Improving Ourselves

When I see somebody doing something well, I admire his skill. I’m not a good musician and when I see somebody who can play a music instrument well, I admire the skill. I’m not a good dancer but I enjoy watching a couple who can

When I was young I learned to play the guitar. I was never any good at it and I soon realized that it was not for me. I have no rhythm in me. Just like I cannot dance well, I cannot make music. And I don’t have a singing voice. Maybe it was not important enough to me for I accepted that I will never be good at it.doh

Fortunately there were other things that I was good at and I concentrated on it; honing those skills. And through the years I have acquired more skills by watching those that I admired very closely. I even asked them to help me in the things they were good at. In that way and by practicing that skill, I became better at it; sometimes even equal or better than those who I had followed.grin

All of course within the framework of my capabilities and limitations. You cannot expect to become a heavyweight boxer if you weigh 70 kg.boxing

In this way I had improved myself to a point where I’m happy with myself and, although I’m getting older, still willing to learn new things.professor

But it was not always like that. There was a time, after my divorce, when I was bitter. It was the first divorce in my family and I got a lot of flak about it. I was unhappy and I felt a failure. I did not like myself, yet I believed I was better than everybody else around.dancing

I no longer admired the good in others. I envied them. I did not like to hear about their successes. It made me feel inferior and I did my best to discredit such. I wanted to pull them down to my level. Until one day when my father sat down with me and told me the truth about myself. At first I was furious and walked away.very mad

But eventually it all sank in and I came to my senses. I was not getting any better by pulling others down. In fact, I only alienated myself from a lot of good people. Instead I surrounded myself with others like me. Birds of feather flock together.sigh

You cannot keep a good man down. You may dislodge him but he will quickly regain his footing to kick you in the teeth and you will go tumbling down, right back to where you started while he will still be up there; where he belongs.tongue

To improve yourself you have to look, listen, learn and work hard. Talking is not going to make you any better.blah blah
cats meow cats meow

I wish you all a great week ahead.wave
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Comments (54)

Morning cat... barely that is... soon we have afternoon.
I think you blog today speaks well, not only for men but for women too. I've been there, feeling sorry for myself, surrounded myself with the same sort of people who was feeling the same as me until I one day found out this was not my ways. I started to take my walks and I become a better woman, I got happiness into my life again and I feel it every day now. I was lucky to get to start with my walks and this is how I live now. I walk a lot as you all know. I found the real me in this... I also got a change in friends that help me keep my head up. I am not the angry, sad feeling person I used to be... she is long gone!
Have a wonderful Monday and a good week to come, my friend.
hug teddybear hug
well said Cat.. I totally agree, to improve ourselves we have to do some efforts like you said : look, listen, learn and work hard... thumbs up thumbs up
Hi Wel
Thank you. Life is so easy and uncomplicated when you are satisfied with yourself.
wine hug wave
Hi Smarty
It is so much easier to be happy when you are happy with yourself.
wine hug wave
I agree , many a times we are blind to our own faults and waste no opportunity to criticise others ,good bloggthumbs up
Hi India.
Yes, when we are unhappy, it hurts to see other being happy and doing well.
wine hug wave
In deed it is Catfoot... it is a good life I live now. teddybear
Hi Wel
No need to tell, my friend. It is reflected by your blogs and the comments you make to others.
wine hug wave
Thank you so much, my friend.kiss on the cheek of cause.
hug teddybear
OK OK,,, I'll try and improve myself...sigh sigh but this hard work thing doesn't sound so leka...cheers laugh thumbs up
Keep the good side up. Not bottoms up as some.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Luke
Sometimes there is no need to change.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

But talking is what you are doing when you are posting blogs, is it not? grin
Anyway, we have a program called capacity building as part of the "ourself improvement." Somehow we understand that to some degree we need to "officially" practice to improve.

tip hat
I don't know what to say here,'ve just made me think of those things I'd rather forget.

another great blog, thanks!

Hi Kalpataru
Yes, blogging is just talking. And does it make a better person of you? I think not. For it is just talking.
wine hug wave
Hi Butterfly
It is always worth it to take a good look at yourself first. For humans tend to be hypocrites. We often say things to get the attention away from ourselves.
wine hug wave
I couldn't agree more Cat. My main point in life, to learn, so I can improve, adapt and change for the better.

Great blog, and, very needed in this word.

Have a nice day Cat.
@kitten, you so smart hug that's why I lubs you and follow your blogs smitten

uh oh

Hi Lindsy
Yes, and so sorry the the learning curve is so flat sometimes. There are times when we just don't want to learn. There are nobody as blind as those who do not wish to see and nobody as deaf as those not wanting to hear.
Hi Flutterby
Thank you for the compliment.

You put words in my mouth in your previous comment.
I said 'a good man'laugh

I hope this does not make you retract your lat comment.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Your very welcome bouquet and nope, no retraction, I jst know sometimes you have a hard time saying what you really wanna say, so yup I knew it was WOMAN yay no worries, your secret is safe with me confused

green beer beer im drinking with candyman on his blog drinking
Hi Flutterby
Then all I can say is many happy returns.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Kitten, what happens if I don't want to return wink

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Then what can I say?confused

Many happy stay-aways?dunno
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
@kitten, your lucky I like you rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Truly lucky. Good friends are in very short supply.doh
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Kitty
Thank you, I am glad you liked the blog. We are not living in a perfect world and too many are trying to make it worse.doh
wine hug wave
Only the Kadetts survive.
The brown stuff I like is a liquid that comes in a bottle. I add black stuff and ice to it to enjoy.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Wht
Good, I did cadet training when I was in school. So I should make it.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing
Ye, the ones whos lives were robbed and lost out, are on a vengeful, no mercy plot.
The governments, corrupt and elite corrupt top dogs etc, are building up huge armies to protect themselves them.
I mean themselves, but those armies will turn against them aswell.
You dont know what Im talking about. they are all under 40 and only an elite few. I just miss it, but not worried.
Hi Wht
M young friend, we are talking about improving ourselves here. Not about reforming governments. i prefer to talk about things I can do something about.
cheers wave
wave So kitten whatz you gonna do about me smitten

rolling on the floor laughing

Hope you have a great afternoon kitten, I need to go shopping now, out of booze, but not like you care, but I know you always worry about me giggle

cheers bouquet
A great afternoon? It is almost 10pm here and the off sales are closed. But we can go and sit in a pub if you like.
laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Cat I did same for years roll eyes then decided to carve own path not follow someone elses. Still learning all the twists and turns.applause You know that saying conversing something about master of nongrin that be mehepeace teddybear
confused off sales closes at ten doh omgggg really, no really, wtf, i guess i do love being Canadian, we're open all night yay and nope no pub tonight, im going swimming dancing

Hi Red
Hm, a jack of all trades is a master of none.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Doing fine I hope.
wine hug wave
The off-sales here closes between 5 pm and 7 pm. That is the law.frustrated
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

About this Blog

created Mar 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 28
Last Commented: Mar 2014
Catfoot has 616 other Blogs

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