RE: how many people have dated/friendship using this site?

I dated one guy here for a few months. Hoping to date another.
I have gotten attached to quite a few people here.

If you are new, keep on going to the forums and you will see many of the same posters. We are real.

As for scammers, a few. But not as many as on another free site. But I could usually tell something was off.
Just like a letter I got from one guy who said he was separated two days ago. I said, sorry, I don't date separated men. Then he wrote back and said that he had forgotten to update his status. He was divorced. Then he starts this strange tale about being a widower, then remarries, and the new women has an affair with his best friend. Then she took all his money. I was like this is just too much.
Then I wrote him back and now he is gone. No trace of his profile or his note or mine. I do believe he was a scammer using someone else's pic. I had even said, that's odd, you haven't updated your profile.

The Dobe

RE: whats your zodiac sign guys???

Ah, another cusper. Is your birth date the 23rd? Usually you are more one than the other sign. Also, horiscopes will usually say you are one sign more than another sign.

Not sure what the cancer is, but leo's I know well. Several family members are Leo's. Things will be fine, but watch out if things do not agree with them, they blow up. A real fit they will have. But not all the time. It's best to get the heck out of the building.

The Dobe

RE: whats your zodiac sign guys???

Born on Sept 23, cusp (cusp is usually on the 23rd of a month which makes you at the end of one sign and beginning of another. - Virgo/Libra. But I match Libra more. I do debate one way between the other.
I met one guy who was born on the cusp like me - one month apart - he was Libra/Scorpio.I was with a guy friend and somehow we started talking about birth signs. It came out that we were both cusps. I had never met any other cusp person before. I have never had such a wild conversation, it was like we were brother and sister with our smart remarks to each other. It was like he was my guy double at least with how we thought. My guy friend just stood and watched us shaking his head. It was fun.

Now I see YabbaDabba is a cusp, ha!
The Dobe

RE: What turns you on in men???

A naked man in bed with me who loves me for who I am, is kind and thoughtful, cuddles good, and of course is a good lover. We sleep together and wake up and go get breakfast. We are at the beach on holiday, then we go back home, back to a routine.

RE: Greatest Thrills

I had one thrill, after having my first Doberman, Jake trained. Watching the lady trainer go around and see him perform. I cried.
He knew no commands before he started and was a wild thing.
Then I got to do the same lap around with him. He had done all of his commands well.

Jake was being walked by the trainer with a bunch of other dogs going down a trail by herself.A man came up to her with all those dogs and looked like he was up to no good. My Doberman, Jake, started growling at him and was ready to get him. Then the guy said, you have a vicious dog. Jake was ready to protect. The guy left the area. When she told me, I was not surprised. She said she was very glad to have Jake with her.

The Dobe

The Dobe

RE: Greatest Thrills

Those 2 stories were a scream. I would have not yelled at you to get the snake, just a please, pretty please! My recent visit from a cable guy went great. He was nice only didn't have his info right. My cable would go out. He said if it did, I would have to connect and reconnect cable wires. I had never had to learn how to do this because no other cable company would go out on me. He also said to put the tv selection on input 2. Of course, it went out after he left. I had him out 2 times total. Then I called the company, the guy couldn't believe what the other guy had promised me. He promised we would get the tv to work again. He said no, you do not have to do that. Also, put the setting on input 4. I was saved. No problems since.

As for cutting that women's cable, that cracked me up. I have had foreigners say no English, bull. This was this week just after they had spoken to me in English. Then another guy said, he no speak English. I said, yes he does and you know it.
Wise move to get the police. Who knows what she would have done next.

I do not think I could do all of the thrilling things that you have done, but I did do kinda thrilling things when I was a teenager. Seeing how far I could go without being caught by my parents. I did alot of things they never knew.
I wanted to wear a halter top so I would change at school or have it under my shirt. I'd say that was a compromise, ha. But my Mom got onto to me, she quit work sometime when I was in high school because she thought I needed her. Ha, the truth was for her to keep an eye on me.

The Dobeyay

RE: Greatest Thrills

The thrill of catching a guys eye that you like, not moving, and he comes to you.

At first, the thrill of love with my first ex and then my second ex.

Now, other thrills, driving a car fast, wind in my hair.

Being at the ocean, watching the waves, I feel energy.

Being outside before a storm, feeling the strong wind, it's hard to go inside.

Last, amusement parks - especially roller coasters.

John, wow, you liked alot of thrilling things. I can still go on roller coasters, thank goodness. But now, no way can I go on a ferris wheel. Last time I did, and it stopped with me and my ex on top, I didn't like it at all. Also, it looked like the ferris wheel had gotten alot bigger than when I last looked at one. I know it wasn't true but this height thing is bad. I went to a cirus in a auditorium that did not have bar's going up, and it was bad. My friend and I were almost at the top with all these steps. When she sat down, I was actually getting to her by holding on to people's shoulders, ha. But people understood.

The Dobe

RE: Ladies! Would u date a guy who likes to receive a BJ,but wouldnt return the same favour back to u ?

A lick for the mick? That's a odd word for what I think you mean or
did you mean Mickey Mouse?

The Dobe

RE: where are all the bi women

Hi, Jac. Can't I bite him??? Please, on the ankle.

I am not bi, ha, I'm confused by men enough, to have to also have to figure out a woman as a lover.

Please don't talk about a pouty lip. I dated one guy from Texas who had the biggest lips I'd ever seen. He had the same attitude. No wonder the other Dude bothered me. He was trying to get all over me with those monster lips. I ended that awful date soon, I just got shivers about that night, yuk.

Good to see you, Jac. I'm ok, broke up with my Kiwi guy. I think even if we had continued dating we would have a problem. Wile the Coyote, Blue Dobe bugged him. Wile likes guys but this guy didn't like Wile trying to lick him and would try to move him away. Wile would come back for more. Same way with the cat. That really bugs a cat.

The Dobe

RE: Ladies! Would u date a guy who likes to receive a BJ,but wouldnt return the same favour back to u ?

Ok, Jac, blushing ha, I do not know what you meant by balloons and planks.

I also heard that putting yogurt (you all know where)inside a woman every day was a way to keep fresh. Douching can cause y. infections.

I have been there, and gave up, then I stopped pleasing him. But we still made love. But the it seemed boring. Cuddling was great, then he'd fall asleep. I have found out that it doesn't have to be that way.

The Dobe dancing dog

RE: DOM looking for a DOW...

RE: DOM looking for a DOW...

I know what Dom is after being asked by a real strong guy if I could be that. The answer is no.

I do not now what a DOW is.

I think this is DUM.


RE: Dating a separated person

When I got separated, I knew I'd never go back with my ex. When we split because he had cheated, I was very happy when I was in my own apt.
But the separation took forever and was time consuming. I did allow time to get use to my new life.
I didn't have a problem finding a date. But guys seemed to be just after one thing.
Now that I have been divorced 1 1/2 years, I did go out with 2 separated men. They were over their wifes but just dealing with alot of stress.
Now, I will not date a separated guy. I do not want to go through the ups and downs he is going through to get a divorce. Also, I do not want to be the first female he's been with since being separated. I would not see it becoming a bit serious. This guy needs the freedom to date, not get serious again.

The Dobe

RE: single Mummy venting!!!

I do not understand why you would not want a guy to be good to your child. I think that is number 1.
If you find a guy who wants you and the child and you love him, I would think that would be great.
I know you want a guy to love you. My Mom was the same way. Always on dates and if the guy liked me good. I think it is a package. Each person is important, but the highest priority is the child.

So you would have to wed out the ones who please you the best and care for you against the ones who are full of it, then will dump you.

The Dobe

RE: upto what age women are intersted in makeinglove,

Don't believe everything you read. Even if the woman is older, still in shape, and their mind open, watch out. Why are younger guys going after older women? Maybe you should start that as a topic, they have more experience.

But some older men can have problems.

The Dobe

RE: upto what age women are intersted in makeinglove,

Don't believe everything you read. Even if the woman is older, still in shape, and their mind open, watch out. Why are younger guys going after older women? Maybe you should start that as a topic, they have more experience.

But some older men can have problems.

The Dobe


With either tweezer or razor, you need to know what you are doing. Sorry, you would have to do it yourself.

Plucking down there a hair at a time, ha!

Also, if guys do use a razor, use shaving cream. Then use moisturizer. That way, the area will get less irritated.

Jeepers, I know you shave here and around there, but do you shave the area below?
I can't imagine a guy using a tweezzer there. It's too sensitive.

The Dobe

RE: Who likes to cuddle and snuggle

A cuddle in bed is a wonderful feeling.

The Dobe

RE: This is for women!!!

Also, hi to Cherrybrandy! wine

The Dobe

Sorry, had to do my hello's.


RE: This is for women!!!

News Alertshock: Welcoming back, Demon Fairy.buddies I've missed you! I'm glad you're back.

dancing dog The Dobe

RE: This is for women!!!

I'd rather the guy say it. There are guys that come and go in your life. I'd rather be safe than sorry and let it come out of his mouth. Then I would have to figure out if I believed him.
I believe in the little things that people do for each other. I may be starting to love him but if he isn't there yet and I don't see signs, then it maybe time to move on.

When we are getting to know each other, I don't like it if he calls at the last minute. Like the day before Saturday, sorry, not good enough, I will not be home. I like to know a sooner than that.

The guy I'm seeing now, asks me well in advance. I like it. I feel special like he likes me and wants to be sure he sees me.

Down the road, you have to be honest with your self, do you enjoy his company enough?

If it isn't that good after you have been going out awhile, I doubt if it is going to get better. I am looking for more than that.

The Dobe

RE: This is for women!!!

Ha, Ha, Cowboy, you are going to scare the filly away. The solution is to take a cold shower. tonguedoh

Also, is that what the English men call it when you are going around ... I would think you would have some kind of funny English nickname for it, ha. Maybe your tommy? I don't know.

dancing dogThe Doberman

RE: This is for women!!!

Ha, Ha, Cowboy, you are going to scare the filly away. The solution is to take a cold shower. tonguedoh

Also, is that what the English men call it when you are going around ... I would think you would have some kind of funny English nickname for it, ha. Maybe your tommy? I don't know.

dancing dogThe Doberman

RE: Heartbreak&Dumb Women.....Why Dating Sites Are Dangerous....

Op, you have down that you are from a Social Welfare Club. Explain that club. I do not see why you care about this topic except to put her down and also the West.

You are from Sweden, and have a very different attitude that some of the Swedes I know. One man would give his arm out to anyone to help them not matter who they were if they were in trouble.

Would you?

The Dobe

RE: Heartbreak&Dumb Women.....Why Dating Sites Are Dangerous....

How rude of you to call women dumb - who are you to decide that. I think you need to listen to some of us and learn a thing or two. Right now, you are coming across very arrogant and without respect. Women can be more clever than men.

As for this older lady, her family did not want her new husband to have any of the money they would be getting. That is why she did it.

So she gave up her fortune to be with him. I think I understand why she did, she did it to prove that he married her for for money.

I guess he will have to provide their money.

People chose for different reasons, I would not have done it. I would not want a man so much younger than myself. Maybe no one else struck her fancy that was around her age. I do not think I would have wanted to marry a very old man either.

Frankly, I was surprised he married her after all. I am sure she adored him but what did he really think of her?

What did he gain on marrying someone who had no money? Except being known for what he did?

The Doberman


I didn't know until I was older that my uncle was an alcoholic. I would go over to my Aunt and Uncle's house on weekend's to help with my cousins who were little. He was out drinking.

Then he decided to change, he stopped drinking and went to AA. I am sure it was hell. It was heredity, he had a brother that drank to. Only, he died, smoking a cigarette and the apt he had caught on fire.
Maybe that woke up my uncle.

He went on to be a sponsor to drinkers who came to the meetings.
He also was one of the best speakers for AA, he was a writer and could be serious but always would add a laugh.

Then my favorite cousin started drinking. He has not had a drink since he quit. He is married to a alcholic, who quit also. I hope their children will be ok.

It doesn't matter, Marisoll if he loves you. Drinking is a habit.
Only he can seek help and get on the AA plan to quit or go to a treatment center.

It's a hard decision because you love him. But you are young, if you get married and he doesn't get clean, it would be a disaster.

I may have a glass of wine but then I get a coke. I just do not like to be around people who drink alot. They change.

I have a boyfriend who family has had alcoholic's. Of course, he did drink some when he was younger. But he refuses to drink now, he is 55.

Good luck, but I would step back and really think if he is right for you. Right now, he isn't.

The Dobe

RE: How desperate are you

If you are desperate, you will get run over with women who like to use you. They will know.

So stop being desperate and enjoy your life as it is. That is when you are more attractive to women. You will attract someone that way.

You shouldn't put people down here if they like being single. Sometimes you are single, and other times you start dating again.

The Doberman

RE: This may be disrespectfull./but the truth.

I've wanted to find a man with some kids. But at my age, I thought they would be older and on their own.
Now I have found a man, he comes with 2 boys. They are younger and he wants me to met them. I'm happy about it.
I guess it depends on what you want in life.
If I was meeting a man who didn't want children, that is they way he is.

It would be different if I had kids and he didn't want kids. It would be clear that would not work.

The Dobe

RE: jac....birthday girl.

Happy birthday, Jac wherever you are! Hope you are having a geat time.

The Dobeballoons dance boogie dancing drink pouring buddies danceline giggle shimmy shock super dancing dog

RE: Have you given up hope of finding Mr or Miss Right online?

I met one guy who I liked alot here and we dated. But it was hard since we were 3 hours apart. We broke up.
I have another single site I go to. I've started dating one guy there. If it doesn't turn out, I will get off of the site.
Now, I just write to the forums here.

The Dobe

This is a list of forum posts created by doberman3.

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