RE: Ever been caught in a lie ?

Never say or do anything online you would have to hide from offline. If you had only followed that rule you could have said yes, that is me, and avoided the embarrassment of being caught in a lie. :)

RE: bored

Here Bambi walks up to the edge of my deck stairs and waits there for me on Opening Day morning. Doesn't run either when I step out onto the deck. Such behavior has really destroyed a lot of the fun and challenge of the hunt for me. Therefore sometimes I wish Fish & Wildlife would approve a Deer spear season. Perhaps a wrestle and subdue season (although those 250 pound monsters may win a few times) which would offer much more challenge.

RE: philosophizing

Forgive me for being the first to comment twice in a row to your blog. I will try to avoid such.
Here is my question. Is what we do, with making choices, all that much different than when we let our dog or our cat know we regard certain behavior and acts as being unacceptable and thereafter they don't do it (at least when we are around)? Such as when we tell the dog NO regarding getting up on the sofa and they stop forevermore. Was that not choice on the dogs part? When they make durn sure they are not caught on the sofa when they hear our truck in the driveway, was even that attempt at deception (the fur and the warm spot gives it all away) itself behavior modification by choice?

RE: Don't ever forget, lol

I hate extra work assignments after the work day is supposedly over.

RE: bored

That's even worse.
How do you miss them with a shotgun? Unless you are trying 200 yard shots? Here I take them with a Ruger .22 or my old Nylon 66 at about 15 to 25 yards. Maybe if you stopped running after them and focused on accurate fire that would lower the lactic acid causing trembling in your muscles and you would have better luck. Course I don't 410, 20 or 16 gauge. Stevens 311 or an 870 express here in 12. Wouldn't be much left of the rabbit with those, so .22 pistol or .38 (1932 Colt Shooting Master w/6") or the Nylon.

Fir? Ne'er heard that.

RE: Expectation

@Minerva - Yes, written for her by her friend, Kris Kristofferson. Great lyrics in it, Bobby sang the blues while I played the Kazoo, windshield wipers serpantine, etc. Actually a difficult song to sing well. Only a few ever have..

RE: Expectation


What was it Janis sung? Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

RE: bored

You shoot at fir trees with a shotgun and miss? So much for the 10 Commandants of gun safety. Where do the pellets or slugs go when you miss? scold

RE: The lonely life

@ happy thumbs up

RE: Stay Single

@single I spent about 20 dating years single, kissed lots of frogs, then married a Princess when I found one, and for 18 years was HAPPILY married. Much, much sympathy for those who made bad choices as spouses (many hooked up permanently while way too young IMO). Now I am single again and resigned to another decade of kissing frogs. Sigh. Having been on both sides of the fence I can say both sides have advantages and the single side has more disadvantages than does the happily married side. However, I concede being UNhappily married doesn't sound like it is any fun at all.

RE: ........its armazing........

@Minerva - You need to recognize they literally work in shifts at the same terminal. You send the email or chat to one of them, he leaves his PC to go eat, or home, and another one sits down in the same chair and answers the email, or continues the chat. What was said before is not important or known to shift worker 2 or 3.

RE: Interracial Dating

Depends on how far away from the big cities you go. Parts of the old South still have folks flying the stars and bars over their house and who routinely use the N word. Local jails are full of them. Many with 4th grade eds, one more than their parents. A few years ago I was doing an 'inquiry' for some agency with a black woman operative and we had to go deep into the mountains of one state and do some interviews in a remote town. We were in a diner interviewing our third person and we became aware of a crowd gathering outside. They weren't hostile, it was actually kind of funny. Quite simply many in the crowd had not seen a new black person in years and years. Turned out there was only 1 elderly black family in the whole town and it was far enough off the beaten path so no one drove through the town because the town WAS the end of the road. So everyone turned out just to look at a black woman and a Federal one at that. So much for the low profile inquiry. LoL. She was so embarrassed.

RE: movie sunday

How about a movie with it all?

Little Shop Of Horrors
Rocky Horror.

RE: #4-am i the only one who thinks 1+1=2?

I have never trusted chat/IM. :)
It must be presumed that anyone we email is probably getting emails from other people too. If you haven't even met them yet, why would you expect them to stop communicating with others too, at least until such time as you really do meet. :)

RE: why is it so difficult?

LoL. Stick around, they pop up in the forums and the blogs now and then.

RE: Better late than never

They are good. I enjoyed them much more than the last time I saw Tina Turner sing it. laugh

I am of course disappointed by the chauvinism of the camera person. Not a single closeup of the female vocalist even though she can plainly be heard doing background in the first song.

It has been my experience that many military units not associated with musical activites (also some other non-musical occupations) sometimes have a small band or group of guys who get together in off hours to play/jam who are very, very talented. Sometimes as in the video above we also see good (or even great) vocal talent too.

Note these Norwegian soldiers singing about Kosovo maybe 8 years ago. Talent.


RE: Make my day!

So I am not the only one liking Saussure on my hotdogs or borscht?

RE: Ghost Month.. Have U Heard ?

I welcome ghosts of all my past friends here. I have no problem if they wish to stay. Friends is friends. Often they walk across the bed at night because they are lonely.

RE: Make my day!

You should report him to the other older client that wanted you to marry his son. Let them duel it out in the not waters of the Bahamas. laugh

Yeah, like Happy says, in some places there is the technician, the witness and the client. Or the camera, the technician and the client. :)

Glad you got home safe.

Did you just say P A R T Y?!? Can we come to the party if we bring out own beer? Scratch that, our own mead made from honey, or fish head wine, but not not from fruit or grain? We can even bring our MP3 players and some music too. laugh

RE: saturday night fever

Or, do what so many moms around here do, just turn the TV up louder. laugh


What if the wife has a can of kerosene and a match and she knows where you sleep?

I have seen one who did do that to someone that poached on her man. Nothing like waking up to a house full of smoke and hearing the baby screaming. laugh

RE: Interracial Dating

I enjoyed that so much I put CS on hold and watched another 30 or so of 'Superwoman's' videos, before I remembered I had left you all on hold. laugh

What I enjoyed most was that here in America, pretty much all discussion here South of the Mason Dixon Line involving interracial dating deals only with two races (neither of which is hers), and that the concept of other races also having prejudices about it has always just slid by the White and Black cultures (or most of us anyway, it's not like CNN or FOX ever mentioned it) here in the American South. :)

Laughing also at the non-stop talking of this woman. Sheesh, could you imagine having a partner who never shuts up or even pauses like that?

rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How much is a quadrillion

Actually that would have (had he directed Paypal to move it into his checking account) made him the richest human in the solar system, not just the Earth. :)

Had it been me, after the bank transfer, I would have withdrawn most of it in quarters. laugh

RE: Apparel and Fashion

Get him Del. rolling on the floor laughing thumbs up

RE: Hi everyone!!!

Yes! NMT inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us the lizard legend. :)

RE: Funny Question

Once upon a time those were smells all people knew. Recall please at one time most of humanity was agricultural. Even in the steam age everyone knew those smells. Agreed it is becoming obsolete, but still many people still know the smells even if many don't.

RE: Dating Statistics. What you don't know:

First we would have to define 'average.'

RE: Blogs Argument's

@ lukeon - some have raised that and some (a minority) of State legislators agree. However the majority of the authorities seem to be taking the position it is consensual since you have no inherent right to work for any specific employer and if you choose to willingly apply for the job, then sign a consent to be investigated, then willingly provide the needed information, well, that was your right to provide it if you so chose as a condition leading up to the employment. You always had/have the right to just say no, and go someplace else.

RE: Are you unique or just a clone?

I guess I am just lucky. I was single till almost 40 and who I am was well established. Then I submerged a lot of myself because I was now part of a team which I wished to succeed as a team. 20 years later and widowed I find I am putting aside the things I compromised on and again re-emerging as me, vs being an us. Hopefully the 'me' is attractive enough so one day I will be part of an 'us' again. But until then, I think I have a good handle on who I am.

RE: hi

Let's all call him collect. :)

This is a list of blog comments created by Ken_19.

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