RE: The Hoggs Blog

Arnold the pig. One of my favorite characters on TV.

He once won a drawing and the company rep came to present him the check. When He found out that Arnold Ziffle was a pig he said Arnold couldn't win the cash because he had to sign for it. The rep was wrong as Arnold signed for his check in huge elementary letters! A R noLd ZifFlE!!!
That show was a hoot!!

Running the race!

Thank all of you ladies and i want you to know that I love all of you as my sisters in Christ! Amen!!

RE: What are u most scared of

The thought of losing someone close to me in a terrible accident! I'm getting to be like Mom. When I answer the ringing phone from a loved one.

Mom was so loving of us she would answer the phone and get hysterical when she'd hear our voice blurting out "What's wrong"??!!

At the time I thought Mom was overreacting but now in my older age I know how she felt about her loved ones.

RE: Daddy's home....

I must say I have the best kids and g-kids in the world.

And when your siblings comment on how good your families are you just have to thank God Almighty for what HE has done for you! So here's praise and credit to the Father of all, Amen!

RE: had to put down a pet the other day

Yeppers! I remember when Dad had to do the same thing with dogs that were uncontrollable. It's a shame but a fowl killing dog is not good!

RE: what is ur fav thing to do in summer

Are you on your way to Lake Michigan?

I love lakes but just for fishing. I haven't been for awhile and I need to get out again.

Have a good time!

RE: complicated me?

Good blog!

One of my old pastors said if your feeling lonely and you want company then invite someone out to dinner!

If you wait for someone else to make the first move your just going to sit and wait and miss out.

RE: Smile :)


I smile all the time. I am so happy that when people ask me what makes me happy I call it "Joy in the Lord".

It's funny when I get taken the wrong way for my smiles and happiness. But I don't care because I know how I mean it! I am merely wishing people a good day through my actions.

So I wish you happiness and smiling too!!

thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

RE: Our cat just had 3 kittens today

After me and the cartoon!

Ed, Edd and Eddy!

RE: its 2 am....

Atta girl!

Get away from the problems because of other people's needs and fix yours. Just stick with your kiddies because they count alot!!!

Glad you feel better.

RE: Knowing is better. Really?

I've said it before and I'll say it again! When it's over it's over! Too many good people in front of you to miss out on if you wrench yourself with the past!

If she wants to know my past? I tell the truth and all of it. Otherwise there is no reason to hash it out again to someone new who just may not care!

RE: Your Partner's Family

My 2 ex-mothers-in-law hated me. My 2 ex fathers-in-law were great.

The families were cool and so-so. I don't see them any more so I've never really thought about it even though at the time it was pretty hurtful since I never did anything to the women.

Partners? I never really met their families but I broke up with most of them because they couldn't accept my kids. They were jealous in some cases! Too bad because my children are very intelligent and successful in their careers!

RE: Why don't women find me attractive?

And her name is ariel!!!

JUST KIDDING SWEETIE! I couldn't resist it!!! We all love you very very much!!

RE: Why don't women find me attractive?

Your in an age bracket and you have a clothing style which is not really CS type of thing. You should try a website where your style will be better accepted.

I'm sure you can Google a site!

RE: Conversation - Why? Let's Talk

I usually sit back and mostly don't congregate with anyone. I do not have the knack for conversation. It seems like I get looks and then silence so I just keep quiet. It doesn't bother me but I really wished I had the gift of gab. I just don't and I accept it.

RE: connecting lady bug

Sorry Nessa! No more jumping the gun. I was happy because the 2 of you are nice people.


I am currently having a chat session with a wonderful lady. May I use your line or is it copyrighted? hee hee

RE: just regarding the Smitten

@ Laz!

I jumped the gun!!


Ok, but the gorgeous and beautiful pouty lips still stay!!

RE: Some very young guys are interested in much older

Sorry Lilly! I have to answer Frank!!

ha ha ha ha ha! Excellent observation my man!

RE: just regarding the Smitten

@ Market & Nessa

So, is it what I "read" in Nessa's comment. You made a play for Nessa and she's outing you?

What are you waiting for Market? Nessa is gorgeous. Look at that beautiful pouty face. Don't miss the opportunity to find love because Nessa looks like she's willing to meet you!!!!

Look at the emoticon at the bottom of her comment. She's emoting love!



Good blog! It fits me to a "T"!

Being the single irresponsible man that I am I live in a small trailer. It's less complicated that way and my "housecleaning" is minimal.

But I admit I procrastinate alot!!

RE: Could you tell me, about men and their feelings

Of course we do.

True feelings and crying probably will not appear until you marry but we do.

I don't care what people think about my blubbering and teary episodes over happiness or sadness. And I don't think I am a lesser man for doing so!

RE: Smitten bug

It's never too late to contribute my 2 cents worth so here goes.

The worst that can happen is that she will say "No" and she will probably not talk about it in public. No reason to be skittery jittery about it.

And forget the multitude of intro's. Just come right out and say it to her. If you try to impress her or get too talkative it will come out as her thinking something like "what's up with this guy".

I told a lady on here in one of my e-mails to her that I had a crush on her. I still do and probably always will but she hasn't broadcast it. As a matter of fact, in her reply she ignored that part of my e-mail and that was fine because she's not interested. We're still friends and will probably always be!

So go for it.

RE: what i need

Blue! I just left a nightshift job that I worked at for a whole year. This last April i went to visit my daughter for a week. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I started getting regular sleeping hours. I decided to quit and I took another week off.

It was the best mistake I ever made. When I realized I had to get back to work I went back to the agency and they re-hired me with no express promise for work. I just merely said I would wait. I walked out of the interviewers office and the lady that actually does the work assignments called me to her desk and assigned me to a 9 to 5 job and off weekends!

So I empathize with your work "blues".

PS: Stay with us we kinda like you!! Un poco!

RE: Do not think out of the box


Now your speaking my language!! A box of chocolates hits the nail on the head!!

Too bad your not here in La Verne, CA cause you can bet your last dollar that I would be at your doorstep with a BIG box of chocolates!!!! And a diet Pepsi and i woulodn't leave until you gave me one chocolate!!!! hee hee

RE: Do not think out of the box

Hmmmm. I've never given it a thought if I ever think in a box. Being a single irresponsible man allows you to do that.

Hmmmm. Let me think more about it.

PS: This tickled my funny bone! As I was typing in my silly comment I looked up at your "headline" again and right above it CS says: "Post your comment in the box below'!

Too funny!!!

RE: really now?!

I fit the "sleep alot" observation. I sleep alot because I'm a Martinez and in the Martinez family we like to nap and sleep late. We call it "snoozle doozle" and it has been going on in our family for a long time.

Funny you should mention strange eating. This is a Martinez family thing too. We eat fast and we eat alot! All except our nephew "Buddy". He eats un-strange but we'll make him just like the rest of us one day.

HMMMM! I think I will have a snack and follow it with a nap. All this eat/sleep jazz is making me hungry and tired!!!

RE: From alot of the comments I've seen here in the bl

Hi lgs!

No, that's ok you can argue with me anytime.

Naw, what I'm saying is just be yourself. If you look like a glamour queen or like a tomboy that should be good enough because it's what you like to be. Men preferring women to be feminine should ask themselves if they're masculine enough!

Like you ask, "What is feminine"? Who knows???

RE: From alot of the comments I've seen here in the bl

Feminine schmeminine!

Just don't be rude or argumentative. Wear blue jeans and sneakers or wear makeup to the hilt. Dress up like your next moment will be a dinner party. Just make yourselves comfortable in the way you want to be. You may not like me but that's ok. I love you as a person and I will treat you with respect!

God created the most beautiful creature when HE created woman! Let's not ruin it by being picky, guys!

RE: It's a sad....

Sugar B!

I too was wondering where you were. I am sorry to hear the reason for your absence and definitely my condolences to your whole family.

But I am glad your back!

RE: Hi there

I confer with Firas!

You are gorgeous and, of course, welcome although I am sure you have been noticed already.

Glad you decided to make it official!!!

This is a list of blog comments created by Ed1941.

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