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Most Liked Fantasy/Science Fiction Poems (812)

Here is a list of Fantasy/Science Fiction Poems ordered by Most Liked, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


MoonDance II

Can't stand the sun,
Just have to run,
Catch the racing wind,
with Kate beside me.

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Never had so much fun,
Chasing terrified nuns,
Stealing eggs from a farm,
Hiding from bullies's harm.

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We climb ancient trees,
Met Mary and two became three,

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Teaching bullies who are mean,
They are the best friends ever.

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Mary have a drunkard father,
She is his only family and child,

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Whom he never seem to miss,
If she comes home or stayed up late.

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Kate has a big brother,
Around him she hides,

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Her parents died in a fire,
She is carefree and a wild spirit.

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Posted: Oct 2013
About this poem:
Jack the blind boy found his best friends,
first it was Kate and than Mary,
they spends hours together until his mum return and moments before that they leave. . .

If does things any 10-12yr boy does,but the folks find it surprising and even forgiving coz he is blind.
They feel uneasy to complain to his mother coz they see the coz his happy face.
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Legend Of The Black Dove (Part 10a)

"The Unknown World "

After leaving Monterey by ship, the Columbia encounters a
strange storm accompanied by a heavy mist that creates a voyage through time to another place. The Captain discovers they are in Dover harbour but everything seems different, Norrington, Jenkins, Captain Owens, and first officer Hill investigate the huge ship named 'Albatross', which is moored in the port. The huge ship's bridge is full of weird levers and
instrumentation, Owens notices a placard on the ship's wheel stating ''The Albatross built at Newcastle in 1929", also a calendar dated 1930, and it all starts to make sense, including the weird mist that transported them through time from 1750 to the year 1930. Captain Owens realises that the freak storm may possibly return and if they were lucky enough it may take them back to their normal timeline. He suggests they should all return to the Columbia. They are about to leave when the watch crew comes back. They are heavily armed with rifles and a machine gun. The Captain of the Albatross tells them: "Halt! Hands up!" and their men search them for concealed weapons. They are later taken on deck. While the two captain's hold a discussion Owens tells Captain Ryder that they are here by accident not design as a strange wind brought them from 1750 to 1930. He could not understand why this happened but they seem now stranded here. The only chance of returning is to try to reconnect with the wind taking us back to our own time, and things will once again be normal. While they are talking they see in the distance that the storm is returning, and Ryder agrees to help them but they need to be quick, as the storm is approaching the Columbia very fast. Ryder tells his crew to release the men and start the ship's engines. Within a few minutes the Albatross reaches the Columbia. The storm is now upon them. As Captain Owens man's the ship's wheel, they set sail towards the storm whereas the Albatross flees the scene. Seconds later the Columbia is engulfed in fog. It is happening again, the speed becomes faster and faster, the ship begins to shake and buffet, and then starts to slow down again. Norrington and Jenkins look around to see if they are near some volcanic island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Captain Owens arranges a landing party to try to get some supplies, food and water and anything else they can find. They also take their guns for protection.
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Posted: Nov 2013
About this poem:
The continuing saga of the Black Dove as he battles his way through 12 exciting chapters in this adventure/sci fi classic poetry serial.
Editor : Marikia
Written : 11th August 2013
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Legend Of The Black Dove (Part 10 B)

"The Unknown World" (Continued)

Flying above the ship are two large birds, but on a closer inspection they observe flying reptiles, Pterodactyls: it seems they have been transported to the prehistoric times. They decide to carry on moving towards the island. Owens, who is leading the men, realises they have to go in, get through and out as quick as possible through the rainforest with its strange vegetation and small animals. Moments later they notice a Stegosaurus eating foliage. Avoiding confrontation they walk around the trees only to encounter an Alosaurus- a flesh eater which notices them. Growling it starts to chase after the crew. They shoot their pistols at it. While running
Jenkins falls to the ground, Norrington turns and decoys the beast away from his friend, the other crew members help Jenkins escape the beast's clutches. Without being noticed Norrington is transformed into the Black Dove and is trying to lure the beast in his direction. The other men are now on board the ship, while the
Dove is playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the Alosaurus. The Dove uses his super strength and speed to jump onto the monster's back and render it unconscious. The dinosaur slumps to the ground. Becoming John Norrington again he rejoins his friends. Captain Owens is successful in getting fresh water and some plants for their voyage home. The storm is approaching the Columbia giving them another chance to return home to England. Everyone is on board, knowing not where they will be going to next.
Will the Columbia's crew finally arrive in England?
Or will they end up in another time zone again?
The startling answer is in Part 11...."Destination Unknown"
Posted the beginning of next month (December)
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Posted: Nov 2013
About this poem:
The Story Continues. Because of the long story it has been written in two parts A & B. because of formatting restrictions by CS.
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The Secret Ninga

Move, like cat hiding from light moving with shadows waiting to strike with mighty sword in hand and Percheron blade don't blink twice he will Avead black as night from east he slays the demeans held with in theses walls with one swift strike the dragon will fall wisdom of ages is the power he holds the secrets of the ninja cant be bought nor can be sold walking on water with nails beware spreading his magic and floating on air
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Posted: Nov 2013
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come walk with me

walk with me among the stars till the beginning of hours. walk with me your hand in mine. let us make shadows a story forever in time. come walk with me your hand in mine lets find a tree and carve initials in the ages of pages. come walk with me in my dream along the silent stream where the trees gazzes. Come walk with me your hand in mine as hearts beat out the age old song of time. will you come walk with me?
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Posted: Nov 2013
About this poem:
just random thoughts
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Cinderella, The Real Story (part3of3)

A message was sent to him from an unknown source claiming that Emma was the mysterious woman. Emma had paid a handsome amount to have that message sent. This was the first hint as to who the woman was and the King was quick to follow it up.

When he turned up at Emma’s home she feigned complete surprise, but when pressed admitted that it was her. She claimed that she had been too shy to take off the mask in his presence and begged him not to be angry with her.

The King accepted her explanation for Emma was, if nothing else, the consummate actress. She batted her eyes at him and had the King eating out of her hand. Yet there was something nagging at him, something he could not put a finger on.

Emma was going to be introduced to the Court at a Grand Ball and a week after that would be the Royal Wedding. As the day arrived Emma was so excited, all her devious planning was coming to fruition. After this Ball would be the wedding and then she, not the King, would rule the Kingdom. She would make sure that he would take second place to her.

Everything was going so well at the Grand Ball, until the mysterious woman arrived. She was wearing the same gown that she had worn to the Masquerade Ball and even wore the same mask.

The King stopped mid dance, he was utterly confused. You might even say that he was shocked. Emma could not believe what was happening. So close, so close to ruling the Kingdom and this woman was going to spoil it all.

Without thinking Emma started to rant and rave, telling the King to ignore her; telling him that she was an imposter trying to spoil things. The more she ranted and raved the more the King’s eyes were opened to the point he suddenly realised who she really was. She was the woman in the beautiful gown who had been so rude to all and sundry.

He ordered the guards to restrain her. Slowly he approached the mysterious woman. Just a few words and he realised how, in his loneliness and desperation, he had been fooled. This was really the one he had fallen in love with.

Carefully he removed her mask. The beauty of her face matched the inner beauty that he had found. Emma screamed when she saw the face behind the mask. The face that looked out was Riberta, her step-sister. Lavina had given Riberta the chance to go to the Ball by combining both gowns into one.

Riberta and the King lived happily ever after. Lavina, though not a Queen, did marry a highborn and also lived happily ever after. Emma, although her crime was of such an heinous nature that she could be sentenced to death, through the kindness of Riberta was spared and only sentenced to work with the pigs for the term of her natural life.

It has been noted that there are two brothers travelling around the countryside retelling these types of events in a manner that is far from the truth. It is unknown why they are doing this but at least here the truth is recorded.
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Posted: Nov 2013
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Cinderella, The Real Story (part2of3)

Of course, it goes without saying, that she sabotaged her step-sisters’ outfits. Her outfits were not as spectacular as hers but she was not going to take any chances. From each she took one shoe and threw them away. Then she completely destroyed the skirt of one and the bodice of the other. She was sure that this would stop them from going.

Lavina and Riberta were devastated. There was no time to make more outfits and shoes for the Ball was going to start within the hour. It would seem that Emma had succeeded and that there was no way they could attend.

Joyfully and laughing gaily, Emma left for the Ball. She was convinced that she would be chosen to become the Queen before the night was out. There would be no-one there that could compete with her.

As she made her grand entrance every eye was on her, even the King stopped what he was doing to observe her. At this point there was no doubt in her mind that he had already chosen her to be his Queen.

Her bearing was regal and arrogant. The servants she treated with complete disdain to the point that she spoke to them as if they were just dogs. Nothing and no-one would stand in her way now.

To her surprise, another guest arrived at the Ball. There was something odd about her. Her shoes were miss-matched and her gown was of two different colours and materials. It was as if her bodice was of one gown and her skirt of another.

The King was instantly attracted to her. She bore herself in a regal manner, yet modest and talked kindly to the servants, even thanking them for any service provided.

All night he danced with her, totally enchanted by her. This woman had to become his Queen. Many times he tried to remove the mask but each time she gently stopped him.

Emma was furious, the more furious she became the rougher she treated the servants around her, to the point of even striking some. Emma made up her mind that the moment she found out who this woman was she would kill her.

Just before the Ball was to finish and all had to unmask, the mysterious woman slipped out of the King’s grasp and ran away. There was no stopping her for she was as nimble and as quick as a gazelle.

The King was desolate, he had to find her. Without even seeing her face he had fallen in love with her. He had fallen in love with her goodness and her gentle soul. He offered a huge reward if anyone could lead him to her, but no-one seemed to know anything.
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Posted: Nov 2013
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Cinderella, The Real Story (part1of3)

Sometimes the truth can become so much distorted that what is left almost bears no relation to the truth. Here I need to tell what really happened.

It all started a long, long time ago in a land far, far away. There lived a couple; they were not wealthy, as in filthy rich, but rather quite well off. They lived a comfortable life with no physical needs missing.

The only thing that was missing was a child, and after a few years of wedded bliss they were blessed. A beautiful baby girl was born to them. They were overflowing with happiness.

Unfortunately this did not last long as giving birth had taken a great toll on her. Day by day she grew weaker until the day came when she could no longer grasp onto life. It was a cold, sad moment when she died.

Poor Theodoric was inconsolable and had it not been for Amalberta, the widow from three houses down, I am sure that he would have pined away, leaving baby Emma an orphan. In those days it would have been doubtful that she would have survived.

Slowly Theodoric came back to the land of the living. He was so grateful to Amalberta for all she had done for Emma that he proposed to marry her, a proposal that was quickly accepted. It was not an easy life for a widow, let alone one that had two children.

She had two little girls, Lavina and Riberta, who absolutely adored baby Emma. The years passed and though Amalberta loved and treated Emma as if she were her own, there seemed to be a distance growing between them. Both Theodoric and Amalberta were at a loss as to what to do.

Strange things started to happen. When there was a Ball happening and the girls were all getting ready to go they discovered a seam undone, or a stain on a bodice. Sometimes there was a buckle missing from a shoe or worse, the shoes were completely missing. Many times both Lavina and Riberta were brought to tears. Needles to say, at all time Emma claimed innocence.

Things got to the point where Emma became openly antagonistic to the girls and Amalberta. No longer did she attempt to hide her nastiness. She would deliberately make life miserable for her step-sisters. No matter how nice they tried to be, she would respond with nastiness.

There was excitement throughout the land for the news went forth that the King was going to have a Masquerade Ball at which he was going to choose his Queen. You can imagine how excited all the young ladies were, for they all imagined that it could be them, that they could be the Queen.

Emma was determined that it was going to be her. She had the best dress made and her shoes were fashioned out of gold. Even her mask was gilded with gold and covered with diamonds. She was sure the King would find her irresistible and that she would be the Queen. Nothing was going to stand in her way.
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Posted: Nov 2013
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The Big Secret (aka F.A.R.T.)

I, Horatio Martin Stobbard, can no longer live with this secret. I must write this down and hopefully someone can use it. I work for a top secret organisation called F.A.R.T. We are an organisation that operates outside the government and the law. Most of the electronics we use have never been heard of.

We have some of the greatest brains working for us. Once they have been recruited by us they effectively disappear forever, they are never allowed to leave. The secrets that we have discovered are so incredible that they would rock the very foundation of human belief.

Contrary to what everyone is taught, the earth is not round, it is actually flat, or slightly convex to be precise. How is this possible you ask? Why has not anyone found out before? Surely it would have been discovered when planes fly around the world.

Not so. The earth is surrounded by a rather peculiar magnetic energy field that, unknowingly to the observer, keeps you away from the edge, giving the appearance that the world is round.

It was only when we accidentally invented a device, which we call a Spectralingulazor, that we were able to negate this magnetic energy field. To our surprise we travelled past the edge of the world and even underneath it. There is nothing there. No skies, no stars, nothing.

Not far beneath the earth we came to a complete stop. We had reached the end of the universe. It was like hitting a blank wall. There seemed to be something beyond this wall but we were unable to make any sense of it. Everything was too blurred.

The universe is not infinite. Once we had overcome the magnetic energy field the shocking truth hit us. In every direction we hit a wall. It was as if we were in a container, I can only liken it to a fish tank.

Up till now, we of F.A.R.T. are the only ones aware of the truth. This magnetic energy field disguises reality and gives the appearance that the earth is round and that the universe is infinite. It is not.

I leave this document in the hopes that someone will find it. I know that they are hunting me for they do not want the truth to be known. They believe that this knowledge will bring about the end of mankind.

I, on the other, hand hope that this will unite all to work together to seek the truth out there.

Horatio Martin Stobbard
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Posted: Nov 2013
About this poem:
This document was found in a cellar in Munich ... it was torn and blood stained ... I do not verify its authenticity
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Dance with the universal stars

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Three and a half men,
Drop their pants naked,
Leaving everything hanging loose,
No worries and nothing to lose,

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Four scores and forty women,
Bare naked ladies asking for more,
Shouts of joy for a dancing display,
Showing what they got with shakes and groove.

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Adam and Eve on the dance floor,
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Saints and heretics judging and giving scores,
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Next contestants would be Lucifer and Lilith.
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After which comes Count Dracula and queen.

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After them the Hulks are literally going to Breakdance,
Where is Superman when he is needed most?
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Lois Lane is stuck again without a date!

Heaven and Hell collide,
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Angels and Demons compete,
Battleground earth for all to see,
The greatest show on the universe is here!
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Posted: Nov 2013
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