High culture CS alert,...

Me to, W. It'll be a hoot.

The VP "debate"....

101 level courses. Where folks with your history of life failures belong. And struggle through. Front line academic exposures. Perhaps you might have met OG there. Here's how.
The better juniorversities often have two levels of intro courses. Physics for STEM majors, as an example, often taught with calculus, a much more efficient approach, compared to two page long proofs using algebra. And the baby level ones, fulfilling science and maths requirements for many.
Guess which levels almost all US teachers were shunted into? You could have seen him there. Both overwhelmed on a daily basis.

RE: Fear ...

Fears indeed, along with the anger, envy, hate speech,---and all the rest of it. One of many compulsive and obsessive sequelae of Trump Derangement-Hilary Deficit Syndromes. Seem to distort cognitions, not to mention grammar, as well.
All those who are hip see it here. Clearly. Daily so. Don't ever stop.

RE: Trump Sends Stocks Tumbling

As always, thanks for what you and other punching bags here write about me. Very helpful, in so many ways.

RE: Great Inventions

Hey, paraphrasing one of my guitar heroes. FZ, may peace be upon him, and his bloated prostate..
Is that a real guitar, or a Sears guitar?
Not exactly a classic Newfie joke, but it will have to do so early in the morning. Eh? My friend.

;--)) wave

Just a few days until the drubbing....

Sho nuff, friends. But of course, Biden may never show up. Dozens of devious Dem minds are at work on it, as we write.
And even if they do come up with a fake, VERY fake, "solution", whatever it is, they'll reverse it down the road, when convenient to do so. As with the rulings on vote delay by long winded floor speeches, or RBG's stupid refusal to resign. Associate SCOTUS Justices aren't popes. Many more.
Yep, I know these folks like the back of my hands.
FREE health care----as if.

Mesmer's art and craft. Few humans are incapable of entering trance.....

I've heard the same story, L. Would love to see it some day.

Sayonara, Roe v. Wade...

Good points. OD. But if properly regulated, and closely watched, the opposite effects are much more likely. It will all revert in part back to States, with national penalty input and oversight, just for a little firing for effect, No?.
And, culling of some lazy, uncaring (very lazy and uncaring) lower class (as a few in Oz), populations of welfare pregnancy machines might not be all bad.
Did the typically all caring and gracious Vierk actually write this last point?
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Sayonara, Roe v. Wade...

Wading through it all. Good, Micman. VEEY good. As in wading through all the vacuum bottles of red tissue fluids of so many murdered viable unborn infants.
Adoptive parents a plenty. Never in short supply. Defund anything to do with the criminal acts---especially if taxpayer funded.

Good bye RGB...

All for vasectomies, under different circumstances, as Clausewitz said of war and diplomacy. Perhaps large incentives, as part of the evolving policy. Hell, it won't be the first time with such. The fascist one party State of Communist, not VERY Communist, China did it for a generation with the one child policies. Both (forced) female and male sterilization were not unknown, after incentives failed. But there were large piles of newly born female corpses, and aborted fetuses. Nice.
And claims if my clinical training, as Mark Twain said of his death, are greatly exaggerated.
But I do like to play Doctor, perhaps some day with the hotties here on CS.

RE: Three Things To Remember When The Democrats Start Whining About Trump's Supreme Court Appointment

banana Great way to put it, SYK, my friend.professor

RE: You go girl...

NO, NEVER SUCH! My 73's buddy, Chat.
Openness and no censuring. First amendment USA. So different in other places.

Pereat les Blockers.

RE: You go girl...

Love when the ueber liberal, Trump Derangement-Hilary Deficit Syndrome nail, seems to have been hit squarely, right on the noodle. Predictable. Seen here, from wonks, and in the biased MSM hourly.
In the rare sad case, the prognosis is guarded.
As our Brilliant and Dazzling, soon to be re-elected, Ivy league grad, President Trump, would put it, VERY squarely and VERY guarded. Our friend.

RE: You go girl...

For now, finally.
---AND, see the alt Liberal syndromics compulsively impugning my thinking and motives. And then, in full character, obsessively using a ruse to quiet me down.
Next step is censuring me by blocking my postings, as does FF. And pathetically rationalizing such cowardly acts. Go for it.
All see it all. Well, at least what's allowed.

RE: You go girl...

So spot on topic, as ever, Friends, ---that well, it plum just gives me the Heebie Jeebies.

And just how, BTW, is that repeat Black Face PM leading our many virtue signaling Canadian pals these days?

Fourcheeses---loafs all stacked on high. Best.

Critical Race(ist) Theory,...

Thanks All. Conrad, your posting hit all the main points of the issue. I thought of a few more, which I may add later.

RE: Scientific American

All, yes, it's all another example of how Science, like most human endeavors, isn't free from human emotional and political influences. Just imagine that.
But as with that picture of Lady Justice, blinded and holding her scales, some disciplines signal virtue about their alleged fairness. As if.
I give a fact based report in response to the Blog, with suggestions, and to counter the hate, with reason.
All can read some of the responses. Don't just take my words for it, as always. Read.
And on topic concerning the ex VP, and his running/losing mate, not exactly a love fest of mental health here on CS postings. Do I digress?

Combatability, verses combat, within a relationship.

Just for a little frosting on the cake, whenever you do service me so, as so often in taking the bait,--- when taking something else, please be facing me, and not holding your ankles. Just sayin'.

Combatability, verses combat, within a relationship.

Already have a compulsively attentive, envious, angry at personal life failures, lonely, wannabee real educator,--- who is marginally educated itself, but lives the as if existence. Pathetically so, in self image bolstering braggadocio, as to the fake job. VERY fake.
Who could ask for a better jealous red kneed servant? Love it when some here act out their essence so. Never caese to do so.

RE: He Called Me a Gold Digger!

Hey, don't forget me, MC. One of the few Tagalog food connoisseurs on CS.
But truth be said, many "Asian" and "Oriental" places here in the US, perhaps elsewhere, while usually quite good, are really rarely Philippino. And the cuisine often has little of the real stuff. Sad.

RE: He Called Me a Gold Digger!

All, BN's lower class comment has many sources. Disability status id likely merely one of many. But I digress.
And just so the ladies here will know, I'm hung like Einstein, and smart as a horse.

RE: He Called Me a Gold Digger!

Hey MC. A Filipina as a gold digger. Preposterous. Impossible. Never ever happened.
This guy must be reading fake, VERY fake, news.
Millions of American GI's understand how silly is such an idea.

President Trump's Kenosha visit today....

Emeritus full professors would keep discussions with assistant lecturers, VERY assistant, to a minimum. Only one possible direction for knowledge to flow in. Not a bad policy. Tata.

To paraphrase Animal Farm...Black lives matter....

Yep Micman and Conrad. Their socialist narratives and agendas are starting to run out of other peoples' money. Even minorities are beginning to wake up to the chicanery. Trillions.
Which is where freedom really begins, at long last.
Perhaps partial recovery from the syndromes so many altlefties endure, will evolve as well, for the better.

To paraphrase Animal Farm...Black lives matter....

Thanks, CC. Your usual astute, if atypical, take on the issue. Well, some beginnings similarly are more valued beginnings than others, No?
And it's great, the way you do not seem vapidly to copy and paste silly content, from whatever source.
Real men discuss, argue and dispute. Girly men, well they merely cut and paste.
See it here daily.

A truly cautionary consideration....

Hey, Micman. I recall, along with other virtue signaling pseudo admissions on failures, that the laughable ESL teaching "position" is merely done on -line, and as a "volunteer". Volunteerism can be used to hide a good deal.
Motives, unprofessional-ism, and self aggrandizement, just for starters. Followed, as with much else, well covered above, by issues of character. I could go on, but this is enough for now.

RE: Bargain!

Good luck, P. Always nice to see folks on grounded paths to real personal growth.

Hydroxychloroquine, update...AGAIN?

Hey, SW, thanks. Well, Ivermectin is approved, I believe, for veternary use, but not sure for us of the two legged disposition. These anti-parasitological agents often have much broader applications than the primary approved indications, as in primary prevention of dog heart worm, but only when the worms are in early larval stages, so who knows? But in the case of H-chloroquine, the long term safe use in humans, as I mentioned, makes it much more likely for any off label uses.
When we put ourselves in the positions of clinicians treating potentially fatal, and novel, and viral illnesses, caring practitioners hear of a few life saving results, and begin thinking, of possibly being useful to very ill patients, especially when these might be quickly circling the drain, VERY quickly.

Hydroxychloroquine, update...AGAIN?

Hey, Conrad. Amigo. Werden wir mal sehen, wie jetzt alles vor sich geht, Na?

Hydroxychloroquine, update...AGAIN?

Good point, WGH. But the neutraceutical and other placebo agent industries aren't exactly starving with their investments, in the often useless products either, No?

This is a list of blog comments created by Vierkaesehoch.

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