israelis, the more beaten back you will be in life. What you wish for against the Jews will only come back to haunt you in life. It's just a matter of time. Your karma in lifesad flower

RE: America and terrorism

Hi UkraineGary!! Answer "Uzbekistan" is the reason.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Silverbirch, I detect that you are a bit worried here or you would not have gotten so terribly upset. You get very upset when anyone has a different view than you. You enjoy badgering others continuously with consistent and constant barrage of hate mongering and taunting of others...disguised as you might call "I'm not a hater, I'm a lover."
You go on and on and take immense joy in psychogically beating on forum posters who have a different point of view. You continuously beat on the Jews and Israelis as well as take immense joy in particular on being vindictive to Conrad. Well, SHAME ON YOU" for your atrocious behavior.
It is you who need to "get with the program" and clean up your attitude to the people whom you have continuously taunted on the forums and in your personal life.
You may think you are fooling others with your sarcasm and antics, but I assure you that there is a power above you that watches everything. So I say to you, "Better be watchin your back" in life. You may be a very different person sooner than you realizesad flower

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Seem to notice a trend in general that the more a country's citizens beat on the Israelis, the more problems that their own country or areas in their country seem to be having in general. I.E. terrorist bombings, poitical upheavals, increased natural disasters.
It seems to follow like a hex so to speak.
So don't be surprised that with increased beating on the Jews that you don't find some major problems in your own backyard so to speak that will follow you very soon after that will have some effect on your personally.
It doesn't pay in the longrun to keep trouncing on God's Chosen People. Whether you believe in the Bible, religion or not really doesn't matter. This phenomena is something that seems to have a pattern that follows. I do believe there is a Higher Power that is watching out for the future of the Jews in general.
As for you Silverbirch who brought my name up and other Jew haters who wish for Israel and the Jews to be wiped off the face of this better be watching your back. You might get "boomerang hex" when you least expect it. Guarantee that you will be a very different person after that.
Look it up! wave

RE: US imposed peace deal for Israel and Palestine.

Very good points made here IMHO. It does seem strange that none of the arab countries will give up any of their land to their fellow palestinians even. Seems like there must have been some bad blood between them somewhere on back. I think Mecca should be given to the Palestinians as their capital, not East Jerusalem. Now what arab country would give up their capital, some of their land or their most holy places to the Palestinians to live in and control? Does seem rather odd that none of the arab countries is willing to give up land towards a peace settlement and allow the Palestinians to settle there. Even to return them back to their original lands of birth from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Algeria. Perhaps Lebanon has enough trouble with Hezbollah and sure doesn't want to take in Hamas too. Oy...they would have REAL BIG PROBLEMS trying to keep any peace in their own country with Hezbollah and Hamas together vying for top dog so to speak.doh

RE: during your life has it happened to you?

That's a loaded question there Strict. Are you thinking of becoming a suicide bomber? I'm not trying to be sarcastic in any way in my question to you. If that is not your intentions, then why are you asking about who has thought about or tried suicide?
In honesty, I think that is a very personal issue for many people and there are different emotional or physical reasons why someone would want to end their own life.
I sincerely hope that you are not trying to end yours in any way.sad flower

RE: Intuition and Gut Feelings

I have learned sometimes not always to act on it immediately but take a subtle, "Wait, watch and see" attitude and be very obervant. Somehow, the truth always does come out. That gut feeling is never too insignificant to not act on. Sometimes, you have to wait it out and be watchful. You are most likely not wrong for whatever you are feeling. Just don't jump to conclusions too fast.frustrated

RE: Intuition and Gut Feelings

What is bugging you that you have a feeling about and can't quite put your finger on it?

RE: Intuition and Gut Feelings

I listen to my intuition and gut feelings. I use it in my nursing occupation very often. It is always accurate 100% of the time for me. Can't afford not to listen to it when people's lives are on the line.
My only regret is if I don't listen to it. professor

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Funny you mention the end of the Deuteronomy chapter that speaks of curses. Maybe this will ring a bell for you ?....Try reading the beginning of this same Deuteronomy chapter: Deuteronomy 28:1-14 which are the blessings. Considering what is in Israel today, I would say she was given more of the blessings. Those that conspire to destroy Israel have had curses much of what Deuteronomy has said. They are dispersed in other lands and do not live in Israel.. Their own political regimes destroy their own people's lives. Read closely Deuteronomy sir and try comparing the lives of people under the regimes that conspire seriously to destroy Israel. Curses include pestilence and death, inflammation, disease, drought, starvation, livestock dying, dismay, sandstorms causing death, being afflicted with inflammations akin to the 10 plagues and poor crop growing, cursing of the offspring of the womb which are all in Deuteronomy 28. The more bitter they are to Israel, the worse the plight of the people of their own country.
Now this is pretty heavy stuff here so perhaps it would not be in your best interest to be spouting Deuteronomy scripture unless you believe in it in general sir.
Thank you for bringing your scripture understanding to my attention for


I am so happy for Gabrielle and Oldfoxyguy. Wow...truly awesome. I so believe that when you are older, you don't wind up competing against your partner but are more acceptable of who your partner is.
We look at each other and realize that we all do have our imperfections, strengths and weaknesses. I believe that when we mesh right with a person, we soon come to realize that our weaknesses are their strengths and their weaknesses are our strengths. It's not about competition with each other. It's about COMPLETING each other in many different aspects in life. We guide each other but don't step on each other.
Love comes when you look at that person and melt inside just being with them. It's a chemistry change that is such a unique experience to each human being. I believe we are capable of it throughout our lives.heart wings
I have found my guy here just 2 weeks after I went online. It is now 2 1/2 yrs together. A very good quality man I met.

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

Remember, the Koran acknowledges Abraham and Moses. And they came before Mohammed. So if the Koran is the true word as muslim people believe, then they should be acknowledging Abraham and Moses. Moses led the Israelite people from Egypt and to the promised land. The borders of the land were spelled out in the biblical scriptures very clearly.
So I'd have to say that the Jews were the original owners of the lands before the Muslims. Tribal bedouin people that meandered the land did not own it. They moved about.
Now if you don't believe in the scripture of either, then it's anyone's guess who had the land first. There is plenty of Jewish archaeological ruins being found throughout Israel to validate the very very early Jewish existence.

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

I see no problem with curfewing the West Bank at this time. It is done for protection from the palestinian terrorists in blowing up Israelis during the religious time. Israelis have past experience with unruly Palestinians taking advantage of them during Passover. I do recall the Palestinian infiltrators at the Passover seder at a hotel in the Sinai desert several years ago.
Perhaps you would rather be there with your family unprotected when these infiltrators come in and do their dirtywork? Somehow, I don't think that idea would sit well with most people and probably not you either. JMHO here.

RE: Canada Buys Half of Hawaii

China owns most of the United States and that is no April Fools joke eitherrolling on the floor laughing


I think that before we can state whether or not God exists, we need to define exactly what we mean by "God".

I think that in western culture the concept of God boils down to the following elements.

- Omniscient (all knowing)
- Omnipotent (all powerful)
- Omnipresent (present everywhere)
- Eternal (no beginning no end)
- Righteous (totally just)

Every quality of the God concept is "ultimate" in nature.

Ultimate goodness
Ultimate intelligence
Ultimate power
Ultimate justice
ultimate love

In science, the speed of light is the ultimate theoretical speed at which matter can travel.
But in fact that ultimate speed can never be attained or even approached by matter, because no matter how much acceleration matter may undergo, light will always be perceived as moving at 186,000 miles per second relative to that matter.
In other words, compared to light, no matter is ever moving at all, no matter how hard it tries.

But even though the speed of light is unapproachable for us, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
We can see light, measure its speed and benefit from its effects.
We can even tap into its power and use it if we learn how to do so.

It's like that with God. (the embodiment of all ultimates).
We can't even begin to approach the tiniest fraction of understanding of of his ways.
In comparison to God we have no intelligence, wisdom, power, or understanding at all.

But that doesn't mean He doesn't exist.
We can see his doings, and benefit from them.
And we can even tap into and use his power, if we learn how.

Saying there is no God is like saying there is no light.

Wow Ray, as many times as we have bumped heads in disagreement on subjects, I have to admit that I agree 100% with your insight on your perspective on God here. Excellent posting here dude. Thank you:thumbsup:

RE: Bridging The GREAT DIVIDE !

I don't know about all states but it is compulsory in Ohio. There is zero tolerance for no insurance. You must have insurance to get your license plates. Now if a person drops their insurance after getting the plates, then that is their problem if stopped by police for something. They must show proof of insurance by immediately showing some type of insurance card or some type of proof they are up to date on their insurance.
Without insurance, they must surrender their drivers license immediately to the police officer and their car is impounded. They go to court and their driving privledges are suspended for at least 6-12 months.
And if they have an accident with no insurance, they could lose it for even a longer period of time.
Ohio is very harsh on non insured drivers. However, we can purchase insurance from out of state company that will insure Ohio motorists, even an internet insurance company.
I hope I have answered your question in regards to Ohio.

RE: we are not a monogamous species...

That's Barrellofart's infestation with cookie crumbs that will fall all over him when he goes to sleep while munching on cookies.rolling on the floor laughing So he says!!

RE: True? or Not?

Reminds me of the mass panic the radio broadcast of the "War of the Worlds" caused to the U.S. citizens when it was broadcast live on the radio. Coincidentally, the broadcaster did state at the beginning of the show that this was not a true story but people who tuned in after that announcement took the story literally.

As a kid, I saw the original black and white TV version and was absolutely terrified for many years after that. I thought we were all going to be anihilated. The recent new Hollywood version even scared me to see it on the big screen with the high volume sound effects.

RE: Female Diversion Systems

Was just thinking of the same things. Remember seeing those mechancal bulls in the bars many years ago. Wasn't there one in the movie "Midnight Cowboy?"
I don't remember anyone getting their "jollies" on those machines back then.
Do bronco busters(guys that break the wildness out of horses) or bull riders get their b#!%*s busted when they ride? If so, that's got to hurt.doh

RE: bald is best

Your hair as well as your face is gorgeous Ms Angelface. Your pics are absolutely stunningly beautiful. No need to be jealous of Sindiboy's hair.

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