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Most Liked Lyric Poems (681)

Here is a list of Most Liked Lyric Poems written by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.


The Eternal Fall

I can feel myself fall into the eternal bliss,
All this worlds hurt will never be missed.
I loose a hold and slip into the void,
this dreaded misstep has long been foretold.
I reach up for a hold to keep me in this world,
but I know what has stricken me hopeless and cold.
My destiny looms before my very soul,
Hell is predestined to receive my immortal soul.
I scream for the very thing that I desperately need,
But eternal hurt is all that I feed.
My soul screams for a desperate release,
something dark denies my prayer for eternal bliss.
I know that hurt will encompass my lingering days,
till death takes its abysmal ways.
My last scream is for a single prayer,
it's all that I can hope will take me there.
I'm deceived, all that remains is remorse and doubt,
I know now there's only one way I'll ever get out.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2017
About this poem:
Not a light read, but an insight into a time when I felt alone and abandoned. Not for my taste, but how I felt after a rather dark time in my life. I also write childrens stories, ironic isn't it. 180 degrees from my poem I posted yesterday. I have more let me know what you want. kindly---Penwick
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Something i wrote up off the top of my head.
Felt like writing a quick rap so here's something new.

Similar to that feeling of Eminem's song Stan with a twist of Tupac.
Just a way to envision the theme/beat if you know the songs or artists and their way of rapping.

*the sound of heavy rain to a beat*
Something has been weighing on my mind heavy, it's killin' me/
If only i was capable of showing others the f*cked up shit that I see/
So they can experience the frustrations of me being me/
Now i'm exposing a combination of different emotions/
It's like both my heart and mind are having internal explosions/
Pent-up rage and bottled up hate/
Pushing me beyond the brink of being irate/
Let me skip the introductions and avoid a debate/
Because lets face it, you only get one life to live so why not just embrace it/
The bullshit that haters and privileged bitches throw at you, just evade it/
If you got dreams and a set of goals in front of you, never lose sight, chase it/
Life is too short to have miseries and worries holdin' you down, so take the negative shit and erase it/
Like a blank slate, start fresh with a new life and repaint it/
Don't hesitate to have fun by poppin' a few bottles and dancin' the night away till you get faded/
Wake up the next day, start fresh and go out there and enjoy every minute of life/
Be glad you ain't one of those people that lives in a place surrounded by starvation, famine and strife/
I may not have a lot in life to brag about, but after all my struggles i'm just happy i made it/
But that's when reality hits and i remember/
I'm still striving to overcome my self-esteem and confidence with girls, but it's still hard after so many years of being too fat, too nice and being degraded/
Finally having the chance to once again talk to my mom after so many years/
Fighting back the heartache and loneliness of not having a family to go home to would bring many to tears/
I write these lyrical bars like my father writes me letters from behind his prison bars/
Being told by the people you thought you could trust that you'd never amount to shit and end up just like your parents, a screw up, you'll never become famous or successful like one of the stars/
Being alone with nobody to love you, to hug you, just to sit down and talk to/
That's the type of shit that's hard to get through, having the haunting feeling of forever being alone cause nobody will ever want you/
And you look back and realize, so many years of your life's gone to waste and you have nothing to be proud of or accomplishments to show for/
Doubting yourself once again and realizing maybe it's true, you won't ever amount to anything... you don't even know where to start or what to do anymore/
Contemplating if anyone would ever shed a tear or miss you if you were to die tomorrow/
Maybe if you felt my pain, perhaps you could fathom the real meaning of sorrow/

Warning: This is only poetic rap. Please don't take it too seriously, or get offended/get the wrong ideas. I wrote this a couple years ago and happened to stumble across it. I thought i'd share it with people. The lyrics are based of of some of my feelings and actual things in my life that have taken place.
Please don't think i have suicidal tendencies or plan on killing anyone. It's just a set of lyrics. And was setting a mood/feeling to deliver a message.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Feb 2017
About this poem:
I occasionally write rap lyrics and bars from time to time when i'm bored or the emotion or an idea/rhythm hits me. I tend to rap with an old school Eminem style with the Slim Shady twists to my lyrics. I tend to have darker, angry, violent, s*xual lyrics. But mostly they're just ways of expressing emotions rather than following through with them and letting them run my life. Just because rappers say things doesn't mean they actually mean or do the things they do... they're mostly metaphors and alternative ways of self-expression. Hell, it's better to get your anger out on paper and deliver a message to influence others to create a talent in expressing their emotions and getting them off their shoulders/chest rather than following through with them and letting them overtake your life and control you.

A lot of people hate on artists and musicians like Eminem because he's either considered too aggressive, too angry, too violent, too sexist, too homophobic, too crazy... but little do they realize, Eminem chose to make a living expressing his darker and pent up feelings and emotions. Rather than following through with them and actually committing the things he says. He simply says it like a story. And that's the message he tries to get across to people when he put out the "Real Slim Shady" and songs like that. To explain to people that they should be themselves and not take his lyrics and words so seriously and to heart.

After all, it's entertainment. Instead take the message and ideas and create your own way of expressing yourself in a productive manner. And maybe you can touch the hearts of others and inspire others to become artists instead of criminals or murderers, rapists, thugs, etc. Sometimes you get mad and upset when people hurt you... you have messed up thoughts and feelings but you don't actually want those things to truly happen... you just feel that way sometimes. It's like telling someone you hate them one minute, and when you cool off... you realize it was a petty and stupid reason to get mad and say those things... and you really don't hate them. It's just how you felt at that time. Now imagine if you killed someone because at that time you felt like doing it.... now you just committed something that can never be taken back and you basically ruined your life.

Some people take things too seriously and they end up getting the wrong kind of message from something like music, movies, video games, books, etc. And they totally miss what the artist or developer was trying to truly get across... Those people are the people you normally see trying to emulate the artist or character they idolize. They lose track of the message and end up trying to be the package that was used to deliver the message.

Sorry for the rant, I hope my rap could possibly make people think about life and entertainment... maybe reconsider and have a newer outlook on artists or works of art/entertainment.

Thanks for your time.
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lovecanberealonline today!

Within this Flower

Within this flower of a rose
A single drop of dew
Cascades its fount, and now are tears
Cried for the man she knew.

Dainty lashes - wet with tears
Emotion over flows
Her heaving bosom ; - dare no one say
That moss about her grows.

Too soon forgot, and racked with sobs
She really knows not why;-
It was only for a few weeks,
And he was just another guy.

© lovecanbereal
All rights reserved
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2017
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now that your gone......

oh how I miss talking with you ,now that your gone I feel so far away, what's is the price for love is really money diamonds or gold, or filling someone's heart with joy and touching there soul ,creating memories that last forever, I guess those time are gone, hanging on to on to dreams that never come true I wonder if it is really faith or chance you find that one person in this life I guess that's a price you pay, when your gone .....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2017
About this poem:
i cant wait to leave this world .....thats what this poems about ......sorry....
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A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince,
Good looking and ever so kind was he,
One day while out hunting unicorns by chance,
There crying by creek bank, he met an old lady.

Getting off his charger, he asked what ailed her so,
She said she just needed to get back home,
But the creek was swollen and bridges too far to go,
The water cold and muddy just made her moan.

The Prince simply told her to dry her tears now,
He would carry her across most gently,
Though she was as fat and heavy as an old cow,
And smelt quite putrid, incidentally.

Reaching the other side showed his care for another,
She smiled and laughed at his great kindness,
Then she transformed herself to a fairy godmother
And granted him a wish for his noble fineness.

Spying his grand stallion, the Prince made quick recourse,
He asked this strange, mystical godmother fair,
If he could have genitals just like his horse,
The wish granted, she vanished into thin air.

Back at court, the Prince just loved his new gear,
He was besieged by many a lady's endeavour,
But the news of it soon reached the King's ear,
And he too went in search of the fairy godmother.

The King while hunting found an old lady by a creek,
He carried her over and she became godmother, of course,
She asked the King gratefully, what wish he would seek,
And he told her he wanted genitals like his horse.

However, the King had been riding a mare that day,
But it wasn't a complete disaster,
The King and the Prince got married straight away,
And lived happily ever after!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2017
About this poem:
I love fairy tales especially with a happy ending.
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I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2017
About this poem:
This is one of the most famous of Lyric Poetry ever written...
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We got enough to go around
Killings in Chicago let out a weird sound
All we have to do is understand
They are fleeing away from this land
Over 200,000 since 2005
More who choose to stay might just be choosing to die
What is the solution to all this madness
When men choose badness instead of gladness
Jobs and hope being stripped away
Replaced by dope and despair with forgotten people who pray
For a better day where this is light
Instead of running in fright
Listen to what I have to say
Kids no longer feel safe to go out and play
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Apr 2017
About this poem:
This violence is spreading instead of getting better. I know I won't be taking any trips to Chicago any time soon.
This is a parody of a song from the movie soundtrack Juice. It is about four friends and one who enjoys having the power of a gun. He is played by the rapper Tupac who was shot dead on September 7, 1996.
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<——As is as is——>

Always as movements in the grass. timing is like a shot gun. Shoot reload shoot reload,
enemy’s everywhere I use the sky to calm the air,
destination unknown cities outgrown death circles like vultures in the sky, looking for a feed to set the atmosphere. Everywhere as I walk through the valley of death I become the valley and the sea,
COVID patients in search of an excuse to belong this is so wrong, immunity was once grown let it be known,
survival is constant invent to defend destroy such a ploy,
playing with something unknown,
is such that it all has grace to save face,
underground is where we’ll be hiding from the sea.
Yet cherishing it all to begin with nothing but lies in disguise destroy rebuild disguise rebuild history in a hat a magician without the cat,
a fool looking up so it is as such it’s all or bust,
never ending tales of Turmoil,
restructure reinvent just vent,
armies circling around land mines in standing ground halt halt halt,
revolt revolt revolt,
Destinations of existence of a life once worn upon the sleeve now it’s nothing but thieves,
graveyards full,
plagues upon plagues, fighting for who don’t know why don’t know when it storms again. Situation disarmed the people rest just to begin another test,
the future is unkind everyone goes blind into the darkest of nights we deploy our battlefield is ready our minds are steady rest rest rest as much as i can say agent orange in the air masks on,
rebuild restructure reinvent,
constant torment another day begins walking through tunnels already made situations cannot leave it’s partly the grief let us go again shoot kill destroy it’s all or nothing winner takes all no room for thoughtful doom is this my room shrouded in mystery,
calm be still someone walks through time stands still.
Rebuild restructure reinvent,
rebuild restructure reinvent. Gold mines calling time grows short off the lights go set the scheme for another dream……. (3:16). S.A.D
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Mar 2023
About this poem:
I have had mates who have fought in the war. It’s sort of a memorial and memory of my mate. ?????????????
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Death By Homicide

The terror is immense
My heart's beating intense
I never did anything this harsh
It doesn't make any sense
My life keeps on flashing
My lungs keep on gasping
I want to take action
but my feet make no traction
My hands and arms still
Only pain can I feel
The strain is too shrill
I know my wounds never heal
Jami how could you do this
All I gave you was love
Called you my Bambi
And my wonderful Dove
And you repay with this
a dagger of defeat
Your love for means
I have to lie down six feet?
I never felt more betrayed
Why didn't you say your heart strayed
I would gladly let you be happy
but now my love stays in vain.......this is DEATH BY HOMICIDE
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2009
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An Angels Shame

Angel has been burned.
Falling with smoking wings.
Earthbound she is spurned.
On and on till it stings.

Heaven forgets her face.
As she crashes into ground.
With outstretched arms knowing,
She'll never be found.

And yet,
No one cries for her.
No one sees her pain.
No one comes,
To pull her out,
No one extinguishes the flame.
No one hears her pleas.
Nothing to sustain.
No one stops the screaming,
Of an angels shame.

Burning feathers catch the breeze,
Like fireflies from hell.
Littered across the spot,
Where an angel once fell.

The earth's flesh split,
To receive the unearthly gift.
Pulled deep into her bosom,
In absence of heavenly lift.

And yet,
No one cries for her.
Only I see her pain.
No one comes,
To pull her out,
No one extinguishes the flame.
No one hears her pleas.
No one to sustain.
Nothing stops the screaming,
Of an angels shame.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Jun 2009
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