I Told You So

This is a phrase that I never use and when somebody else throws it at me, I get very annoyed.very mad

It is such a useless cliché. The damage is done; it only serves to claim superior wisdom and does nothing to undo or limit the damage. A reproach is not going to fix anything.frustrated

I recently did something against my own better judgment and several people warned me not to do it. For my very own reasons, I still went on to do it and it went all wrong as everybody predicted. Very soon everybody, even some who did not say so at the time, said to me: “I told you so.”tongue

It started when my sister’s son, one of the black sheep in the family, ask to borrow a sizable sum of money. He said it was to prevent the bank from repossessing his pick-up truck which is his livelihood. His father refused to help him. I called his father (long divorced from my sister, but still a good friend) to know why he would not help his son. He immediately advised me against helping and even phoned my sister and my father, asking them to ‘talk sense into my head’.blah

I knew that I would not see the money again, but as I’m very fond of my sister’s children, I reasoned that he had been out of trouble for several years now and deserved a chance. So I helped him. The little azzhole went off and bought an expensive golden necklace for his wife.shock

The fact is, had I not ‘helped’ him and he lost his transportation, I may for ever have wondered if I could have made a difference. So OK, I was wrong. The beneficiary of my favor was still the same irresponsible brat.doh

I have my own misgivings about helping somebody who apparently (now with hindsight) did not need or deserve help. But what is done is done. I know it was a mistake and don’t need to be reminded of it. If one cannot add something positive to a situation then he should shut up. After all, it was my loss, not theirs.snooty

It is easy to say I told you so.scold
cats meow cats meow

Have a great day out there!wave
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Comments (57)


It's the old saying,"If you loan someone money forget about it".

Yeah, it's in the bible.

You didn't do wrong and you should just ignore "clicheing" people. You did what you thought was ok and that's ok. Next time just smile at him and say, "No"!

BTW, I really hate the cliche "Hello" when someone is driving their point!
Hi Chrome,
I hear during the Spanish war they ripped some people's tongues out. Why can't we just have another Spanish war?laugh
cheers wave
Hi Calleis.
Well, I can promise you that there is going to be some serious butt-kicking before this issue is resolved. He has something very big to explain.talk to hand
hug wave
Hi ED,
Hello, it is not about the money.rolling on the floor laughing

That I have written off when I gave it to him. I'm annoyed because he did not use it for the purpose that he told me the money was for. He lied to me to obtain the money.sigh
cheers wave
Cat, I can't help but see this from the wife's point of view. She got a lovely necklace from a man who obviously loves her very much and hasn't been able to treat her to anything for a while.

His punishment could be the repossession of his truck but a man who put his wife's delight ahead of sense and reason can't be ALL bad.

Hope she sticks with him and supports him until he can get back on his feet.

You're a good man, and you made a lad you have been very fond of, very happy.

Hi 12121,
Believe me, this one has the guts to face the music. Give that to him. He'll probably come up with some BS story of some sort to exonerate himself.doh
cheers wave
Oh Calleis,
What an optimist you are. He goofed it and he's going to know it.mumbling
hug wave
Must run. the rain to Lala Land is about to depart.yawn sleep
Sorry Cat, when I disappoint you with following fact: if you say it this way, no woman in the world will agree here.. rolling on the floor laughing laugh laugh

Sometimes my son would tell me "you see, you see, mommy? I told you so!" every time he does that I burst out laughing...laugh

If I see a relative or friend in your situation I simply find it difficult to be serious...I would find the whole thing funny...I won't say "I told you so" but the grin all over my face would say it alldoh laugh
hi Calleis,
I'm sure my sister will agree with me.
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hi Cat,
I shall not use those words....as my fav comedian Sheldon Cooper says... I informed you thusly! rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Sorry to hear about this it hurts when it is family especially.hug
doh doh nearly missed you cat YOU said you'd be back Mondayroll eyes
Anyways bet this has happened to you before, it is they way you are you cant change that or you would be looking for a con job whenever anyone spoke to you. That no way to live.
Dont get me wrong I do feel for you at this moment it must feel like someone kicked your feet from under you.
You will get up again I knowhug take careteddybear
Just think Cat....there might be a lot more good out of this situation than you realize. Of course the key word is "might."

If your nephew knew that you respected him before this loan, and after the loan, you no longer respect him...and he knows this. That might be what it takes for him to recognize his ill ways. dunno

If that does happen, it was money well spent on your part. :)

thumbs up cheers

Sorry for late comment.
hi Shay
It's been a long time since you last decorated my blog.laugh

Ok, I acknowledge that I have been duly informed.grin
hug wave
Hi Red.
Yes, I tend to trust people too easily. But the whole episode was resolved to everybody's satisfaction yesterday.applause
hug wave
Hi johnny,
I'm ever so glad I did not phone him to jump on his head. It turned out to be one helluva misunderstanding because of an incorrect assumption by my sister.doh
hug wave
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Dec 2015
Last Viewed: 2 hrs ago
Last Commented: Dec 2015
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