Just In Time

It would appear that I moved just in time from that granny flat in my sister’s backyard. On Friday, while they were at work, they became the victims of a burglary for the second time in just over a year.frustrated

While they are well insured, I did not bother with insurance because I did not plan to live there as long as I did. Mind you, they may not have bothered with the granny flat.dunno

The thieves forced the security gate and the front door with a crowbar, gained access to the garage via the kitchen, pulled their vehicle (a white LDV) into the garage, closed the door, and ransacked the house. They must have spent several hours in the house. It is possible that they made two trips to get the stuff away. They took the TV (not the decoder), laptop, kitchen appliances, a toolbox, and even the new (empty) safe that I promised to build into the wall this weekend.doh

They systematically emptied the contents of drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, fridges and freezers into bags (left some behind after they left) leaving not even a nail clipper behind. Even open jars with half the contents being used, were taken.help

The police call them the Crowbar gang. Apparently, two men and two women raid the houses while another man and woman patrol outside in a white Toyota. They have been operating for about two years. Now, if the police know so much about them, why can’t they be apprehended?very mad

But the strangest of all is that nobody saw a thing and there is no garden wall to limit the sight. Another strange thing is that the thieves did not take quite everything. The pork, bacon, and ham remained untouched.confused .

My sister says she would have been less unhappy if they took the freezers as well so she could have claimed two new freezers. My brother-in-law says they were very mean to take his peanut butter. I hope they are still as light-hearted when the insurance settles their claim.laugh

And for some reason my sister lost her dislike for burglar alarms. They’re having one installed next week. A bit late, I should think.doh
cats meow cats meow

I hope you have a great week coming.wave
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Comments (19)

As Sherlock Holmes used to say, when you've eliminated all other possibilities whatever's left must be the one, therefore it would seem they've been targeted by Mossad professor grin
Thats funny zman, that was my exact thought

Hi Catfoot,
I am sorry to hear about what happened. comfort hug
Me too! I am sorry! That it happen to them and other people....hug

And with all the things that they took! They must think that it was their house and their stuff.
Hi Kal
I just spent the day there. My old man was there too. Her children carried enough back, you cannot even notice their loss. Mind you, most of what went missing was in freezers, drawers, wardrobes, and cupboard.
doh wave
"The pork, bacon, and ham remained untouched"

Definitely a clue. I would if the police check street vendors in certain neighborhoods for the television and other specified items. That's if the police care. Even in the US in some overwhelmed departments reports of burglaries and auto thefts get no investigation, just a report with a number for insurance company. Not all though. Some do still investigate theft. Today's thief is tomorrows killer, so catch them now is how some view it.

BTW, such burglaries are common in the US. Many homes have attached garages and thieves just cruise the neighborhoods after the work day has begun looking for the house with the open garage door and no car in sight. Like your thieves, they drive into the garage and close the door behind them, then kick in the interior door and take what they wish. Woe to the unarmed occupant sometimes left behind while the other works. Woe to the burglars if the occupant is armed.

Always keep your garage door closed.
Hi Ken
Their garage was locked. They gained access to it via the kitchen. But you're right, woe whoever is inside the place. It is not enough just to steal your stuff. They will kill whoever is inside.frustrated cheers wave
Glad you had moved out...and no one was hurt!!...glad they had insurance...wine
Hi Catfoot wave

Can you imagine the amount of cupcakes those thieves would've squandered should they break into my house ?!?!?! uh oh uh oh uh oh
Hi Lou
Quite, but now I'm too scared to go out. I better get my insurance in place ASAP. Most my stuff is still neatly in boxes; all ready for a quick load and getaway.doh
hug wave
Can you imagine how many of your cupcakes those thieves will get away with when they break into my house? When last did you check your warehouse?
laugh rolling on the floor laughing wave
Jeez, sorry to hear that. sigh Main thing is that your sister is ok though. bouquet
Now cat, hope you learnt a lesson. Stuff your fridge and freezers only with pork.doh And leave few live pigs in the garden too. They might not enter your premises.laugh doh
Hi, Cat:

Terrible. Luckily no one be hurt.

It might be needed to build a moat around the house plus build a back door as well.wine wave
Sorry not read your post. Just stopped to ask where you had been ? Sir I see you after a good gap of time. wave
Hi Kn
Yes, luckily they were safe at work when it happened.
hug wave
Hi Usha
Not a good plan, I fear. With the exception of bacon, I'm not really fond of pork. I'm a beef eater. I will eat pork when it comes on my plate but I will seldom buy pork. And as for pigs grazing on my lawn...grin
hug wave
Hi Phoenix
I don't think a moat is enough... mind you, it may work with piranhas or crocodiles.
grin rolling on the floor laughing wave
Hi Iotaoo
I have been very busy lately but I did post the odd blog now and then. Maybe we just missed each other every time.doh
cheers wave
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Apr 2015
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Apr 2015
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