RE: May I ask....

I just found a new pet peeve. Dropping an open 2 pound can of coffee and having every bit of it spill out on the floor. Aaargh!

RE: Why Teachers Drink ?

Are you saying some of these are wrong? They look right to me.

RE: May I ask....

Too many questions spread too thin.

I rarely smile for photos, so this is unusual.

My shower doors are old ones. The glass is not safety glass. I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect dancing then slipping and falling in the shower would be a really dumb thing for me to do, so no I don't dance in the shower.

Singing in the car, sure. I put the paradise by the dashboard light cassette in, put it on loop and sing it over and over as I drive to NY or DC.

Nope to freckles.

I hate it when I make mistakes.

I can't remember the other questions. Ta ta.

RE: Lonely

Just volunteer at the local woman's jail. Bring flowers every week. You will make many friends. javascript:emot('laugh');

RE: which one is the most,...

Hi Ikala. Long time, no read. Good to see you back.

Use popular movies with subtitles if necessary, later when the skills look good, popular movies without subtitles. As someone else said the reading is important too. Use popular novels, Stephen King, Robin Cook, folks like that. Have the students stand and read a page or two aloud. They will get better. They will also see the grammar structure.

RE: Who Was Your Favourite Horror Star

Sigourney Weaver in Alien. Hubba Hubba.

RE: My Immune System Needs Boosting

You should have looked at the stones. Those were nuggets of gold, and there is a ruby. Hey aren't those coins silver? There is more than enough here to buy more baby oil and some tequila too. Let's get all slippery, have some tequila and then try this hugging thing.

RE: hi

Welcome and may the force be with you.

RE: About my last blog

"I read that demons ALWAYS communicate telepathically never verbally."

Not knocking your belief system, but I have read tales of Santa Claus, Red nosed Reindeer, Easter Bunnies and all sorts of things. May I suggest finding multiple 'totally independent' non-biased sources?

RE: Good woman looking for a good man..!

One should never share Internet passwords. Hopefully you will never learn why. :)

RE: Good woman looking for a good man..!

The English is so funky I think it is just a new variation on the spam email that says contact me on Yahoo mail at..

A tribute to my Friend

R.I.P. Dust Bunny September 5, 1998 (first Vet visit) to July 24 2013.

RE: ..................

Yeah but not always well scripted. Point in case, the death of the first Sting.

RE: 5 stars.....accommodation in India.......

Let me guess.. You work in the tourism industry?

A tribute to my Friend

<Meant to throw this one up higher.>

Friends, soon to be together again.

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A tribute to my Friend

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A tribute to my Friend

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Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

Embedded image from another site

A tribute to my Friend

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Embedded image from another site

RE: Karl Marx

You see? They told you Karl Marx wasn't really dead. There is a color picture of Marx walking in the woods wearing modern fashion. If he had really died back then, then it couldn't be a color photo of Karl Marx walking in the woods wearing modern fashion. What greater proof of Marx being alive and well could you want?

RE: If a man says... now correct me if I am wrong...

You spend a lot of time running. :)

"Can we love a man so much so that we can turn him around? YES we can. ?

No, not really, he may pretend to stop the nagging and get some space, but the whole concept is akin to thinking you can love an alcoholic so much they will swear off alcohol. Yes, they will agree, and also hide their booze from you, gargle with mouthwash or eat garlic or anything like that, just so you will leave them alone to continue their drinking.

RE: Arggh!

So what happened?

RE: Research shows Females get headaches when thinking

You are not really expecting to get a lot of dates out of your membership here, huh?

RE: Friendship & what do people expect from friendship

Why do you EXPECT things from your friends? I expect nothing more from my friends, it is enough that they are friends.

RE: Insomnia or Night owl?

I stay up for watching re-runs of Buffy. What a great show. Sometimes I watch Walking Dead and Smallville re-runs too.
Except sometimes I go to bed and sleep instead. One or two hours nap and I am good for another 22.

RE: B B S..............

Keep that floor clean.

RE: ZERO-POINT ENERGY: The John Searl Story

So to prove the concept 4 years ago he disconnected his house and all the houses in his town from the grid and now they all get free energy from his box and have ever since then, nu?

Oh wait, that part isn't in the video. Call us back when it is.

RE: Actor Dennis Farina, Star Of "Law & Order" Dead At

I am very sorry to learn that.

It was so hot today

Strangely, he seems to like being that way. He says it makes it easier for him to control the other cats. :) He is 15 now.

RE: explains everything.

Put your shirt on.

RE: What do you do if you have 3 girls in love with yo

First. Enjoy it while you are young, because add a little grey hair, and it becomes harder to do.

Second, do what I do (some initial courage may be required), the honorable thing. Call them all together, introduce them to each other, and explain the situation. Yes, sometimes you get slapped or spit on. There will be anger if you have been deceptive, but it is better to become honest than to continue a deception. Sometimes however (it is rare, but I have experienced it) they become friends and you go places with 2 or 3 of them. They are friends, they know about each other and she is a friend too, and Friday nights become great. If course in that scenario, you also slacken your reigns a bit and don't get upset if one of them introduces you to her own 'other' boyfriend. I have two friends now who both were just friends, they met, they are friends who go shopping or whatever together, but they have both also spent occasional evenings here since learning of the other and more than once I have had lunch or dinner with both together.

What has to change as you grow older is the deception has to stop. A woman's Anger grows from deception induced anger. If there is no deception, there is no anger. Make no promise you will not keep. Talk one way and always walk your talk. Treat them all real good.

This is a list of blog comments created by Ken_19.

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