Does God Exist?

For me a big yes. As a believer may I greet everyone a very Merry Christmas and peace to all as well.

What a fitting time to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, who's teachings are all about being good.

I do know that Atheism (disbelief or lack of belief on the existence of God) and Agnosticism (the existence of God is unknown or unknowable) are also part of humanity. I am not here to disrespect the belief or non thereof of everyone but to share mine and why I do.

I do wish that we can all share our opinions on this topic in a civil and mature way. I am lucky I live in a country that protects this right, the right to believe or not believe. In your country, do you have a choice?

Thank you all for reading and or sharing your opinions if you do.

If you have doubts, please read the two books written by1. Dr. Brian Weiss, Many Lives Many Masters; and Dr. Eben Alexander, Proof of heaven. That's if you are in search for knowledge and have an open mind..

bouquet bouquetbouquet
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Comments (217)

Still thank you, Life is too short Still and spending our times on being mad or feeling bad about other people is not worth it. We do react corresponding to those of whom we chose to connect with and unfortunately we don't have the luxury of picking and choosing only the good ones. Instinct is basically or modality when we get to be charged with emotional disturbance. That is part of life. We can't EVER expect nor demand that we be liked and or be treated nice from other people. They have their own built in reasons why they act that way and chances are it is not about us really that bothers them more than themselves.

While I try and attempt to be good to everyone, like I said, we are all born flawed and we can't always be right. Our shortcomings are sometimes stronger than our desire to be good and be likeable.

But there are pure evil and those we try to avoid them.

Read the content of Desiderata and you will come to realize the total composition of who we are, as people, believers or non believers, our intellectual or lack thereof are made of different levels. Our upbringing and our education. Our cultures and beliefs, we are all different and combining all our takes in life both politically and socially, we do get to act according to our interest. I wish that what is good for me, is also good for everyone but then our differences wouldn't have any more significance to our existence. That is impossible.

So what I do is to avoid those that hurt me, but give a chance for a change. We must all change for the better.scold
Well said.
'Go placidly amid the noise and the haste'.

Something to strive for on our better days anyway.

I think I may have misjudged you Lindsay.
sad flower Peace.
Sorry Still that is a mistake the emoticon on the end should have been the wave. lol. My bad and I apologize.
Well if you keep referring to me as the late great oldblue who was tragically struck down in his prime on CS the Sunday rose it shall be
sad flower
I love that name that if only I can get it back, but then I will lose all my posts on my new name. Okay be obliged to call you Wave, is that okay then? Remember Ocean, or Wave, whichever you want, just that your new name is way tooooo long and can you let me shorten it?

But SundayRose, Johnny Sparton never outgrew that one. Love it either way.wave wave
So where were we with all these hullaballo?

Hello blog world. bouquet teddybear
Believing is a powerful thing. Just when you think you're losing it, strength does come like the wind.
Where the evil lurks, so do the angels.
God absolutely exists, believe it or not is your choice.
"God...Or How I Call Him"

("The Man Upstairs?")

"I Would Have To Say"...."By An Experience I Had"

"Way Back In 1969?".........."And In The Year 1980?"

"Certainly........ Does Exist"

"There Is No Way That Two Different Eras In Time"

"Can Produce... And Come To..... The Very Same Conclusions".............................detective
Last week astronomers reported finding 300,000 previously unknown galaxies.

Not unknown planets, not unknown stars, but unkonwn GALAXIES.

Does God exist?

You tell me.

One thing is for sure. Anyone who categorically rules it out needs a lot better case than the Big Bang Theory.
All that tells us is that galaxies exist. I'll wait till the astronomer finds God before I commit myself.
Mind you it's a pretty deep read, some may not be able to get through it.
Some people not only think God doesn't exist, Bentlee, they don't really care if he does, either.
It is all about which God. Odin is popular this week, so is Darkseid. Noting also some worship Kal El as a God, but he denies it. When or if we worship the rooster Haile Selasie returned as, we should of course also wonder where he sits, is he higher than Rama, or is he equal. Is there a Pantatheon of Gods? One should note that Jehovah himself declared himself to be a jealous God. That implies he is not unique, or why would he be jealous if no one else was like him?
"Then Tell Me Ken"

(Seeing This Is Just Funny To You)

"Some Years Back......... When You Had A Blog Up"

"About One Of Your Cats...... That Could Be Near Death"

"You Said"

"Oh God...I Hope He/She Doesnt Die"

(Which God Were You Talking To?)..........................detective
I don't think everyone who says "Oh God" thinks they are actually talking to him, nam. Not that there's anything wrong with believing in God, but believing in the Bible is going much too far.
Mr Harbal

"You Are Not Ken"

"He Is Allowed To Speak For Himself Dont You Think?"

"Or Were You Waiting For a Reason To Answer..... And Get Back To Your Old Ways?"

"If So?"

"I Will Oblige You....... Guaranteed"......................detective
I apologise for not being Ken, nam, although I think he should accept half of the blame.
LoL, Bael or Muloch perhaps, I forget which one was my name for the originator of this artwork that week..
"No Matter What Anybody Says About This Subject?"

"It Cannot Be Proved That God Does Exist"

"Nor Can It Be Said"...

"That God Does Not Exist"...............................detective

(Its Stale Mate My Friend)
I do believe and the world needs prayers.

Even Elon Musk believes.
Enter McBob.

Mudfossil University
Robert Sepher ..} just 2 of the hundreds of pro
..and Amateur anthropologists having CONCRETE
PROOF of "gods" & Titans in the ancient world.

Mchint.} Many ordinary folk pick up the book of Genesis and quit reading around chpt.11.
Reasons vary...but the Genesis account is meant
To be real eYesd in conjunction with Enoch 1
& Yasher. See Rob Skiba, [ late.

Hint part 2.) It may have been the Vatican's idea
To whittle the modern Versions down to 66 books & a stupifying preface. Yhwh - in time & place does not resonate with six nor Eleven. Ka peach.
It's very challenging to not believe as far as I'm concerned. I am more confident in my faith right now than ever before.

Elon Musk has a video of him professing his own version of man's inability to understand the Universe which unfolds more and more complex systems every day.

Thanks for your comment A.
I couldn't believe if I wanted to, although I can't imagine any circumstances under which I would want to. It amazes me how anyone can believe. Not so much believe in God, but believe anything in the Bible. I mean you have to throw rationality out the window to do that.
I believe but some readings in the Old Testament are quite hard accept let alone understand especially those from Leviticus. But for the most part as far as I'm concerned, belief isn't hard. A simple question is this: why most of us can only use about five to ten percent of our brains? Why? Einstein, Newton, Tesla and some high profile genius are exceptionally higher and how is that possible is a mystery to me. Musk, as intellectual as I think he is can't even present a simple explanation. Maybe my belief is a scapegoat fomy inability to understand, I don't know. I do know this, I feel good and at peace with myself knowing that there is God.

Thanks C.
Most believers feel good and religion acts as a drug which makes people find hard to think clearly or wish anyone to challenge their beliefs. If you feel good through worship and prayers, why would you wish to escape that feeling and face reality and the truth about life.
Crown, I don't think reality and my perception has any conflict whatsoever in my belief of God. Last time I checked: I think therefore I am, but also I believe therefore there is God. If I'm not mistaken you seem to imply that believers are oblivious to reality?

How real is Elon Musk? He believes. confused
You lost me there completely Agent. But thank you for commenting..
"It's my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realisation: there is probably no heaven and afterlife either."
Stephen Hawking.

I would believe a million times more something said by Stephen Hawking over Elon Musk
Fair enough Rizla. I'm not here to dispute one's belief nor do I want to change one's belief. I'm lucky my country, the USA haad the founding fathers included God in their creation of a country as big as America.
And may I add: thsnk you for sharing your position. My respects. wave
Actually, speaking of Stephen Hawking, here is another of his quotes...

Do you notice most non believers are liberals? Thank God if and when we get to Heaven most of the liberals will be in Hell.
I post another person's view of things, (as a quote), and for that "I should be in Hell", for being a "liberal".......get a grip there, matey!

I can't truly dispute that either. However I'm not afraid of the dark yet that doesn't mean I shouldn't believe.

Thanks Love
"If God Does Exist....And I Think That He Must"

"Then Somebody Please Tell Me Why He Does Nothing"

To Bring On Putin's Last Breath?"..................................detective
I think we're living under our own free will. This means that while we pray, with God's will, happens when He decides the time.
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