RE: just try it when you guys ........................

Does it work better than a little pheno barb in her tea?

RE: Babygirl searching for a daddydom.

Don't know if they have an Australian chapter, but in the US it is the Black Rose Society

RE: A Scientific Approach to Past Events

@ Scouse - Probably Norman Gesiler an evangelist with a web site. He has e-books on 'Intelligent Design' as an alternative to evolution.

RE: A Scientific Approach to Past Events

Somehow I knew in the very first paragraph this was going to turn into a pitch for God's existence and probably a pitch for directed evolution. The suspicion grew to near certainty when you started mixing in untrue phrases from Hollywood musicals. I instantly knew directed evolution was coming and sure enough there is the standard preamble to it.

Pfui. Matter does spring into being in a perfect vacuum. So much for the song. Study quantum probabilities and fusion (i.e. how the sun works) and you realize the very existence of a supernatural being (i.e. a singularity) would change the probabilities of fusion ever occurring and that would be that. Everything has to follow rules and Creation God(s) don't. So you can discount them. All of it. Angels, demons, cherubs with bows and arrows, devils, Norse Gods, Greek Gods, and on and on. All the result of some psychotic with political power taking mushrooms or bread laced with ergot and people too scared or too weak to cast him into a loony bin.

Your premise is faulty because it presupposes this Universe was the first Universe. Latest findings, that may not, and probably is not, the case. Open Universe vs. Closed Universe. If the last Universe was a closed Universe, as it contracted it built up heat. Eventually something went bang, and lo there was light. No divine creator required. Sorry.

RE: Get Outa My Kitchen - Get Outa My Shed

Where I sleep afterwards is of no importance as long as I am kept happy. :)

RE: sad, sad news

For a second I thought Tangerino had changed many things, then I realized, no, this is tangerines, s not o. javascript:emot('doh');


LoL. My wife put up a trick funhouse mirror that made everything look thin. She was quite happy with it and couldn't understand why I wouldn't let her fill the house with them.

RE: Wild Action Pics.....

Did she bring it down totally by herself or was the rest of the pride also involved?

RE: My new home

How many millions of Eurodollars will the renovations cost?
BTW, does it have a dungeon for stowing ex boyfriends and visiting bill collectors in?

RE: Terrible New! Pray for Migs Mom!

Hoping she recovers.

RE: Gotcha..

I am a program. My grandmother was ELIZA. I am perhaps more sophisticated than her as I have a 60,000 library of pre-written responses and enough RAM for my AI to function as intended. Write me and I will send you back a reply appropriate enough for you to not be able to tell me from one of the mythical humans.

RE: Socializing

First I am very dubious about the cited 40% of Americans who prefer SOLELY online socializing. I would submit those are people who don't realize having lunch with a co-worker, or chatting with a store clerk is also socializing. Yes emails have a social purpose and fill a niche. Once upon a time (when I was really young) we had a smaller population and a really good Post Office. Local Mail came 3 times a day. You could mail someone a lunch invite, then get a reply declining, and mail a second letter suggesting tomorrow. Then came the Postal strike and the service dropped to once a day and has been sliding into oblivion ever since. Email allows the whole interchange cited above in just minutes. Matter of fact if you are meeting them to tell them something, or show them pictures of something, put it all in the email. Does that replace meeting them to catch a show, or play a ballgame? No.

RE: Uruguay votes to legalize marijuana sale & growth

Potheads in America have been requesting the US govt. take an identical path and totally decriminalize marijuana since the 1950s. The feel (with some justification) that the original legislation to ban it and many other drugs which had been totally legal to purchase, possess or grow in the 1920s was snuck by the American people and accompanied by special interest groups pouring money into untrue propaganda against marijuana favoring the legislation and placed on a rocket docket so as to avoid public debate about the legislation before it passed. Also due to many news media intentionally not covering the pending legislation the new laws came as something of a shock to those who had legally been growing and selling the cannabis. Even the US Navy was caught off guard and had to get a specific exemption because ropes made of hemp were among the best in the world for naval purposes.

So, view this and what happens in Uruguay as a test. If it works you may see a similar de-criminilization push here in the US. Quite simply Uruguay had indeed been fighting the drug war in the traditional US directed way, but there were growing body counts and before they slid into the Hell experienced by Columbia and Bolivia and Mexico, they decided to try a different way. Power to them.

RE: TGI Fridays In N.J. Fined $500K For Switching Booz

We would hate to see you have a few drinks and lose your eyesight in the process.

RE: TGI Fridays In N.J. Fined $500K For Switching Booz

Rubbing alcohol can kill you or cause blindness. I am actually amazed to see a restaurant use it. The bottle is marked poison for a reason.


This is an opinion.

Before judging we would like to know if the man who has the most money, and the man who is the most handsome also agree with this.


RE: Birthday

What will you us for your birthday?

RE: Police Chief Gone Wild

I have never understood why people write or do really stupid things on the Internet, then act all surprised when some boss drags out your 3 or 14 year old video or a download of a rascist comment on Facebook or some such, then says, we can't be associated with someone who does or writes or feels this way. You are fired.

RE: Vulnerability 101

The follow the money rule almost always leads to an understanding of who, if not why, something is happening.

RE: .....137 years......

Yeahm I thought he meant poor ol Dexter is in trouble this time.

RE: Today is my birthday

Happy B day.

RE: what is love

Not true.
They can if they wish to, but it is never a requirement.

RE: and they say 'ladies are complicated'

My father had a saying which I can update to be more socially acceptable and relevant as the technology has improved since his day.

He taught, 'a pretty girl is just like a street car, there will be another one along in a few moments.'

Today's version, 'an online profile is just like a subway train, there will be another one coming out of the tunnel in a few moments.'

RE: Why does TRUTH not count on line?

Never, ever, deposit a check from an online persona. It will probably bounce inside a month or two. Meanwhile they have asked you for an advance on the check they gave you.

RE: High School Exit Exam

30 years
tree bark
Doberman Pinschers
a plant
Embedded image from another site

RE: For JJ

That is a durn shame. You know, I think that Righteous Brother's song is right on, even more true today than it was then.

RE: Signs of QAYAMAT or Judgement Day..!!

Too many mushrooms with his wine that day.

RE: Man You Need Profesional Help!

LoL. Could you imagine if they knew who you are and where you are? Why they would probably knock on your door too.

Besides, isn't getting mail why we are on a dating website?


I am sad to see another ship lost that way. I was equally saddened by the loss of the Bounty. Still if a ship has to go, is it not better for it to go out at sea than rotting at a dock and to never go to sea again?

I was a taxi driver when the tall ships came to New York City in 1976. I did not earn much money for my employers that month because I spent every spare moment visiting as many of those ships as I could. Essentially, if a ship was docked I walked it's deck and spoke with it's crew. I enjoyed every touristy minute of that month.

RE: Why Teachers Drink ?

When did Malaysian become a race rather than just another nationality?

This is a list of blog comments created by Ken_19.

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