I don't represent the World, I represent America

What a great speech. Interrupted about 94 times with applause, I could see how our country is ready to work in unity and achieve greatness as he promised in his campaign.

Three basic but major issues that he touched: To protect our borders instead of other countries.

To refuse to support illegal immigrants at the expense of our needy people. 40 percent of Americans live in poverty and we are losing the great Middle Class.

No more Free trade: Imagine, we get taxed so highly when we sell our products to foreign countries while we don't tax foreign trades to sell to our country.. Imagine the impact on that.

Obama's 8 years of administration has incurred more debt that all the presidents combined.

The highlight for me is: "We might be divided in policies but we are united against hate and all it's ugly forms.

Even Sanders was clapping and some Democrats.

Most important: He said and quote: " We are now going to enforce our immigration like that of Australia and Canada, you can't come and immigrate unless you can support yourself and your family."

This is exactly what we need:

You go to Korea and or Russia illegally and you will get shot, you come to America and not only will you not get free house, food and health care, but you don't need to work because we are giving you all you need.

That is plain wrong. He says and quote: " Our poverty level is 40 percent, how on earth can we afford this? No more."
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Comments (24)

I personally feel that there are always those who will not agree and support him no matter how good his goals and how effective his measures and actions to achieve success in turning our country to be great, but for heaven's sake this is for the whole of the citizens of the country.

We should be united in applauding his action and question what he does that doesn't work for the benefit of our people.

My opinion.
Lindsy There hasn't been a middle class for sometime now.

All I've seen is the rich or poor.

Lot of what Trump said was just a lot of words.
You might be right in some CC but he already mentioned all the things that he has done as he promised.

Ie, the deportation of those illegal criminals. The abolition of lobbyist, including permanent ban of foreign country to lobby in our government for whatever program.

He already mentioned all the local and foreign industries that will create billions of investments and jobs.

These are not just promises anymore, he already initiated them in the last 30 days.

Give him a chance is all I am saying.
Apathy is a killer.

Get involved.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Don't leave everything to everyone else.

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Complaining don't fix anything.

That's my 2 cents................

He is asking the Congress to repeal the Obama Care as it has made it impossible for so many Americans to have a health care. Arizona for instance has a 160 percent increase in their health cost.

This is very interesting because before the OC, I, as a working citizen was covered free from my employment, with the restructure of the cost after that, it was impossible for the employer to get us covered as it used to be.

My whole family was insured with zero deductible for only $575 aq month, today you have to pay tripple for the same coverage.
Viking I love that, in fact, like I said, there are those that simply don't want to get out of the bubble. I listened, not as a Trump supporter and or Republican but really digested all his words of what he has done and what he is going to do and it makes sense.

If I were an intelligent American, I can only admire and support him on his goals and help enforce the action needed to make it work.


That is what going to make it work.
It'll be interesting to see what he does about Obamacare and how the public benefits.
CC, he is not the one who can change it alone, he can only propose, it is up to both houses to make the decision. That is why if you listened, he said: "I am asking the Congress to repeal and change."
I have a scenario on the illegal immigrants surge in our country: You lock your house for unwanted strangers, why do you do that?

That is the same principle involved in coming illegally. We can't keep doing this anymore and he already said, he has already deported so many and the wall is being built as we speak.
lindsy I did listen to what he said and I'm also smart enough that he can't do alone.

Please give me credit.
Of course, CC. I give you credit. The bottom line is that no matter how grand and how good his motives and plans are, we need the unity of both houses to support those good plans. There are few things that he can do without the help of both houses but there are major policies that he can use some solid support from everyone including the American people.

When you asked your question, about what he can do with the Obama Care, it will not be easy. We, as the people will have to vote for it again as we did when it was put in the election ballot. I voted for it, not knowing all the disadvantage it created for more people. We simply didn't get to understand the thousand and thousands of pages that were forced to us.
In Croatia either, one can not get approval even on the temporary stay, which means longer than three months, if they can not support themselves. Not even the member of EU country.
Linday I absolutely agree about the Border control and other issues.

The Free Trade ~ I don't know how the reality will work out since U.S. are in hock to China bigtime.
Now Ireland is doing great business with China despite their human rights /animal rights record horrific !

We have always been extra kind to US companies setting up here in Ireland, they get Tax Free breaks, [think Apple ] and have only to pay a little . They get lots of perks.
Microsoft, the lot, they have grown rich on the backs of the relationship with Ireland.

It would be a shame to see that go, and would effect us too.

Ireland is now a very different place to live I don't know if other bloggers from Dublin are aware but where i live no less than 4 Mosques have been set up in past few years... huge. Where I live , it is like living in an Eastern country and these people donot want to integrate and can be rude.... sorry ! it is the truth. They skip queues in the chemist and supermarket and make no attempt to speak our language [something the Dutch insisted on ].

What I am saying is, where I live, would be considered salubrious, although I amnot rich. These people are mainly living on welfare and driving lovely cars... something is wrong. They are bowed down to and at Xmas, the crib was taken out of the hospital in Dublin because they felt 'It was upsetting the Muslims'

Whether you believe in Christianity or not, if you come to a Christian country, and take their social welfare, have a better economic life, are allowed build mosques and wear your Burqa, you don't go telling them to take down their Christian icons.

Europe is in a bad way. Lindsay, I absolutely agree with Trump on this one.... it has gone way way beyond a joke and now papers arenot reporting half of the attacks on women, the fighting in Germany and rioting.

BloodyBrilliant Croatia got it right ! Why should anyone be allowed into a country, fit and healthy, and live well on welfare that comes from the Tax payer.
Our senseless behaviour in Ireland has just drawn in thousands and thousands of loafers who have no intention of working.
Maybe fix up the Phillipines before losing any sleep over America.
Pat, may I ask what power I have over a country where my voice is not heard or count as I am not a citizen?

Are you saying that I shouldn't worry of my country, the US where I've lived and a national, on 40 percent tax bracket all my 4 children were born, from 26 to 35 years?

What exactly is your point? I do still have properties in the Philippines but fixing it? Probably if I had influence yes, but for you to say before my concerns of America, you sound as though you're having a problem of me talking about my country if citizenship? Yes, I migrated here legally.

Thank you.

If you don't have anything to say with the post,b pleased don't comment anymore.
You are not only a great citizen of Ireland by being concerned of your actual plight and has the courage of speaking the truth, but that you are a great member of the whole humankind for knowing what is right and wrong for all GG.

I have watched all the news how the Hungarian President is sick and tired of all the troubles caused by these Muslim people, he didn't just say, extremist but the whole of the invasion of his country with Muslims. I can uphold the video here but I don't know how to do it.

I feel your concern GG, you are not alone. There is also a document published by the Italian people who are in great opposition of the building of the Mosque and abhor vehemently their presence there.

You have said it better than anyone and I am appalled because you are voicing out a true concern of the welfare of your country. I hope you will have a solution soon if the whole of Ireland will unite and express your problems.
LJ. Have read your Patriotic blogs. Check out the big guy's address to congress yesterdays. Mature, grounded, even handed, still with the same awesome patriotic messages, eminently presidential, and most importantly, gives the liberals the yellow puddles below the skirts and trowsers. Love the guy. Aa.
I did A, it's awesome, we can absolutely count on his promises to be fulfilled.

All we need now is unite to support him.

Thanks A.
GG, that's absolutely wrong, I'm not afraid to say just like the prime minister of Hungary and the people of Italy in saying that I am sgsinst anything, bin action of belief that dishonors my faith, Muslim or not.
Two part question : is America a part of Russia - or - is Russia a part of America ?? studecar professor
Stud, you can absolutely pick that which suits you.
Phyl, I concur with you about Stud! Maybe with is ultra left leanings, he is a Russian in disguise!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Yes Jim.
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