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Here is a list of Articles ordered by Newest, posted by members. Read articles and comment on them or write your own articles. Click here to post an article.

Simple Strategies for Staying Motivated

Simple Strategies for Staying Motivated

Summary: Boring and tedious tasks are a part of life. You can't escape them. Sooner or later, you'll need to face them and do them, and when you do, you need to remain motivated. This 540-word article identifies 7 strategies you can implement to keep

Age Difference in Relationships Does it Matter

Age Difference in Relationships: Does it Matter?

Considering a relationship with someone quite a bit younger or older can bring a variety of emotions to the surface. There are several questions that come to mind and people often worry what others will think of them. The individual may second guess

Creating a Positive Attitude

Creating a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude can bring about all sorts of great experiences in life. It's really the attitude that creates your reality. You may feel as though you are responding with anger or sadness to negative events in your life, but holding on to

Five Most Common Excuses We Feed Ourselves to Avoid Exercise

Five Most Common Excuses We Feed Ourselves to Avoid Exercise

It's six in the morning. The alarm that you so determinedly set last night is screaming relentlessly, making you aware even through your slumber that you had vowed to start jogging to do something about that beer belly. Then you stop that godforsaken

Discover the real reason why he broke up with you

Discover the real reason why he broke up with you

When your boyfriend ends your relationship, you're left feeling angry, upset and confused. Whether you've had an inkling that the bad news is coming, or the break-up was completely out of the blue, you'll probably be asking yourself, 'Why?' It's a ha

Are online friendships real

Are online friendships real

Everyone knows having friends makes life more enjoyable. They are the people you turn to when you want to have someone to go someplace with or have a conversation with. They patiently listen when you need someone to vent to and give you the emotional

Choosing The Singles Curse Or Not

Choosing The Singles Curse...Or Not

If you were in a long-term relationship and now you are single, you may be terrified, horrified or feel that you have been slapped with a curse. It can be quite a change to go from being part of a pair to feeling as though you are just floating from

6 Safety Tips for Dating Online

6 Safety Tips for Dating Online

Do you know someone who met their significant other online? Online dating has become commonplace in the technology age. No one is shocked anymore, if you say you met your partner online. It has become as popular as chocolate for Valentine's Day. Howe

Does Your Partner Treat You Like a Child

Does Your Partner Treat You Like a Child?

A relationship is supposed to be equally balanced between two adults but in some cases, it can be more like a parent disciplining a child. A female partner may end up nurturing her man so much that she begins to act more like a mother than a lover. M

5 Signs of a Disaster Date

5 Signs of a Disaster Date

Dating can be difficult, but there are some people that make it an even more frustrating experience. The following are 5 situations that scream "disaster date." 1. He only talks about himself When you manage to get a word in about yourself, he's abl

4 Things You Should Never Do On A First Date

4 Things You Should Never Do On A First Date

First dates are exciting and anxiety filled at the same time. To make the most of your first date with someone, avoid doing the following: 1. Don't get drunk Seems like an obvious point, but people are nervous on first dates and might drink a little

Does Your Relationship Feel Like an Emotional Trap

Does Your Relationship Feel Like an Emotional Trap?

Being in a healthy relationship is supposed to make you feel happy, content and secure. If your relationship has you feeling more like you are trapped, then something is definitely wrong. A relationship that leaves you feeling drained cannot be healt

An Introduction to the Law of Attraction

An Introduction to the Law of Attraction

Called by many names, the law of attraction has been around as long as mankind. A powerful universal law, the law of attraction simply states that what you focus your thoughts upon will eventually manifest.

Guys Will Be Guys

Guys Will Be Guys

As much as women might like to believe that all guys are not created equal, they cannot escape the fact that all guys are very much the same. I don't kid myself at all on this point, not any more anyway. Guys all want the same thing and girls know w

5 Signs that Your Boyfriend Is Controlling You

5 Signs that Your Boyfriend Is Controlling You

Learning the signs of abusive behavior in a partner may save you wasted time and a bruised heart. According to Psych Central, the Internet's largest mental health and psychology network, some women are often drawn to controlling men due to multiple f

4 Ways to Get Yourself Motivated

4 Ways to Get Yourself Motivated

Do you have many unfinished tasks? Are you constantly missing your deadlines or opportunities? You may be lacking in motivation. Here are four things you can do to push yourself to get what's needed to be done...done.

5 Ways to Impress a Guy

5 Ways to Impress a Guy

Relationships are very delicate and they require attention from the very beginning. Perhaps you are just looking to spark your relationship back to life. Discover five new ways to get his attention and keep it there. Soon he will be the one trying to

7 Ways to Spice up your Relationship

7 Ways to Spice up your Relationship

Some relationships are just meant to be, others lose their passion and fizzle out. People grow apart, circumstances change and the love that was once there just gets hidden away underneath all the baggage from jobs, children and everyday life. Someti

Staying Safe When Using Online Dating Services

Staying Safe When Using Online Dating Services

As millions of people discover each year, online dating is a perfect way to find someone who shares your passions and interests. With the ability to find any number of people all over the world without having to get dressed up and go out to crowded s

Positive Thinking Is the Best Medicine

Positive Thinking Is the Best Medicine

Our bodies are much more responsive to our thoughts than most of us generally realize. Negative beliefs about ourselves and our health can contribute to illness – but positive thoughts, by the same token, can have the opposite effect on our overall w

Does Your Boyfriend Take Advantage of You

Does Your Boyfriend Take Advantage of You?

It isn't only the weak who allow their boyfriends to take advantage of them. Every day, independent and strong women fall into the same kind of relationships. If you wonder if you're allowing your boyfriend to take advantage of you and your good natu

4 Tips for Attracting Women

4 Tips for Attracting Women

For some men, attracting women is a total mystery. Unsure of what to do, they remain friends with a woman for years when, secretly, they would like something more. It's perfectly normal to feel apprehensive about putting yourself out there. No one li

Practical Exercises to Forgive Someone Who Wont Say Sorry

Practical Exercises to Forgive Someone Who Won't Say Sorry

Forgiving someone is difficult, particularly when the person that wronged you makes no effort to apologize. Perhaps you might even wonder why forgiveness is necessary, particularly if you don't plan on seeing the person again. The thing is, when you

How to Break Out of a Complacent Life

How to Break Out of a Complacent Life

Has your life had that same old boring feeling lately? Are you craving change? Sometimes that boring, lacklustre feeling is a sign that you've become overly complacent. Being content is good, but if you don't change things up once in awhile, one day

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The Rewards of Facing Our Pain and Fear

The cultural climate that we live in does not generally encourage us to express or even feel our deeper feelings. Most jobs require us to put a good face on – and smooth over – any pain, discomfort, or confusion that we may be feeling inside. But thi

Is Loneliness Preferable to a Mismatched Marriage

Is Loneliness Preferable to a Mismatched Marriage?

Most of us have read or heard about the depressing statistics regarding marriage and divorce. Roughly half of all marriages end prematurely; and of those remaining, many more linger on unhappily. It may be argued that those people in the latter group

An Honest Look at Getting Over a Relationship

An Honest Look at Getting Over a Relationship

Dealing with breakups and a broken relationship is extremely tough and emotionally draining. However, a broken relationship need not be a dead end for anyone. Here is some help on how to get over a relationship in a way that is healthy and uplifting to yourself and others.

How to Banish Stress from Your Life Instantly and Forever

How to Banish Stress from Your Life: Instantly and Forever

We spend a lot of time stressing about how to get rid of stress. Here are some unique, well-researched techniques you can use to rid yourself of stress and keep it away for life.

Differentiating Between Love and Lust

Differentiating Between Love and Lust

Romantic relationships can be very confusing. For instance, it can be hard to tell the difference between love and lust. We look at both lust and love to help to understand the difference.

How to Avoid Job Scams

How to Avoid Job Scams

As the financial and housing crises continue to worsen more people across all business sectors are losing their jobs. During times of economic turmoil and despair the numbers of job and business-opportunity scams proliferate

How to Control Jealousy in Dating Relationships

How to Control Jealousy in Dating Relationships

In dating relationships, jealousy often occurs when you suspect that your relationship is in jeopardy. Jealousy can be caused by various things such as your partner's job, their hobbies, or by other people. Actually, jealousy is not a serious problem

What You Need to Know about Online Dating Services

What You Need to Know about Online Dating Services

Online dating services are one of the fastest growing methods for singles to meet other singles. The expansion of the Internet and the ease with which individuals can access it from home, at work, in cyber cafes, and even at the public library has ma

5 Traits of Charismatic People

5 Traits of Charismatic People

Most people know at least one person who controls a room from the second they walk into it. They can engage anyone. They never leave a party or a meeting unremembered. They have charisma, something that many believe is possessed only by a select few.

Internet Dating An Online and Offline Safety Guide

Internet Dating: An Online and Offline Safety Guide

Internet dating has its dangers, and its dangers aren't isolated to its online component. Meeting up with people in a real-life situation can also be potentially hazardous. It is important that you know what you're getting into and that you are able to spot red flags that indicate danger.

4 Great Things About Being Single on Valentines Day

4 Great Things About Being Single on Valentine's Day

Having a date on Valentine's Day is great, but being single on that day is just as great. Singles often dread Valentine's Day because it's targeted at couples. Some things are just for couples to enjoy, but there a lot of great things about being sin

To Social Distance or not To Social Distance 4 Tips for Dating During the Pandemic

To Social Distance or not To Social Distance - 4 Tips for Dating During the Pandemic

Not everyone wants to stop dating during the pandemic but they still want to remain safe. Believe it or not, that is possible. Here are some tips on safe dating during the pandemic.

7 Online Dating Tips For Beginners

7 Online Dating Tips For Beginners

Online dating is a widely popular form of meeting people. It's not looked down up in the dating world because it is so common, and just plain fun to do. But just like anything else in life, online dating has some rules that everyone should apply when online dating. Here are 7 basic rules for people new to online dating.

8 Strategies to Get You Through Being Dumped by Your Boyfriend

8 Strategies to Get You Through Being Dumped by Your Boyfriend

Being dumped is a terrible experience, but there are steps you can take to make it easier. Try these 8 strategies to keep yourself going after a bad break-up. Your story can have a happy ending. It's up to you to find out how

Dating Pitfalls Spotting a Gold Digger

Dating Pitfalls: Spotting a Gold Digger

Some people date for love. Some people date for the love of the game and the thrill of the hunt. Some people are out there, ruining it for everyone, by dating for money. There's nothing wrong with being interested in your lover's financial security,

How To Avoid The Pain of First Date Rejection

How To Avoid The Pain of First Date Rejection

Going on a first date is often scary, but first date rejection can be excruciatingly painful. You are putting yourself out there and taking a risk just by going on the date, and the last thing you want is to be told that you are not what they are loo

4 Reasons Youre Still Single

4 Reasons You're Still Single

Have you ever wondered why you're still single? You date a lot and think you're a pretty great woman, but for some reason it's not happening for you. Maybe you just haven't met Mr. Right, but there are other possibilities. This article outlines four

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult

What Makes Forgiveness So Difficult?

We all know that we should forgive the wrongs done to us. And usually, forgiving isn't that hard to do. We can forgive the clerk that short-changed us or the friend who didn't show up for our lunch date. We can even forgive the person who cut us off

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