breadcrumb chatillion Blog

Believe what you want to believe...

People believe what they want to believe, no matter how much contrary evidence you show them.
Last week, someone commented on an old blog that Obama wasn't born in America. Yeah, the birther movement, it's still alive... started by (name omitted) and years later, after America became divided and wasted millions of hours in dispute, were unable to prove that statement. (name omitted) admitted it was fabricated. Everyone heard he came from Africa. Apparently only a few heard it wasn't true, or at least don't want to change their belief.

Some people believe the insurrection on January 6th was a peaceful protest.
Believe what you want to believe...
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The smell was awesome...

I'm back from a short trip to Ohio this weekend to see my brother. The trip was initially to take measurements for furniture and an office relocation. But, that wasn't more than a day's task.

We went fishing at 3 places on Friday and only caught a few fish too small to keep.
I ate lots of food including a Cannoi that was the best I've had in years. Much better than the Italian bakery in Miami where I grew up.

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On Saturday, we drove to the outskirts of town to visit an outdoor shooting range.
We stopped at a gun shop on the way so I could purchase a 1-day firearms permit.
Interesting that the gun license was $5 and the 1-day fishing license was $15.

There was lots of testosterone on display at the gun range and I counted more than 20 semi-automatic tactical rifles for the guys in the 100-150 yard section.

My brother and I were in the 5-10-15 yard area as he brought a Smith & Wesson 380 semi-automatic pistol.

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I did some quick research and see it's in the low-end of the scale in price. My brother only goes to the range once or twice a year so he cannot justify something more expensive. He had 2 full boxes and one opened ammo, so I'm guessing we fired off more than 120 rounds.

The place is supervised and an instructor followed us out just to see what we were all about. With a bullseye of 8 inch diameter at 10 yards my brother for got all of the first clip into the inner 3 rings and one into the bullseye. The instructor was a bit surprised as my 74 year old brother with shaky hands did so well. With a smile, I told her he's a retired Army Major. She acknowledged we didn't need supervision.

Every shot I took was in the in the 8x8 stick-on target, but I was disappointed my accuracy wasn't better.

For a few weeks now I've been having earaches since I went to a jobsite where they were removing a tile floor and again when they were core drilling a cement slab (reminder to self ALWAYS carry ear plugs when visiting construction sites) so the ringing in my ears (tinnitus) was at an all-time high. I had construction ear plugs inside the ear muffs and it was a good thing.

I've always been sensitive to smells and having witnessed fireworks over the years, I noticed the fired gunpowder was different than common fireworks. Yeah... the smell was awesome and I wonder if the fascination of people discharging firearms is partly due to the smell.

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Mmmm.... Cannoli
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Has kids: Yes, they are far away

I've read lots of profiles of 35ish women to see stated: her kids are far away.
I usually ask myself: Why and who has her kids? What are the circumstances they would be in a dating site, some divorced and many never married.

It's known many young Philippine women take jobs in other countries for financial support of their families back home while the grandparents raise the children. Personal sacrifice.
On the other end of the spectrum is the question what happens if the mother is unfit and the court awards custody to the father...

Doing the math, lets say having a child at 25, she's now 35 and the child is 10.
Getting into a relationship with a woman who has a distant child (or children) doesn't always sound like the best choice to get started on a relationship.
Red Flags should be going up!

That's my thought on the subject.
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An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government...

To some it's called insurrection. To others it's called a peaceful tour of the White House.
I have my opinion and you have yours.
This is something I predicted. Sorry I was correct. 40 minute long video. I'll watch it again.

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Was it breaking and entering if the door was unlocked?

This story is about Wu, Li and Liang. No... they aren't famous Chinese lawyers. One of them will need a lawyer, but I doubt it will help.
Yvonne Wu was in a relationship with Jenny Li and they dated for two years. They broke up 3 weeks ago.
Jenny found a new lover, Jamie Liang and the two of them were in Jenny's home when Yvonne arrived and entered through the back door that was unlocked.

Some background information:
Yvonne Wu, 31, is a police officer who works at the 72nd Precinct NYPD.

Using a police issued Glock 19, Wu (allegedly) fired multiple shots at the 2 women.
Li was able to call 911.
Liang later died and Li took a bullet through an artery and into a lung. She escaped death.

One story reported Wu found them in bed.

Wu, is a five-year veteran of the force, now charged with murder and attempted murder.
Following her arrest, she admitted wanting to kill herself.

My opinion: Yeah, had she done that Jamie would be alive and Jenny wouldn't be in the hospital recovering.

I saw this story a few days ago when it was first reported and again today when more detail came forth.

I take issue with the news story calling it a love triangle. Technically, the relationship between Yvonne and Jenny had already ended.
Yvonne entered through an unlocked door. It would appear that was considered breaking and entering.
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TDS has been replaced by BDS...

If you recall when Hillary lost, Republicans started in with the Hillary Derangement Syndrome for anyone who couldn't believe Trump won. They switched to the Trump Derangement Syndrome as Hillary faded out. Actually, it's not completely gone as I've seen mention of Hillary from time-to-time... probably used by the Obama was born in Kenya group.
So now it's their turn to whack Biden. Too bad he inherited a steaming pile of turd. Oh... when one administration is leaving office, they are to officially turn over the play book. Kinda like Trump telling Biden what deal(s) he made with the Taliban for the Afghanistan issue. You know... small things like that. Or, where money was appropriated for distribution of the new vaccine.

(I'm thinking Trump sabotaged the new administration and that trickles down to America as a whole.)

Those issues don't get considered. Probably because Republicans are saying Biden is a feeble, senile old man suffering from dementia. I know if you say anything many times (true or false) about something, people will eventually believe you. The Obama/Kenya thing for example. Yeah, Biden is one guy, a leader with a team of advisers. I read yesterday, someone called him Obambiden! Pretty funny... yeah?

The syndrome now isn't Democrats complaining about Trump. It's Republicans complaining about Biden. How many more certified voter recounts does America need??
I haven't checked, but I'm guessing there are a few blogs a week of Republicans suffering from BDS.

Take a look in the mirror as you say others are suffering from TDS reveals you are suffering from BDS.

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Although the blog is tagged Comedy, it's really a serious matter.
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As far as I can throw them...

Take 2 new profiles, created within minutes of each other. Different photos, different age, different countries. The both have word-for-word identical opening lines, same height, hair and eye color, say the same thing in their occupation and looking for nearly the same in what they are seeking in a man.

Check one box that applies:

( ) Real

( ) Bogus

With new female members being about 80% bogus, it's difficult next to impossible for someone to actually find a real deal.

Pretty sad situation. This week, I was hunting a photo that linked to a site that advertised all their members are verified.
I'm thinking "Verified for what?"
A few bogus ones each week show up there.
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I said "Do you drive a lot?"

I was behind a pickup truck in stop & go traffic and the vehicle only had one working brake light. I got into the adjacent lane on the next red light and saw the driver had his window rolled down. I rolled mine down to ask "Do you drive a lot?"
His response was that he already knew his brake lights were broken and I added isn't it worth the $10 so you don't get pulled over for faulty equipment?
He didn't want to hear that, but said... "Yeah. I'll get to it."

What an inconvenience. Change out a light bulb. Usually, it's a warning, but it's a reason for police to pull you over and check you out.

I used to say "Do you know how much a ticket for a broken tail light is?" Rarely did they know and I would add, Last I heard it's $75 and new bulbs are around $10.

Once warned a 'happy Spanish woman' who was playing music, singing and all the windows were down. Her brake lights didn't work. I told her. She was nonchalantly surprised and it didn't seem to 'soak in' so... I added, if someone crashes into the back of her car and the police see you didn't have brake lights, there is a chance she could be charged with the accident. If it's a bad accident, chances are they will take both of you to the same hospital. The light in her head came on!

I often have logical conversations with my ex-wife as we talk about the high percentage of bad drivers. I mentioned the guy in the pickup truck already knew his lights were broken.
Her comment to me was to stop being a good Samaritan. People are 'on the edge' and you never know when someone will take helpful advice the wrong way.

She's right...
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Masks actually work...

Masks actually work when used properly.
I see people put them under their nose. Failure.
Pull your mask off, stick it in your pocket and put it on again. Failure.
Wear the same mask over and over again. Failure.

A mask is a barrier to the virus.
If you are around someone who is contagious and the virus is on the surface of the mask, touching it with your hands (for adjustment or removal) and then rubbing your face will surely land the virus on your face.
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To boldly go where no TV actor has gone before...

90 year old actor William Shatner of STAR TREK fame took a flight yesterday on Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin making it to the edge of space. That officially makes him the oldest person to go to space.
Congrats William...

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Conventional electric bass playing uses the extended fingers to pluck the strings the same way an upright (concert double bass) is played from generations ago. 'Slap' is a more recent style of bass guitar playing that involves a downward striking the lower pitched strings (slap) with the thumb. The player's hand is cupped to upwardly pluck the higher pitched strings with the index, middle and ring fingers creating a syncopated rhythm. The slap effect has a brighter sound than normal playing and makes the bassist stand out sonically.

That said... I've been following an Italian musician, Davide Biale who runs a YouTube channel by the handle Davie504. He does a variety of videos that support SLAP.
Extremely popular, his channel has 9.77 million subscribers and his videos get millions of plays. Davie is talented, comical, informative and many other things. Distorted face effects, rain for sadness, sparks of energy when the users slap him to make things happen are typical in his videos. So is the click-bait and challenges with other YouTubers. His signature video sign-off is a slap followed by a few seconds of 'emotional support' to pretend he's listening to the viewer and offering advice.

One of my favorite videos is his solo slap performance with chords and tapping style. I know he plays piano and guitar very well, he downplays this as bass is the only 'real' instrument in the world. This is the 'raw' solo version. There are a few videos with other musicians adding flavor to his bass track.

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Legally Blind...

The other night, I poured a cup of milk using only the light from the refrigerator. No issues.
I often wonder (envision) what it would be like to have a loss of vision, or hearing. Twenty years ago, I had a monster inner ear infection and get vertigo sometimes when there is a change in atmospheric pressure. I was able to walk through my house in Miami without bumping into walls. It's different in my condo and I'll shout profanities if I accidentally kick the corner of the bed frame. In a dark room, I become a mouse and guide myself along the furniture avoiding the bed frame.

I know a licensed massage therapist who is legally blind. He was born with normal vision but genetics gave him the same deck of cards that his mother had and she lost her vision as an adult. He studied massage while he could see. He also studied karate... just in case he needed to defend himself as a blind man!
Accepting cash only, he's got a viewer that enlarges anything placed on the scanning bed. He can see light and dark and images are blurred as though he;s looking through several layers of waxed paper. Only a tiny part in the upper corner of his eye is good enough to see the enlargement from the viewer.

I think comedian Richard Prior went to visit Stevie Wonder and found the house was dark. It was fine for Stevie, but Richard couldn't see his way around!

Attitude plays a big part of dealing with a handicap whether it was from birth or something that came about through life. I think it's normal for people to go through depression.
As a teenager, one of my neighbors lost a leg to leukemia. I remember seeing him at the public pool making the best of a summer. He didn't have time to think about depression... less than a year later he died.

I was doing my normal music YouTube surfing and (typical of YouTube) some unrelated selections appeared. I clicked one to see Nick Vujicic, a man born without arms and legs giving motivational speeches. I watched. Not all. But I bookmarked it and will come back to see more. He's got a handful of other videos.
Eye opening to say the least. A man without arms and legs overcomes mountains of obstacles and does seminars to Inspire others. He's got books, websites, DVD's

While my blog is about overcoming blindness, Nick gets through life pretty well...
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