RE: In Deepest Sympathy, Two Became one!

Correction, the statement should read "person near dying" not "person hear dying.

RE: In Deepest Sympathy, Two Became one!

My girlfriend's father kept saying on his death bed that he kept having repeated dreams of running along arm in arm on a beach with both of his wives. He loved both women dearly and had 2 very good marriages. My girlfriend knew that her father's time was near.

Also, my 99 yr old aunt on her death bed kept telling me of a faint light and who was in the light. She kept telling me that her mother was in the distance and was the last one who was suppossed to come for her. All the other deceased close people in her life were spiritually around her already. She cried everyday for the next 2 weeks as she kept telling me about seeing her... until she passed.

My aunt had no dementia either and was fully in her sound mind I believe but trying to explain to me things that a person hear dying or in a near death experience can see.

I can only believe that her mother finally came and completed the circle so she could join them.

I do believe that there is another dimension of sorts that these souls leave for after completing their time here. JMO here.

RE: If it smells fishy .... ??

Welcome to the world of the scammer. They play on your emotions. Most likely in this case, "If it walks like a is a duck." The red flags are out there, you have correctly identified them and don't doubt your intuition whatsoever. JMHO here.

RE: In Deepest Sympathy, Two Became one!

Hotrod, that is the most beautiful story. You were so very lucky to have known such people in life. I also have a story but not on the magnitude of the impact that couple made on a town.

My father died 4 months after my mother. They were both ill. As we had a small home, they slept in the same bed side by side dying. His blind eyes and kidney failing body always touching her cancer ridden body. He grieved for my mother every day after she died and would plead with God to please take him so he could be with her. I believe he eventually got his wish possibly from a broken heart before his kidneys totally failed even.

They were soul mates.

Sadly, he left my brothers and I orphaned as young teenagers. This was 1967-68.

RE: oldfoxyguy's new name, followed by the member who first offered it

GabisGuy is very nice. Or maybe GabriellesGuy. Either way, we know you are smitten by her. Lucky guy for sureheart wings

RE: They changed their roles-men and women of the West...

You're so right on with this Trishthumbs up

The Funniest Christmas Dinner Ever

(pg 2)

The next morning my brother called to say that Santa had been to his house and left a present that had made him VERY happy, but had left the dog confused. She would bark, start to walk away, then come back and bark some more.

We all agreed that Louise should remain in her pantyhose so the rest of the family could admire her when they came over for the traditional Christmas dinner.

My grandmother noticed Louise the moment she walked in the door.
'What the hell is that?' she asked.

My brother quickly explained, 'It's a doll.'

'Who would play with something like that?' Granny snapped.

I kept my mouth shut.

'Where are her clothes?' Granny continued.

'Boy, that turkey sure smells nice, Gran,' Jay said, to steer her into the dining room.

But Granny was relentless. 'Why doesn't she have any teeth?'

Again, I could have answered, but why would I? It was Christmas and no one wanted to ride in the back of the ambulance saying, 'Hang on Granny, hang on!'

My grandfather, a delightful old man with poor eyesight, sidled up t o me and said, ' Hey, who's the naked gal by the fireplace?' I told him she was Jay's friend.

A few minutes later I noticed Grandpa by the mantel, talking to Louise. Not just talking, but actually flirting. It was then that we realized this might be Grandpa's last Christmas at home.

The dinner went well. We made the usual small talk about who had died, who was dying, and who should be killed, when suddenly Louise made a noise like my father in the bathroom in the morning. Then she lurched from the mantel, flew around the room twice, and fell in a heap in front of the sofa. The cat screamed. I passed cranberry sauce through my nose, and Grandpa ran across the room, fell to his knees, and began administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

My brother fell back over his chair and wet his pants.

Granny threw down her napkin, stomped out of the room, and sat in the car.

It was indeed a Christmas to treasure and remember.

Later in my brother's garage, we conducted a thorough examination to decide the cause of Louise's collapse. We discovered that Louise had suffered from a hot ember to the back of her right thigh.

Fortunately, thanks to a wonder drug called duct tape, we restored her to perfect health.

I can't wait until next Christmas."

RE: Peace in Israel

Very good point.I agree with this border assessment. Afterall, if the arabs have Abraham as their forefather also, then these borders are really what should be, not the 1967 borders.

Ttom, you really hit the nail on the head with this one. Afterall, this squabbling is a disrespect to their forefather. The Land of Milk and Honey had very large borders.

RE: Peace in Israel

And another:

Resolute Israeli Response
by Hillel Fendel (Israel News 21 Dec 2010)

The Israel Air Force's attack on seven Gaza targets last night was the strongest in the past two years, ever since Israel's counterterrorist Cast Lead campaign. So say top IDF sources, adding that the objective was to "send a clear message to the terrorists of Hamas that the situation cannot continue as is."

The Israeli response followed the firing from Gaza of at least a dozen mortar shells and rockets at Israel over the past two days, as well as other attacks in the past two weeks. Tuesday morning, following the IAF strike, Hamas terrorists fired a Kassam rocket at Israel, lightly wounding a 15-year-old girl and damaging several buildings.

jaw drop

RE: Peace in Israel

Peace in Israel...yeah right SB!! You know the routine.
Analysis: A New Kind of Intifada
by Chana Ya'ar (Israel News Dec 21 2010)

On Sunday, a group of Arab youths attacked a group of Jewish tourists walking along the Ramparts on the Old City Walls, about 15 minutes past the Lion’s Gate. The attackers hurled melon-sized rocks at the tourists, who fled in panic. No one was reported physically injured in the attack.

There has been an upswing in Arab terrorist attacks on Jews over the past month, according to the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet).

According to the latest statistics, there were a total of 52 attacks last month, compared to 44 in October. This included 10 attacks in the Jerusalem area, as opposed to six attacks a month earlier, in October. There were 20 attacks in Judea and Samaria last month and the same number in October.

Of the 30 attacks in November, only one was due to a rock attack; the rest were firebombs that were hurled at their victims. In the Gaza Belt area, there were 22 attacks, compared with 18 in October. Four of the attacks were rocket launchings, 12 were mortar shellings, four were small arms shootings and two were anti-tank missile launchings. One Israeli citizen was wounded on November 18, when a rock was hurled at him in Judea. An Israeli officer was likewise injured in October when he was targeted in a firebomb attack in Jerusalem.

In addition to the above, throughout November, five rockets and 28 mortar shells were fired at Israel in 16 different attacks, compared with three rockets and 20 mortar shells fired in 13 attacks in the month prior. Moreover, for the first time since the end of Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s counter terrorist war against the Hamas rulers of Gaza, a long-range Grad Katyusha rocket was fired from the region at Ofakim.

A senior official with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) meanwhile announced Sunday that terrorists groups based in the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority have formally decided to launch a third intifada - an Arab word for "uprising."

“The decision to return to the popular intifada has been taken and at present the problem is the method of practice,” Jarrar commented to the Iranian Fars News Agency. “Ending all internal differences and reviving unity and integrity in Palestine is the solution to all problems of the Palestinians,” she added. It was not clear why Jarrar, who is based in Ramallah, was speaking with FNA.

Arson, Ecological Damage are New Weapons

Although the raging inferno that swept through the northern Carmel area earlier this month was started by accident, at least 25 other fires followed in other forests that were not. Arsonists targeted the “Peace Forest” outside Jerusalem 18 times in the past month, but few of the fires were reported in the Israeli media.

The Hebrew-language daily Ma’ariv quoted police who said the attacks were deliberately hushed up “so as not to inspire action by more potential terrorists.” The newspaper referred to the situation as “a true intifada” and warned that leftist Israel media are soft-pedaling attacks by Arab terrorists.

RE: Peace in Israel

Hey SB, I don't see much peace going on in Israel right now with the 2 tourists stabbed and one dying and the frequent attacks from Gaza. And Israel hitting 7 Gaza sites where the rockets are being fired from.

OK, now you have it. Peacedoh

RE: Peace in Israel

So what? It's a credible site. People quote from the Jihad sites and Aryan sites that bash Israel and I don't think their credible, but are often quoted from Kitty. However, I hear no complaints from you there. The megaphone site also has some very valid points as far as I'm concerned. But I can't say that of the Jihaddists sites. So it's each to their own beliefs and views. That is what is unique about this site. There are opposing views on situations. This site should be for dialoging our views wherever we choose to find the words from. However some of the CSers have gotten vehemently mad when they view themselves as a loser in a battle of words but should be looking at the site as an exchange of views, not a battle. JMO!

RE: nowadays,a bird in the hand is worth two by the bush

Correction....ROFL, not ROLFrolling on the floor laughing

RE: nowadays,a bird in the hand is worth two by the bush

Ha..ha...ha...ha...ha...ROLFrolling on the floor laughing This is a good morning so far. I'm having a hard time try to sip my coffee even.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: nowadays,a bird in the hand is worth two by the bush

This thread is hysterically funny. Good morning everyonerolling on the floor laughing

RE: ~How much it taks to stay patient? ~

I very rarely get angry with anything. I get frustrated when repairing things or trying to find a restaurant and I can't find it even with mapquesting it.

I usually keep my cool pretty well by always having a Plan B and a contingency Plan C just in case the original Plan A doesn't pan out so to speak.

Now as for getting really mad at people...nah!! I may point out their error but if they want to stay mad at me, then go ahead. They can be mad and I'll stay glad, even with some of the forum posters I've gone head to head with. It's bad for a person's health to get angry and yell alot. I've had 4 spats in 3 1/2 yrs outside of CS and never once raised my voice. I just go silent and do what I was going to do anyway and I'm happy. I hold no grudges and am not afaid to apologize when the other person sincerely wants to work something out and apologize too. All's well ends well is my philosophy if people really want to make life a bit easier and happier. This is truly how I am in life and in work.

I figure that all problems in their own time have a way of working themself out for the best in the longrun if we think a situation through.

RE: Aiding occupation: why not helping Israel do the right things?

Oh, guess I was are now playing the "victim" card just as I predicted you would. sad flower

RE: Aiding occupation: why not helping Israel do the right things?

Have no doubt that when you say you are writing on behalf of Israel that you will be crucifying Israel very shortly as being the most murderous country in the world. And the Palestinians are the victims and all their land was stolen and yah de yah de yah. And Jihad is right and nothing is wrong with the murders of any Israeli citizens cuz it is their right to kill to take back their land.

Just have a feeling that this is where you will be going with this discussion. I guess I'll have to read on further in this forum to see who you have been baiting and bashing and see how much Israel condemnation you have done.

I'm at the beginning of this forum but know your pattern all too well from past forums. You don't switch sides and fool any of us. You'll stay true to form for sure. I'll be watching for your rantings shortly to follow no doubt.sad flower violin popcorn crazy sheep gingerbread hijack boxing

RE: Aiding occupation: why not helping Israel do the right things?

Yea....right....sure you are writing for the good and welfare of Israel. You don't want to hear what anyone has to say and will cry the blues when Conrad writes anything. You'll then be yelling that you are the victim of harrassment from him.

You are doing this forum to bait CSers again. Get a life can't change your spots.very mad

RE: Are women turned off by men who hav done time in prison?

Police serve the public as well as control the public based on the given circumstance at the time.

I'd say the police are pretty good at getting speeders, drunks and reckless drivers on the roads. There are legal road laws made for a reason. Ask any parent who has lost a child(grown or still young)to drunk drivers or reckless drivers. To get the drivers off the road before someone dies, be it themselves or others is a service to the public as well as a control to the driver himself.

Another example is the college kids on certain traditional "college holiday" traditions. They party, set couches and tires on fire, drink to excess, fall on the sidewalks and streets and many even attack other students in the drunkedness. And lots of underage drinking. The police have to keep them under control.

The police are called after home invasions, nuisance situations like neighbor problems, crime scenes of various types, fires, domestic violence situations and even go into the schools and talk to the kids early on about staying away from drugs and making good choices. Although in drug cases, it is obvious that they can't reach all because many of these kids are so deeply influenced by their environments and will do what they have to to survive in them.

So yes, police do serve and control. They have a tough job to do and I'm glad that communities have them. I do not like to see their pays slashed or any of them laid off due to budget cuts. Imagine our world without them there. There would be more mayhem for sure.

Imagine everyone taking the law into their own hands with no police. Here is an outlandish scenario if we were to take the law into our own hands with no police authority:

You go into the grocery store. Some little old lady bought the last bag of your favorite Dunkin Donuts coffee and Starkbucks java chip ice cream and won't give them up to you when you ask politely. So you just take out your Glock handgun and take the matter into your own hands. You administer the rule of law as you feel is the right way to deal with a most uncooperative and defiant lady. You shoot her between the eyes, step over her body and proceed to the checkout cashier, pay for your items and leave the store. Now this is what could happen if we didn't have any police to keep people under control and serve in the public's interst.

But police are like anyone else. You have those who are honest and uphold themselves and their occupation in high esteem and then you have others who are as crooked a dog's hindleg and hide behind their authority and use it in a dishonorable way that brings dishonor to themselves and the profession.

JMHO here!!

RE: Am in need for a man!

WOODEN LADDERS? Are they for real? And they put them against a house on fire? Are these the northern blonde Italians you are talking about who are assembling wooden ladders at the scene of a fire? Nah, you can't be for real...yur pulling our legs here..arn't ya?rolling on the floor laughing confused

RE: no for Iran BUT yes for Israel: be the judge who should have nuclear?

Iran supplies Hamas with bombs or are did you not know that? Surely you don't think for one second that Iran is going to say that they put phosphorous in the rockets or bombs they sell to Hamas. No way in heck would they say a word.

Or better yet to answer your question above, Jabri in his statement above regarding his tunnels network has already stated that Allah gave him the stuff.(probably via Iran) Surely you've heard of the smuggling tunnels the Israelis have to keep bombing?

It's absurd to think that Hamas won't be getting more advanced weaponry this time from Iran or Syria or wherever and from whomever they can get it from. It should be no surprise to you that they got their hands on phosphorous bombs this time around.
Don't worry who inspected the remains of the sure don't think Hamas is going to be truthful and straightforward and say they have phosphorous bombs. They would be silently saying, "Nah, I don't know anything." So with their silence, since Israel was attacked in this case, it is up to Israel to identify what is in the bombs. Now that is your answer.

RE: Israel: War = Expansion

And it also came to pass that Jews began arriving in Ottoman Palestine in the late 1800s, after the Russians and the Poles made it clear that they were persona non grata in Eastern Europe. Palestine was as good a place as any to flee to, since it was the last place, about 2,000 years before, in which the Jews had a sovereign state.

Anyway, nowhere else wanted European Jews any more than Russia did, not even America really, where there were very strict quotas, although the Americans, again politely, refrained from all the messy European killing, which was apparently in vogue until after Adolf. Besides, those Ottoman Turks, then as now, were known around the world for their amazing human rights activism and the Jews were excited to see it first hand. No, not really. But…they were better than the Polish peasants. Unless you were Armenian.

It is true that there were people in Palestine before the Jews arrived en masse (for there was always a handful of Jews here), not "A People" per se, but rather a group of assorted regional Arabs who had settled the area with not much agricultural success and had endured various rulers over the millennia.

But when the Jews came back, it was suddenly necessary, once again, to tell them to get the hell out. There was no living side by side, even though that was an express Jewish desire right up until 1947/8, when the Partition Plan was summarily rejected by the Arab League, who started the war that Israel won. If keeping land you win in a war others provoke (when you wanted to make peace) is called occupation, dear Helen, the world’s axis of furious justice has a lot bigger fish to fry than Israel.

The Arab desire to kick the Jews the hell out of Palestine did not begin in 1967, and not in 1948. It began the moment the first groups of Jews arrived and started to make the land flower and produce crops. That’s when the attacks on Jews began, and when the Arab world decided a new Jewish presence in the land would not do, back when there were about half a million Arabs and just under 100,000 Jews in the Holy Land, in the early 1900’s. Twenty percent was too much, apparently, to bear. (The Hebron Massacre of 1929, in which dozens of Jews were killed and wounded, took place long before a single house was built over the Green Line)

I can only imagine how awful it was - probably for both the Arabs and the British - when it became clear we were here to stay and grow to much further percentages. We are that annoying, what with trying to get rid of malaria and swamps and tuberculosis and all that.

At any rate, it seems that every time a Jewish minority starts to make a society too successful, the indigenous people start to feel very uncomfortable, and tells them one way or another to get the hell out.

pg 2

RE: no for Iran BUT yes for Israel: be the judge who should have nuclear?

Ever hear the saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names never hurt me"? If they quit using the stones at the Israelis, then maybe they wouldn't get their bones broken per se.
Somewhere I read this year that one of the rocket attacks from Gaza or Lebanon this year had white phosphorous in it. Nothing was made a big deal of it on the news though but just casually mentioned and then the news dropped it.
Perhaps they were playing "Tit for Tat" with the Israelis.

Just came out on the news yesterday and today that if Hezbollah shoots their missles and reaches Tel Aviv, then it's curtains for Lebanon. It will be taken as a direct Act of War on Israel and Israel will take it to mean that Hezbollah has taken over the Lebanese government. Israel has stated that it will go all the way into Lebanon, not just part way like before. It will be conventional warfare, not nuclear though. This is what Iran is hoping for as they want Lebanon to be the testing ground whether the weaponry supplied to Hezbollah is good enough to fend off the Israelis.

And the world does not put a halt to Pres A of Iran with his diabolic schemes using people's lives as pawns.sad flower

RE: Long distance. He hesitates. Should I give him deadline?

Thank you Louis for correcting me. I was originally reading and then got interrupted with a phone call. Then I went back to reading. Must have jumped a bit ahead too quickly and missed that they had met in the US.

Well, aside from the fact that they had met, the rest that I wrote I strongly beieve is the case.

I think he has someone in his bed with him and not the Op. Guess it may be the old saying, "When the cats away, the mouse shall play." I think he is playing her and doesn't know how to put it to her that he is no longer really interested. Perhaps he figures if she realizes that he isn't going to come over to her country, the communications will fizzle out and she will go look for someone else. Some guys think they don't want to hurt a girl's feelings by saying it directly to them. So the less they say and leave the girl in a mental quandry, there is the greater possibility she will break it off.

Our Op was convenient for him when she was in the country but no longer meets his needs when she is no longer there. I feel sad to see her heart being broken like this. She deserves much better than him in my opinion.

RE: He asked me to marry him

You already sold your granny for the pot of goldrolling on the floor laughing

RE: Long distance. He hesitates. Should I give him deadline?

I think he has strung you along and has been playing on your heart and emotions for his own gratification. You have never met him, he has professed his love and he is evading these serious questions you have at this time?

I'd say truly that no matter what deadline you give him, he's going to give you an excuse and you will keep extending it. My feeling is to end it now, cry it out of your system and move on to meet a decent guy who is not dawdling or pulling on your heartstrings for his own amusements.

To sit in hope and wait your life away for love that is most likely not really there in the first place is not really good for anyone in the longrun.

What has he done for you other than sweet nothing words to make you feel special? I have a feeling that he has someone right here in the states that he is involved with...maybe even engaged, dating or married to already. He most likely has no intentions whatsoever of spending time with you in person.

I could be wrong but then again, this is only my opinion based on what you have written and what may possibly be the reasons for his evading conversation with you using the "early in the morning excuse" and he isn't willing to get into any long drawn out conversation at that hour. He probably isn't able to speak early in the morning cuz someone he is with is able to hear him and start asking questions so he has to keep it short. Maybe wife or girlfriend possibly nearby.

If a guy is in love with a woman and she calls him, you can better believe even in a groggy sleepy state that man will come to attention of some sort and not evade a conversation. He will be fantasizing about you right there with him as he is talking to you. The male is hardwired liked that by nature when he is truly in love and the woman is not in bed next to him and he hears her voice and there is no one present in the bed with him otherwise. Perhaps the experienced men who have been in love before are the best experts in the matters of the heart and distance. I'm only speaking from personal experience.

heart wings

RE: Israel: War = Expansion

You blamed the Lebanon's Hariri death on Mossad awhile back and were absolutely adament about it. Now, the truth comes out and it was Hezbollah and they are admitting it begrudgingly. They kept denying it to try to incite another war with Israel.

I'm sure it must just sicken you to have to find out that Hezbollah also has a "standard" of assassinating those whom they don't like and whom they are able to reach with much ease.

It's like, "Mom, I didn't do it....he did it!"(as he points to the other kid on the block namely Israel) And of course ignore and pay no mind to the fact that Hamas has hit squads too that can get around the world too. In this case to put it in your own words and add a twist at the end, "If it looks like a duck, it is a duck amd it's going to get cooked like a duck". Hezbollah is cooked Silverbirch and your fingerpointing has been chopped off.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Just so you know!

Which SB are you talking about? SB on the political forums is old man Silverbirch. Surely you are not talking about him now, are ya?rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Aetheism...genuine or a cop out?

I think Atheism is genuine as is a belief in God for those who aspire to either way. Whichever brings a person to have peace of mind with understanding creation and the way nature fluently moves, is right in both views.

I do believe in the reearch of the God gene as brain scans showed lit up areas when God came into the testing phase in those who believe in God. The brain areas did not light up in those who had no belief in God. Thus it makes sense that even through people are brought up in a religion, they may ulitmately not really have a belief in God.

There is no wrong in believing or not believing in God.

But as a person who does have a strong belief in God, I was totally awed and amazed when I recently took a trip up to Letchworth State Park in New York State and beheld what is considered as the "Grand Canyon of the East". Everything in it's perfection and imperfections balanced out perfectly and was spectacular to view. From double rainbows at waterfalls, to cliffs, gorges, layers of rock, fauna, swirling and rushing colors of water and rocks, to the sky and birds. From everything living to non living, everything was in balance. To me, I cannot even fathom that something like this wasn't created by God as a gift to man for many generations to behold.

Yes, I can say that nature carved this all out from the glacial age but who/what/how created the spark that got nature moving to do all this? That is where I feel that God had a hand in creation of all living things with different ability levels to appreciate the inanimate things he also created.

I have also noticed that with every living thing, color, shape and size has been replicated several times over in inatimate objects also as in cloud formations, landscape colors and striations and shapes. Creatures camoflage into landscapes of desert, rock and corals for survival.

Sorry I'm getting a bit carried away here but God or no God belief...both are correct.

This is a list of forum posts created by LILLYLADY.

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