Shopping Carts

I thought I was lucky when I spotted the apparent vacant parking bay near the entrance of the supermarket; only to discover that it was occupied by a shopping cart. I sighed and started looking for another parking bay. Why do people do it, I wondered. sigh

The immediate thought was that it was being inconsiderate behavior or sheer laziness but after a while I realized that it was not so simple. I managed to identify five reasons why people don’t return their shopping carts. professor

1. They believe that it's someone else's job to collect the carts.
2. It is too far from where they've parked their car.
3. They have a child whom they do not want to leave unattended.
4. It is raining or it is too hot or too cold etc.
5. They're leaving the carts for someone else to easily pick up and use.
6. They have a disability that prohibits easy movement.

And when I reconsider, five of them boil down to laziness. The only exception is No 6 and that is bullshít too because there are special parking bays for the disabled, so their carts won’t end up in normal parking bays. tongue

Similarly, there are five categories of cart users:

1. Returners. These people always return their carts regardless of how far away they've parked or what the weather is like
2. Never Returners. People who never return their carts. They believe it is someone else's job to fetch the carts.
3. Convenience Returners. People who will return their carts if they are parked close enough.
4. Pressure Returners. People who will return their carts only if somebody is watching them.
5. Child-Driven Returners. These are people with children who view it as a game to return carts, riding them back.

In retrospect, I’m inclined to believe that external factors have nothing to do with returning the carts; it is determined by the attitude of the person who used the cart.dunno

On second thoughts, shopping carts in parking bays does not really bother me that much. My girlfriend was bítching about the toilet seat again and I just had to find something to bítch about. Anyway, I told her that when I’m at her house I’ll leave the toilet seat the way she likes it and that when she’s at my place, I’d expect her to leave it the way I like it.mumbling

I expected a little of an argument but she said nothing until she left some 10 minutes later. Although she denies it, she’s upset about something and I don't know why. Women can be very finicky. Probably PMS. I’m not very clued up with these female diseases.doh
cats meow cats meow
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Comments (7)

Cat, wave hug

I am always friendly with the security guards, so they take my cart and unload it in the car and takes the cart back. Of course I tip them.

Thinking about it, I think I am lucky to have people who willingly carry my shopping. At the butchery, there is a guy who never lets me carry a bag. Most of the times shop people volunteer to take my bags to the car.

May be they all love me. But a younger boyfriend I dated in recent past said it's pheromones I produce that men seem to be at my service.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing

But I wish to think, it is because I am a nice person. Not pheromones. grin
I also thought of map who was in love with trolleys. rolling on the floor laughing
I don't like admitting it but I'm not good at returning carts, I do however keep them out of parking bays. On occassion I return them but not as much as I should.

I love your toilet seat compromise, fair is fair.
Hi Luke,
I see somebody else also referred to Map's trolley ventures. I'm afraid I missed it. I suppose this is the punishment for staying away too long.giggle
cheers wave
Hi Usha,
If not for all the sharks I'd swim the Indian Ocean to carry your parcels. bowing
laugh wave
Hi UnFayzed,
I think I must pass your comment on to her for apparently she does not agree with me. She's not talking to me yet. It would seem that I started my tantrums too soon.rolling on the floor laughing

wine wave
I think you overlooked a possibility. Some people believe setting the carts off to the side is good enough. They ignore the fact they will be blown where you found the one and even blown into other cars scratching the paint. That level of carelessness is rather common.
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jun 2020
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Jul 2020
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