Dark energy/matter

What do we know about dark energy....or dark matter? Is there really anyway for us to know anything about it? Scientist seem to agree that dark matter/energy does exist. How?

I was having a conversation with a friend lately. He described dark energy in a way that I have never heard it described before. I wonder if he is correct or not. He said what we as humans can see is considered light energy and what we cannot is dark energy. He said of all the energy out there, dark energy makes up 80% of that.

So...is that right? I find that difficult to believe that us humans are unable to see 80% of what is around us. Or, I am interpreting something wrong?

I am interested in hearing what others may think.

Thank you.
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Comments (84)

Humans have limitations on all our senses...maybe beause we have intelligence to make up for that. Not being able to see 80% of what is around us is possibly true. The way I see it...if it was crucial to our survival we would have been able to see what is in the darkness. As for dark as much as light having an influence on us...it sure does but to what extend each influence us is hard to know.
Heyyy... heeerrreeee'ssss Joooohnnnnyyyyyy!!!! head banger

Johnny, I think I read sumtheen about this in the Enquirerer or one of those tabloids.

As a fact of matter, just the other day at the movie theater, someone was talking loud and making noise some seats behind me, so I shouted out to them, "Hey, please keep quiet. I can't see the movie." Sheesh! doh

So, as you can clearly see, I understand exactly what your blog is supposedly about. cheers grin
Where's Johnny at? dunno

Oh well, maybe he's busy on them Hot Ladies Talk to you, 5.99 a minute calls. rolling on the floor laughing

Just kidding, JOhnny. Just kidding.. and by the way, admit to nothing, admit to nothing. cheers grin
Hey Robert...

Just got off the phone.


Just finished reading the posts...

are you still here?
Hello Ken...

I cannot pretend to say that I understand every little thing you mentioned in your posts. But, I do believe I got the solid gist of it.

That is some great stuff...things that should be added into the whole of things.

But, I am of firm belief that science only knows what they know....potentially leaving a huge gap between that and what may actually exist.

With that said, at this point...they are of superior knowledge in comparison to what I know. So...lets add that stuff in. :)

Thanks Ken.


If it were important for our survival, we would have had access to it.


As a Devil's advocate here....

It would not be out of line to say that many people thing we may be at or near the end of times. dunno


Is it possible because we have become "un-tuned" with nature...we have put ourselves at risk. dunno

with that said...

Maybe, we need to become "in-tune" with the invisible forces that might be. dunno

just perhaps. :) dunno dunno dunno dunno

The concept of God(s) just came out of nowhere....dunno

I know fear is a great motivator/controller....

But the fear of God(s) worked on a planet full of people for 1000's of years. dunno

In other words....there is proof that people really believed in God.
Hey Johnny wave

No, I'm not still here. Or am I? You might see me, but then again, I may be in the same room and you might not see me.

Whatever the heck I'm trying to say. laugh

Anyways, theirs people streaking on my crazy blog right now. Whew! And they're all starting to perspire now too. doh rolling on the floor laughing

Interesting blog you have here. Something to think about.
Have a nice night. cheers

If you are talking about words come from behind you hindering your ability to see the video projection in front of you....

there are some issue that need tending to...

perhaps something a little dark energy might help you with...

rolling on the floor laughing tongue
cool Robert....I will see you on your streaking blog. grin

Get some Clooney girls going over there. laugh
rose Brother Johnny thumbs up
rose More than interesting Blog rose
rose I agree their are Dark Energies rose
rose For example when we a Crossing rose
rose A Forest/Juggle at Night alone rose
rose At time we feel Fear of Darkness rose
rose In Mind Body and Nerves rose
rose That's what's Dark Energy Is rose
Have A Happy Day.
I have a very agnostic outlook on life. I won't reject the possibility of enteties that are invisible to us but will also not put my trust in them to help or guide me in any way. We should look inside not outside as there is nothing out there that can benefit or harm you. Don't think we can cause or prevent the earth from doing whatever it is suppose to do. We can just make life very difficult for ourselves by our destructive irresponsible ways.
Hi Johnny,

everything that can't be proven scientifically will always be viewed with great scepticism by most people.. uh oh wink
I know what I saw Ken and I never said there was anything magical about it.

Georgie, A most vicious evil murder was committed within its walls so I'd rather not go into it, but I don't think demons/evil can go inside a house unless its welcomed in by someone.. my witchy grandmother.
Itchy, Google 'Ward Spell'.

Of course the barrier is only as strong as the energy available to fuel the spell. Also important is to throw blocks up not just to the compass points but through time as well. You want to seal off entering yesterday and hanging around, while also setting an end date. If the end date is years away, then of course more energy is needed for the spell so it won't grow weak with time.

I am not really sure that strays into magic even though that is where the terminology is most easily found. Something physical I suspect, but on a level we can't see is all.

Your comment is noted. Agreed. Problem is many things not easily seen have been when seen labeled as Angels, Demons, Devils, etc. when actually they are none of that. It is obvious, since some have even been 'caught' on surveillance video we share this world with many things not often seen.
If we live in reality,we should understand,that the short part of the wavelength we human normally can see,stop us to see a lot of more things,that exist around us.
An other thing is,that some sort of different symbolic is involved to....when my two Sons is on the place when healing,they see in exactly the same place in the body the problem,but symbolically in a different way and as my ex was able to see the problem in the body too,she still saw it symbolically in a third way,so it is little in the same way as the color,that we all see it in a different way,but has learn to identify it still as the same color.
Ken, if you believe we share this world with unseen things then why not believe we do so with Angels and Devils???

I did look up "ward spells" but just took a quick peep over some of it.. might take a better look later on but it gives me no answers to what I DID see.

My grandmother always locked her back door at a certain time in the late afternoon early evening, gave us some story bout the devil waits outside but can't come in unless he's welcomed in..one afternoon I opened it because I was closer to the back door and not the front one, that's when I saw him.. I spents weeks in hospital because of how she attacked me for opening it.. I always thought the back door thing was an old folkie tale, I was wrong... it was hers alone.

I doubt very much you believe people can make deals with the devil??? I'm not sure about that one myself.. but maybe she did a long long time ago well before my time, maybe reasons why he lurked round her house.

Sounds a little far fetched but there was evil in that woman.

Had bad dreams lastnight from talking about her here...
no doubt now I'll have them again tonight uh oh
Hello Daniela,

I have heard that with other people too...they are able to see people's auras.

As far as demons and such....I am not totally convinced they only exist to scare people....there might very well be some truth.



Hello Tim...

With the crossing of the dark forest...and what you mention as dark energy...as in the form of fear.

I feel it is believed that fear is an emotion.

Emotions are often if not always the results of our thoughts.

Funny thing about thoughts...as far as I know, nobody really knows where are thoughts come from.

Potentially from the dark side??

Thank you Tim..


They say that nothing external can create happiness within. Because whatever is external will inevitably fade or leave.

So to seek true happiness, it is said to come from within.

However, we are not all happy people. I would say that happiness is a lot more difficult to find than the opposite. But we have become a society of external stimulus....

When people rely on external things....perhaps there is some dark influence at times?? ...people don't even realize it?? dunno

But...because we are a society of external stimuli....

Maybe we are a society most vulnerable to the dark forces??

If of course they exist. :)
Call....I agree.

If you think about how people lived...say 150 years ago and somewhat earlier....we have become displaced and separated from nature.

We had the industrial revolution....which had us standing in assembly lines trying to make the dollar..

Now we have the information age...(ironically) ....which has us sitting in front of computers....trying to make the dollar....and also trying to find us human connection.

Can human connection be made over a computer?

Is it natural to be like this?

Are we steering ourselves into a blackhole...of sorts?


I do believe....we are becoming a less and less social society...becoming engrossed in our own thoughts.....

thoughts that come from? lol


Itchy, by the sounds of it, the only evil spirit in that house was your grandmother.

If she hurt you so badly to put you in hospital, she was a bad one.

And she frightened you about the unknown so much, you then saw the fear personified. Children are easy to manipulate and scare. She was a master manipulator.
Ken....good read.

I cannot help to be think back to that movie that came out...I think last year or a year and a half ago...Interstellar.

It had to do with the space/time continuum...which well...made for an interesting movie...but a movie that I would probably need to watch a few more times to get a better understanding of it.


Very interesting with more than one Big Bang.

That is what I commonly hear too. The evil forces need to be invited in.

It is said, they want the person to "knowingly" accept them.

Ojiga boards (I know I butchered the spelling)....were believed to be just games....sold as games in stores. Many believe that they do have powers to open up portals. Portals where?...to what?...perhaps in the dark world?? dunno

It is also said, many wealthy people sell themselves to the devil/evil. People will offer their souls to get things....such a a woman or money. It is said...you can make deals with the devil. Also, there are many well documented cases where people have become possessed.

"modern science"....would easily dismiss it as insanity. but???
Ken...from my understanding,

You are saying that the labels of devil, angel, etc...are incorrect. However, there are actually things that do exist that we cannot see.

Just wanted to clear that up...pretty sure that is what you are saying.

So...if that is the case, is it safe to possibly think that all that we cannot see is neither all bad or all good.

I really hate to bring religion into all of this....because I was hoping to stay more in line with proven science....but, is it possible that early religion knew about this dark stuff and tried to apply labels to it so us simple humans could understand better?

Just a thought....dunno

I often wonder how some secret societies can consist of millions of members and yet manage to keep secrets. When, in fact, it is human nature to talk and very difficult for us to keep secrets.


That is interesting too (healing)....kinda like Edgar Cayce. It is said that all of Edgar Cayce's visions were documented and I do not believe I have heard of one of them being incorrect.

Well...even if 10 were incorrect and 1000's were accurate...that still says something in my book...maybe I am naive to think such a thing. But, if there truly is something to his visions, that kinda supports a bit of what we are talking about somewhat.
Sorry Itchy....

I do not encourage you to share things that will be uncomfortable for you.

Peace. :)
Molly....I read that too and was hoping that I did not read that correctly. That is sad and a terrible event. :(
Johnny, there are definitely sources of good and evil in this world, light and dark.

The world of our ancestors was a short dark life.

The did believe in dark forces and forces for good.
They feared and worshipped them. They made sacrifices to appease them, and offerings to thank them.

We haven't changed all that much, except we have introduced man made religions to act as middle men.

We have distanced ourselves from nature and its forces.

We live in a world of constant light, noise, distraction. We don't hear or feel things like our ancestors did.

Those who do are called crazy.

The wise shamans see our 'mentally unfit' people as the opposite. They see it a a positive rather than a negative.

We just don't like anything that isn't normal, quantifiable, or different in any way.
I honestly don't blame you Molly for thinking as you do.. but whatever about the story concerning the door and the devil I know who I saw that day.. she wasn't just a bad woman she was connected in some ways with evil doings.. only a terrified person would of attacked me as she did.

I was in my early 30's when her eldest (favourite) beloved son died/murdered.. in front of us all at the morgue she half lifted him from the coffin, howling like a banhee she moaned and cried out words in Irish, everyone looked at her younger son, upset he left the morgue..later I found out she cursed him for not being the son taken and cursed he would suffer the price.. A few years later he was murdered within that house, the eye witness said it was like he was killed by the devil himself because of what was done to him.. afterwards thrown into his bedroom with a handful of cats locked in the room whilst he bleed to death.. 11 days they fed on him.

Trust me Molly she was EVIL even though dead, she still managed to stop me from going to her funeral on that glorious day that old witch did finally die...

Oh God, but I'm going to have such nightmares of her tonight uh oh

Johny, stay away from those boards, I done one once....
we don't need to know it all, even more so when it comes to the darker side of things.. hole

Kinda funny I think....after reading your thoughts (which I totally agree with).

One can possibly look at it as....the "smarter" we have become, we have become "dumber."

Itchy, if you believe in the power of good or positive energy, meditate or pray or do whatever you feel comfortable with, before going to bed.

I truly believe that the power of good will always beat evil.

Evil may win some battles, but good will win the war.
Johnny, yes we have lost contact with the rest of nature, of our world, as if we are more important than it.

But we are inter-dependent.
Just a small part of the universe.

We as individuals still have the choice to become more aware, more in touch, though.

We don't have to do what others do.
Hi Johnny, a couple years back the Vatican dedicated over 500 priests to learn how to perform exorcisms. The Vatican was getting hundred of thousands calls per year to help these people. Evil as it's always been, is alive and thriving..
I laugh at myself Moll how I still go cold when I talk about and think of her, I even tell myself to cop on...
but I know how it/she was.. no other explanation but she was evil and had her own reasons for fearing the devil as she did.

Apologies Johny if I kinda hijacked your blog alittle.

True....just wonder how many people would do it...connect more with the universe and nature and all that jive. lol


I was talking with somebody who is apparently really immersed into this kind of thing. In fact, this blog was inspired by our conversation...on top of another conversation I was having. But...the friend was telling me that there are many more people who are actually possessed, who do not even realize they are. According to him, it is very widespread.

Interesting what you say about the Vatican....kinda confirms what he has said to some extent.


You hi-jacked nothing. You actually steered me into what my next blog was going to be about....

kinda worked out perfect. thumbs up
Thank you Sands. :)

thumbs up
Thank you Johny hug

But if you ever come to Ireland and still in need to know the existence of evil for yourself.. I'll bring you back to my grandmothers house, bring a board with you and I'm sure something will happen to make you know that it does....
just don't expect me though to go in with you.

Molly, one a night is enough wink
Johnny, I would stay away from the ouija board....one thing you don't need is to be looking for them.......
Well Johny this is a good interesting blog ...
so I look forward to it's follow up thumbs up
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