We Are Surrendering Without A War

Modern men are just lame, too passive and not standing for their rights; forever trying to be politically correct. This is mainly because they have been deprived of their pride – the privilege to care for their families.professor

It appears to be more advantageous to be gay. Somehow, it is perfectly acceptable to say you want to be a woman, but when you try to be a man, everybody jumps on the bandwagon. Women are not satisfied with equality. They want to dominate, and in the process, they are causing men to feel uncomfortable about being men. Men no longer care about being a ‘real man’. All they strive for is to be politically correct.doh

Men are avoiding long-term commitments altogether; buying a house is no longer considered to be a good investment, and no longer do they see a proper education as important. We are rapidly losing the basic building block of our civilization – the family, and children are raised without discipline or routine.sigh

Well-off men refuse to get married because it is a one-sided venture that entitles women to half of their possessions and future earnings via a divorce settlement, even if they cheated. In the US the paternity fraud rate is as high as 30% in some states; think about it, three out of every ten children are raised and supported by unsuspecting men, fraudulently convinced that they are caring for their own offspring(*). With the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18, now standing at 245,000 US$, we are talking about a major crime.wow

Neither men nor women need to dominate. We are about equal in numbers. It is only in the higher age brackets that women have superior numbers. That is only because men die earlier… after working all their lives to provide their families with a comfortable old age. The mere fact that 80% of all residents in retirement centers are women enjoying a comfortable old age – thanks to the efforts of a late husband, can testify to that.cheering

Modern men no longer see provision as paramount and sometimes, when you see the fruit of a lifetime’s labor being squandered on a toy boy, it can easily be understood. Men are rejecting the idea of being a ‘real man’, because there’s no logical reason to be one. They are trying to avoid a situation that places them at a disadvantage.grin

The countries in the West with their sophisticated constitutions and so-called human rights bills are getting weak, and in the end, we will be over-run by the countries where men are still allowed to be men. There will be nobody to defend against them because our men will no longer be men.scold

It happened in Rome and history will still repeat itself. And it may just happen that the dis-empowered men of the West, having nothing to defend, will see the invaders as liberators. We are digging our own graves.hole
cats meow cats meow

Have a nice day and don’t slaughter me! It is only opinion.laugh

(*) (Alarming)shock
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Comments (101)

I believe you. I'm chastising the West.laugh
hug wine
I only want to be with someone I'm on eye level with - someone who knows what he wants and goes and gets it. Enjoying the differences between the genders is something positive methinks and that doesn't make one gender better than the other. conversing

I don't get getting married without a pre-nup tbh. confused Once you see what's going on around you, even without someone marrying you just for your possessions, people change and relationships can end. A pre-nup is a good way of protecting what's yours (and your partners) before you got married.

I would never ask something of someone I wouldn't want to give or do myself and have found that fairness and respect works fairly well. wave
The problem is that not everybody think like you and not all countries provide for prenuptial contracts. I think (talking under correction - please correct me if I'm wrong) Australia is one such country.
hug wave
Too much writing for me Catfoot, short attention span, yanno conversing

But I got the gist and just wanna say..

Quit whining and Man up very mad

Hi Serene
Interestingly, this blog was spurred by a very liberated woman and also approved by her before posting. She suggested something else but I did not oblige.laugh
hug wow
There are no pre-nups in Ireland as well. doh

It goes both way yanno, I had a good few guys trying to figure out my financials. Also there are quite a few guys who (when meeting or on a first date) talk about their car, salary etc. I find this a turn-off (someone with a decent personality doesn't need that) but not everyone does - I'm just surprised that they are surprised that the opposite gender goes after their money. laugh

We pick our partner ourselves - involving the brain in that process has it's definite advantages. wink
Funny you should say that Catfoot as this blog to me contains rhetoric, for want of a better word, that many women might think would reflect the way a lot of men feel these days.

Feminists may like to endorse that, it's kind of a patronising empathy thing that I personally do not subscribe to.

You have never come across as anything other than comfortable in your manskin, and that's a thing for other men to aspire to and women to admire.

Don't ever change wine
I think finances is none of anybody's business. I never talk about money. When I was married (with a prenuptial) I did discus the things considered as common property with my wife, but that was as far as it went. I did not inquire about her financial affairs and she did not interfere with mine.

If a guy brags about his finances on the first few dates, run for the hills. My dad taught me never to try impressing a woman on the first few dates and I stuck to that. I lost a few in the process but those who stayed were interested in me and not what they could gain. grin
hug wave
Hi Serene
I won't. It is too late. Old men with wrinkles look better than old women with wrinkles.laugh
hug wave
Ag siestog, Kat laugh laugh
Hi Cattie, I hope you're not starting a motion to get us back to barefoot in the kitchen.laugh
Hi Unlaoised
Please note that I don't see myself as a modern man. I'm way to old and too conservative for that.grin

I was addressing our youth.rolling on the floor laughing
hug wine
Hi Bea,
Not likely, but I see no problem with it.laugh
I often work barefoot in the garden.wow
hug wave
Hi Wallops
Thank you. Somehow I expected to be chastised by both men and women. So far the men have abstained and the women appear to be anything between neutral and warm. But the day is still young...grin
hug wave
Ja but Kat, if the young men won't step up to the plate, a better woman will cheering cheering
Hi Catfoot wave
Some interesting aspects you mentioned there. I will only highlight one.

I am not talking about others in general. But in my family, buying a house has never been considered to be an investment. It's for protection for the whole family instead and that's why no house has been sold, except if the "inhabitants" moved to another city.

When my bother divorced his wife (the only one in the family), their two children were still underage. So they were under his wife custody. My brother simply let his wife own the house because he knew that it's the only place people he loves could stay safe. There is no place like home. My brother decided to stay at my dad's house for a while until he found a new house for him.

My father told all my brothers to be the one who "give up" their houses for their wives and children if they got divorced. That's what a man should do to protect his own beloved family..
Hi Unlaoised,
It is not a matter of not stepping onto the plate. It is more a matter of being bullied off the plate by collective action. And then, trying to be political correct, the best thing is to step down meekly because it is 'the right thing to do'. And if he does not to that he is labeled as a chauvinist. It is time that men also act in numbers to restore public opinion. Males are not 2nd class citizens. When trouble comes, they will be the ones to take the brunt in the trenches.
hug wine
Hi Kal
I fear I don't know how the property market functions in the East, but in the West it is about the best investment a young person can make, something that will outgrow inflation. For most people in the working class, it also is the biggest investment they will ever make. As for beloved family, I'm not sure if the ex-wife can fall in that category.
hug wine
Omg, men are being bullied by women?? laugh
Sadly, that is what it has come to.sigh
hug wine
Sorry Kat, I cannot agree with you here. Women are more than up for the task that some men are not....and have had to take the reins. Jeepers, all you need to do is read the forums on here to see the mysogyny that exists.

All it takes is a backbone dunno

I don't get this blaming "society" or whatever. I had to do what I was told when young and living with my parents, but at this stage I'm capable of making up my own mind. conversing

I don't need "society" to tell me what I should do and I'm not looking at "society" for guidance.

I wouldn't be interested in someone (as a partner or female/male friend) who would be that easily influenced - and I don't know many over the age of teenagers/young adults that actually are. dunno

I like someone who is his "own man", I can bounce ideas off and who has a strong mind. wine
Well, I guess that is a matter of opinion and we are likely to differ. I'm glad that you used the word 'some' with men and did not include the word 'all' with women. And don't get me wrong, I don't say women are incompetent, they are just not suitable for certain tasks as men are unsuitable for others.
hug wine
but that is what is being suppressed these days. Men may not be men anymore. You see, in the days gone by, the woman was always very prominent in the household. Men bragged that the wore the pants in the house but conveniently remained silent about who tells him what pants to wear. laugh

I don't mind that but it now seems that some women want the men to walk around in their scants. And the men comply and that I why I call them lame. Political correctness limit them to a vocabulary of only two words. 'Yes Dear'.
hug wine
Cat, I don't actually know any guy who is like that. dunno

Why let themselves being suppressed? I grew up in a household where both my parents discussed their decisions, each of them had their strength and they complemented each other. There was never any fighting or telling someone what to do.

I don't know any women around me who "want the men to walk around in their scants".

If someone let "political correctness" dictate what to say or do I pity them. Again, no one like that in my family or circle of friends. Anyone saying "yes dear" to me I would laugh and hit the road. conversing

I do think people should stop blaming society if they can't stand up for themselves though. wine
This is what is happening and public opinion enforces it. It is not noticeable with older men but look at our young men. And they allow it to happen to them; all for the sake of that million dollar patch of real estate on a woman's body. Woman has become the stronger gender because of man's weakness for woman.

My friend's son got married three years ago. They have a son of two years. She watches TV all day and bluntly refuses to do anything in the house. When he comes from work he has to clean the house, wash dishes, do the washing, ironing etc. She may make food if she feels like it. She tells him it is normal. Times have changed. And he accepts it. He is lame.

But what can he do? If he divorces her he has to look after her for life. She has little education and will not get worthwhile employment. He is stuck with her for life.
oh man!doh
no longer be men oh nooogrin
Have a nice day Mr. Formalpeace
Hi Dewi
Are you being a queen again?grin
hug wave
rolling on the floor laughinglaugh
Are u comfortable being a man ?
good blog Cat, you out did yourself here....well we have Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem to thank for what we have......burning of the bras is behind this.....not a bad idea actuallyrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
This is what is happening and public opinion enforces it.

I disagree Cat, he is a guy who though with different body parts than his brain and can't stand up to her. dunno

We had a case like that in the family, and yes, she is a terrible person, but he was an idiot for putting up with it. doh This is about making bad choices and I wouldn't go as far as bringing public opinion into it. The rest of your life is a long time and people should pick carefully, simples. conversing

Laws are different in that regard in Germany. Women can go back to work when kids are in kindergarden or school and the partner not having the kids living with them has to pay for the kids but not the former partner.
It's never "all" men or "all women", Kat. There are exceptions to every rule hug cheers
Hi Dewi
Well, I'm definitely not schedules for for any surgery.laugh
hug wave
Hi Sands,
Well I think the stopped to quickly
They should have burned another garment or two.laugh
cheers wave
Sure Unlaoised,
but let the record stand that your example was the exception. Most men (and Womengrin )are quite competent. See the political correctness?laugh
hug wine
cat, we did the politically correct thing back when and like you said that was nothing.......frustrated
now, the more I think about it I have to look at the lawyers here. They do not make things better, just the opposite. Instead of 2 adults working things out for the best of the family going forward the attorneys create a level of bad will and we know the results.....government involvement can never be a good thing in our most personal lives.....
Then try to change legislation Cat. Yes, everyone can make mistakes but it's him who has to change something. It doesn't need to be like this.

There is different legislation in other countries and sometimes kids live with their father and that will be taken into account when we're talking alimony there. conversing

I just find it sad to hear about something like this and kids being involved. sigh
Yes, I think I have mentioned my dislike for lawyers. They first make sure that they get their own cut and then they worry about the case to be resolved. They sure don't make it easy.doh

What a load of hogwash. A feeble excuse and oh so lame attempt to justify men 'rejecting the idea of being a real man'

You can do better than this conversing

Iemand in jou corn flakes ge-piepie hmmm laugh
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Around here, Western Cape, South Africa

I know I cannot always have what I want, but that does not make me want it less. Otherwise I’m easy to please, flexible, accommodating and forgiving. I cool down as fast what I get cross. I hate it when people lie to me. I’m hooked to my laptop, but [read more]

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created Jun 2015
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Last Commented: Jun 2015
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