druidess6308druidess6308 Forum Posts (13,695)

RE: needed prayers

Wonder, you have my prayers for you and your mom. comfort hug teddybear


Btw, not expecting answers...just griping after reporting my third one.

Funny answers would be welcomed.

RE: The largest Wal-Mart in Canada just opened up two blocks from my home. Need rolllerblades

I love Wal-Mart. Before I'd heard of them, and we got them here, I used to think how wonderful it would be if you could buy groceries and clothing in the same store. However, my dream store didn't have long lines at the check-out, laugh

Good question...yes, why are we still paying if they're prices keep rolling back?


Why does it seem that no matter what site I go to, I seem to attract only the scammers? MySpace, that's almost all I hear from...the only other person is a lady with a store that sells essential oils because she noticed my interest in alternative therapies.

Here, the best contacts I've made have been on the forums, but that's just as friends (which is totally cool, and I'm having a great time making friends). It's just that the only "romantically interested" have all been obvious scammers. One per day for three days now.

frustrated moping

RE: more bias

It's news media...they're all biased.

RE: What are you having/did you have for dinner?

laugh laugh Sure, Tufty, we believe you! comfort

RE: What are you having/did you have for dinner?

rolling on the floor laughing I have leftovers, and was thinking of having them tonight...but it's only baked beans. This made me think about it and I've discovered lately that I actually enjoy cooking a little bit. (Never will it be a passion, though.) Now, when I return to the work force, I'll have to keep that part about making their mouths water in mind!rolling on the floor laughing

RE: What are you having/did you have for dinner?

I hadn't really thought about it, and hate cooking for one...but I might just go all out with a chicken leg, rice and asparagus. Now you've got me hungry and a full dinner sounds really good. wave If anyone is close enough and wants to join me, I'll make enough for two!

RE: What are you having/did you have for dinner?

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing Sorry about you losing 1/2 your dinner...yes, a colander helps.

RE: Do you believe in interracial relationships?

thumbs up thumbs up

Yes, it's always nice if they're birth certificate says that they're the gender you think that they are...laugh ...never thought of that! rolling on the floor laughing

As I said, I date a soul. If I was blind, would I know what color someone was? It's tough where I live, but I'm certainly not against it! The outside doesn't make a person.

RE: Financial Meltdown

Because America is the land of eternal optimists, and our banks and financial leaders like to bury their heads in the sand. sigh

RE: Floyd fans...favourite album/track?

Absolutely...esp back when I smoked weed.

Btw, where do y'all get the "smoking" emoticon? I just looked for it to try to use it, but couldn't find that one. moping

RE: TAPS!!!!

Thank you for sharing this. I never knew the story behind Taps. I have heard it often, but now it will always hold even more meaning.


RE: Vegetation Or Solar Power

With that, I'll agree! Yes, there is plenty of land that has no other use, and if that's where they want to put them, then I say "let them". handshake

RE: Often hear that you mary the same type of person again....................Not so for me!

Two old sayings apply here:

1. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

2. You never know what you have 'til it's gone.

Unfortunately, most men forget these sayings when they see some pretty, young thing in a skirt on a day that they're feeling unattractive...and spend a good portion of their life regretting it.

You're not the first person I know who has later found out that an ex regretted what they'd done.


RE: history lesson ;-)

My only comment on this is that no good president has ever gotten the acclaim they deserve (Ronald Reagan was a prime example of this), and no rotten president has ever gotten the punishment they deserve (look at what we did to Nixon over the Watergate scandal, then the Clintons walked away from worse things that they did and are still held in esteem by too many). GWBush, Jr has been neither our best nor our worst president. He has done both good and bad things, made some mistakes, and not gotten enough credit.

Now, I'm outta here...I don't get embroiled in international politics, so I'll leave that to the rest of you to battle out! I've got work to get done today, anyway.

Have fun! wave

RE: My first song on English language

Very beautiful.

RE: Often hear that you mary the same type of person again....................Not so for me!

My second and third husbands were a lot alike, though I didn't know that when I married the third one, he had hidden his true self well. Both were Scorpios. One rule I follow now is that I NEVER date a Scorpio. My fourth husband was truly the best, and someone who had loved me for me, didn't try to change me, nor to control me. We had never planned on getting married, but he was obviously sick and I had great insurance benefits, so we did. That was my final marriage.

When people have, jokingly, asked when I'm getting married again, I respond by saying, "Look, my first three ended in divorce, and the last one was to save a life and that didn't work either. I'm not trying it again."

I mean that...though I'm constantly warned "never say never".

RE: Vegetation Or Solar Power

Well, there's an interesting point there about other resources that could be ruined or habitats destroyed just to bring solar powered plants into being. I agree that there should still be some regulating of the building of these plants. However, we must also beware of radicals preventing the building (or delaying it) because of something that is not that important in the long run.

It would be better to convert plants that already exist into greener designs. That way old buildings are recycled, and made greener...no new eyesores, either.

sigh OH, for a perfect world. sigh

RE: Do you believe in interracial relationships?

Yes, I would date outside of my race. Though I live in an area that is racially prejudiced, I am not. It would be tough here, though, to date anyone of African/American decent. Honest, the prejudices here are very strong, and anyone who is white and dates someone black is ostracized.

I find anyone attractive who has a good soul, and there isn't a race I can say specifically I find more attractive than another, but I do tend to prefer those with dark hair over the more fair-haired, and am finding grey hair to be attractive as I age.

It will be interesting to see the other responses to this. handshake

RE: Howdy Ya'lll or should I say Yins

Welcome to SW PA. I moved here almost 25 years ago (wow, it's been that long!). Anyway, I know what it's like to be a newbie in this area! laugh And please, don't start saying "yinz"...that's a disgusting word! handshake

RE: Dating service's

I have had success in the past, at least for a short-term relationship, and have made a good friend this time around. Honestly, since finding this site and the forums, I'm having a lot of fun, so not really caring if I find a new bf through it. However, there have been at least 3 success stories on here. One gal is currently moving from Canada to North Carolina to join her fiance, another is currently pregnant to the husband she met on here, and another couple has also recently found each other...but they all started out by chatting in the forums and getting to know each other there. So, give those a shot, be open-minded, and see who you meet.

It's free here, so at least you're not wasting your money, and you could make new friends along the way.hug

RE: What Does " Love" Mean?

Out of the mouths of babes! I've always loved that.

Love is giving without expecting anything in return.

Love is the hug you give someone just because they're down.

Love is the friend who drops everything and runs over to your house with wine coolers and pretzels on a Saturday night just because you said you wanted company and couldn't leave the house (thank you, Phyllis, even though she won't see this).

Love is driving yourself to exhaustion caring for someone you love who's dying, and not caring 'cuz you know you'll get plenty of rest afterward.

Love is the friend who calls to see how you are, just because they haven't heard from you in a few days.

hug purple heart heart wings teddybear

RE: Looking for Somechick and all Ohio members.

Glad you're safe down there, Ship. My thoughts were with all of those in the Gulf areas that are being hit hard, even as I was being hit with more than I ever had, because I knew that I was only getting a minor taste of what they're getting.

My prayers and blessings are with all. angel

RE: Looking for Somechick and all Ohio members.

Yeah, about an hour hike. One of my buddies just came over to help me clean up the furniture and grill from my patio...looked like a big hand came along last night and just swept it off of there. I was lucky 'cuz none of it was damaged, and it didn't come through my sliding glass door. That had been my worry. Trees were coming down, too, but I didn't lose any of mine. I'm counting my blessings.

RE: God is a concept

That's cool...I'd be interested to see what you find. I'm glad that there are some who like to research things. I do too...just don't have the time to research all that I'd like to research.


RE: \Ffibromylagia

I live with this every day, and have to learn to live around it. Mine is more complicated because I also have Myofascial Pain Syndrome. When these two are combined, treatment is even harder. For example, acupuncture works well for Fibromyalsia, but can trigger MFPS. Massage therapy works well for MFPS, but can worsen Fibromyalsia. I work out with weights, even though one isn't supposed to with this disease. I just do it lightly with higher repetitions and progress slowly. I meditate and do Tai Chi, and that helps me to deal with the pain. I know my triggers, and stress is a big one, so I do my best to avoid them. When I do have a bad flare-up, I meditate more. It helps.

Alcohol and smoking are two other triggers for this. Most of us can look through the list of symptoms and see things we've had since childhood, and out of something like 19 or 20, I've had about 15-16 of them my entire life, or developed them with age, so I think that this is really a progressive disorder.

I'm lucky because despite its complications, mine is mild and manageable most of the time. (I also have the IBS that can accompany it.) I know that not all are so fortunate.

RE: God is a concept

Well said, Kurzita.

Btw, scientists have found a "god-gene", so apparently it's in our DNA to believe in a god. I'll explain atheists by saying we were also granted free will, and they're using theirs. Just because it's in our DNA still doesn't mean we have to believe.

RE: Looking for Somechick and all Ohio members.

I'm very close to you...SW PA...and we got hit too. Some of those in OH might not have power back yet, or might have more damage. I also hope all are OK, though. I was lucky. No real damage here. A friend of mine had a tree limb come down on his dad's car (he lives with his parents).

RE: Do you smoke, trying to quit, how? Social smoker, smoking only when going out?

I know it doesn't make sense that I continued, but I think at first it was the stress of losing him and the fact that I was still drinking then. Now, I've used the patch, but that got me down to 5 cigs/day (from 20/day), and without the patch, I'm only back up to 10/day.

I know that the physical cravings only last a few seconds...it's the mental craving that always gets me! I started at age 14 during a break between two stressful tests, and stress and boredom are what always keep me smoking. I'm working on other ways to deal with stress, and with divorcing myself from the triggers. Getting there.

This is a list of forum posts created by druidess6308.

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