Bill Gates and wifey...

Kiwi land, E, where the hotties are scarce, and the sheep are nervous.

Bill Gates and wifey...

First thing we do, AB, is to K--l all the lawyers.

Bill Gates and wifey...

Yes, in all four, soon to be five, spoken tongues. But we see the trance continues. As does fake bragging on being an unqualified fake teacher. VERY fake. Go back to some juniorversity, and spend time getting a real teaching degree in the chosen bragged field.

Bill Gates and wifey...

Boxer insurgency. How dare the West take our opiates away.

Bill Gates and wifey...

A breakthrough in insight? Now it's just students, no longer "MY STUDENTS". Those cutsie little international ones. Must kill him to be forced into such more modest choices of braggadocio. Fake teachers, gotta love 'em. VERY fake.
Just sayin'.

Bill Gates and wifey...

Passive aggressive manners? Why, I resemble that remark. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Bill Gates and wifey...

Well, once more, I thank my devoted compulsive admirers and followers here. The grounded, and the not so much, alike.
But the good news is that, as with mistrust and disregard of the MSM, dislike and mistrust of the big tech crowd is growing in exponential fashion.
As every day folks get woke. Facebook and Gmail really "free" ?
---Just don't bet the farm on it.

Bill Gates and wifey...

Yep, C. He and his cackling wifey are pieces of liberal wealthy white guilt work.

Wild wild America....

Thanks, Micman. Scary video. especially looking at some of those females (hupersons) in the clip. Glad I never encountered any of THEM on the trails. Crazy women indeed---we hear AOC likes to backpack with other deranged types in the Adirondacks. But I digress.
Pays to carry, the larger caliber and magazine, the better, in places where it's allowed.
I prefer alpine backpacking outside of the States. I may be all wet, but it seems safer, as to four and two legged dangers. Would exclude the former UdSSR, and a few other areas. I always travel with several experienced others.
The only really scary time for me was decades ago, in the Blue Ridge hills, with my then very fit Norwegian hottie. Struck two person tent camp, with rock protected embers still aglow, and wouldn't you know, in flagrante delicto, began to hear loud noises. Sounded like several pumas to us. After a while, these stopped, as if in moving away from our site. Relief. Just then, began about 15 minutes of 85+ decibel jet engine noise. seemingly back and forth right above us, at tree top level.
Somehow, for the rest of the night, Big Little Vierk was no longer in any mood to get angry again.

RE: 5

Wonder if the ex had his share of things to endure. My former partners certainly did.

OK, all you tough ladies and men.....

Continuing, all.
While the pain of loss, for that which is really best gone, and which one never really had, intensifies, some turn to religion, liberal politics, gender change---or worse, pets, burying themselves in hobbies or work, geographic cures, travel, and much more, rarely with more than mixed success. Some succeed with self harm, or worse. Actively, or passively, as with the drink. Other forms of life on the edge.
As always, in such circumstance, try to remember what Grandma said.
From Grandma Vierk.

RE: Rush Limbaugh's Wife Gives Heartbreaking Last Broadcast To His Listeners Today...

But that Decent Kathryn is about the height of the Vierk. (Compare with Mrs. T.)
If she could get on with Rush, wonder how she'd find any of us other eligible, VERY eligible, vertically challenged CS bachelors. Hope I'm not wrong to be thinking such.

RE: Rush Limbaugh's Wife Gives Heartbreaking Last Broadcast To His Listeners Today...

Well, C, our good friend, you got that one right. But it is instructive to watch the MSM, especially NPR, dis the hero, while the body isn't even cold.
Who is really surprised? Not a kind, or thereby valid comment among the bunch. A cautionary tale, ongoing.

RE: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? - The Great Reset

CC, our friend. If the world drops six social classes. then we can all be best buddies. And SL, for that last crack, I hereby anoint you as an official Vierk designated Honorary Knuclehead. Second Class.
On your knees man, so we can touch both shoulders with Excalibur.

RE: Walmart sells white slime.

White slime. There's a lot of it about. Just read and look.

RE: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? - The Great Reset

But SM, and all. Even better than owning nothing in these regards, is knowing the value of "enough", and having THAT bring joy and gratitude.

RE: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? - The Great Reset

Lizard head. You uneducated knuckle head. Unlike some of us with the real valid items, BG has his share of honorary University doctorate degrees. Sort of like Affirmative action POTUS Obama's Nobel prize. Or MLK's plagiarized dissertation supported Doctorate.
Anyone seeing a pattern here?

RE: What would you say if your daughter said "This is my fiancee"?

If he looks like he could be affirmative action POTUS Obama's son---so what's so wrong with THAT? Perhaps he can become rich, never having held down a real job. And be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for the same.
Money for nothing, chicks for free. THAT ain't a workin'.

RE: ACV Vinegar

Donald J. Trump's Anti-Covid bleach sauce. Liberals should drink a gallon of the magic stuff. Instantly cures any pneumonia. Permanently.

RE: ACV Vinegar

All us new-life crytstal worshipers. It's crystal clear why drinking ACV will cure whatever ails ya, and adds a dozen years to any life. All the best scientific journals also say why. The following is stolen right from the pages of the Journal of Non-reproducable Results. Volume 52, pp zero to negative 6, Feb. 30, 1983.
The vinegar is said to change the pH of our precious bodily fluids. Especially if the homeostatic functions of kidney/lungs are on permanent vacation. These changes have positive health effects on many of our well documented energy fields. Foremost on the one used by Reiki practitioners and others with special powers to manipulate undetectable auras, sans any physical touching, or use of instruments. It was first noticed in Russia, as with all such claims. Then the electromagnetic channels just under the skin, as directed by moomoo sparks coursing through fascia planes, also responsible for those glowing effects seen best in Kirlian photography, --- are no doubt also involved.
Of course, these powerful influences enter into our spiritual lives as well, and our unconscious dream lives, not to mention on the effects of stellar and planetary motion on our astrological charting.
There's much more, as any wide-eyed quick believer will know. Placebo effects, gotta love 'em. We all respect and use them. For real.

RE: More Gorilla Glue... you betcha!

Those who ignore their Biology, are condemned ever to play a part in it. Especially those professing to have a knowledge base in such.
The order of Kin and Foreign, is an integral part of the great Mandela that we call genetics/life. Each plays it's part, but one thing is sure, foreign is as necessary as kin, over the long haul. Most of the foreign gets trashed, in a giant ecology of survival. A few rarely not so. But who would deny the importance of those who are a little---or a lot---different, and thus in one sense, can truly be labeled as foreign?
Celebrate/Extirpate diversity? Impossible, and the craft of fools.The right and the left can each lay valid claim to being fer or agin the idea.
C'mon. Leave the Cumbayah nonsense in the virtue signaling echo chambers. Where it soothes the troubled soul best. But does little more.

RE: Jaw-dropping footage shows Northern Lights dancing across sky

Apparently, something similar just happened with this crazy weather, in your neck of the woods, S. Wind blows down voltage reduction transformer, and power surge creates orbs and eerie noises from lines.

RE: Connecting Singles worked for me.

How come all the dozens of CS ladies scratching nightly at my door are all in the best of health? Perhaps I should stop pushing them all away.professor Nice story.
Don't give up, with that sort of doors opening for you.

RE: "Happy Valentine's Day to All The People in C.S"

Hey, girl. Shouldn't it really be Felicia? Just wondering.

RE: So ... Let's See What's In Mick's Mailbox Today!

E. The new members check ME out. Then I decide who is worthy.

RE: Flowers or chocolate was the question...

Flowers for the fatties. Candy for the svelte. Biology is destiny. Fair is fair.

RE: So ... Let's See What's In Mick's Mailbox Today!

A devoted and subservient lady to meet all your needs, and grateful for such. And to manage all aspects of home economy. So is it written, in the Khoran. Don't take my words for it.

RE: Up

Hey W. A concept more important then up, I can't fathom. Getting it up. Significant in all parts of God's universe.

RE: So ... Let's See What's In Mick's Mailbox Today!

She'll be puddy in those hands, M. Way to go.

RE: Died of Natural Causes

All, PETA ueber leftie mantra. People Enjoyng Tasty Animals.

This is a list of blog comments created by Vierkaesehoch.

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