RE: Pics

Edow, hold firm girl. Pics or no thank you. :)

RE: Facebook information...I dont think so

30 - 50 emails back and forth, writing on blogs back and forth, some external verification of identity, all those things I require before even thinking of Facebooking someone. Stand your ground.

I want to do 3 blogs,

Sure, hindsight is always better. So is armchair generaling. Real world, you get hurt, you react. Our brains and bodies are hard wired that way. Fight or Flight. Some say leave, that is flight. I think if she had not been a little drunk, not been in shock, if she hadn't remembered the (illegal in that house) gun, maybe she would have left. If she had been a male in Texas a few decades ago, killing them both and keeping the kid would have been perfectly legal. Not so in the area she lived.

RE: Trip to vietnam

Ultra congratulations on the upcoming wedding.

I want to do 3 blogs,

Hi Gly. Well the concept is if enough time has passed, then you have had time to think about it and it is no longer 'caught in the passion of the moment.' I believe that if when she peeked she had the gun with her and acted immediately, then the 'crime of passion' defense would work. What I understood (apology for not mentioning) was she peeked, then staggered downstairs, had a drink or two and cried for a while, then found the gun and went back upstairs and opened the door and started shooting. I.e, not an immediate reaction.

Being human, it is possible any of us might have done what she did. Especially with a little alcohol and hearing the giggles and any other sounds coming through the ceiling. However, alcohol is almost never a good defense. Whatever. She paid for it and pays every day.

I want to do 3 blogs,

Jarred, we agree about the fun. I just feel if I trouble to right it, someday I am hoping someone reads it. laugh

I want to do 3 blogs,

Hello Spring. Yes, a real person and a true story.

I want to do 3 blogs,

Jarred, I can make 100 blogs a day. What would the point of that be if normally only one of them is seen (since many here don't use the 'by entry' button?

I want to do 3 blogs,

Yes, they do. Apparently the 15 minute window for that defense had passed between discovery of what was going on and before the gun went off. That much I know.
I really don't have too many more details. Haven't seen her lately. Not sure I really would want them anyway or to be drawn into her universe.

RE: To My Friend....

Cats make lovely friends.

RE: It's a Mad Mad World

Probably just waiting for the autopsy report. Then they have to wait for a prosecutor to approve bringing it in front of a Grand Jury. tick tock the clock is ticking...

RE: MH17-rest in peace!

The whole world is outraged. You did no wrong. Rest in Peace.

RE: The real I

Just for laughs, here is a 1974 American country song about the verb of love from a woman's perspective. <Yes, I just successfully used love as a noun. :) >

Those other worlds...

You are not being a kill joy.

I have at least 3 Black Bears who share my forest with me. A momma and her cubs. She has been around here for years. At least once we both worked opposite ends of a (very) long line of raspberry bushes at the same time in full view of each other. Admittedly we never got within 40 yards of each other, but we certainly kept one eye on each other. I would imagine that bear knows more about my movements, my habits, my health (their sense of smell is very, very, good) and what I will probably do tomorrow than I do. My point is, I leave the bear alone and it leaves me alone. Thus far, no conflicts. I have a suspicion where it's den is (a neighbor's land), but no inclination to hunt it.

Nevertheless, should it attack me while I am tending my tomatoes or walking to my mailbox, if I can I would kill it as quickly as I can. (LOL, no doubt her attitude regarding me and her cubs meandering about is the same.) Further, should it attack a human without cause, well, then it has crossed a line that should not have been crossed and it's fate is probably sealed once this becomes known. Such is local policy towards bears when they are not in season. Frankly, the time mentioned is the only time I ever intentionally hunted a bear. For what it is worth, I believe I did fairly well, Pheasant excepted of course. That bear was killed on the other side of the marsh area I had looked for it in. I think of those other guys had not already been there waiting when it came out of the marsh an hour or two before I got on it's trail, I would have encountered it. I have no need of bear meat because I have a freezer full of deer meat. It has not misbehaved, so I leave the bear in my woods alone.

All bear hunting, 'sometimes the hunter wins, sometimes the bear wins.'

RE: When your age is 30, is that meaning you supposed

One should not get married if they are not in love. That is my first opinion.
Second, my father told me 'do not get married until your 40s. Have some fun first. Swim in many swimming pools. Live with her for a month or two without marriage. Get to know more than just one or two women. Meet her parents and be aware as her mother looks, this is how she will look one day too. Do you still wish to live with her forever?.'
I followed my father's advice. I did not get married until almost 40. I had a lot of fun along the way before that and swam in many different waters and knew (in every sense) way more than just one or two women. I believe his advice was good advice. When I decided I wanted to marry my wife, yes, I was very sure. This was the one. Head and shoulders above the competition. Until it suddenly ended I never regretted a single day of that marriage and I would do it again with her in a heartbeat.
My only subsidiary advice is when you do find the one, have children with her.

RE: My profile has been updated!

Few night stands = Relationship. :)

RE: decisions .....decisions

Not understanding why it is okay to have landmines at the Korean DMZ, but not on our own borders? It is okay if we blow up a peasant kid or adult crossing that DMZ but not one crossing our own protective border. Does that make sense to anyone?

RE: Malaysia Airlines..... what is wrong?

Jarred your numbers are wrong. WW2 killed a lot more than that. You need to include the Asian, Arab and African civilian populations, not just the Europeans and Americans. You need to include the collateral victims and even those who starved without a food supply because their was war in the area they lived in. In truth, it killed actual whole number percentage points of humanity. Research it some more.

RE: oh dear ..

Not bad.

RE: Indian cave paintings of aliens

LoL, neither was David. If that kind of killing happened today, David would be thrown in jail in a heartbeat for murder. He instigated it and he concealed his weapon before the fight began. Either one would get him jailed. Add a death and the charge is Murder One.

Agreement if we believe in Angels, Demons and other supernatural stuff along with the Earth being young and claim Dinosaur bones are fakes planted by the Evil One to confuse us, then Fallen Angels comes into play. That Quantum Physics does not allow Singularities such as Gods and Angels (or ghosts or Goblins) not bound by physical laws such as gravity, motion, causality, etc. because then fusion which powers our sun couldn't and wouldn't work, is irrelevant to those who think that way.

So we are left with the other choices. Myself, I don't see the presence of a second or third intelligent species as being evidence that Darwin got it all wrong. His theory still holds water and the fact that squirrels live in the same forest as birds do does not mean squirrels and birds didn't have their own separate evolutionary paths.

If a separate species, the Nephilim were still close cousins. Closer to us than a gorilla, because they could mate with our women, which a gorilla can't (chromosome pairing is wrong).

Bemused to catch the reference to double rows of teeth in the video. Djinn (the original Watchers or Grigori later called Nephilim, etc.) also allegedly had double rows of teeth. (Which is how I identify in the S. King movie 'A Perfect Storm)' what the fictional villain is).

So okay, really 3 different non-spiritual possibilities. An older alternate race of bi-pedal intelligent beings, which strangely died off world-wide around 3,000 BC, or, space aliens who put Earth on their must visit list for their tourists and some even chose to stay here for awhile before also vanishing, or travelers, either from the future or an alternate dimension. Which of the 3 do we endorse? <Noting also, it is possible they are just hiding (really well) which is why we don't see them at the 7-11 or in the shopping mall, unless we do, but just don't notice them.>

RE: Indian cave paintings of aliens

The video. If through no fault of your own, because of being descended from this or that Grigori's union with a local girl a thousand years ago you were intentionally not to be included in the Resurrection, how would you behave? Would there be any kind of a reason (beyond base survival) to be a nice person?

RE: Indian cave paintings of aliens

Miclee we have plenty of historical precedent in our own time.

Further back, around 1513 - 1569 Ponce De Leon and his successors had reported large villages and towns occupied by Calusa and the Timucuan people. In 1614 Spanish returning to the area found mostly ghost towns and ruins with families of skeletons inside the home. Only a few survivors were found and they spoke of a great sickness that had swept their lands soon after the Spanish had departed. Descriptions given could be either Measles or Small Pox (perhaps both?). Both accompanied the Spanish in their travels.

Most 'First Contact' situations in the past 400 years have been disasters for the less developed tribe/race/civilization.

The Sentinelese and the Jarawa people are other recent examples.

Disease can be murderous without any immunity or prior history of exposure. It is time and Darwinian survival that has given us our immunity. My ancestors (at least one of them anyway) survived the Black Death. Presumably I too now (thanks to him/her) carry traces of the same anti-body his/her body used to fight it off. At least a 1/5 of the Caucasian Race died in that flea carried plague. My father lived through the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. He lived right in the heart of the hardest hit area of NYC and saw many of his school classmates die. He had the sniffles that year. Flu doesn't usually bother me much. [My spouse, who was of a different race, died of Flu that for her just got worse and worse, but we lived together and I contracted nothing. Hard won inherited anti-bodies from my forebears I suspect.]

Point is 10,000+ years ago, ancient humans had none of those diseases. Likewise with the passage of that much time, it is possible now extinct disease for which many of us no longer have an immunity to (if our own ancestors had in those ancient days of infrequent global travel had even encountered it).

So we have two considerations. The so-called 'Butterfly Effect' in which a time traveler accidentally introduces a lethal disease which kills off his ancestors thereby eliminating traveler's entire line and him too (this situation is called a time paradox), and from a current government perspective the equally possible returning home with a killer plague for which no one still has an immunity. So either way, yes, I would expect initial contacts of Time travelers to include environmental suits being worn by those doing the contacting.

Also I speculate about those left behind and assume they were sentenced there by a future government. Maybe by their own party if they traveled in a group and one breached his suit and then got sick. You couldn't dare bring him or her back to your time carrying a sickness from 40,000 years ago. So you would just leave them. Marooned so far back in time no record of his or her existence beyond old myths and cave drawings would survive.

How would you cope if stuck there before recorded history? Presuming you lived through the week, you would probably behave like a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Far enough back, maybe you teach the local primitives about fire, or wheels. Maybe find one or two of the local damsels fair and get to know them. Maybe even smelt metal for better arrowheads and cooking utensils. LoL, maybe you introduce them to the whole concept of cooking and crockery.

RE: Indian cave paintings of aliens

Hi Theresa. Glad to see you do have one, but I would hold on the Ezekiel, even though it is a real good example of the language problem I wrote of elsewhere. laugh

I am not sure why everyone always insists the ancient travelers were space aliens. Why not time travelers wearing environmental suits to protect us primitives from the more modern and more deadly diseases they carried? Why not dimensional travelers? Why do they have to be from Mars or Rigel 15?

There are literally hundreds of anamolies found that don't fit either theology or evolutionary theory. See for some examples.

Personally I find visualizing a civilization far in our future using 200,000+ years ago as a prison place to dump their misfits and political foes to be more credible than space aliens.

RE: Political argument? Im a girl, let me win.. LOL

Hi Kasih.
"I'm not proud with the way i reacted ,i think i went too far"

Yes, setting fire to his house was a liiiittle extreme in my opinion. laugh

Gosh forbid that you are arguing over the Gaza thing, as neither side has pure correctness.

Matter of fact that is true of most political arguments.

There is always a weakness in both sides of a political debate, so the advice Simmo gave is actually good advice. Agree to disagree, then move on to a new topic with the BF.

RE: Six California’s Campaign

Hi Sweetie. LoL, Indiana. That's a tough state. Most of the folk I have met from there had no desire to return. At least your state does have ports up at Lake Michigan. It is not the sea, but it can access the sea via the Lawrence. Imagine your state if no commerce could happen through those ports at Burns Harbor, Mount Vernon and Jeffersonville. That's what WV is like, but add nothing but mountains with few low lands to grow crops in. LoL, a 1970 song about escaping from Indiana. :)

Guadal, simply because although the trend is starting, gasoline has yet to price itself off the market. That may happen and folks may indeed reinvent a steam powered car that burns household trash, i.e, the Stanley Steamer, but not yet.

RE: working and working

Working for someone else is like eating in a restaurant.

If one doesn't enjoy it, don't do it.

RE: working and working

Working for someone else is like eating in a restaurant.

If one doesn't enjoy it, don't do it.

RE: folklore

I presume you have seen the Grizzly Man documentary and heard the 20 minutes of screams and chewing noises on their last recording. So much for making friends with the bears. Actually I was fascinated in his tapes of the scenes of the bears taking a deep breath, then swimming underwater for their fish, also lurking on the the bottom of the river, just for the fun of it. It had never even occurred to me before that K bears can (and apparently like to) swim underwater. Well, cross off escape from bears, plan E. laugh

I know the .35 Whelan as the 35-06. Not a bad choice with the 250 grain bullets.

I wouldn't describe revolver compatibility as a serious issue, just, if I can, why not have it? Simplified hand loading. Just made a quick (not) 400 rounds of the described hunting load and I am good for decades. Versatility. I can bring the rifle on hunting days, or just belt on the pistol for wood chopping days. Same ammo, same confidence it will do the job. Learned a lot about terminal ballistics when developing the load. Started with 357 loads, then 45 acp, then 45 Colt, all the while asking Bambi how does this one work? Noted somewhere along the way about 1600 fps is a critical velocity figure that loosens things with hydrostatic shock. So moved on up past Elmer Keith's loads and way past the Speer manuals. Kind of a wussy 454 in that it isn't a duplex or triplex load, but Bambi says 250 @ 1900 fps is just fine and I really don't need to break 2,000 fps by adding some Bullseye (and also probably sending my psi up past 70,000 psi). No just straight 2400 at about 35,000 psi.

Seriously, if I were doing Kodiak, I would probably be lugging a Marlin in .50 Alaska. TG I am not. Just Bambi and my lil woods monsters.

RE: What's wrong with my profile?

K19 = Ken19

RE: What's wrong with my profile?

Ninerva, if I didn't comment on something, or suggest it be changed, then I found it to be just fine as is. Pictures, questions, all that.
I don't believe I changed it as much as streamlined and improved it. More efficiency is good. We spend about 14 seconds on a profile when searching. No sense at all in providing 23 seconds of read. So direct, to the point, and if they like it, they will stay or communicate. :)

This is a list of blog comments created by Ken_19.

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