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Most Commented Society Blogs (899)

Here is a list of Society Blogs ordered by Most Commented, posted by members. A Blog is a journal you may enter about your life, thoughts, interesting experiences, or lessons you've learned. Post an opinion, impart words of wisdom, or talk about something interesting in your day. Update your blog on a regular basis, or just whenever you have something to say. Creating a blog is a good way to share something of yourself with others. Reading blogs is a good way to learn more about others. Click here to post a blog.

teenameenaonline today!

A B C ...... of . j feelings in A...

C was commenting a lot

in B blogs... one fine day
she notices..... takes a interest

she thinks..
. maybe he is the man... but
no idea of the otherside..
mails followed... she... was
about to decide.... final..
say .... for a good start....

she just happen to notice
something different in other

blogger(A)..... she has this
extra power sensing.....
was thinking to talk... with...
C... but.... alas... just before

If I shoot you in the head and you die, I’ve committed homicide, and you’ll be dead. It doesn’t matter whether I shot you in the head on purpose, or by mistake. Either way it’s still a homicide, and you’ll still be dead... right?

victim is..... B......
thinks.... was all a drama
by C&A..... (victim is upzet)

naturally very upset.

(finally understands C.... is
not at faultlove)

Is Fatal Attraction a good movie?
Fatal Attraction may remain an influence on the genre but something could be said about the depiction of mental health in the film. May 25, 2020 | Rating: 3.5/5 | Full Review… There are so many reasons Fatal Attraction is such a great film but first and foremost is the cast.
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and it should be a public hanging, bring some reality back to life. handshake
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chatilliononline now!

Statistically speaking...

I'm really surprised at the high percentage of women who list in their profiles:

Marital Status: Never Married
Has kids: Yes, they live with me

More surprising are the number of women listing:

Marital Status: Never Married
Has kids: Yes, they are far away

Statistically speaking...
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Vierkaesehochonline today!

Reparations, of many sorts...

...the term is often heard from Negro racists in the USA. The thinking goes as follows. Only whites can possibly be racists, and such people, mostly Democrats of the old south, several centuries ago, were soley responsible for the American curse of slavery. SO, the logic goes, Negroes currently living in the USA deserve monetary reparations. Of course, no one alive today, White or Black, was around during those terrible years, when Blacks contributed so much to the Old South's agrarian cotton/tobacco economies,---actually only a tiny part of the overall USA economy. Nor can anyone possibly account for the current USA negro population distributions, which include various blendings from many non slavery areas at the time, and since. And what amounts of money, and should the many very wealthy Negro Americans in sports, business, media, and other affirmative action sinecures, be somehow means tested for reparations cash? POTUS Obama as well? And how about the vital cooperation of ruthless Black West African Tribal Chiefs in helping the evil White man to capture, place into bondage, and cram the proto slaves into the holds of Slave ships? Too, the American Civil war, costing some 600 large war deaths, and led/funded by a Republican POTUS and Republican US Congress, which many alt leftie Democrats today, including racist Blacks, insist was fought only for states' rights. AS IF, Lincoln's Gettysburg address focused on anything but the scourge of slavery. But, I digress. Reparations might then consider other maltreated ethnic populations. Canadian (ooouuut, Eh?) First People's, Kiwi Maoris, Aboriginals in OZ, Turkish Armenians, South American Cholitos, the Irish in pax Britania, and many more. Yep, peebles, reparations, clear and simple fixes for the injustice du jour, even if the du jours were centuries ago. Achtung,Achtung--- TD-HD syndrome attacks imminent. Incoming, incoming!
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teenameenaonline today!

Police fabrications.......

What is the longest prison sentence served by an innocent man? Judicial systems aren’t perfect. United States is one of the most advanced countries in terms of its judicial system, yet we hear everyday another case of miscarried justice. There are worse places on this planet where people are locked up for political or other reasons. Can you imagine being in prison for 40 years of your life for a crime you never committed? Following are 10 stories about people who suffered the hard penalty of a broken justice system. Unfortunately, it is not a fiction, but a fact that law and order folks do not always get the bad guy and they manufacture one. Justice is a basic human right that should be ensured. But it is not always rightfully served when people go to jail for crimes that they never committed.......Steven Phillips

Length of Sentence Served: 25 years..
Steven Phillips spent 25 years in jail for a rape case that he actually did not commit, that was one of the longest prison sentence served by an innocent man. In 2008, he was released from a life sentence after DNA test proved he was innocent. He received $4.1 million as reimbursement for his time in prison....................... Daryl Burton

Length of Sentence Served: 24 years

Daryl Burton was also wrongfully imprisoned due to claimed Police fabrications for the killing of a man at a gas station in 1984. He was sentenced to life in prison for the crime, but was vindicated luckily in 2008 when evidence suggested that he was a clear man. Here is what a article says about this case:

“In June 1984, not far from West Side Missionary Baptist, Donald “Moe” Ball was gunned down as he gassed up his green Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight at an Amoco station at the corner of Delmar and Goodfellow. Ball had been shot in the arm in this same neighborhood in 1983 by Jesse Watson, a rival in an ongoing turf war.

A month later, on the word of a street informant and a prison snitch, police arrested Burton, 22, a parolee who had spent two years in Jefferson City’s Algoa Correctional Center for burglary. The two witnesses claimed to have seen Burton kill Ball, despite reports from other witnesses that the shooter was a light-skinned black man no taller than 5 feet 5 inches. Burton is 5 feet 10 and so dark-,,,..complexion that his playground nickname was “Lights Out.””
uh oh
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who's truth is it?



Really? conversing
Mine or yours?help

What about the jury?frustrated
the, victim?doh the plaintiff?confused
The prosecutor?


OR MUST WE LEAVE IT TO WHOM?sad flower sad flower sad flower

YOU tell me. Or the world, or your children, and their children's children. Would you?

In the end, did we get any better? angel cheers wine peace

Thanks all for your reads and comments.


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new guy in town

hi everyone.

i am at the beginning stage like everyone of you were once a time and i have similar questions as yours in my mind "what am i doing here", "is it gonna be cool to be here or it is one another rubbish i've experienced before"...

i believe sharing thoughts might be fun and useful as it might also be annoying. i am ready to face them all.

hi again and wish me luck to make good friends andmaybe more..

ciao :)
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Double Standard

Is it true that you have to be a double standard person in order for you to live a successful life? I'm against it but just wondering.
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micleeonline now!

Gun Control & Syrian Refugees - European Style...

Recent News Items...
President Obama has said he wants the U.S. to take in 10,000+ Syrian refugees in 2016.
Hillary Clinton has said she supports U.S. gun control laws similar to those of Australia/Western Europe.

Gun Control & Syrian Refugees...
Soooo........Europe?.......How's that workin' out for ya?!

More News Items...
In response to the influx of Syrian refugees, Europeans are rushing to arm themselves like never before.

In Austria - where gun control laws are among the least restrictive - it is now almost impossible to buy a gun. They've been cleaned out. Quite likely, many will be re-sold in more restrictive countries - at black market prices.

European women are buying a substantial proportion of the firearms.

Some Belgians are now calling for repeal of restrictive gun laws.


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What should you do?

Your neighbor sings Karaoke at over 1am in the morning, you knock his door to ask him stop he said: 'Be relax! It's our country BIG Public Holiday! Let us enjoy girl!!'

Then in the morning you woke up you play your Piano at 9:30am the neighbor came to knock your door and said: 'we stay awake late last night, we need to sleep more, please could you stop your Piano for now!'

What should you do?? blues
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