You Call It Justice?

I find it disturbing that people can call it justice when a human is killed and mutilated by a wild animal and yet when a human kills another human they don’t want to see the death penalty being implemented.mumbling

Has the life of a wild animal now been elevated to above that of a human being? I agree that poaching is wrong and should be punished severely and I agree that a poacher eaten by a wild animal brought it onto himself but it is not for us to say that he got what he deserved. We are supposed to be compassionate beings; the senseless killing of another living creature, be that animal or human, is a tragedy. At least that is what it should be!uh oh

It is a disregard to human life that leads to callous remarks like we saw just the other day on Annlee’s blog. That is why we have a situation where cruelty to animals, treason, tax evasion and the likes is punished more severely than murder. We have lost our respect for life, especially that for human life.blues
cats meow cats meow

Relax, it is Fridayyay
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Comments (56)

One is an accident and the other is a murder. If a murderer killed himself by accident with his own weapon then I'd laugh at that, still wouldn't murder him myself.
I find it a bit strange to be calling for regard for human life on one hand and advocating for the death penalty at the same time.

All human life is human life.

There is a poetic justice to a poacher being killed by the animal he was trying to kill, or a would-be murderer being killed instead by the potential victim in self-defence.

But cold-heartedly killing somebody years after the fact to me is as barbaric as the original crime.
Hi Red_gold
I agree largely with what you said but we have plenty of natural enemies; ourselves being the largest. That is why humans die before their time. but you're missing the point. I'm not condemning the animal. My beef is with the people who calls this justice. The people who has no compassion when life is terminated for no reason.
Hi chesney,
This was no accident, From a human viewpoint we can call it death by misadventure but if the lion had to stand trial he would have been found guilty of murder. The other lion is already dead and his life was not in danger until he came for revenge. He intended to kill and he had plenty of time to rethink. One may argue that that is what animals do but then is that not what humans do as well?
Cat, it is impossible to feel the same level of empathy for every single tragedy which occurs in the world.

For our own sake, we have to categorise them (this seems to be my week for categorising things grin )

A killing of someone you love is at the top level, then someone you know, right down to the ones that seem to be natural justice.
Hi Cat....
I think I got your idea, have no time to stay & discuss but I agree, we are loosing empathy and sensitivity ...the system wants us selfish, only ME matters.
I´ll come back later (if even laugh )


Note: I was reading old blogs yesterday, saw a couple of comments from you ...I have a date, this place was totally different until 2014. I like so much the way it was. moping
Hi Crunia
Yes, it was differnt then but alsi very much the same. Certain things change all the time and others remain the same.
Maybe I have just seen enough of death. During the Angolan war I learned to respect even my enemies in death. An enemy of me just because our leaders ordered us to be enemies. A dead enemy to me but someone very dear to loved ones back home. Some were indifferent but many felt the way I did. It could just as easy have been myself or a friend going into the body bag. Life is precious,
Cat, I agree totally life is precious

And 'enemies' are often only those we are told are our enemies

Which shows the futility of war

And the rise in PTSD
Cat, I guess that could be both good and bad laugh
Cat, I guess living in a country where danger lurks around every corner, it is probably a good thing to have
Cat, Interesting views...

In my case post Rhodesia and yes Angola/SWA I was 100% indifferent to human death, completely without any emotions of any kind, be it enemy or our own, animals on the other hand I did feel for, felt sad shooting something for meat and biltong.

It was only last year when I had a little epiphany as a friend was in Hospital, I actually got human feelings back.
PTSD, Not so much, triggers of scents and sounds and that's it, as time goes by they dont, but Im used to it now.

However, we had the dog catchers in town this morning, 11 strays or unlicenced dogs taken off the streets in a couple of hours, they will fill a truck and trailer with them in the nearby towns and villages, I know they will all be euthanized, but I am not sad about that, they are better off, its the owners Id like to shoot.
Yes, and it is probably the disregard for human life here that spurred a blog like this.
Hi Map,
I must qualify here. We had two kinds of enemies here. Those who fought for what they called freedom (who still did not get it) and those, like the Cubans who did not belong here; ordered into a war they had no interest in, just like we had no business to be there;. I'd hate to be ordered to fight in a war on another continent because of the ideologies of leaders. When it come to defending my own country, it is a different thing.

With regard to animals, I am a carnivorous animal and have the same right as a lion or a wolf to eat meat. I shoot one antelope per year for the meat. These are animals that is part of a breeding program specially for hunting just like cattle and sheep are bred for slaughtering. I condemn trophy hunting and I have never killed an animal that I did not intend to eat; be that a fish, a partridge, a kudu, a warthog or a porcupine.

It is not a blood sport to me, I happen to like meat and if the source is sustainable, I will harvest it.
Cat, I came across Cuban Army females in Zambia in a signals camp, unfortunately for them they were armed and shot at us, all were slotted, but what you are saying is easy in retrospect about where they came from, and why they were there, anyway its old now.

I have never trophy hunted either, I detest it, so if a trophy hunter happens to be eaten, like other comments I say its justice, I am referring to animals kept in small fenced off areas so Foreigners can shoot them for mega bucks (pun intended)
There is such a misconception about hunting farms. These farms are huge and the animals grow up in their natural habitat. You have to track them just like it was a normal hunt. Some may never have seen a human until that fatal day. They are not kept in cages or paddocks. That only happens occupationally if an animal was injured or if the mother of a young one died. They are released again as soon as they are able to fend for themselves.

They are not even aware that they are in captivity. The only real difference is that their natural enemies are kept out. These programs are so successful that many are released into the wild to prevent over-population. Actually, the hunting industry has done more for conservation than most other.
Cat, Sorry I beg to differ (from a Zim point of view)

I have friends there who actively try to stop lions etc being held in relatively small enclosures that will allow the paying hunter to simply shoot it, have the trophy pics taken and then the animal is prepared for shipping to a wall in some house/office mainly in the states. The hunter can make up his/her own story of African hunting glory.

I agree that in SA things are different and game management is active and working, that may change depending on the ANC person in charge, but for now its great.cheers
Hi Cattie
I am appalled that people can say it is good when somebody died.
I can understand that some people object to the death penalty.
But why do they approve of it when an animal executes a poacher?
Is that not approving the death penalty?
It is great to believe that good will win in the end, but when we look around, it is easy to see who is winning and who is losing at the present time.
Howzit BeaPatient, The difference is that the animal is protecting itself or its family, Someone condemned and given the death penalty is guilty and should be executed if the crime is that serious.

Just my thoughts, not here to argue.
Map yes,
I cannot speak for the other countries in Africa. I heard some horrible stories from out there but I am proud of the way in which the industry had been regulated here in our country. The thing is that our previous government saw the hunting industry as a good earner of foreign currency and the laws were put in place long ago. The poaching problems we had a year or so ago are a result of the laxness of our present government to police these laws but this has improved immensely with enough exposure by the media.
Hello Mapmaker.
That is good because I'm not here to argue either.
I don't have too big an issue about the lion killing a poacher.
They are the lowest forms of life.
But I don't think it is right to say 'goed so, he deserved it'
Nobody deserves a death like that.
Hi Bea,
I hope we're not back on the death penalty.

you've been rather scarce lately. Very busy?
I think that we in general have a different attitude toward animals and humans. We see animals as primarily instinctive creatures without developed reason and thus we are more prone to 'forgive' them and accept them for who they are. When an animal is killed, people often perceive it as the death of someone 'innocent'. We are much more severe toward human beings, because we find them responsible for their actions and rarely see other human being as completely innocent.

I personally think that - no matter how much we love animals - we cannot compare animals and human beings. I know that from the perspective of the nature itself, there's no real difference between a flower, a turtle or a human, but we cannot think like that and live in a human society.

You are a hunter, Catfoot? smile So, it's not only a nickname, you have a soul of a cat to a certain extent, as well. handshake
Ah, you are the pleasantness itself again today. Did you sleep badly or did tour Valentine date not live up to expectations. I should have guessed something was wrong when I did not hear from you again.
Hi Krinka,
My issue, as Bea just said, is not with the animal's behavior. They are known to do that and when you go horsing around in their territory, you open yourself up to it. I'm concerned about the human reaction on seeing a human dying. I still say, as in my blog, it is not for us to say that he deserved it. It is a fellow human being and we should have the compassion in our hearts.

No I'm not the proverbial big game hunter of Africa. I only shoot well.

No, my nickname was given to me because of my overcautious nature after drawing a chess game that I should have won. That was 45 years ago but the name stucklaugh
that's right Wen,
Rub it in.laugh
Hello Wen
He needs a bit of mouth now and then.
Wait until he hears what else I have in stock for him.
Imagine giving a sketch to someone he's known for a month
But I who he has known all my life cannot get one.
He has a surprize coming.
laugh teddybear
hi Bea,
No surprises coming and you can believe that. It's too early for you to be home. Working late?
Hmm, true but they can be horsewhipped. laugh
I am not for animals killing people. And I am also not for people killing animals. Nor am I Not for people killing people either. Unless It was in a serious self defense. And still it will be sad! Because chances is that person Might be dealing with it in there heart and mind for a while or the rest of there life. About them killing someone in a serious self defense!

Question! Why do some people kill those types of animals. Is it food or just to kill?
Yes...anybody taking the life of an animal, except for food, or a human and get killed in the process deserved it. Having compassion and honoring the life of a murderer is so unfair towards the surviving members of the family. If a killer gets killed he deserves it so can't see why anyone should feel sorry for that person. He can't claim victim status or anything for that matter as his life stopped being precious the moment he pulled the trigger. If you live by the sword you most probably will die by the sword. Something like that in the Bible. Agree that the death penalty is wrong as that makes the person killing the killer a murderer as well.
To my best knowledge nobody in Africa eats large cats. They are hunted just for their skins which I think should be outlawed in every country. Just the possession of animal trophies should be against the law. These people are giving the hunting industry a bad name.

Hi Ek,
Yes, it is in the bible but the bible also says an eye for an eye. We have long since deviated from what is in the bible.

I hear what you say but now we're back at the situation where it is ok when an animal extracts revenge but not ok for a human to do it. Now there is nothing we can do when an animal kills a human; we can't drag him to court; nor can we tell him not to do it again. We must accept that. But it still remains a tragedy when a human dies, irrespective of by whose hand (or paw) he dies.

But just for a matter of interest; if a fishing boat flounders in a storm and two people drown, Would you have any sympathy with their next of kin, even tough unknown to you?
wave Heyyy! EK....
An animal can't take revenge....not in a way people do so you can't compare the two. Not even talking about revenge here. If a man is busy murdering your family and you kill him it is not murder or revenge. Fish has no purpose other than be food so anyone dying while out fishing is very tragic. I lived on the west coast long enough to know how terrible that is.
Hi Angelwave
Angel...wave enjoy the weekend. is true that people don't care about the life of another. It is when you become the one destroying the precious life of other creatures that you kind of loose the right to have any sympathy from others when you pay with your life for your deeds.
Hi Ek,
I must admit that I don't have much sympathy with people dying while in the process of criminal activities, I think the call it death by misadventure. but I don't think I could get myself to say that he/or she deserved to die. Dying is a final and irreversible act that end all for that person. I just don't think it is right to say something like that. But I appear to be on a lone crusade as almost everybody thought different.

Mind you, I have always been the champion for the underdog, laugh
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Feb 2018
Last Viewed: 17 hrs ago
Last Commented: Feb 2018
Last Liked: Feb 2018
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