Reasons not to get married

Oh the sleeping with sister will for sure preserve the good relationship and keep it on an even keel ... laugh

interesting that you decided it had to be the female wanting marriage.

Reasons not to get married

Twisty one, isn't it? And Lucy my neighbours got married after 7 years together when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, just to simplify the paperwork for her. (Then he went into remission yay)

Reasons not to get married

Under table? Like common-law marriage? Never heard of that phrase, I like it! I've heard the phrase when you say Mary cooks for John (or John for Mary?) it means living together laugh

Person B needs to change Person A's point of view, not their living arrangements dunno

Reasons not to get married

Amorn, not an option for Person A. Too many people do it, then split up because they can't be bothered any more.

Sure, the one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up, they will find 1 reason to hold on. But proving that without the commitment of marriage?

Reasons not to get married

Glib quotes like 'marriage is a great institution, but I wouldn't want to live in an institution' will lighten the mood of the blog but do very, very little to solve the problem. Just sayin'.


You never know. You may need this blog yourself one day when your new and lovely partner starts getting a little sulky about the NOT going-to-the-chapel thing. There could be as many as 5 really good points to trot out ...

Reasons not to get married

I'm stumped. Oh, not me, by the way. I was just amazed that for once I couldn't offer any advice, that NEVER happens. I don't think you guys can either, but would love to be wrong.

RE: Scapled... Eeeek!

Sola - they'll have to do. We could always club together to buy you more outfits. grin

RE: Scapled... Eeeek!

No, it has to be one you can twirl thoughtfully. The villain style might be good, you can work on an evil laugh, bwahhahaha

The shock was more the close-up, must be said, who, I asked myself, is this mysterious stranger? A new MAN on the BLOGS?? conversing cool

I do like it when people change their pics. Actually, I like pics, full stop. Wish more people put them up.

RE: In the Mood.

Ah, that's nice ...

Any spare biltong or have you scoffed the lot between you already?


I love fall / autumn but this year, for the first time, I am dreading winter. Not sure why, but dreading the thought of it. confused

Normal people

So I should put 'normal' in my list of required qualities and not mention why? roll eyes Would that be - gasp - honest?

Normal people

rolling on the floor laughing one foxhole for each option?

I'm special. My mother had me tested. blushing

RE: Real thing this

The grass on the other side of the fence is always greener. And when they are thousands of miles away, you can't smell the fertilizer ... laugh

RE: immigrant love

I'm not sure I fully understand the question. When in doubt, though, stick with honesty. It's always going to be the best in the long run! And if it loses you someone - were they worth having? sad flower

RE: Are you crazy? )))))))

Crazy things, why would I want to do crazy things for someone? I'd maybe do crazy things with them, if it made us gasp with laughter or fizz with excitement - for example I'd never do hot-air ballooning on my own, because I'm scared of heights. If he set his heart on it, gulp, I would try it. hug

If you want to do crazy things, or you want him to do crazy things for you, the relationship is an adrenalin trip and burning out fast. Enjoy, though.

RE: What Men and Women Want…Changes As They Grow Older

Molly, PG, you nailed it. If I was still an unreformed matchmaker I'd be looking up flights for you. Fortunately I am a less interfering person now. But yes. What you both said.

RE: The Mod’s profile

What, he read it and rejected me? crying

No-one EVER rejects my messages! Me in person, well, yeah, but not my messages. I write lovely flirty messages. batting

RE: What Men and Women Want…Changes As They Grow Older

Crazy, darling, I've reached the interesting age where a man too much older than me is looking for a carer, not a keeper. moping

RE: What Men and Women Want…Changes As They Grow Older

Golly, no. Although I will say when I was younger I liked men at least 3 years older. Now I like them my own age, or a little younger. Most of all, though, they have to be good company.

Who loves housework?

Lucy scold my dog's hairs could be sold as industrial strength glue. And my vacuum is VAST.

To know all is to understand all. You should have seen those stairs.

Who loves housework?

Listen, could I store a few with you? Just for a couple of days?

Who loves housework?

Ah, you need to be clearing the spare room for a visitor to really get motivated. Otherwise everything just ends up there ...

RE: 12 Things A Real Gentleman Does Differently!

Well, I'll take your word for it. But there wouldn't be much call for websites like CS, apart from those widowed, if #4 was more in play.

Ignore that comment. I'm grouchy and tired!

RE: The Mod’s profile

He's 45, 6'2", muscular, and a Taurus. And he doesn't read his mails. So now you know.

RE: The Mod’s profile

I sent a flirty message to the mod once, I think I must have been on something at the time. Who spiked my coffee?

Come to think of it, should check to see whether he ever read it. He certainly hadn't while it remained on view in my outbox. grin

Sola, you are the most gossipy man I know, you'd never stop asking for dirt! laugh

Who loves housework?

Canada too? Is NO part of the world safe? wow

RE: 12 Things A Real Gentleman Does Differently!

I would like to meet a gentleman. They sound nice.

Who loves housework?

Don't think I left anyone unanswered, not deliberate if I did, the pungent cleaning chemicals are playing merry hell with my brain.

No blog planned, either, unless inspiration strikes tonight or tomorrow night. Then I shall be off-line for a few days, unless said company is boring, in which case I will be on here looking for my daily shot of life and excitement.

Oh, and I gave up on the loo seat. That was about 6 blogs ago, if anyone is paying attention. I now have a very boring and sedate one which stays in place, and doesn't attack anyone. cool

Who loves housework?

Lavina - I agree - when it's all done, it does look nice!

Not much left to do ... yawn

Who loves housework?

Obstinance, I suspect that in this one field alone, I am more male than female. I am not that untidy or slovenly, and I am quite prepared to live in the mess I do make.

I just don't feel I can ask the same of my guests. help

This is a list of blog comments created by Elegsabiff.

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